
Life Moments Quotes

There are 652 quotes

"Sometimes, life's about the hot dogs you share, not the ones you eat alone."
"Because sometimes you aren’t just watching TV anymore, there are rare precious moments where you’re actually experiencing something, where you’re fully there."
"One moment of life can leave you crippled and wounded for years and years... one positive moment in your life can build you."
"Sometimes you just have to take a moment and take it in."
"Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them."
"Every moment of your life is a choice. How do you want to spend that moment? Who do you want to be?"
"You never realize you're in the good days until they're gone."
"There's a gap that's five seconds long between fear and courage and there's a gap that's five seconds long between self-doubt and confidence. That is your life."
"Remember, life is a series of moments, and I will have my moment in Mykonos."
"There's a huge anxiety about wanting to make the most of every moment, because you don't know how many of these moments you're gonna get."
"Destiny seems to be found more in moments than in milestones."
"I remember everything, and I was so like I literally remember sitting in my seat and being like, I'm going to remember this for the rest of my life."
"Chances are, when you're looking on your last year, you're not remembering the in-between stuff, the average stuff that filled your days. You're remembering the moments, the flashes of memorable things that happened."
"The reality is, you can wait for fun moments to come your way, or you can be the person that makes them happen."
"Never take for granted the sweet moments we get to do this kind of stuff."
"Music is about these incredible moments that may not have even seemed that significant at the time but recognizing that life is about a series of moments that are incredibly special."
"You try not to make it this big, over-the-top emotional attachment, and then you try not to get it there, but at the same time, man, you know that you've dreamed your whole life to be in this moment, in this position."
"Cherish these moments because these moments are fleeting."
"We get certain moments in life that we never get back again. They come, and then they're gone, and I never have a chance to steward that moment again."
"You only get one shot, so make it count. You might never get this moment again."
"The ability to make recursive definitions is a source of incredible power."
"Moments don't have to match your feed to feel magical."
"It was just such a euphoric utopia, it was unbelievable what that felt like and I'll probably never have that feeling again for the rest of my life."
"Sometimes it takes you a long time to have a moment."
"It was a nice experience and I'm thankful for that."
"It's not about reality, it's not about moments like this."
"Every choice you have made has led you to this moment."
"I think all you really want is a memorable moment."
"All my moments are special... but I always say my best moment still to be the next moment."
"A wonderful change has come over. This is my time."
"The three most beautiful moments in my life thus far is when I pull each of my children out of the womb."
"It was one of those moments that give me the inspiration to carry on."
"Life's moments are unfolding, and the greatest moment is right before us in the present."
"If all you're doing is waiting for the really big moments, you won't value and appreciate the small ones."
"The moments are rare, the moments are fleeting, but the moments are worth it."
"The big moments that define us are the ones in between."
"Your moments can't be stolen or robbed from you from others or from even the enemy. It is God ordained."
"It's important to document your life and to be able to look back on these moments."
"Don't wait for that magical moment to express the important things because you very well may not get it."
"To achieve greatness is to have a collection of great moments."
"That special moment can never be redone, and it's going to hold a lot of resentment in the future if you ruin it for her."
"The most important things happen when you least expect."
"This is the best thing that could ever happen."
"It's almost up, so I'm really just trying to enjoy every moment."
"You can feel it, it's a dark cloud over your happiest moments in life."
"We all just have those different moments, you know."
"That's very rarely do you get to have an experience like that in life."
"You ever have those moments in life where you feel like you're just uh you're like connected you know?"
"You met me at a very strange time in my life."
"When you die, you remember a song, a line from a movie, a play, a book, a poem."
"Everything you've done in your life was for that moment."
"All my life has led to this moment. No challenger or obstacle has properly prepared me for what I am about to attempt."
"Just do it because you've only got one chance to wear your dress of your dreams."
"You grab those moments and you enjoy them, if you're not enjoying them, I don't know what you want."
"There are no mundane moments... they're like minuscule breadcrumbs."
"It's important to give people their flowers while they can still smell them while they're still in their Prime."
"Make sure it's something that you're going to remember later on."
"Capture all the important moments in your life... enrich your life and theirs."
"It's weird... I don't remember walking on the stage. Like it happened so fast, dude."
"The difference between being alive or dead was a single breath."
"I remember there was this moment between my two bike routes where I just stopped and felt that I had woken up consciously to life."
"In that moment, he felt like he understood why he was put on this Earth."
"For every DN moment in your life there becomes a new beginning. It's up to you what you do with that new beginning."
"It's crazy how there are moments in our life where we are just kind of waiting for someone to ask us the right question."
"He made that song that just defines their life at that moment in time."
"Honestly legendary—there are few moments in one's life where you know it's like... is it even worth it?"
"That was one of the best moments of our lives... those moments will stay with you for a lifetime."
"That first moment is a millisecond that lasts forever, because it's timeless."
"The greatest moment of your life is always going to be ahead of you."
"This is not a defining moment. It's just a moment."
"Every single thing in our lives, every single moment, every single thing, God is behind everything in the world."
"Sometimes you need that wake-up call, a tower moment, to realize it's time for change."
"These are the real moments that make a career, and these are the real moments that make a life."
"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
"It was such a euphoria of like my whole life compounded into this one accomplishment."
"Wow, it's abely stunning. This might actually be one of the most beautiful moments of my life."
"That's what's special right, that's what people remember, that's what matters."
"It's a personal experience, it's an emotional experience."
"Our finest moments are more likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled."
"In the blink of an eye, your entire life can change."
"I'll be like maybe this really was the time."
"Moments in life you can't make up, we're in the back of a cab right now, instrumentals being played off an iPhone."
"That's a highlight of my life man I could die happy now."
"The glacial freeze is the greatest Gatorade flavor. It's the light blue one. It's delicious. It should be currency in the future."
"Everything in his life has led to this one moment."
"It was during that time I felt alive, I knew it was that feeling I'd want to recapture for the rest of my life."
"Five seconds earlier they were happy men, teenagers."
"If she doesn't love you at your awkward proposal in a busy food court, she doesn't deserve you at your best."
"Thank you to everybody for making these four years literally the best four years of my life."
"The most important time for humans... is when the sunrises and sunsets."
"I remember just hopping in the shower and just listening to song and I was like this is really happening."
"We got a hit! The small victories in life, those are the ones that are meaningful."
"I realized that I wasn't accepting that part of me, the part of me that has fears, and honestly, sometimes it's just a moment of pure life, you know, Oprah calls it an aha moment."
"You've met us at a very strange time in our lives."
"That scene was really special to me just because, you know, we've all been in that situation."
"For every single one of us there are a handful of defining moments in your life."
"Enjoy the moment, but don't let it define you."
"You spend most of your life thinking, 'What's that moment going to be like?'"
"Move it up, what are you doing? Love of your life!"
"Connecting in those little moments... Forge a life together and make up this larger picture."
"The most precious moment: the result of incalculable actions and reactions."
"One of those moments where the uncertainty, the confusion, gives way to clarity in a way that perhaps we didn't even realize that we weren't clear until it arrived."
"It's filled with small and spontaneous moments that seem small on the surface but actually can be deeply meaningful to us."
"Enjoy whatever's happening to you in the moment."
"You know those moments are happening... and that's enough for me."
"Just keep moving forward, and beautiful moments can still happen."
"Every single moment that we were alive and we were together was miraculous."
"And all of a sudden you're entirely everything he earned that palace those shoes that the car that the limo that probably took wherever it is or his private helicopter pad means absolutely nothing at that moment."
"What a day. I cannot imagine anything better right now."
"That's incredible, that's as good as it gets."
"Your moment is coming, the test is here and it's going to be beautiful."
"You've got to really enjoy and take care of those moments. Yeah, but that was a nice little moment."
"Don't miss the small moments finding for the big ones."
"Make your life special, have those special moments with your family and with your kids and with each other."
"Without this moment there would be no me who you are right here today sitting here."
"We're creating memories, you know? That's what it's about."
"It was a great time that I will never forget as long as I live."
"Take each of those moments as much as you can and appreciate them."
"Cherish every [__]. They go by so fast, man. Appreciate that a lot more when you have kids."
"It's been a good three days. It's your time."
"Photos allow us to remember important moments in our lives."
"Gratitude is pretty foundational to me... you never know how many times you're gonna get to be up in front of these microphones."
"I just smiled the biggest smile of my entire life and replied, 'Okay, see you later, man.'"
"As I stood upon this moment in time, it seemed to pass in a flash."
"Life all comes down to a few moments. Don't let this pass. Now, it's not too late. Next year is going to be too late."
"Life all comes down to a few moments. What are you gonna do? What's the choice that you're going to make?"
"It's weird to have moments in your life where you're like, 'How many of these do I get? What, five, ten?'"
"Our lives are divided into days, our days into moments, and sometimes a moment is all it takes for God to encourage us, meet us in our deepest need, and strengthen us to face the day."
"I realized at that moment, you know, that I was going to die."
"That was the best feeling I've ever felt in my life."
"It's a lot of scenes in my life where I first met a person... that became a significant friend of me."
"Life becomes so uncomplicated in those few moments that you go through that door."
"He takes one last puff of his cigar and tells Snake, 'This is good, isn't it?'"
"It's been such a well just a once in a lifetime experience."
"Every scene, every moment God presents to us holds something precious."
"What a crazy event in our lives, I'm glad I was there to see it."
"I promise you guys it is insane like I feel like I'm in a dream."
"Of course it feels like the ultimate deja vu."
"Choose happiness. It's those little things, those little things that happen to you, that's the moment that you choose happiness."
"It's funny because when those things happen, it's funny to..."
"Your happy rewards will be gathered up in the small moments, the gentle breezes, the soft kisses, and the quiet commitments."
"These moments we live for, these moments of connection, sharing them with people we care about."
"I realized there were times where I might look and say, 'Alright, in such a one time...'"
"These are those moments, those memories that weave the very fiber of our existence."
"How did we end up here? A lot of emotions, man. Just extremely grateful."
"This is your one moment. You better take advantage of it."
"I wish we could have known that we were having the time of our lives when we were having the time of our lives."
"I was the happiest I've ever been in my life."
"The most bittersweet moment I think a human could possibly have."
"It was kind of surreal. I kind of left myself and I was kind of looking at the whole situation."
"If you're looking for authenticity, you find it in those little moments."
"Oh Lord, this new game is the most phenomenal moment of my life with you right now."
"Where you least expected it, like a thunderbolt, waking you up."
"I realized just to be grateful for those moments."
"Make sure you stop and soak in every single moment because it'll go by way too fast."
"It's been a blast this last two hours has been the best two hours of my entire day so far."
"I love the beauty and the simple moments in life."
"Everyone felt calm, you know, we were able to have a nice dinner."
"You can always recover. Time spent with your family, even if it's seconds like that, you can't get that back."
"Cherishing the little moments, simple things in life."
"You can't get that time back if you miss your kid's ninth birthday."
"Imagine being them and having that moment in your life stand up in someone else's life."
"Because those moments, ultimately, are why we fight, they’re what we live for, and, I think, what we want to give others the chance to live for."
"We're talking about giving people their flowers while they can smell them."
"Every time when you found something, it is the greatest moments in life."
"Choose happiness, there never will be a perfect moment."
"There are some moments in all our lives when time stands still."
"Those little moments can just change the trajectory of what you're gonna be nervous about."
"Gilmore Girls is stunningly adept at zooming in on moments of life."
"I tend to really believe that the little moments are the best."
"It's all about the moments; we got the moments we wanted."
"It's the only time in life I feel light."
"Sometimes you get the kick of a lifetime."
"Watching everybody have kids, own their first homes... these are the moments that I cherish the most."
"I'm so happy that I get to share it with you. It was a really unique life moment for me to do that."
"Like, the best and the worst moment of my life, like, I'm really rocking with this verse, dawg."
"That is one of my favorite moments in life."
"This moment in your life is what everything in your life up to now is about."
"I'm home. I think this is the best moment of my life."
"These are the times I cherish, man, this is the life I dreamed of."
"Life's greatest moments are expensive."
"This is a moment in your life that you will treasure forever."
"These are the moments that make life have a purpose."
"It felt very different. When I said it was the greatest moment of my life, I meant it. Like, there's a date, there's a time. I can tell you, someone says, 'What's been the highlight of your life?' Oh, you know it, right then. You know it, man. May 7th, on that stage."
"My family and I will forever be grateful to this horse who took us to places we had never even dreamed of and gave us the most exciting moment of our lives."
"This is just one of those moments in life where you just say, 'How in the world did I end up here?'"
"I witnessed moments in my life that I could barely believe were my own."
"Happiness revolves around the happy moments of our life. Joy is different. It's a spirit that is consistent."
"I'm just sitting on the stairs in the hallway it's almost 1:00 a.m. and I'm just contemplating my whole life because tonight was maybe one of the best nights of my life"
"Waiting is not worrying. Don't worry. It doesn't add a moment to your life to worry."
"We often, when you're like that, don't stop. You don't pause. You don't appreciate those sweet, sweet moments in life."
"If you can go back to one moment in your life, what moment would that be and what would you say to yourself?"
"...this is one of the most beautiful moments of my life."
"These are the most amazing moments of my life. One of the most amazing moments of my life."
"Graduated in 08 at 21 and I've discovered you have certain moments in life that grow you up instantaneous maturity doesn't happen gradually, it happens in moments."
"These live streams are anti-hot fire content. These little in-between moments that you have the privilege of sharing with us is what makes life rich and full of meaning."
"I wouldn't take back that moment for anything."
"Everybody that was involved in that film came to that film at exactly the right moment in their lives."
"To be surrounded by and immersed in peace at all moments in your life."