
Crime Impact Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"I was seeking closure to a relationship with someone that I barely knew - the kid who killed my mother and brother."
"White collar crimes typically harm more people on average than violent crimes."
"Child sexual abuse is an abhorrent crime, and the possession of the documentation of this abuse re-victimizes the survivor again and again."
"I don't think people really get that it's not just about the crime that was right, it's continuing, it's emotionally scarring, and those scars do not heal, at least they don't heal for a long, long time."
"The world is a much safer place without him in it."
"When organized retail thieves get together and steal across our states, it is consumers—Florida consumers—that are paying for this."
"The communities of southern Ohio had been terrorized for three years. The people feared going outside but tried to live normal lives." - Narrator
"Stephen's actions don't reflect this community; he's just a selfish, careless, murderous man who refuses to take responsibility for his own actions."
"It really makes my stomach turn to think that someone could have done this to any other human being."
"Despite William Cornick's horrific crime, in the aftermath, there was one enduring feature: the resilience and spirit shown by pupils."
"Melanie did not ask for what happened to her."
"There's hundreds of thousands of Americans that are affected by illegal crime every year rape identity theft assault hit and runs the list goes on and on and on there's a."
"They missed opportunities to catch the real killer, allowing him to strike again."
"Stephanie Scott deserved so much more. That man will never walk our streets, he'll never get to harm another woman."
"Crime under control allows kids to concentrate in school in ways that they just wouldn't be able to if violence was more prevalent."
"Even one child being horrifically mutilated is too many."
"The jury does not going to believe that because what happened to her would not have happened if it had been on."
"The impact of your crimes has been immense... loving parents have been robbed of their cherished children."
"BEC's are the number one most costly form of cybercrime in the US."
"A serious crime inflicts tremendous hurt and damage on other people."
"I never saw any sign of it for any of the victims."
"The finality of this brutal murder evoked a barrage of emotions."
"In the United States, identity theft costs citizens billions of dollars. In some cases, it cost the lives of innocent people."
"Sadly Jasmine had all of these chances stolen from her and her entire future was robbed by a man that became dangerously infatuated with her."
"Windows, glass all on the ground, truck gone, everything is gone."
"If you're a rape survivor you are the crime scene... the crime is perpetrated and re-perpetrated every day that you carry it with you."
"Things really fell apart after FBG Duck was killed in August of that year."
"The monster that abused Tony and took her life will never hurt anyone again."
"At that moment in time, bear in mind her dad has been very seriously injured, so their assumption was, you know, this was a girl who was the sole survivor possibly of a robbery gone really horribly wrong."
"So as an example this can just happen out in the world if you commit some crimes."
"The brutal murder of Dale Claxton is beyond tragic."
"Why is it that the state can basically say due to the density of crime you are not afforded due process?"
"Killers devastate everyone around them." - Melissa Moore
"It's not a real-time reality show there's two people brutally murdered and sometimes you feel like you're stuck in sort of a a virtual reality courtroom."
"Countless victims in this wicked saga are feeling relief instead of terror."
"Financial frauds are not victimless crimes. He engaged in this massive amount of fraud and it wasn't just a simple mistake."
"No matter what she was doing during the time of her death, she definitely did not deserve the fate that she received."
"It's not about the money that was taken, it's about the fear."
"Two innocent children who did not have dark souls, who were not zombies, who were not working for Satan are gone from this world forever because of two or more selfish monsters."
"Unfortunately, crime has been a deterrent for some people to return."
"You could just feel what Russell Bishop had done to their families and to their lives for 32 years."
"Nonviolent crimes exact a huge toll on America's communities. It's important to fight all crime, drug crimes in particular, exact a terrible toll and rob people young and old of hope."
"It's the worst crime on earth in my opinion."
"Even Cheyanne’s love for Cody didn’t survive her crime."
"The horrific slaying of the Marshall family shocked not only the village but the whole country."
"It's damn near impossible to remove emotions when a young mom is slaughtered."
"The horror of the crime galvanized the citizens of Houston and sent shockwaves throughout the city."
"News of Melanie's murder spreads quickly throughout the picturesque city and shakes local residents to their very core."
"This crime changes people, who they were before is no longer who they are now."
"The impact of Bundy's crimes on the victims' families cannot be overstated, their lives were forever shattered by the loss of their loved ones."
"Some crimes are so shocking they can traumatize innocent witnesses, surviving victims, their families, and experienced investigators."
"The case of Deanna Holland is a tragic reminder of the impact that violent crimes can have on individuals, families, and communities."
"Life will never be the same without Shannon, Bella, and Nico. They had all their lives to live, taken by a heartless one."
"Curiously, Crime Watch isn't so much about crime as about its victims."
"The chief sufferers from crime are not people like us, but the poor."
"For more than five years, women were afraid to go out alone in case they became his next victim."
"The community pulls so fast together, these criminals not only affect the surrounding complexes but they affect the locals in the township as well."