
Self-satisfaction Quotes

There are 538 quotes

"Single people that are like, you know what, I just enjoy being by myself."
"Everything is selfishly motivated so I'm not going to sit here and say I'm a philanthropist. I feel good when I help people; that's why I do it."
"Greatness to me feels like I can get up every day and look at myself and feel totally satisfied."
"You can't really be satisfied in life if you can't sit alone in an empty room for a couple of hours without cravings."
"I'm talking about how to really, how to be satisfied with yourself, you know, how to like yourself."
"Success is very personal and individualistic. It's about doing my best, being the best, and the self-satisfaction of knowing that I put the effort forth to be my best."
"Satisfaction doesn't come from the outside; it comes from within."
"You didn't get put on this planet to please anyone else; you didn't get put on this planet to live your life according to others' expectations of you."
"If you try to please everybody, you end up usually pleasing nobody in particular."
"You are the one who started your company; it's you that you need to please."
"Stop trying to please everyone; everyone is a whole lot of people."
"I would call my life perfect for me. It's perfect."
"The film industry is now defined by its own self-satisfaction along with its moral grandstanding."
"Inner happiness is if you've ever felt it you know it's the best feeling ever just to be content and happy with yourself."
"Money's money, but you could have as much money as you want, mate, if you ain't happy with the skin you're in, you're the poorest man in the world."
"I'm making myself feel happy for a little while."
"Left-handed and I swear smart, I'm rich. What else do I need in this life?"
"I am very, very happy with who and what I am."
"Have fun whatever the results is, have fun because you've done yourself proud."
"As long as I enjoy what I'm doing and I'm making stuff I'm proud of, that is what matters."
"Nothing's gonna make you happier than to make something for yourself."
"I feel so vindicated, I feel so fucking good."
"Being smarter than everyone around you, it's pretty good."
"Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction."
"Your collection is not for your friends, not to please the internet, but only for you."
"I always said to myself, 'Two main things in life: make yourself proud, make your parents proud.'"
"I'm not blowing smoke up my ass, but that was [__] delicious."
"The substance of success is personal fulfillment."
"I have nothing to prove and only one to please."
"This was a great run for my personal reputation, and I feel excellent."
"You had to gang up on a noob, how does it make you feel? I'm pretty proud of myself right now."
"I want to make my parents proud, I want to make my kids proud, I want to make me proud."
"Remember, the only person that has to like the sound or sight of your system is you."
"There's a sense of pride that comes from this type of creation."
"The most important person to please is Allah and then yourself."
"Stay close to people who make you feel like sunlight."
"I don't even know how I pulled that off, but now we are sitting pretty."
"You're not looking for that validation or that trophy, you just like your game. I'm just so happy."
"365 was my stars, 350 is my moon, and still pretty cool."
"You're not happy if you need a Versace label to feel content."
"I literally feel like a glazed donut and I love it."
"Did you try your hardest? Did you work hard? Great, good for you. You should be proud of that."
"My key to success with most of the things that I make or sell or do I just make stuff that I like."
"I sleep very well at night in my penthouse knowing that I change people's lives every day and I'm rich."
"Honor is intrinsic, and its measure lies not in external accolades or recognition, but in the quiet satisfaction of acting in alignment with one's principles."
"If you try to please everybody, you'll end up pleasing nobody."
"We're two and a half stars! Again, I don't mean to brag but I'm doing so well"
"He's the fellow to please never mind all the rest for he's with you clear up to the end and you pass your most dangerous difficult test if the man in the glass is your friend."
"Overall, I'm really happy with how I did and all these different events."
"You are living your dreams and that's what matters."
"When I'm giving my best effort, that's going to be enough."
"Nobody will ever satisfy you until you learn to satisfy yourself."
"But to do it once and say that you did the impossible, I think that's plenty worth doing."
"Guys, look at this apartment, and I am living good."
"At the end of the day, happiness comes from within and doing what you want to do."
"Sometimes doing like the most of what you can is enough."
"Halfway to that goal is good enough, it's freaking awesome."
"Do what you feel is best for you and that's good enough for me."
"If you really need multiple partners to feel happy, you're not happy with yourself."
"Enough is enough. Put outta better places, bitch my house is fabulous."
"You need to live the life that will feed your mind, body, and soul and bring eternal happiness from within and around you."
"In 20 minutes, you've done something; it might not be the most perfect thing in the world, but you've done something."
"My hair looks so cute though can I just say what the hell did I do how did I do that."
"As long as you're happy with what you're doing, that's the only thing that really matters."
"I will never please anyone. You can't please them all."
"So I think I'm doing okay. I may not be a millionaire but I'm okay and my family's okay so yeah never never allow people to you know what they think of you."
"As long as you've done your best then it's not a problem."
"I'm just so happy with myself. I'm so proud of myself."
"I'm loving where we're at right now and I've done in my opinion at least a very, very, very good job of keeping this run together."
"He just wants whatever it is to satisfy himself at whatever cost."
"You are celebrating here now this is you you are proud you are happy and satisfied with the work that you've done with how far you've come."
"I got many tasks done, so I'm proud of myself."
"Perfecting a craft is not always about having the world see it, sometimes it's enough to know you were able to accomplish it."
"You can't make everybody happy, Aries. You have to make yourself happy."
"I'm happier when I do sit down and do the work and go, you know what, I'm going to do really good drawing and work really hard."
"But I did the best that I could do with the fabric that I chose, and that's what actually matters."
"You shouldn't be able to get away with the stuff he's done."
"This suspension means there is no negotiation for a new treaty. This suspension means that in 2026 when this treaty expires, we will have an arms race. One mistake, we all die."
"All the ways are acceptable, as long as you look at your painting and go, 'I did it.'"
"When you're happy with something you're satisfied with the result and you're confident enough in your ability to gauge it that you don't need validation to be happy with it."
"It's not about the podiums and all of that. I just love seeing some of the stuff that I've been working on actually work in the real world."
"I feel incredible. I feel the best I've ever felt."
"Just because you're single doesn't mean you're lonely and unhappy."
"I don't owe anything to anybody. I don't have to make dad happy or make my brother happy or make all these things. I can only do my best and I have to enjoy what I like to do."
"I cannot believe that we built these to be honest with you, and I'm thrilled. It is just so rewarding to be able to do something like this."
"Make decisions that future version of you will be happy with."
"I'm actually mentally happy. I think that's the most important."
"Stop trying to please everybody else, do what you want to do."
"Success means being content with how the day went."
"Everything was pretty fine; I enjoyed my own time and did what I wanted."
"Creative fulfillment: feeling happy with who you are and what you're doing."
"Stand in your truth and stand by your choice and stand by what makes you happy."
"It's not only about pleasing your audience, it's about pleasing yourself."
"I can show up every day and like my life regardless of whether people want to listen I can really enjoy this and that's how I can run this as a marathon."
"There's nothing more satisfying than to prove others wrong."
"But regardless, I'm really proud of how this turned out."
"I think I've just completed life. I think I've just won."
"I wanted good enough and I honestly think what I was able to get good enough was really damn good."
"Pride is defined in the dictionary as a feeling of satisfaction from one's own achievements. And this couldn't be a better word to represent the queer movement for equality."
"What's extreme? Judgmental. It's self-satisfying."
"I've never really cared what anyone else thinks at all; if it makes me happy, then I'm happy about it."
"You can't please everybody and if you try to please everybody you won't please anybody."
"Wow, that was definitely a really good decision on my part."
"You can find harmony in your current circumstances, okay? In the current goals or current accomplishments that you have achieved thus far."
"You can't please everyone, but once you do that, you're going to do a lot better job at pleasing the people that you can please, and yourself included."
"It's a good thing to be proud of your work. I think it is a lovely thing to be proud of your work and just to find personal satisfaction even before you look for exterior satisfaction within what you're doing."
"I didn't come last, and that's what matters to me."
"There's nothing more satisfying than when you're just dominating."
"Satisfaction is having an appreciation for what you've accomplished."
"A lot of brothers, they're not satisfied with themselves, and so they're always pursuing this woman to complete them."
"If you did your best and you look at and go 'I'm pretty happy with that,' that's all that matters."
"The whole message was you're gonna be yourself this year... make your soul happy."
"I mean honestly I feel almost justified in gloating about how well we did in that conversation."
"I'm pretty much accomplishing everything that I want to do."
"How many points do I have now? Fifty-five! Dang, that's good enough."
"I love it when things just work, you know, and you just think damn, I'm good."
"I feel like it was something that I had worked so hard for, and it was just finally accomplished and it finally felt right."
"But if that self-satisfaction leads to the happiness of thousands of others."
"The self is never an object of displeasure. We always want to keep things that are a source of happiness."
"I'm proud of what I've been able to achieve."
"Honestly, I really love how today's look turned out."
"When you try to please everybody, you end up pleasing nobody."
"Somebody gonna rub it in their face that you're single now and that you enjoy your independence."
"You don't need other people to be worse than you if you're satisfied and engaged with your own measure for yourself."
"Fundamentally, it makes me happy... what more do you need?"
"It's okay to choose a life that's fulfilling for you."
"Life is just entirely too short to live it trying to appease other people."
"There's a difference between actions that look good to other people and those that feel good to you."
"Somebody very emotionally fulfilled, somebody very content with themselves."
"All I'm out here to do is beat Trevor and take bogeys. I did both of those today, so that's a good day. You're a successful man."
"The goal of life is self-satisfaction. You're really after feeling good about yourself, being satisfied with who you are."
"You can't help but feel environmentally responsible and good about yourself..."
"Authentic Living is not just about self-satisfaction but also about contributing to society in a meaningful Way."
"You can satisfy self by appropriating the feeling that you are what you want to be."
"The Supreme Personality of Godhead said, 'When a man gives up all varieties of desire for sense gratification and finds satisfaction in the self alone, then he is said to be in pure transcendental Consciousness.'"
"No one pleases us better than us."
"Look for satisfaction inside yourself instead of approval from other people."
"But I did not care what the world thought. I was happy."
"This is what I cook for myself, 10 out of 10."
"Oh, you must be feeling really smug and self-righteous at the moment."
"Astounding that it could have got all the way to a fourth series powered on nothing but self-satisfaction."
"I like what I'm doing in my life."
"Modern man is very self-satisfied, very self-inflated, self-congratulatory."
"Gojo never cared about protecting anyone or keeping the sorcery world going but he uses his Jujutsu for self-satisfaction."
"I'm very, very happy with myself. It is a wonderful way of living to be a real artist."
"To arrive at self-satisfaction while ignoring dangers is complacency."
"Make yourself proud today and be able to look back at the end of the day and say I did my best."
"2024 for you Leo is going to be about satisfaction, satisfying yourself, feeling happy within yourself, not expecting that from others."
"Your growth has to be for me because at the end of the day if I never got back in a relationship with him, I still had to be happy with myself."
"I was just so proud of myself and like I couldn't have asked for anything more."
"I know I sound like a broken record but I'm really happy with what I've been putting out over there."
"In this business, there isn't much difference between self-satisfaction and surrender."
"You can't worry about fitting in with the trends. You gotta make yourself happy at the end of the day."
"It takes a little effort to be kind and you go to bed feeling good about yourself, so important."
"Success is peace of mind attained only through self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you're capable."
"I defined success as peace of mind which can be attained only through self satisfaction in knowing that you made the effort to do the best of what you're capable."
"You have to make yourself proud, you also have to make yourself happy."
"I'm happy with who I am and the career I've had."
"As long as you put your best effort out there, you should be satisfied with that and not be down on yourself."
"If you're happy with it, you don't need my validation. Enjoy it."
"I'm so proud of myself for how much I worked and how I never stopped."
"That's just you, and that's why I said, like, I think that's a really great place to be. You are so satisfied in what you already have. That's, I mean, that's gratitude."
"I'm actually quite proud of myself."
"I was very content and satisfied with the kind of man I had become and I had my values deeply entrenched in me."
"Forget the influencers feeding you [__]. It's all hard work. Do not go home until you're proud. Job done."
"I'm pretty proud of what I've accomplished and myself and I feel like there's still so many more things that I want to do."
"Don't compare your ink collection, pen collection, or writing to others. It's about your enjoyment, not anyone else's standards."
"I think similarly, assumption that like doing the minimalism taking off and hitting the open road would lead to some sort of like inner contentment or like some satisfaction with myself and my life."
"As long as you're happy and you're where you want to be."
"Remember how good it is to just be your content self."
"I'm pretty proud of this one, I must say."
"If doing what I'm doing is making me happy, why do I care what you want me to do?"
"I love feeling like I'm doing something positive."
"I'm 29 years old and I live a nice fabulous life, and I love everything about it."
"I'm so prepared today, so proud of myself."
"Success is just a word. I live my life by like am I happy or not. Do I feel good about myself when I wake up? And I do every day, so that's success to me."
"I'm actually really proud that I choose."
"That just makes me feel good inside, thinking to myself like, man you did a good job."
"If you're happy with where you're at, just live your life."
"I really don't care that nobody watched those because I gained so much personally."
"Just do you and do your best work because you and your portfolio will probably be happier."
"I'm trying to operate from a space where I'm happy with what I'm doing."
"I felt good about making a difference."
"I'm really pleased with myself because I thought I was going to have a tough time, but I didn't, I enjoyed myself."
"If you try to please everypony, you often times end up pleasing nopony, especially yourself."
"I'm quite pleased with how my makeup turned out today."
"Success is that you're happy yourself."
"It's about pleasing yourself; others will come along."
"Feeling good and alive within yourself or even by yourself."
"Wow, I got so much done and I'm proud of myself."
"I'm happy with where I'm at in life right now."
"My definition of rich is when you're in a mental space where you're satisfied with yourself and the progress that you're making."
"I feel so accomplished, it's not even funny."
"I'm really enjoying myself, and that's the best part of this whole process."
"The only person you got to make happy and you got to satisfy is yourself."
"I give a hundred percent of what I can that night, and that's enough for me."
"That was tasty, man. Sometimes I impress myself."
"I am so chuffed with myself for making these."
"I'm really proud of myself that I pulled it off this time."
"You got to take what you can, you got to do what you can, and just be okay with that."