
Dismissal Quotes

There are 666 quotes

"Megan claimed that female activists are often dismissed by critics who want them to feel small and be quiet."
"The CEO of Silicon Valley Bank was one of the directors at the San Francisco Federal Reserve and he was promptly fired after this disaster."
"Law enforcement can be very dismissive of these things, even when it is in their jurisdiction and it is something that meets the criminal threshold."
"The court therefore grants the summary judgment. Erica is out of this case."
"Shut up, no, no shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, go away, no one was asking for your opinion Tom."
"Prime Minister can fire them whenever he wants and put in new people."
"Calling someone PC is a way to derail and dismiss conversations about inequality."
"Let's say bye bye to beauty industry bullshit"
"All this stuff is just little Tyrant dictator losers."
"Pipsqueak pipe down, you ain't in no big three."
"No, it's completely irrelevant. It's got nothing to do with anything."
"People dismiss any concern of ours as some sort of condemnation on Ukraine."
"The administrator downplayed the report... saying, 'Well, he has little pockets.'"
"Hopefully it's not too crazy, Felicia. Hopefully we can pull a 'bye Felicia' on that dude."
"The scourge are clearly nothing in comparison to us."
"You know I'm saying well God said no I'm not even talking to you no more it's just God."
"This was never your moment, bud. Bye bye Lysander, bye bye."
"The angst behind it, the cry of help from that community behind it, who were talking about that, that wasn't unpacked, it was dismissed."
"Thank fucking god, leave his cackling ass behind."
"10-minute fight, that's nothing! Get out of here, dead!"
"Nancy, you're of no use to the American people... go home."
"Not only did the man finally get fired but the entire atmosphere around the place changed more than I could imagine."
"It deserves to be tossed up in the air and not be thought of as, 'Oh no, it just doesn't exist.'"
"I don't understand it so I think it's stupid."
"This sounds like an easy reason for them to get her out."
"Donald Trump has fired the top cyber security official over the fact that this official had the audacity to say that we had an election that was totally safe."
"Don't even bother with the rest of it. She has no standing."
"The judge ruled in favor of Jesse Wu to dismiss all these claims."
"That's like Sara every teacher fuck that shit."
"Many high and low-ranking officers of the Baltic Fleet Command were also discharged from the navy."
"I ain't about to waste my time talking about women all day."
"Ain't no need no clowns in this town... you should have knew that."
"Why can't we just have unanimity here? Americans, take heart on the fact that this is a nothing decision."
"The case got dropped because the judge said this is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen in my life."
"All y'all haters, all your trolls, close your eyes."
"Every time he goes on a rant it's like gem jam jam jam jam something wild jam jam and then everybody ignores all the gems."
"Some of you have got to go, and I mean holy [ __ ] what he did honestly."
"This experience is just dismissed by the general public and by the scientific community and by the academic community... yet it's the most important experience in human history."
"Just good, not great, alright? Just get out of here, Carlos."
"First place, yep, Artisan High Tides from Ataraxia Rig. Get the [__] out of here. Five mounts can't compete well, you can't compete with one even so don't worry about that."
"It's rhetoric and I wouldn't attribute much else to it."
"You're fired, Uncle Sam gets rid of Donald Trump."
"If you're not going to use the UFO threat then forget it."
"No one wants to hear the excuses no one no one cares."
"Literally who cares that's the right answer."
"I got a chef too, what are you doing? Get out of here!"
"You guys are just loud noises. Don't kid yourself, you are never even a play."
"Rip it up, that's all gone, see you guys later."
"He's a joke, he's joking, this is entertainment."
"I'm dismissing I'm dismissing I am I am this charge."
"I don't see that as an argument that merits any."
"Let them pop their [expletive] and blow their smoke."
"It's such a clown statement to make, like it's such a joke, it's a complete joke."
"Thank you, thank you. I didn't reclaim my prettiness tomorrow, nope. Not gonna have to, bro."
"Tough questions right? Never have the mindset that if you're in the will of God you'll never face any trouble."
"Live your best life in peace and security, but fire a woman for believing sex is real."
"You really got time to waste, I don't got time to think about that."
"Thank you very much... you won big deal, take your diamonds and get out of here."
"I want to be clear that this is not meant as an admonishment of you, it's done if anything, it's a dismissal of my collegiate self."
"Mainstream evolutionary biologists and philosophers are turning around and saying, 'This is complete garbage.'"
"If you ain't grown stay in the child's place hello hello after that starfish goodbye"
"Come on, hey hey hey guys! The case has dismissed!"
"Crytek's claim for injunctive relief must be dismissed."
"It's easier just to say I'm a bigot than to listen to my ideas."
"Once he’s sure he’s done, and after peacocking his aura a bit in order to show off what his power beholds, Goten dismisses Cell’s words and tells him not to worry."
"Often our concerns are minimized or ignored or dismissed."
"Everything you say is garbage at this point."
"Dismissed due to failure to state a cause of action in your future."
"She yelled aloud, 'You have no power here. Leave now,' and it vanished into thin air."
"So basically the judge came out and he said yeah no."
"Last words are for fools who haven't said enough already."
"Anybody who wants to complain about the existence of a freaking green dragon needs to just go away."
"If your lawsuits are so bad that they're getting dismissed based on [__] process, that means they have no chance on merit."
"You're a zero, go do some zero somewhere else."
"You're fired. I'm done with you. Never come back. Now get the [__] out of my office."
"Once that happened, it was over. Nothing else that night even happened."
"Revisiting old bridges in reverse, bye, get out of here."
"Let's all go home, okay, I live here, you need to leave, oh man."
"That means nothing. He dropped this guy with a single blow."
"The Bell does not dismiss you, I do."
"Musashi is clearly weak and not worth worrying about."
"Don't let the door hit you on the way out."
"You're not all that, and if you have a problem, you can go."
"I don't have time to argue with shadows."
"Don't let it hit you on the way out."
"no I walked in and I walked straight out I was not having any of that"
"Oh, all right, enough of the cinematics."
"Let's do it all yo bro CH we seen this vid this don't count"
"It's so cheap and it's so stupid."
"I don't even cover that show why would I be on some stupid ass list."
"Yo, get out of here, man. I said, yo, the Brims ain't doing nothing."
"Stay ready, stay Petty, class dismissed."
"Good news everyone! Those asinine morons at the Box Network are fired for incompetence."
"Are you ready? I have rights. I have nothing to say to you. How about, goodbye? Dude, hardest flex of all time."
"I really wouldn't spend too much time thinking about my stupid opinion."
"Excuse me, sir. Excuse me, sir. Hey, drop dead, kid."
"Then I don't need to sit here and listen to you."
"It just signals so much of like, everything you're saying is irrelevant and I don't care."
"I don't even remember like in passing like you so unimportant that I don't even remember walking past the [ __ ] or anything."
"Seeing these two enemies who I once thought were overwhelming being casually dismissed like this is fantastic."
"The most absurd comment so that person can suck it."
"It was considered to be that stupid island show."
"Well then that would be a mistake, Miss."
"I'm not dealing with this [ __ ] seriously."
"That's so cute. Have fun on your little date, okay?"
"The most ridiculous narrative I've ever heard."
"This is a cheap narrative, one that could be easily disposed of through some straightforward math."
"There is nothing you should concern yourself with."
"I don't care. I don't care about you. I don't like you. You don't matter to me in any way whatsoever. You don't matter to me. I don't care."
"David Moyes is a man who's probably had more sackings than haircuts in the last five years."
"Even if it means never talking to those bozos again."
"Every single time, they can justify it. It's not that big of a deal. Move on."
"That's gonna get blown out the back window."
"Please do me a favor, get out of here."
"It's just a whole lot of mess. It's dismissed. They oughta let it go."
"Yo, don't come around me with them Yeezys. I didn't like when y'all used to come around me with the real ones, so don't come around me with them fictions."
"That's the book of your dumb cousin's opinion."
"throw the [ __ ] out dude throw it out"
"He knows that man isn't worth worrying about."
"Build up a little boy's hopes and then smash all his dreams to pieces. I said good day!"
"Who gives a [__] honest to god, right?"
"Anyway and he did stop there he went along and kept saying i lost everything trying to do this dumb [ __ ] to youtube and everything what [ __ ] bye you've been whining about this [ __ ] for i don't know how long bye the [ __ ] [ __ ]."
"Anyone suffering from depression, ignore Andrew."
"But you're not gonna just clock me as a full-time hater because girl ain't enough time in the world for me be hating on um I spice"
"Charente smiled and told the boy that he could now go."
"The little girl decided to quickly forget all this because for her it was complete nonsense."
"...fellas ladies say it with me oh all y'all haters all y'all trolls close your eyes and picture me Rollin' your boy floss I'm out deuces."
"One omnibus piece of shit... GPOS case. Yeah."
"Nonsense, you romantic old humbug."
"When you're all that, you don't deal with dust, ma'am."
"Shut it, Little Miss Scholarship."
"Gina Carano, every time somebody puts Gina Carano, we get that here's a tall glass of shut the [__] up."
"I'm ready she's just a dressing and you're the turkey enjoy the stuffing girl bye."
"We actually cared about you when we were firing you."
"They drove Rick into burnout, then fired him."
"It cannot come up with a theory of relativity because it's not part of discourse, it would actually dismiss it."
"We went out on one date anyway it's nothing serious I dismiss."
"Stumped! Another one goes down, Lara takes the catch."
"...if you don't like it, you can go home."
"If you're disappointed by that, I don't think you should be watching this channel. Go away."
"How can he just dismiss their shared history so casually?"
"All that's thrown out, yeah because... you find out in Ghostbusters, remember when they're in the prison scene?"
"These people are not even worthy of his attention."
"He'd be fired in 2009 after a power struggle with management."
"I genuinely don't even have time to unpack that botched interpretation of critical race theory."
"Haters can make like bees with no stingers and drop dead."
"When myths get established and are adopted, they tend to be so strongly held, they tend to become so much a part of you, that when anyone comes along and differs with them and contradicts them, he risks automatically being dismissed as a crackpot."
"She's like a little gnat, like you just wanna flick."
"Keep it cute, Kendra. Keep it cute. Keep it very cute. And that's on period. Keep it cute. And to the rest of you that got so much to say, keep it cute. 'Cause guess what? You honestly don't have to be here."
"I couldn't have just been the conference, isn't it? Minimize it."
"Forget about it, huh? Forget about it."
"This crazy. I ain't gotta lie, [ __ ] loser."
"Yeah, we never have to think about this guy again."
"She's obviously too embarrassed for that now isn't she oh yeah now she just says it was sick me"
"...you're fired no need to come in from tomorrow..."
"Forget you, boo. You really think that your little stunt is going to make a difference? Absolutely not."
"So yeah I don't know how I usually end these things but uh yeah go [ __ ] yourself."
"You are under the impression that you matter."
"You listen to me, Sergeant. Anytime you want to go home, you consider yourself dismissed."
"I'm sorry, madam, but I cannot help you, and I have to ask you to leave."
"You can't just say that, you know? And I just moved on."
"Oh, kiss my entire crown ass, man."
"You're alive?" "Yeah, he don't care about you, right? Good."
"There's no call for them at all today."
"She just dismissed it. She said, 'Yeah, that's my difference and that's my superpower.'"
"I saw that guy, he was my waiter and I totally dismissed him like everyone else does in his life."
"I wasn't officially diagnosed yet so my complaints were written off as me being whiny."
"Thomas, you're a nightmare. We don't want you here. Bye-bye."
"Just throw it out, that's my response. Like, just forget it. If it's bothered, no sweat, just get rid of it."
"This guy's being dude, forget this cake."
"You three are officially rehired. In that case, later lame-os."
"They're like, 'We're not going to give Trish any attention anymore.'"
"I don't forgive. I dismiss someone from my life in an instant like a snap of the fingers, gone because if I dismiss you from my life, you have no relevance."
"The goal here is to dismiss and deny our nation's history of racism and create a new mythic past."
"Godzilla laughed and walked away, like, 'You're not even worth my time.'"
"No dress, no footman, no horses, and no coach," said Granny.
"I don't even need to hear his side of the story; this is stupid."
"He definitely killed himself. Any conspiracy theories to the contrary are ridiculous."
"You know, this is all so very dumb."
"Did you get that? Don't worry about it."
"But [ __ ] it, no, he's just a goober."
"This person does not deserve even another second of your time."
"They dropped the case, there was an illegal stop and search, the car was parked and locked."
"He was like in the fire, chilling. Sorry, though."
"So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time."
"Take the crown and shove it up your ass because we don't want it."
"GG's, coach. Nobody cares about the Giants."
"And don't ask about Spider-Man, peace."
"Dismissed by his superstitious parents once it became clear he was force sensitive."
"I truly believe, without sounding like making an excuse, I don't believe I got taken off here because of my work."
"Everybody's got a shitty opinion, so just let him have it. That's a shitty opinion. It's the most [ __ ] opinion I've ever heard. And like I said, I hope the answer I gave gets backed up."
"When people don't see your value, they'll dismiss your voice."
"Your job in all this is done now. I hate your cute evil face."
"A war in the sky? A war in heaven? That's rubbish. They simply had dreams."
"Thursday was like a non-issue for them. They just brushed it off, it was like nothing."
"...even in the back your mind it's like well that's dumb."
"He didn't even give me a warning before tossing me into the trash."
"Nah, you guys probably don't have anything."
"That's dumb. I didn't think she really meant that."
"I had been filming that long, so it felt like basically what you were telling me is that I didn't matter. All the stuff that I found thus far just didn't matter."