
Discouragement Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"Has there ever been a time in your life where you've looked around at all of the things that you're working on and all the things that you're doing in life, and have you ever felt discouraged because it seems like nothing is going extremely well? Nothing is just flowing well."
"Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God."
"A lot of times, I get discouraged, but I think when I'm truly in the right zone, that's the only way we actually can grow in our lives."
"If that's truly what you want, go for it, 'cause trust me, there will be people that would discourage you."
"When we lose hope for something, it doesn't mean that hope can't be regained, but it is discouraging."
"You are an alchemist. They were trying to block you, they wanted you to feel discouraged, they had you in this state of hopelessness."
"They're contemplating coming forward, but they feel like it would be a waste of time. And you're more than likely feeling the same way."
"I wanted to be a photographer so bad and I had so many people tell me that you can't fricking do it."
"Your parents will never encourage you to go into fist fighting."
"Sports ain't for you homie. Sports ain't for you. Sport is not for you. You do not have the Mamba mentality. You're not even close to it. That is some weak-ass soy [ __ ]."
"Stopped writing my verses because that one man told me that my writing wasn't worthy of being out there in the world."
"I think it's time you should just give up. Every girl you've ever met rejected you."
"Politics ruins everything... it's truly discouraging."
"Certainly trying to dissuade you from using it."
"Life is too short to get bogged down and be discouraged."
"Please don't get offended at Him. Please don't give up on the Lord."
"If you're really lazy, don't bother; creating cities takes time and dedication."
"During times of trial, this theology is really spiritually discouraging. It can really steal people's faith from them."
"Many people around you will only discourage you. Sometimes people like this don't necessarily hate you; perhaps they just fear to see you fail."
"You may get the message to just stop trying."
"Don't let the devil tell you that your end is going to be worse than your beginning."
"Don't speak words in discouragement that you cannot retract."
"Discouragement is not an object, it's a feeling of losing hope, confidence, and courage."
"Witnessing no amendments in the crypto taxation policies have discouraged firms and investors..."
"Don't think you're nobody's gonna give a [__] what you have to say."
"You're gonna find out the hard way, sorry to say it, do not love to say something encouraging."
"Sometimes he is hopeful, sometimes he's one breath away from feeling irreversibly defeated and faithless. Faithless might not be the right word, discouraged."
"A discouraged soul cannot receive direction from God."
"I felt like I wanted to quit comedy, no way."
"If I can just get you down, I don't have to get you to completely fail. I just need to get you discouraged."
"Your heart's not in it, and you're making yourself look stupid. Just throw in the towel."
"This whole experience really has it demotivated me, demoralized me so okay."
"But if these people who have everything won't stand up when they really risk nothing... what about people who don't have that kind of security? That's why it's so demoralizing."
"It's really sad to see that this man was discouraged... these people weren't just attacking a game, they were attacking Wale."
"Just don't allow the voice of discouragement to stop you."
"Making things happen is knowing and dealing with the fact that you are gonna have days or weeks or chunks of time in your life where you feel lazy or you don't feel motivated or you feel discouraged or you feel sad."
"In your extremes, when you become discouraged, disconsolate, or unhappy... know that the master is listening."
"Discouragement is Satan's biggest, greatest tool."
"Sometimes I feel discouraged because there's so many things I don't know how to do."
"It's okay to be discouraged; it's not okay to stay like that."
"Disappointment bothers your head but discouragement bothers your heart."
"Deception, distraction, and discouragement are weapons Satan uses against us."
"Deception, distraction, discouragement, and suggestions are weapons Satan uses against us."
"To all who are reaching out to feel the guiding hand of God, the moment of greatest discouragement is the time when Divine help is nearest."
"The painful truth is that it's not sin that leads us to discouragement."
"Discouragement is really the opposite of courage. To encourage is one thing, to discourage is the other."
"I felt so discouraged, I literally wanted to cry."
"The word became a symbol of waste and excess. A warning that says, don't even bother trying."
"Nothing ever works 100 percent all the time... But there are a lot of people who get discouraged by the failure and they stop."
"A teacher can crush your dreams in a horrible way."
"We don't need you thinking like that, we don't need you talking like that."
"There's so many things that you can do without being discouraged by feeling like, 'Oh, well, I haven't popped off as a content creator.'"
"It's easy to become discouraged about the state of the world, the state of our country."
"It's pretty serious. Jesus said if we say something to discourage even one of these little ones it'll be better for us that we had not been born or that a millstone might be hung about our neck and we're cast into the sea."
"The only time you need to be a little discouraged is if you think you can live in sin and be happy."
"The cure for discouragement is to have faith in God's purpose."
"Encouraging people to drop insane amounts of money on something that won't even help them, it's just absolutely devastating."
"Quit being discouraged over something that didn't work out the way you wanted."
"Even the most devoted of God's servants can experience discouragement and exhaustion, allowing their circumstances to overwhelm their daily trust in God."
"If you have multiple credit card balances each month and are only paying the minimums like I did for years barely making a dent in your credit card debt it can be discouraging."
"Don't get discouraged if you're seeing that the fruits of your labor are not coming in just yet."
"Put it down, man. It ain't worth it."
"I remained buried in an arm-chair, and discouraged my attempts at conversation."
"Someone so talented, someone so amazing, can be discouraged by situations that happen within the working force."
"When you're discouraged, you lose energy."
"As a result of that person saying that, you go, 'Forget it.'"
"Crushing dreams is worse than death."
"Have you ever shared a dream with someone and the dream buster just came, swooped in, and started busting the dream, and you were afraid?"
"That is just Satan trying to discourage you."
"Your problem is impatience, not discouragement."
"It's easy to get discouraged and want to give up."
"At the end of the day, there's so many people who go to whatnot and they try, like, a couple of shows, maybe do it for a month, and it's disheartening and it's hard."
"Encouraging unhealthy behaviors is encouraged for us to go out and get [ __ ] up."
"That's the worst pep talk of all time."
"In a time when companies are constantly sharing your personal info online without your consent, it's easy to get discouraged."
"...they run this commercial to discourage people from joining..."
"Nothing takes the heart out of a man more than the expectation of failure."
"In moments of discouragement, lean on me. Let the knowledge of my unwavering presence fill you with the courage to face the marrow. Trust in my strength, for it is made perfect in weakness."
"What would you say is absolute poison to life in society? Crabs in the bucket mentality, people ridiculing or just discouraging others' improvements."
"Discouragement leads people to make decisions to stop trying, to pull back, or even just to come to a halt."
"The enemy loves it when we get discouraged."
"Don't let the discouragement get to you, or else they win."
"Nothing paralyzes us more than discouragement and doubt."
"Discouragement is a dark room where the negatives of failure are developed."
"Some people get their kicks from stomping on a dream."
"Vision killers are people who minimize what God has told you to do."
"You can't let that discourage you."
"When I've spent hours working on a project and I don't like the final outcome I will feel discouraged and feeling discouraged about my crocheting and knitting does not inspire me to want to continue to crochet and knit."
"People who lack clarity, courage, or determination to follow their own dreams will often try ways to discourage you."
"The worst type of people are people who make you feel bad about being excited about something."
"I found nothing in the computer I went to the next computer I found nothing there and started getting very discouraged."
"I think so many of us are discouraged, like why has it not happened for me yet?"
"Ammunition that you can't count on... will really cause you to get discouraged."
"Discouragement affects your mouth."
"We cannot allow discouragement to tell us who God is and what God will do."
"How you deal with discouragement is the litmus test for your spiritual maturity."
"It was the first time that the world told me to stop."
"They're trying to discourage me and everybody else from doing this because they see the power of third party reporting."
"The problems of failure are problems of discouragement of hopelessness of hunger."
"Some people look at you and see inspiration. Some people look at you and see discouragement. It all depends on your perception."
"We don't need to encourage him and we damn sure don't need to encourage other people."
"I don't want to be disqualified from what God might do through my life because I get too easily discouraged."
"All this is pretty discouraging for a man who left a life in the city to go back to his roots."
"Declining a dessert you kind of get like the eye rolls or people you know huffing and puffing about it and it's just discouraging."
"You have to combine passion and hard work. You have to subtract discouragement."
"I'm not going to lie. I'm getting disheartened."
"The enemy's tactics are to divide, to discourage, to deaden."
"Be aware of the early signs of discouragement, as it can lead to dangerous places like hopelessness."
"There are always many people with words of discouragement for anything you might seek to do for the Lord."
"Don't allow anyone to discourage your walk with the Lord."
"The governing body has promoted in many, many ways not to pursue higher education. Every single year, during the assemblies, they're putting up people as demonstrations, kids who have refused a scholarship."
"Comparison leads to discouragement, depression, deterioration, and over-reliance on words beginning with the letter D."
"Isolation is a glaring symptom of discouragement."
"Discouragement will make you a coward if you let it stay."
"The prayers of David are ended; the door to discouragement is prayerlessness."
"They're doing their darndest to discourage you from looking at the bits in part."
"Comparing yourself with someone who is a famous apostle... you'll be discouraged."
"And the so-called 'real world' will not discourage you from operating on your default settings."
"I've seen just how hard people really do try and just how terrifically discouraging it can be when it doesn't work, especially if they regain all the weight they lost."
"It's one thing if you don't have the ability but if you have the ability and not take advantage of it it's so discouraging."
"Life has a way of pushing our dreams down. They can become buried under discouragement, buried under past mistakes."
"I think you should give up, you're wasting your time mate."
"This is discouraging. This is discouraging for as big as profitable as this business is."
"I was cocooning and I have a fight tomorrow and he goes, 'What the [ __ ]? Why are you even doing this? Stop fighting, you don't need to be doing this [ __ ].'"
"You're useless and you shouldn't have been here in the first place."
"You are probably sitting here discouraged because of somebody else's secrecy."
"When your ex discourages you and the two of you are connecting, it's usually coming from the fact that they are at what we would call the crisis point."
"Each one of those was 45 calibers of enemy discouragement."
"It's really discouraging and it's a really big mental battle because, you know, I'm 33 years old, I don't own a home, um, I don't think I will own a home anytime soon, at least not in like the next 10 years, at least here in California too with all the debt that I have."
"It's only going to bring you down."
"The enemy tries to discourage you, to take courage away from you; but God's voice speaks power, love, and encouragement."
"You know, my drama teacher told me I'd never be anything, and I had a bit of TV work. He obviously didn't like me. Rather than try and sort of mold my energy, they just... wrote me off."
"The devil's game for us is discouragement, to make us think it's pointless, that nothing's going to come from it."
"It's not really fun anymore coming out here every day and there being another dead plant."
"Condemnation will discourage you. You'll go away from a meeting discouraged, gloomy saying 'I'm hopeless'."
"Too often we're discouraged over what God has ordained."
"Continuous discouragement can sap your energy. Continuous discouragement causes loss of hope. Continuous discouragement, if persisted, can be very destructive."
"There are people in this world who are so unhappy, they can't imagine somebody else succeeding, so they will take every ounce of their strength and energy to tear them down."
"Why would somebody expend so much energy to tirelessly discourage others? I suppose the answer to that question is, I don't know, or they're really bored."
"...I reached a point I was like, I don't want to try at all anymore to be good at school or to be ambitious because like I feel like I'm just gonna fail anyway."
"I'm just tired, Joel. Nothing is working out for me anymore."
"The enemy may try to discourage you, whispering lies that you're not worthy of God's love."
"I'm a little discouraged, but it's time to persevere. I did not almost flip for nothing."
"To you whose soul is weary and discouraged and almost destitute of Hope."
"He looked discouraged; seems he had forgotten his book for the class."
"We discourage any form of fighting."
"Fight discouragement by writing down a fresh vision for how to continue your work in the future."
"I would generally consider pesticides a last resort. I want to try and discourage the pests from even being attracted and being successful in that field."
"Take it from us, flying just isn't what you're meant to do."
"After two years of fighting and many defeats, the Union soldiers had been consistently mishandled, and they were discouraged."
"If you care about what people think, you will become discouraged."
"The devil wants us isolated off by ourselves because that's where he can discourage us and just beat us to death."
"All believers experience discouragement."
"Discouragement is inevitable, but you must not allow times of discouragement to cause you to quit doing what you know is right before the Lord."
"Remember the Lord, that's how you deal with discouragement."
"50% feel so discouraged they would leave the ministry but have no other way to make a living."
"I do not condone support or encourage harassment of any kind."
"Sorry, have I ever been discouraged? Yes, oh my God, yes."
"You can really bring an hombre down sometimes, you know that?"
"Those who seek God by prayer are quickly discouraged because they do not know that prayer comes also from the Holy Spirit and not from themselves alone."
"Hope is the antidote for discouragement."
"There's a difference between a lack of support and actually discouraging a person from chasing their dreams."
"When I hear you make statements like that, I feel very discouraged because I have a strong need for people to be seen as individuals and not lumped into categories."
"You always got some people that's discouraging you or telling you what you can't do."
"Marshall, you're never gonna make it, makes no sense to play the game, there ain't no way that you'll win."
"They are planning and they are plotting and they are doing everything they possibly can to fool and discourage and discredit."
"Don't allow yourself to get discouraged because once you allow yourself to get into that spirit of discouragement, you cannot manifest the greatness that is within you."
"It's so difficult when experts and people that you really look up to tell you, 'You can't do something,' it's really easy to just say, 'Okay, I guess it's not meant to be. I can't go down that path.'"
"They want you to quit, they want you to stop doing something."
"If your dreams is to be something, someone, you will always have someone that's going to tell you you can't be that."
"When you get discouraged, go harder."
"Why should I feel discouraged, and long for heaven and home?"
"Don't let their discouragement prevent you from doing what you want to do or what you've been doing for getting to where you want to be."
"We've got to stop letting discouragement be so normal."
"People will discourage you when your vision is greater than their reality."
"Though plainly given words of discouragement,"
"Violence is not encouraged regardless of gender."