
Family Issues Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"Getting into a romantic relationship when you have daddy issues can be really complicated."
"It was one of those things, my dad deals with alcoholism. I had to see myself in that light."
"Problems of family breakdown are not going to be solved with a check."
"Ramsay’s response to the prisoner was to opens up about his younger brother's addiction to heroin and his father's alcoholism, saying he was 'dealt a dysfunctional card'."
"My son is James and my ex-wife has been trying to transition him to a girl since he was two years old."
"Black men are known for creating children, denying them, and refusing to support them financially."
"Can't lie, a pretty large stretch between getting disowned and getting forced to stay at home."
"How in the world can a mother wait 30 days before reporting her child missing? These are the trials that challenge the legal system and ourselves."
"Richard would later say he did the following thing because he was mad his mum wouldn't let him come round Christmas."
"It's hard seeing your parents go through divorce when you're not old enough to kind of understand why."
"Betty was constantly complaining... she felt like she was just a single parent."
"So, my main point is when bringing it back to the issue of family and everything I think the divide is so extreme in this country we call it a political divide."
"The accountability has to be put on the biological mother and biological father for not loving your children enough to get in a position like this where they..."
"Watching this now, it felt much more urgent seeing Bart and Lisa having genuine grief over the fact their parents' marriage is falling apart."
"I actually thought that everyone's parents hit them."
"I wasn't dealt the best hand of cards when it comes to family circumstances."
"Daddy issues as you like to call them are the product of the father not the child, so do better or shut the [__] up."
"He hasn't paid me child support in six months since I left."
"Honestly, you can't stop stupid. Your brother is making a huge, stupid mistake."
"We are not allowed at the house when jim bob is there... jim bob has not allowed jill at his house but he will allow josh and he will have josh live on his property."
"The responsible thing to do is to contact authorities. Jim Bob did not contact CPS or police."
"It's hard for me to imagine like a guy coming to the picture and telling me that my mom said these awful things."
"Don't go send this family any hate, honestly, I think that they're trying their best."
"Every fight, every struggle, every last bit of anger and fear, all of it was about this. Adonis was the child of infidelity, born after the death of a father who didn't seem to care enough about him to stay alive for him all this time."
"Repression and grief, the silent burdens of a fractured family."
"Politically if you're speaking to those issues, then that is going to be a winner every time for almost everybody."
"I haven't spoken to my brother in three to four years. Last time I did, he went after my wife."
"I want a relationship with my mom again after what she's done with taking avery."
"Divorce is really horrible. It is horrible especially when there's kids involved."
"Stealing your mother's debit card so you maintain the image."
"We have another fatherless child, I'm sorry."
"Resentment has ruined more homes than drink and killed more people than war."
"His constant attacks on his ex-wife are hurtful and causing further pain to their family."
"Less than a month after that, we found out... my parents were getting divorced because my mom had an affair."
"Living a seemingly carefree existence... however, his father is a violent man."
"It's not always the family, but is there a statistical reason to be suspicious of the family? Yes."
"That truth was better than thinking his father left."
"I hate to say this but the cows tell me that my parents have been mixing water in the milk."
"Because of the cost, a lot of families don't clear title to their property."
"Sinister plot that transcends the Realms of divorce and custody battles."
"Kids are scared to talk to their parents because they're afraid they're going to be in trouble."
"It says, 'I am still in EB because when you get here we need to talk. Mom found several bags of pills in your computer bag.'"
"My mom has personality disorder, so that's why it fell apart. Borderline. Yeah, she's very, very narcissistic and she has a lot of sociopathic stuff too."
"You still feel bad for them because it's like you can't even help it, especially when you see that it's something that they had to deal with in their own parent."
"Bad stuff always happens to kids whose parents don't love them."
"Your dad left because something was wrong with that dude, not you."
"It's kind of nice having like a winter birthday even if mum and dad are kind of a bit more concerned with arguing with each other then they are about celebrating birthdays."
"Just a horrible situation especially for the children."
"Relationships with our parents can be very complicated. It can be very, very complicated."
"Kids don't know why mom drinks every day or why dad has two cell phones."
"If the Lost and the Damned dealt with the problems of family, the Gay Tony deals with themes of loyalty and deceit—everything and everyone has a price."
"It's not ideal but at its core, our parents who have lost their kids for doing shitty things to their kids, it sucks for everybody."
"Grandma is not my problem anymore. She's not yours either. She never was."
"Family can be your worst fucking nightmare; you need to cut your mom off and reprogram your thinking."
"Would somebody really murder their wife for not having any more children with them?"
"My mom emotionally, mentally, and physically abused me."
"You're healing from the issues your love life benefits as you forgive your parents something you have or they do really deep-seated issues with the core of family."
"Stuff cannot duct tape over a whole life of family trauma."
"I don't dress up, as I enjoy going to a Halloween party as an adult more than walking blocks on end while my parents are getting divorced."
"This could end badly for so many people, there could be so many more kids going through divorces and stuff."
"A new Nigeria is possible... considering the rising unemployment, inflation, poverty, inequality, and other key socioeconomic variables."
"Scientology destroying families is my biggest button."
"You are wasting your life, you are destroying great relationships and destroying families with this foolishness you carrying on."
"That's called childhood trauma, and speaking of old repressed family trauma..."
"An abrupt departure left Mrs Abby Bailey in a difficult predicament seemingly deserted by her husband."
"This is a time where you can go through a really powerful psychological healing, especially when it comes to family trauma, your early childhood traumas and situations."
"You can't just ignore him, he is also your husband."
"How do I finally leave a toxic family behind?"
"Everybody has been so caught up in their back and forth that we're not realizing the only victim is a child."
"He doesn't hate you girl, he hates his mother."
"He taught me about things like forgiveness. I needed healing and my wounds went way back, my wounds went way, way back to my father."
"The whole ordeal represents an environment of domestic turmoil."
"I understand what your kids growing up with the alcoholic mother, it's not fair to them, it's not fair to you, and everyone else."
"Get out while you still can. I understand she's family, but I would be gone yesterday."
"Rumor has it that after Elvis started touring and staying away from home a lot, Vernon started to beat on Gladys."
"Nothing seemed to work in William Gurney's family."
"Adding fatherlessness got it those things are things that make sense that's more content of character stuff more."
"He said I damaged my kids by leaving but he left his first marriage when his kids were 14 and 16."
"The favoritism that often exists in these families is really a problem."
"Blame her for their children going to prison that has got to be the most screwed up mentality you can have."
"My mom's drinking is so bad that she has been in the emergency room over 40 times in the last several years."
"All these conversations that we want to have within the culture about generational wealth and so on and so forth presuppose that our family dynamics are straight, and they're not straight, they're completely crooked right now."
"Sometimes your parents are just jealous as [expletive] of you, and that's okay."
"Cancer season is the perfect time to address those issues with family. You want to make sure to tend to these issues while the energy is most supportive."
"Your bloodline cause God is gonna break and sever the generational curse of unfaithfulness."
"Children are the biggest losers always in an equation where children are involved."
"Bonds being severed... families being fractured."
"Yes, you've dealt with some issues here but you're going to come out of it there's going to be an opportunity for change here and improvements when it comes to starting a family or to do with this situation with family."
"Men are necessary in relationships for being a father. They need to be left in the children's lives, and this is a huge problem that needs to be corrected."
"If the cops have come to your house 60 times about your kid, you're [messing] up."
"Healing family issues requires strength and compassion."
"Sea is definitely the problem here but she didn't start the fire it was always burning parents definitely could step in at any moment and change the dynamic and do the right thing."
"They referred to her as the poor little rich girl, a reference to her great fortune and also her troubled family background."
"Deal with family issues; they may have inner childhood traumas affecting their decisions."
"You have never even been accepted by your own father."
"He knows he's the father. He has no sense, I've told him several times that he is the father. He still tries to deny it, and I just want this resolved today."
"Blocking you now. I hope you get help. Bye Mom."
"I ran away from home. I hate my mom."
"Graduation is approaching and things with my side of the family... well, specifically my egg donor go badly."
"Many of you guys may be in a situation where you have a family member that's involved with something you know complete garbage, and they can't pull their head out of their ass and deal with it."
"Oh, I can relate to daddy issues."
"I think it's better for you to get a divorce. I'm embarrassed and don't like having a father who cheats on Mom."
"If you can't provide the life which this child clearly has some things going on that need to be sorted out, I would say that of everything, I feel the worst for the child."
"We get to walk in and see the problems that people have with their kids, with each other, relationships."
"It is true that sometimes families can be racist to somebody's new partner and it can just really mess up the relationship."
"Problems exist in families oftentimes because of a lack of connection."
"It's interesting seeing a villain have all these family problems too."
"We meet Susannah, nine months pregnant and desperate to find her runaway husband."
"Shrek like an onion... we probably both have dad issues."
"I just hope he doesn't question his worth because of what his mom did."
"Parental alienation is a form of psychological abuse."
"My mom left my dad when I was three, but it was because my dad was an alcoholic, he was abusive, and all this other stuff."
"So my dad's in jail for trying to shoot me and my mom," I blurted.
"As your husband, I do want to be there with you when you have issues, especially if they're with my family."
"There is so much damage that has happened to my son in the last year, and the only influence is his mother and his grandmother who is a noted racist and alcoholic."
"I'm so sorry that my mother caused all this."
"My heart broke when I read her rather detailed desire to be away from her stepdad."
"It's inappropriate and exceptionally harmful for children to be involved in parental issues."
"The issue isn't the divorce; the issue is the conflict associated with the divorce."