
Dune Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"Dune is winning everything best picture best director best adapted screenplay best original screenplay best animated feature best documentary."
"Dune was not a celebration of heroism but a cautionary tale, a warning toward Messianic figures."
"The idea that Fremen have the ability to be in total harmony with the desert is a very important moment in the book and a fundamental moment in the movie."
"As the makers of this valuable substance, Shai Hulud, also known as sand worms, are considered to be the most important organism in the entirety of the known universe."
"I just saw Dune part two and it was good. I liked it."
"There is no other story more important to the genre than Dune."
"Fear is the mind killer, fear is the little death that brings total obliteration." - Lady Jessica, Dune
"He's one of the most heroic characters in the recent Dune blockbuster, very true."
"I'm actually excited to see the Dune remake."
"Dune is the greatest sci-fi series ever written."
"The spice melange is the gasoline of the universe. Without it, all commerce throughout the known inhabited galaxies would cease."
"It's a poison. So subtle, so insidious, so irreversible. It won't even kill you unless you stop taking it."
"Paul knew that he was powerless to stop it. The inevitability of the jihad haunts Paul throughout the series."
"Paul Atreides would rise to Emperor of the known Imperium, marrying the princess Irulan Kirino, daughter of the Emperor Shaddam the Fourth."
"I thought it was impossible to make a Dune movie. This is almost an impossible task. Even breaking it up into two and paying it off is crazy."
"Mentats are the human computers of the Imperium."
"The gum jabbar was to determine Paul's potential."
"Paul's awareness expands dramatically; his vision is clearer than anyone before him."
"Over the course of the next two years, Paul would amass more and more power, respect, and influence amongst the Freeman people."
"Spice, in the world of Dune, it is the most valuable resource in the universe."
"Dune is kind of a thing that never really found huge success on the main stage but somehow inspired worlds of sci-fi in every artistic medium on earth."
"It's not possible to make an adaptation that is better than what Den Vu did with with Dune not possible to make a dune iteration as good as that is what I mean."
"Dune is a series that totally subverts the typical ideas of how a story is told."
"Dune Messiah is about just how problematic a hero can be."
"Dune is like so for like a blockbuster about politics, I don't think it's like even subtle compared to Blade Runner."
"This time the request is coming from inside the film, which at this point is the only place a legitimate request for a Villeneuve cut of Dune could come from because no one else has seen it."
"Dune is great. It's a shame none of you are ever going to see the real version."
"It's wonderful how Dune has such an emotional relatable heart to it deep down."
"The shifting dynamics and power balances in the Dune universe are always fascinating."
"Nothing stays the same in Dune; it's a saga of constant change and evolution."
"The clash between Paul and Fade is inevitable, representing opposing values and ambitions."
"Even on a desert planet, like Arrakis in Frank Herbert’s Dune Novels, where water is so scarce they recycle their dead, they still have air to breathe freely."
"I am here today to talk to you about Frank Herbert's Dune 1965 the best selling science fiction novel of all time."
"I am Paul Atreides, son of Leto Atreides, Duke of Arrakis."
"Dune part 2 is a generational film, the rare release that reaffirms why I believe in cinema."
"The first Dune was one of the most influential science fiction books in history."
"While Dune depicts the rise of an empire, Messiah explores its downfall in very unexpected ways."
"Dune was a visual spectacle that was like an art director's wet dream."
"Dune Part Two is, in my opinion, one of the best science fiction films I have ever seen."
"Dune Part Two is a science fiction masterpiece."
"Duncan Idaho is crucial to the golden path, one reason for the endless line of golas is that Leto prizes their morality."
"Duncan Idaho opens the door to other memories and past lives, he is another Kwisatz Haderach and more."
"Dune part two is a phenomenal movie and I highly recommend it."
"Dune part two really is worth seeing on the big screen, a cultural event that isn't watched. It's experienced."
"Dune on the surface seems like a pretty standard hero's journey, but it is so much darker and more interesting than that."
"Adapting Dune for the screen has been a lifelong dream of Denny Villeneuve ever since he learned about David Lynch's cult classic."
"We think we're about to see Dr. Kynes do something incredibly badass. She's going to ride the sand worm instead."
"Spice is the ultimate drug in the entire Dune Universe where the whole existence of humanity depends on it."
"Fingers crossed that this show will be great because we really love Dune and we want to see this franchise continue and be successful."
"A beginning is a very delicate time."
"Star Wars's core goal... is to be a fun adventure. Dune's main purpose... is to address great issues."
"Star Wars aims for entertainment. Dune aims to relay Universal truths."
"Star Wars shows you everything it can to thrill. Dune deliberately restrains itself to evoke awe."
"I've always liked Star Wars, but Dune is something I always saw as this intimidating massive thing."
"Dune was beautiful. It wasn't even a movie for me, it felt like it was more of an experience."
"They're not here for me, they're here for Dune."
"Dune is instead a story about a boy born into privilege whose story arc is earning that privilege."
"Dune I'm glad sort of lives on as a cult film because of all the unique elements, craftsmanship, and visionary design."
"Revisit David Lynch's Dune as I'm sure you might be."
"I love Dune, it was one of the best sci-fi movies I've ever seen."
"Many people consider it to be the greatest science fiction novel ever written I can't really argue that dune it's amazing."
"I think each one has something absolutely amazing that makes Dune Dune."
"Paul's story is what makes Dune cool."
"Dune part two remains at number one, last week it was close to breaking $500 million, now it is looking at the $600 million Mark worldwide."
"When we talk about how great Dune is, her name should be mentioned too."
"If you like Dune part one I'm happy to let you know that it was very similar to the book in terms of the first half of the story being very mostly largely set up for what is a very intense second half."
"For Dune, I felt that it was important to work with a composer that will help me to bring all the undercurrent or help me with the themes."
"Dune: Part 1" truly deserves to be described as "epic".
"Dune is not a property about small ideas."
"He's just transports you into a world like no other filmmaker really does these days. And Dune was his passion project."
"The planet is Arrakis, also known as Dune."
"Dune is seriously one of my favorite novels of all time. It was just that archetypally relevant and so philosophically deep about the nature of consciousness that it immediately became one of my favorites."
"Dune is the number one best-selling science fiction novel of all time."
"I think the second [Dune] will do great. That's a movie that should be on the big screen."
"We're talking about a resource that you can only get on Arrakis. Spice is that thing that belongs to Dune, Arrakis' planet."
"I read 'Dune' when I was in my late teens, and it was an incredible, profound science fiction piece of literature."
"Dune is about what it is to wrestle control of a religion for a political gain, and the dangers and things you can achieve by doing that."
"Dune by Frank Herbert and its five sequels hold an important place in the history of the science fiction genre."
"So, my second favorite Dune book is 'God Emperor of Dune.'"
"I think we have done enough damage here. Dune is fantastic. Watch the movie if you haven't seen it. Otherwise, y'all have a great one. We will see you next time there's another first time. Bye."
"I'm 120 pages into Dune right now."
"Dune part two follows all the rules of a good sequel."
"Perth: The planet Arrakis in June."
"You know, just worth looking at if you like Dune and you're interested to see what else he did. I mean, The Eyes of Heisenberg is good."
"Dune has historically had that reputation for being virtually impossible to translate into film."
"Dune part two, much better, I think I gave it an eight out of ten."
"This version of Dune is easily the most successful critically, commercially, and in terms of Pop Culture impact."
"Dune" or otherwise "The Desert Planet", is a work of art that should be watched at least a couple of times and even read alongside if possible.
"Dune, one of the greatest science fiction books ever written, being adapted on the big screen in the modern era."
"The world of Dune, the world that Frank Herbert envisioned, has never come to life in such a more complete and beautiful way."
"Arakis, the planet known as Dune, is forever his place."
"Frank Herbert did a great job in conceiving and putting forward the ideas behind Dune."
"I might have to say Dune wins here, I think it's got a great shot."
"The world building in Dune was really astounding."
"The music is what makes you watch Dune and feel it like in your bones."
"What a great game, and I started playing that Dune all in the 1980s."
"Here on Caladan, we've ruled by air power and sea power. On Arrakis, we need to cultivate desert power."
"While Dune was an epic tale of revenge, Messiah delves into Paul's struggle to maintain order within his house and grapple with his legacy."
"I very much enjoyed 'Dune', Denis Villeneuve is phenomenal."
"Dune is a sci-fi classic, an epic story of the hunt for a priceless psychedelic drug in a future feudal universe."
"The atmosphere and cinematography of Giedi Prime was nothing short of mesmerizing."
"Ultimately like previous adaptations of Dune, I hope that this version inspires viewers to explore the books and delve into the captivating, deep, and intricate universe that Frank Herbert masterfully crafted."
"It is deeply stylized and beautiful, in an odd way, because this is Dune we’re talking about."
"It is the best adaptation of Dune by a long shot."
"I am ready to enter my Dune phase."
"Thank you, Stillgar, for the gift of your body's moisture."
"If you're a Dune fan, this is a must buy, and even if you're not a Dune fan, still very highly recommended."
"Usul has called a big one! Again, it is the legend!"
"This is the art and soul of Dune, the official making of as well as the concept art."
"Dune was insane, very fun to watch."
"My favorite movies? Um, Dune 2. No, I mean Dune is a great movie."
"Discussing the perennial philosophy of Dune."
"Dune part one is one of the greatest movies of all time."
"Dune part two is the greatest sci-fi film of all time."
"Dune is a movie that takes itself seriously."
"Dune part one blown away, just absolutely blown away."
"Frank Herbert used Islam as an inspiration to create the story."
"I didn't love everything about Dune, but I did really get attached to how smart this plot was."