
Redirection Quotes

There are 461 quotes

"Every time you get rejected, think of it as getting redirected to something better."
"See any rejection you face as redirection. You are being redirected to something greater for you."
"Find balance in life, tackling some long-standing issue or bad habit, and redirecting yourself."
"You're being redirected from relationships and situations that no longer serve you."
"Any rejection you face, see it as redirection."
"Rejection is a blessing... it's something that needs to happen; this particular thing wasn't meant for you."
"You're not being punished, babe. You're being divinely redirected."
"Firebenders can change the course of an incoming fire blast and redirect it back at the attacker."
"Rejection is always God's protection and redirection."
"A plot twist is a story element that redirects the plot from its former trajectory."
"Failure is just redirection, it's just an opportunity to pivot your path."
"Rejection does not reflect your intrinsic value but can be a redirection to where your skills are most needed."
"There's not been very many moments... where I felt so strongly that I needed a bit of a redirect in how I do things."
"A rejection is often a protection in a redirection to something greater."
"Millions of people are pulled toward that stuff, and I want them all turned in another direction. Amen, every last one of them."
"God will go to great lengths to correct and redirect us."
"We need to stop, look around, and say, 'I think I've taken a wrong turn,' or we just need to admit, 'Hey, I think I'm lost.' This is the first step to changing our life."
"You're being redirected through this rejection to something better."
"Every crisis that occurs in your life outside God's will is meant to redirect your steps back to him."
"Redirecting your energy positively. Heading in a really positive direction for yourself."
"When one road is closed to you, it will be because another and better one is to be opened."
"The Lord used these people to redirect me back to Him."
"Rambling, ramble, ramble... Um, this is where I throw it to you."
"You're turning away from something that doesn't work anymore... and heading off in a new direction."
"Failure is just life trying to move us in another direction."
"A closed door is a redirection to a bigger blessing."
"Passion can be redirected into creative endeavors."
"You're being given like a stepping stone in another direction."
"Your rejection is actually your protection and your rejection is your redirection onto something much better."
"Remember, anything that isn't working out for you or hasn't shown up for you, it means you're protected and redirected."
"Some type of rejection is for your divine protection and it's needed to be redirected for something much better."
"People shouldn't take rejection as rejection they should look at it as redirection."
"Challenges can redirect our paths, often leading us to outcomes we hadn't imagined."
"If you have been going through a difficult time, you are being protected and redirected towards something better."
"Rejection is God's way of redirecting you and protecting you."
"If you've ever experienced rejection from somebody, it is protection and redirection towards this person."
"Rejection was your protection, redirection to your rightful path."
"One thing that's really easy is to be discouraged whenever you realize that maybe something's not working out the way you want to don't worry about it, take a couple steps back, go a different direction."
"Rejection is honestly God's redirection into another way and often times a better way."
"Failure is just there to point you in a different direction."
"Rejection is protection and redirection to something better."
"Anything that you're letting go of, it's a silver lining in a natural departure and you're being protected and redirected to something better."
"This next chapter is a transitional one where you are redirecting your life."
"Whatever is going on is trying to redirect you onto a new path... and it's going to set you on the path to success."
"Sometimes that light will send you back to the path you're trying to leave."
"The universe is redirecting your energy, putting you in the forefront."
"Sometimes the biggest blessing is in the redirection."
"Rejection is just divine protection and divine redirection."
"Rejection is a form of both protection and redirection."
"Rejection is sometimes and most of the time redirection."
"Rejection is divine protection and also divine redirection."
"Pain is life's way of saying, 'Hey, you need to move in a new direction'."
"If I went in their life and took away all the stuff they shouldn't be doing and put all that energy towards what they should, their life would be completely different."
"If it ain't about me, let's keep it moving."
"She quickly switched the subject to one that Len was there for, to learn the techniques of a Doctor."
"Redirect the conversation... tell me what went well today."
"You have to start redirecting your mind."
"You don't know why you're here, you really love teaching, but for some reason, I'm going to put you in this desk in this publishing company."
"Rejection may be your protection and your right for a redirection."
"Rejection is the ultimate protection, rejection is just redirection for what God has for your life."
"What are the things it is distracting us from? What is it diverting our attention away from? Where is it redirecting our attention?"
"Reflect and redirect your energy."
"You're a very ambitious person, you're just investing that energy in something that is providing you with a more immediate reward."
"Your main opportunity is about getting to a state of status and financial status that you have been wanting. I do think you will receive good news, but I think it comes off your ability to redirect your focus and your energy."
"Rejection is protection in redirection."
"Trust your inner guidance, even if it redirects you. It's guiding you exactly where you need to be."
"Stop thinking about something or something a certain way, and every time that thought comes up, we need to stop it right there and change the focus immediately."
"You can redirect folders in Windows so that instead of clicking desktop, download, music, documents, and other folders on a local machine, it really redirects those folders to a server."
"Mission Impossible 4 feels like finally we change up and refocus into what they're gonna actually make this series going forward"
"When we can start to just notice that and lovingly direct ourselves slowly in a different direction, really big things can happen."
"There are no mistakes when you have to take another direction."
"...the tower moment the sand castle kind of Fallen you know what I mean the shaky grounds whatever it is as it falls it's meant to redirect you somewhere else..."
"It's time to take a deep breath and move in another direction. You've got so much to engage with in a positive direction this month that this isn't worth the time and energy."
"Answer the call, get back on track to whatever it is that you were supposed to be doing."
"Rejection really can lead to redirection to something so much better, and it also can lead to God's protection."
"We're heading over right now to the after show. We will see you over there at apologia studios.com."
"Left turn at Albuquerque led to a fulfilling life pursuing passion."
"Redirecting your energy in the right direction."
"If momentum is taking you toward a sub-optimal place, maybe all of your effort simply needs to go into slowing that momentum down for a little while."
"I deeply appreciate those of you that have been praying for me, trying to redirect my path."
"After redirecting the mission to return home it was necessary to recalculate the flight path."
"But the bottom line is, that's not what brought you here today."
"Redirect, get the juggler to do its job."
"We thought that we might have gone off track for a terrifying moment."
"Thankfully, it does go in a different direction than what I was expecting."
"When a door doesn't open, don't waste your energy trying to make it open. It's closed for a reason. You are being redirected to something far bigger and better. Endings are part of the cycle of life. They make way for wonderful new beginnings and opportunities."
"Disappointment can lead you to a different and better path."
"Rejection is a part of life and rejection points you in a direction of somewhere you're supposed to be."
"Stop trying to make it about Pastor Jennings."
"Rejection is not punishment; it's redirection to what's meant for you."
"Rejection is always redirection; rejection is always protection."
"Rejection is just God's redirection to bigger and better things."
"Sometimes taking the wrong train would lead you to the right place."
"I think if that person just redirected this energy into a real positive place, they could be doing so much more good for themselves."
"This love takes you in a different direction."
"Maybe they're off course right now, but their intuition is saying, 'Hey, you're off course, get back in line with pile number two.'"
"If you know you're not going to make it, just do something else."
"Change the whole channel of the discussion. You can't sit there and fight back."
"Rejection is for your protection, so if something didn't pan out, if a door was locked or a door closed in front of you, that's because God, the universe, Source was protecting you and has something way bigger and better for you."
"What got us to a different place? He distracted you by asking whether you like colors, whether you like the pattern. He kind of got your mind going in a slightly different direction. So he used some of my words to slow the conversation down, to redirect."
"Rejection is actually protection and redirection."
"Better to be behind than to be far along on the wrong path."
"If you don't like where your train of thought is going, get off that train and just go, 'This is not where I want my thoughts to go.' See Jesus' face, not false narratives."
"God's know is not rejection, it's a redirection."
"Pain is life's way of telling you that what you're doing is wrong and you need to move in a new direction."
"When people say failure, firing, no, they are all lessons. We have lessons and we have blessings because that one incident does not define you or your future or exactly what you are going to become. On the contrary, it redirects you back onto your path, onto your destiny."
"You're going to fail and that's good because you are being redirected and put back on your path."
"Your prayers are actually being redirected towards something that's better for you."
"Now when I look back at the rejection, I do think of it as redirection."
"Rejection is protection and redirection."
"Gangbanging doesn't have to be a part of your agenda, you know, you could focus the energy somewhere else."
"I had an alternative approach that would redirect the ball up and down on a parabolic arc."
"Often times it's protection and other times it's redirection."
"If a user searches words that express mental health issues, we actually redirect them to a safety page."
"In the failures are the new tools to grow and redirect."
"I don't work here. Go find someone else."
"Over the years though we've started to see a re-evaluation of these raunchy comedies that usually focus on teen boys by redirecting the focus toward teenage girls."
"Your heart is missing, pour it into something else, a business, a plant, even friendships."
"It's not rejection, it's redirection closer to your dream man."
"These aren't the droids you're looking for. Move along. Move along."
"You don't need to see his identification. We don't need to see his identification. These aren't the droids we're looking for. He can go about his business. You can go about your business. Move along. Move along."
"Rejection is just redirection to the next opportunity."
"I think things are shaking out and that's, that's kind of good because capitalism needs failure to re-guide and redirect investment."
"Rejection is more like redirection, and I think literally back to like when I didn't get into a different school and I ended up going to Georgia and I'm literally so happy I went to Georgia so I'm just like thinking like that."
"I didn't care about anything after that. Architecture went out the window, music was in."
"I believe in redirection. If something closes here, then time to go this way."
"You can never be rejected, only redirected."
"Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes or redirection just might lead you down a different path."
"Every addict is just a worshipper that's got to switch their focus."
"We need to redirect them into something else of interest."
"I said, 'Thanks for your time guys. Let's go ahead and move on to the next website.'"
"Rejection is redirection, and I am really, really happy for Ad."
"Well, it sounds like she redirected to Clay, though, if the rumors are true. At least it wasn't like all the way."
"Rejection is the best redirection."
"Inevitable change, inevitable destructive energy that's trying to show you, to help you, to get redirected to where you're meant to be."
"Life has a really funny way of like pushing you off one path that you thought you're supposed to be on and then like putting on the one you're actually supposed to be in, literally me."
"Being lost can sometimes be a rerouting towards where you're meant to be."
"If you find yourself losing peace, that is an infallible sign you’re going the wrong direction."
"Hit the reset button if needed; trust that you are being redirected into the right direction with ample support."
"...everything here is redirecting you towards a different kind of outcome than you could have possibly imagined for yourself."
"There's something about you guys taking some redirecting your energy."
"Knowing how to control the conversation means knowing how to use curiosity, redirection, and assertiveness."
"When I discovered this, it revolutionized my entire life, sent me on a new course, a new direction."
"I'm sorry to cut you off, but this reminded me of the new ad campaign our team is developing."
"If you are on a train going to the wrong station, your only solution is to get off and get on a train going in the right direction."
"Okay, let's just move on. Let's just... where... where are we? Oh, right. It's gone."
"You redirect, no matter what tower moment hits you, you redirect. You have that passion, you have that fervency for life."
"I'm over it. Like, why would you bring that up? This is a good time."
"A redirection in the right direction."
"No is not for disappointment, it's for navigation."
"Whenever God gives a no, it's because he said yes to something else."
"Not everything is going wrong for you. You're being redirected."
"They want to come back towards you, but it's a slow process."
"There came a point after so many years I felt a little bit trapped and I wasn't satisfied with what I was doing. I wasn't happy with what I was doing. I didn't feel like I was where I was supposed to be."
"How to deal with rejection? Use it as a redirection."
"People say rejection is redirection."
"It's time to get back to the actual point of the video."
"You can change your life if you're going down the wrong path."
"You know, it's time to focus on something else."
"Yo, wrong guy, wrong guy. Let's go."
"Stop. You don't have to do that. Then reorient yourself to life, not Moloch life."
"Your past relationship and all the pain it caused had a major life purpose. It redirected you on your path."
"There's nothing lost; you're just being redirected."
"If you feel I'm going slightly off track, bring me back."
"You are not running the football."
"If something doesn't work out, it's because you are being redirected."
"Ken quit driving and tried his hand at team management."
"Sometimes God intervenes to shift us because we will never find true joy in the place that he did not assign us to."
"Redirect your energy and replace your anxiety."
"...sometimes a difficulty can actually be the way that God redirects our lives."
"Every rejection is a redirection."
"It's not all bad if you're looking for opportunities in the other direction."
"Turn rummage into productive activity: redirect their energy to more productive tasks."
"After processing everything, there's a huge correction in trajectories here."
"Honestly, that's a great deflection."
"I felt like this wasn't what I wanted to do."
"Anyhow, back to our point transform."
"Recognizing that that wasn't quite the right path turned out to be really important and really instrumental."
"We start telling the truth about our history and use it to push us in a new direction."
"Anytime you ever get like that, man, turn to God and he going to steer you right back on the right path."
"Enough about all that, enough about me being a poser. Let's get on with the review."
"Let it go, redirect yourself back to relationship."
"These are not the dragons you are looking for."
"Why did you tell me that? How did we get to this?"
"Now that she no longer wants Vega Punk dead."
"We can be quite thankful for Superman 4's failure because it caused the Cannon group to abandon their plans to produce a Spider-Man film."
"One of the best quotes I love me some Oprah... 'There are no wrong paths. There is no such thing as failure, really. Failure is just that thing that is trying to move you in another direction...'"
"It was not rejection, it was redirection."
"It's not rejection, it was redirection."
"Even though Paul was going one way, God was about to turn him around."
"I wasn't too happy. Click here and go see my mistake. It lives on. It's forever."
"Let's get back to Kagarashi, shall we?"
"Every misstep, every rejection is really just redirection."
"When you catch yourself thinking, replace it with focusing instead."
"Sometimes we need to come back to the fork in the tributary to get up on the right path. Sometimes you need to turn around and go back in order to go forward."
"Let's pull it back, let's change that direction, that fork in the road, and let's move forward into the sun, into our 10 of Pentacles, into a much better way of being."
"Vinky happily pivots the conversation about Lala."
"Do some course correcting in a major way."
"Please remove mention of the product instead, lead them to a link where they can learn more."