
Bridge-building Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"We need to engage them by listening to people we disagree with, by building bridges not walls."
"I'm more interested in dialogues because I think that where my skill set lies is more in building bridges."
"I've been kind of an advocate of peace, an ambassador for peace, and someone that is trying to build bridges."
"Jesus made a bridge for us to have a relationship with God."
"Bridge building... amongst... political spectrum... seeking nuance... topics that matter."
"We need to be able to build bridges despite ideological disagreements."
"I wish someone slightly browner than me would write it but then I thought if you're a person who has the capacity to be a bridge why not be a bridge."
"I'm more interested in having conversations with people I disagree with... there's potential to change minds and build bridges."
"Jesus Christ is the bridge for us to get to have a relationship with God."
"We have the opportunity to build bridges and bring about healing through this movement of love."
"The bridge-building has got to be between the slave owners and the slaves."
"We now have the ability and the responsibility to build new bridges of acceptance and cooperation between us."
"In times of crisis wise men build bridges when the foolish build barriers."
"The wise built bridges while the foolish build barriers."
"That's just like them saying, look, we know we've burned this bridge, we now need to come with a fully constructed bridge to show you that we've done it."
"It's about building bridges and healing wounds. That's what it's about for me, community."
"Every priest is called to be a bridge builder but the Pope is called to be Pontifex Maximus, a supreme bridge builder."
"The process of building the bridges isn't difficult; it just takes time and patience."
"It's about building bridges, and as youth alone, we can't work by ourselves."
"This bridge right here, this was a really cool build going from one side to the other."
"The construction of the steel box girder sections was a vital aspect of building the Hardanger Bridge."
"I feel like that last breath work might have been the only time that we're able to create a bridge that deeply for the next 30 minutes but that's a good thing."
"You can use the bees and mushrooms as a bridge across the divide. You can use the bee-mushroom bridge as an arc of communication to reach across the aisle of the people who are on the opposite end of the political spectrum."
"When you're building a bridge you can't just leave people over that bridge if people ain't safe and for me the number one the safety of women to matter so much to me."
"Light workers are bridge builders between the material and the spiritual."
"The tone of our truth-telling will either build a bridge or it will build a wall."
"We're building bridges, making bridges. We're bridging the gaps between us. I love it."
"I started to imagine how I could be creating a bridge"
"I wasn't angry with them. If I were gonna be the only black person that some of my white friends would ever encounter, or me being ambassador, I want to be an ambassador. I want to be a bridge."
"We are thinking about how to build it. Is it the first time such a bridge is being built here? It's the first time, it was never made before. It is only now."
"If you're a person who has the capacity to be a bridge, why not be a bridge?"
"You're building bridges, and the domino effect will be in the long run."
"We need to not build walls but build bridges."
"My heart yearns to build bridges and bring people one step closer to God."
"We're going to need to build a bridge rather than a wall."
"My emphasis throughout my life is to provide a bridge between both communities."
"I wish to be the bridge to peace."
"We build bridges, we find ways to come together."
"Our vision is to build bridges between us and not walls."
"Once the bridge bins were finally rested into place, erecting the rest of the structure was less stressful."
"I'm trying to build bridges, that's what I am doing."
"Diversity doesn't happen by accident, there has to be real intentionality to build bridges."
"He viewed himself as someone who builds bridges, quite literally."
"China's modern bridge-building technology has garnered worldwide admiration for its innovation and scale."
"We have the opportunity here as artists, as actors, to build bridges and not divides."
"ABCs need to understand a holistic Chinese culture better and be the bridge to both sides."
"By living with this deep understanding of dual realities, these strong souls act as bridges, merging the tangible with the ethereal, the seen with the unseen."
"For though man could never build a bridge to God, God in His mercy built the bridge to man."
"Jesus is the ultimate bridge builder who takes the gap that exists between mankind and God and brings us together."
"It's just like he's trying to build a bridge between these two islands of thought."
"We need to build bridges between people from different backgrounds, different political aspirations."
"God thank you for making me a bridge to connect many people."
"We need more bridges built, okay? The world not fences, bridges."
"We've got to take every opportunity we can to build bridges."
"Why not build bridges? I would much rather build bridges between peoples."
"We need to build this bridge between spirituality and humanity."
"International relations, we are building a bridge."
"What can I do to be a good bridge between Japan and my country?"
"He was on a mission to bridge the gap between humans and demons, to eliminate the hostility that had festered for generations."
"The only way you can bring a diverse people together, is by creating bridges between the different codes, the different practices."
"God is not into building barriers and building walls; God is into building bridges."
"The China Center at the University of Minnesota, with its emphasis on building bridges instead of walls and on balance instead of bombast, is playing an important role in our community."
"It's crazy to see like what she's done because she was like the bridge that bridged a lot of people together."
"Dance builds bridges of understanding between races and cultures."
"Christianity in its best version was able to create bridges between the two."
"We want to be a bridge to connect people."
"My ministry is about focusing on the common ground and building up bridges rather than tearing them down."
"Now it is up to us to build a new type of bridge that brings us all together."
"I think this is not a tremendous opportunity for friction. There's an opportunity to build a bridge."
"A bridge has been gapped; we brought a bridge together."
"If my entire career ends up being a bridge between those two communities, I'm actually okay with that."
"We're building bridges rather than walls."
"We are bridge builders. That's what we do. We build bridges, sometimes literally, sometimes symbolically, sometimes metaphorically."
"You have to have the courage to build bridges with the people around you."
"Mother Caramel... made a bridge between man and Giants."
"Let's love build a bridge between you and another person."