
National Spirit Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"I've never been more optimistic about our future."
"We were never more united as a country. New Yorkers were like brother and sister, like together."
"We've been in far worse places. This is no time for 'boohoo poor me, country's lost.' Forget it. The country's not lost."
"In the face of adversity, it's the courage to continue that defines the true spirit of a nation."
"We are eternally grateful for their heroism and for those who in the 18 years since, tens of thousands of men and women, first responders, relief workers, local residents... have shown us the true spirit of America."
"What makes America great is the spirit, the American spirit that resides in each of us."
"The American people are incredibly resilient. This has been an awful year, a truly bad year... yet the republic still stands."
"Glory to the Ukrainian people, Slava Ukraini."
"The only thing we have right now is the amazing ingenuity and compassion of the American people."
"It's in the face of great challenges that Americans have always risen to the occasion and embraced greatness."
"Nothing, not even gravity itself, can hold Americans down or keep America back."
"American spirit is unyielding, unwavering, and unbreakable."
"When America's tested, America rises to the occasion."
"The longer the blessing is coming, the richer it will be when it arrives."
"I am more than hopeful, I am confident that our finest hour is yet to come."
"With your help, factory floors across this land are once more crackling with life, industry is booming, and the American spirit is soaring higher, stronger, freer, and greater than ever before."
"That really shows the power of the American people."
"I'm praying that amidst all the challenges we face this year as a nation we might return back to that spirit expressed by our first president at the first national thanksgiving back in 1789."
"The world's gonna go on, we're going to move, we're going to get past this, this is not over, America's not doomed."
"America has a broken spirit." - Senator Martha McSally
"The spirit of optimism lives in Canada right now."
"Americans always rise to the challenge and overcome adversity."
"Hope triumphs over fear in a time when our country needs it."
"We will defeat this threat. When America is tested, America rises to the occasion."
"The American people have been incredible for the most part."
"It is the spirit we're going to change this country with."
"Ukrainian willpower obviously hasn't broken, and the Ukrainian economy obviously hasn't collapsed."
"The commitment and the patriotism of the Ukrainian people."
"We answer the door at this crucial moment with faith in our Creator and faith in our great American spirit."
"The Ukrainian people's fearlessness, their courage literally inspires the world."
"I believe in the American people. I believe in the American spirit."
"Do not underestimate the will of the American people."
"I know the future of America is bright because the American people are a great people."
"The Americans of every background are uniting to help our nation."
"These shared sacrifices are pulling our nation together like never before."
"This victory is a tribute to the valiant spirit and resilient nature of the Ukrainian people who stood together to maintain their dominance in the face of difficulties."
"We're proving once again it's never a good bet to bet against the American people."
"It's time for hope. We've gotten through tough times before in this nation; we'll get through these difficult times as well."
"I never want to give up on the American people."
"You can conquer the city, but you won't be able to force anyone to surrender. The heart will always remain with the Ukrainians."
"Stronger families. Stronger communities. A stronger America."
"The real heroes in this whole story: the American people."
"It's an amazing thing. It really gave me new faith and renewed energy in the American spirit."
"A new spirit of optimism is sweeping our country."
"This is just a clear testament to the resiliency of the American people."
"It's heartbreaking, of all the possibilities, it seems like perhaps one of the worst ways."
"The British spirit is still a very positive one."
"Our democracy is wounded... But the heart of America is not government. The center of America is the neighborhoods where 330 million Americans are raising their kids."
"Americans can achieve anything when we work together as one national family."
"We will defeat this horrible enemy, we will revive our economy, and we will transition into greatness."
"In every generation, through every challenge and hardship and danger, America has risen to the task."
"There's a spirit in this country like few have seen, and I think you can say we've helped a lot of the country's a lot really a lot."
"We will again restore the spirit of our nation."
"It truly is a spiritual revival in this country."
"America's back, but it's getting better still."
"Serbia's vibes right now is incredible, it's immaculate."
"This country needs more than a building right now; it needs hope."
"We are battling to preserve a legacy of truth, freedom, and the American Spirit."
"The secret of this success is the extreme spirit of competition that the country has cultivated."
"The spirit of the Polish people was never broken, and they continued to resist the occupation until the bitter end."
"We come together not to decry the darkness but to lead a way forward for our country."
"Our spirit is still young. The Sun is still rising. God's grace is still shining. And my fellow Americans, the best is yet to come."
"Nobody's going to break us. We're strong. We're Ukrainians." - "Nobody's going to break us. We're strong. We're Ukrainians."
"The spirit fire of the American people always reigns true."
"It's symbolism, it is about the spirit of the Ukrainian people."
"We will endure, we will rebuild, we will drive away the night and warm our children in the dawn of a new day. God bless you all and God bless the United States of America."
"I am incredibly impressed with the resilience that this nation has given the problems that 2020 presented."
"The idea is to revive that particular self-reliance spirit, the Atmanirbharata that the Prime Minister keeps speaking of."
"I have a positive and joyous message for Americans."
"Our country will survive it and I really believe we're going to be greater than ever before."
"The resolve of the Ukrainian people has been revealed to be unfathomably strong."
"In order to revive and restore the American Spirit we have to take back these institutions."
"No obstacle, no enemy, and no danger can overcome the mighty spirit and soul of our nation."
"There's a pent-up demand as there's a spirit in this country like few have seen."
"The American Dream is within our soul, within our heart, is within every person."
"When evil showed its hideous face, Americans of all walks of life rose up. They defied fear, they stared down death to protect the innocent, and stand tall they did for righteousness and for good."
"Every time in our history, when the American people turn, they're the most unstoppable force."
"We're putting our faith in the greatness of our people, the grace of our God, and the glorious power of redemption."
"This is a beautiful time to be alive. It's a beautiful time to be in America."
"The success of operation fireline, despite everything, was a reflection of the resilience and fortitude of the Ukrainian people."
"The optimism I would take is the spirit and will of the Ukrainian people to defend themselves."
"Horn is practically a sure thing to succeed, and the Raiders need all the cornerback help they can get."
"Our most powerful asset, our greatest weapon in this effort is the spirit of our people."
"There's tremendous energy in our country right now there's energy like people haven't seen in a long time a spirit that they have not seen."
"The spirit of Enterprise, the spirit, the character that is Britain."
"It's going to be a very, very long haul that could end in defeat, I don't accept that line of thinking and no Ukrainian accepts that line of thinking."
"The Ukrainian people: their fearlessness, their courage, their determination literally inspires the world."
"You can never destroy the Ukrainian spirit and you can never kill the Ukrainian soul."
"The spirit of the American character is still alive and will always be alive."
"Everybody has been surprised and remarking on the fact that everybody's taking to this the royal spirit and Britain's really been getting behind them."
"Mother Russia bleeds. But it is not yet beyond hope."
"What being Canadian is all about is about being inclusive and that's the Canadian spirit."
"How do we get that spirit back into America?"
"Perhaps never before in the annals of american sports history did a team lift the spirit of a nation as did the mets in 1969."
"Events like today help us remember there is also so much good in the United States World and our lives."
"Our island, whatever the cost may be."
"Basketball and sporting events is something that can unite us as a country."
"American people saw this Spirit of confidence professionalism it was a feel-good that we had not seen since the end of World War II."
"The dispirited nation needs a resolute leader with the courage to command."
"It is not about wins and losses, it is about a cultural pride that both teams represent that has captured the heart of the nation."
"It's like the country just coming together; it's got to be pretty special."
"Together we can reawaken the heroic spirit of a great nation."
"The epic of Polish literature... captures the heart of the Polish spirit."
"We have a long ways to go, but what I am seeing across the country is a lot of people trying really hard."
"The brave citizens of Ukraine are refusing to submit."
"There was a spontaneous outburst of patriotism, feelings of national unity."
"Jordan being so close to achieving monumental success, they still made their nation and their people proud."
"The spirit of the country has been restored, people on the left, people on the right, people who are secular, people who are religious, everybody is together right now."
"I've long said it's never been a good bet to bet against the American people or America."
"I want my candidacy to unify our country, to renew the American spirit and sense of purpose."
"My whole soul is in this: bringing America together, uniting our people, uniting our nation."
"My opportunity to see the South Sudanese celebrate and know what it means to their country was amazing."
"Here's to Grenada, a nation small in size but immense in spirit, forever inspiring the world with its vibrant heartbeat."
"If our efforts continue, and if our will is strong, and if our hearts are right, and if courage remains our constant companion, then, my fellow Americans, I am confident we shall overcome."
"The spirit of England, Britain, British Isles."
"You embody the spirit of optimism that has always defined this magnificent country."
"This is a story bigger than beer. This is the story of the American spirit."
"The spirit of the Finnish resistance can be summarized in a few scenes from the Winter War."
"You and those men are a true embodiment of the American spirit of beauty, honor, and country."
"We are so lucky that we have a country with the spirit of giving and all the amazing charities that fill that gap."
"The country needed a boost, something to get excited about."
"A resilient nation survives, spirit intact."
"My hope comes from the spirit of the American people."
"Put to the test, the United Kingdom has been resolute in the face of adversity."
"The recipients of today's awards have uplifted the mind, spirit, and soul of this country."
"She unites people across the country."
"It does feel like the excitement is spreading across the country, doesn't it?"
"The more positive we are as a nation, the more it's going to encourage people to come on board."
"It's great for baseball, it's really great for the country to have this kind of positive thing going on right now."
"We're willing and able to lift the weak, cradle those who hurt, and nurture the bonds that tie us together as a nation."
"Never underestimate the American people."
"People felt as if a fresh breeze went through the country."
"Bombs do not break a nation; they kill us but they don't break our spirit."
"The British people may be worried, but they are not daunted."
"Great countries are resilient. I think it would come back."
"It's amazing what this country does when we work together."
"The optimism in this room is the same incredible spirit that is sweeping across our country."
"Stay positive, this is a tough time in our country and our economy."
"As a nation, we have suffered many heartbreaks this year. But the entertainment industry did really well."
"It's a great country; we'll figure it out. We're just going through some weird stuff right now."
"We've come to understand the spirit of our nation, the essence of our freedom, and the diversity of us as a people."
"It's the power of baseball and sports in this country that produced those smiles."
"It's been a real boost to our national spirit."
"This could really bring the country together in a time when we're very fragmented."
"There is a spirit of economic optimism sweeping the nation."
"We can be a country with its spirit restored, its people back to work, and its government back in order."
"Well, a long time coming for this great baseball country of Canada."
"A nation that believes in what it's doing, that has morale and understands what's at stake, is more likely to prevail in the long run."
"It's been a really horrible year with COVID in this country, and this right now, the performance of the team is lifting the whole country."
"What Wojtek represents, of course, is a spirit of national resistance."
"This is the sound that terrifies hell, this is the sound of a nation, this is a sound of a people who will not be slaves."
"I hope for God, for the incredible spirit of my people and for the resoluteness with which I decided not to bow down before the invader."
"In the face of adversity, we've shown that we're a nation of mates, of courage, and of compassion."
"Anzac Day is there for the Australian spirit and what this country means to us, we do have freedom of speech and many freedoms that we enjoy."
"This great nation will endure as it has endured, it will revive and it will prosper."