
Public Image Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"When you apologize for something to a person or something messed up that you do, which that's pretty messed up, Jessie's point was that when Gabby got on camera and tried to deny and lied that that ever happened, that apology that she gave to Jessie was taken back by her doing that."
"He's a guy you'd smoke a joint with, using his goofy antics to distract from who he truly is at his core: a greedy, rich oligarch."
"This coordinated color scheme presents a very put-together picture of a close-knit family."
"Your public reputation... people see you as like an aspiration of what they look up to, what they want to be like when they're older."
"If President Obama, who aspired to be Nelson Mandela, were tweeting out the sort of stuff... I'd be a lot more angry than with Donald Trump, who aspires to be in the WWE Hall of Fame."
"You have to work to keep it and I feel like that's what Catherine and William are doing. They're trying to make the monarchy and themselves and their family something people want."
"Catherine and William have just walked through everything with grace and dignity."
"Msscribe had now been exposed to the whole fandom and had come out the other side with not even a scratch to show for it."
"Katherine yet again shows class, dignity, courage, and strength."
"Shane decided that he was going to address his cancellation and emphasize the fact that he is a very different person to who he was in his early 20s."
"You can't win with journalists; we need to do something to show we have morals."
"Publicly guillotining yourself is reputational suicide."
"Don't assume you know someone because of their public persona."
"Stalin's funeral was his last grand show but it was nothing more than a facade."
"I was sorely tempted to wear a tan suit today for my last press conference, but Michelle, whose fashion sense is a little better than mine, tells me that's not appropriate in January."
"Diana appeared happy, confident, and in control of her own life."
"The man who would be king carries some daunting liabilities, high on the list is the Lady Diana factor."
"Kate has shown herself to be a wonderful addition to the royal family."
"William and Kate's marriage is very much a love match."
"It's crazy how much society relies on the optics of presenting a side."
"Tom Cruise's whole persona is wrapped up in trying to create as good of an impression of Scientology as he can in the world."
"Everything the royals do has symbolism, has significance."
"Sometimes Evelyn thinks that the difference between an actress and a star is that a star feels comfortable being the very thing that the world wants her to be."
"The CCP's priority is deception, lies in Saving Face at all costs."
"Aaron Rodgers will finish his career elsewhere that Chicago Bears picture this weekend he looked great."
"It seems like Cruz is the kind of guy everyone wants to be: handsome, successful, a real crowd-pleaser, and an all-around nice guy but that’s only the side of him he wants you to see."
"If everybody knows that Samsung is actively working to try to destroy the independent repair market, that's not a good look."
"Fans of this runway star know that she loves to live a healthy lifestyle and stay in shape."
"JoJo's trolling is working, the more you make fun, the fatter her wallet gets."
"JoJo's trolling is definitely working for her."
"A man who demeans his children's mothers publicly but still lays up and creates children with them."
"He's a bull but they see him as authentic because they don't see him trying to disguise the things that he believes as empathy."
"This is the real Ms. Heard, the one in the audio recordings, not the one you saw in this courtroom."
"The Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrates how years on the throne and the resurgence of popularity that the monarchy enjoys today."
"How hard would it be for them to prove that she's fine? But instead, it seems as if they're like going out of their way to do the opposite."
"Cypher's TikTok videos would continually perform well, ultimately boosting his public image."
"The celebrities that always end up being the most cool and most humble, that will shock you, is usually like the big A-list celebrities."
"Biden, meanwhile, he takes naps while he's meeting with foreign dignitaries."
"The Smith family is the raw positivity we need right now."
"How is the most famous person on the planet Tom Cruise the face of an extreme cult like Scientology?"
"I'd probably rejoin scientology if I thought it could do that."
"Is he actually helping scientology's image at this point or is he hurting it?"
"Game always been on that soft stuff though, right? That's why you got butterflies and ice cream cones all over his face."
"I don't want to be in the public eye forever as a personality, I want my work to speak for itself."
"Kate Middleton is wanted by the Grenadier Guards to replace disgrace Prince Andrew as their colonel."
"Diana's massive Cinderella dress cemented her status as the fashion icon of the decade."
"It's unclear if Britney Spears would ever recover from this."
"Horace Grant was not portrayed in the fashion that he said he liked."
"Nothing makes somebody move faster than media embarrassment."
"There are many Instagrammers with massive followings who constantly get comments about how their goals, their life is goals, their body is goals, when that is not their real face, that is not their real body, that is not their real life."
"It's amazing how you've been able to maintain this, uh, down-to-earth image."
"You always see celebrities getting pictures of them kissing at the beach."
"He's almost begging for approval right at the end of the clip."
"Markle ensured that the doubters could doubt no more with poise and grace."
"Her contributions to charitable causes added depth to her public persona."
"Trump's team of lawyers should stop their client from posting such things as he is quickly becoming his own worst enemy."
"He perfectly matched up with the ideal image of a Victorian explorer...popular throughout the centuries."
"You want the public image of caring if you cared your employees would be compensated better."
"That's my issue with it, he's not apologetic because of the harm he's done, he's apologetic because it all came to light."
"Miss Heard herself held herself out to the world as a representative of abused survivors everywhere."
"Despite the success he's found with recent ventures, it's hard to imagine a future where we discuss Ian Connor and his accusations aren't brought up."
"No one cried quite as perfectly as Megan in that one moment."
"We ask you to set the record straight that he is not the abuser she described and that she is not the heroic survivor she portrayed."
"He needs to explain and show his side of the story if he cares about saving his music career and his YouTube career and just his life overall."
"If he's exonerated here completely I feel like he's got a comeback story that's strong."
"If she's gonna use social media publicly, it better be for running a business."
"We're a laughing stock." - "We're a laughing stock."
"It has harmed my reputation, I mean people perceive me as a murderer."
"Many times, I would literally watch the news during the day and see certain people attacking each other and then see them with their arms around each other or sitting in each other's laps."
"Creepshow made everything worse for herself by lying."
"He wears the inverted cross everywhere that he goes."
"I don't falter anyone for divorcing, but when your brand is your coupleness, something must have really happened."
"Surely strategic to actually see the name and the image of the guy... part of the reason for that is that of course if you're gonna share an article on social media they don't want an image of this guy showing up."
"i thought this was really cute him with his daughter so there's there's several celebrities just you know trying to give back during the holiday season"
"Megan before fame and after fame are two completely different people."
"The Taliban trying to reassure the international community... a softer side if you like, more respectful and inclusive."
"Kendall Jenner out of all the Kardashian Jenner sisters is the one that always tries to spin a positive message out of her business endeavors."
"Your public persona is truly gonna turn heads February 2020."
"You be you, that way you don't have to have a public image and a private image, just be you."
"It's denigrating Harry, because people are seeing his petulant immaturity."
"The decisions being made at YouTube are making them look fucking stupid."
"Style staples. I would argue she did like the sleeveless sheaths that she wore."
"Harry and Meghan have become agents of destruction."
"Kevin Hart vaguely alluded to his ex-extortion scandal: 'It's human.'"
"This depicted Brian in a cowardly and disingenuous light. He had nothing but visceral hate for idubbbz but it seems like he was all barking no bite."
"A man who cultivated an image to make him look like one of the hardest and toughest men to ever walk this earth but instead he just became a living meme."
"He had a rockstar sensibility, which is something important to convey to audiences."
"She was in short glamorous, beautiful, stunning to look at."
"Love only love to my boy Post Malone, and he doesn't stink."
"His popularity is in part due to an idea of him as a complex, multifaceted artist and personality off screen."
"I mean, at the time of his life when the president was marketing himself as being the most successful businessman of his age, we now know his business record at that time was that he was on average losing $100 million a year."
"It almost doesn't seem like she's authentically herself..."
"Kate felt like her son was being used by Amber to portray herself as this maternal, loving, cute, adorable person."
"You're not going to last on social media if you're a Creator who feels the need to come on camera and cry and apologize over everything."
"This era in her career was pivotal and demanding you to see her as Miley and no longer as Hannah Montana."
"Is he regarded as a martyr? Is he seen as this sort of fearless crusader for truth?"
"This whole mess with frenemies and all the related stuff after it actually casts Paytas as a more sympathetic character."
"The foundation’s grants made Trump and the campaign look charitable and increase the profile to the voters."
"Despite the setback she has made efforts to rebuild her career and reputation returning to the public eye with new Ventures and projects."
"Being a sex symbol is a heavy load to carry."
"If a celebrity actually wants me to see them as a shaker and part of the hashtag resistance they need to be like Chris Pratt."
"How the hell did Bryce Hall go from making TikToks to beating people's ass?"
"The royal family is nervous about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as they are desperately searching for a role in life."
"This is a good chance to present yourself as the voice of common sense and honesty."
"Timing's everything, and the royals are very sensitive to how they're perceived by the public."
"Shouldn't the beauty we celebrate on the runway also extend to behavior behind the scenes?"
"Authenticity always wins. Everything she's ever put out is rooted in her authentic reality."
"DC really needs to distance itself from seeming like a cult."
"It seemed like this was a desperate attempt to fit into the woke narrative, either that or PayPal was just trying to increase their control over their users whilst virtue signaling to increase their EST score and look good to the public."
"Varun Gandhi consistently worked to improve his image, talking about water conservation, unemployment, and farmers' problems."
"So when people try to portray this image as if I'm such this bad person this horrible person I'm a liar let's get down to the facts I took a lie detector test I sure did."
"It's a terrible look... exactly the attitude that people despise about labor."
"The fact that he calls people out for the same [expletive] that he did just turned me off. I was just like, you know what, this is enough proof for me. You clearly haven't really evolved as a person if you're being a hypocrite."
"Respectful and appreciative interaction with fans can go a long way in building a positive public image and a successful career."
"Have a private life, a public life, and a personal life."
"Audrey Hepburn maintained a relatively pristine image."
"Both press and the princess knew how to manipulate her image."
"Think in your memories... imagine your call up a mental image of Ronald Reagan what do you see him doing smiling chuckling."
"I think there's two things going on here: Boris Johnson wants to signal to the public that his government is back on track, but he's also lost the authority within his party after all of the scandals and the torrid time he's had in recent months."
"I'm honest about it for the most part and obviously, it has to be, it's on camera who I was with or whatever."
"Behind his intimidating exterior, Kimbo was known as a very friendly, humble, and kind family man."
"Social media isn't real; it's a highlight reel."
"Present your best self to the world."
"Monroe's enduring fame stems in part from her conflicted reputation."
"Did Will Smith let black people down, or is this a good look?"
"Will Smith doing all this cappin' for Jada Pinkett and Smith, but she ain't do the same thing for him."
"Princess Diana was everything the royal family is not. The People's Princess, affectionately known by the world as..."
"He's still trying to put on the face of an angel."
"The scandals didn't stop - Facebook as a company lurching from scandal to scandal, dragging its founder in its wake."
"Baby vox showed a brand new side of themselves."
"Celebrities exist to dazzle you. They don't give a about you and celebrities absolutely do take for granted that they will remain loved by you and the public forever no matter what. Your exchange with celebrities is non-mutual, they're using you."
"New beginnings in your career in your public image."
"She's always rocked the short blonde pixie cut and trendy hipster style, and that would probably all remain the same if we saw her in real life."
"With or without makeup, she is beautiful, but she does look a lot different even if you go off pictures you see in magazines versus the ones the paparazzi take."
"Don't be afraid to grow and to show that growth publicly."
"Ariana Grande was involved in that donut-looking incident which painted her as a disrespectful person, and she's been accused of using her relationships to further her career."
"I think a lot about the fact that, if I ever die publicly, they'll probably do a tribute where you'll be able to buy a Quest Bar and gain a Heist Bar, and like, the money will go to charity."
"Life has its ups and downs, but on social media, all we see are the ups."
"In 1969, David made an announcement that changed the way the world looked at him: he declared that he was gay."
"He's like, it seems like some of you used to really like it when I openly hate myself, but then it seems like some of you don't like it, so I'm just gonna keep doing both until people start buying my merch again."
"It's essentially kind of like operating a brand and an image."
"Rashford needs to earn respect on the pitch as well, despite his off-field contributions."
"Regardless if it's because he's white or they just believe that he's a shooter, he's actually a fairly solid athlete."
"Beijing wants to create the image to the outside world that China is back to normal."
"Be bold and act like who you want to be. Everyone will assume that is how you always are."
"Even as a gorgeous hollywood star joined the extended family over the years kate has maintained her good position with the public through multiple charities and different ways to give back."
"Everyone looks happy and successful but everyone has a shitty life."
"I'm glad they think that I'm authentic and honest because I think I am."
"I didn't want to step into becoming like a spokesperson or some sort of model of what mental disease looked like. I just wanted to be honest and be me."
"Larry Fink has achieved all of this while keeping an extremely docile public image of himself and his company."
"There was also another side of Toby Keith that if you ever got to see it, it was unbelievably generous."
"He will go down as the biggest superstar of this generation in WWE whether you like it or not."
"Every new version of Madonna was both a look and a commentary on looking."
"It's so weird seeing Lux with the fame shine on like I."
"It's unlikely she'll ever successfully reverse the damage she did to her public perception."
"It's terrible, Harry has dragged himself away from his family, the splits look to be irrevocable, it is an insult to the queen."
"The world's a stage, and The Craze made the most of the time in the spotlight."
"He was really preoccupied with what other people thought of him."
"Her warmth softened Charles stuffy image and made him appear more relaxed."
"George Clooney and Brad Pitt are known for their light-hearted banter."
"Steph Curry shined like new money, okay? New money."
"Do not make yourself into the laughingstock of the world."
"Who wants to be the person that's featured in that article in the headline as the individual responsible for millions of people getting evicted because that's how I imagine that something like this is going to happen?"
"I just want people to like... really pay attention to the good things that I do."
"Notably neither Joe Rogan nor Jack Dorsey engaged themselves... a far cry from the showdown we all expected."
"President Biden isn't posting weird selfies of himself and saying do I look like Elvis do I look like Elvis no."
"Imagine how I felt when I saw Donald Trump post a video of my friend giving people money for supplies and asking them to move picnic tables."
"Prince Harry is officially relatable. He is hashtag relatable."
"He's in control of how he is seen, of his image and his persona."
"The credibility of Megan Thee Stallion as a rapper doesn't absolve her responsibility to be truthful."
"It's a lose-lose situation for Mr. Beast. I think Jimmy is in an inescapable situation if he kicks out Chris, canceled. If he don't, his channel will die for real."
"This goes to show people like you gotta watch what you post on social media."
"People still want to relate to me because they feel I'm real."
"Washington is trying to desperately change the team's image as we all know."
"I'm a sellout who cares about money so sorry not sorry but that's the way the cookie crumbles."
"And it's going to hurt Donald Trump with the public undoubtedly..."
"Controversy follows him like a shadow quietly tiptoeing behind in the darkness threatening to overtake him when he least expects it."
"It feels like an enormous amount of responsibility to be mindful of what I'm saying, what I'm doing, how I'm acting."
"The world has its eyes on you, the people that you interact with you represent."
"How did he come from America's sweetheart to tarnishing his legacy in such a dark way?"
"She used that negative attention to say she was being picked on she was being bullied it is a game plan from day one."
"I think what's so extraordinary... is that on the one hand we have this portrayal of Cummings as being this incredibly strategic mastermind..."
"The shadow of what you did will follow you forever; really the best thing you can do is just move on and pursue other endeavors where you're not so much in the public light."
"We like the spotlight, we want people to like us."
"People want to see you back and want you, you know, the majority of people want to see you as a good example of somebody that can own it and work their way back."
"I've done my best to maintain as clean an image as I can because I just want to be family-friendly."
"Monsanto emerged from the bungled launch of GMOs in the UK looking like a bully, and the image stuck."
"If they don't clean this up it is going it is growing into a bigger bubble and India will remain as a laughing stock."
"We're all acting like we care about these causes but we really just care about getting bigger."
"I think these things sort of serve that image of him to his people when he goes on TV and doubles down on his insanity."
"The Communist Chinese party is now saying that the Bidens are an embarrassment and that they are humiliating themselves."
"It's not about who's the best in the ring. We're talking about who is the face outside the ring."
"Much more presidential, you know, president's daughter."
"It's horribly ironic how Ezra was cast as a superhero known to be a role model for young children yet he has shown he is more like a villain in every regard."
"His persona was meticulously curated to the public as a great dad and good husband who kept a goofy lighthearted demeanor even during serious conversations."
"She ain't been out here twerking, she ain't been out here making a fool out of herself."
"The real reason Apple isn't on a roster right now is because nobody wants to pay him the 11 million per year he's seeking and he talks way too too much [ __ ] for being such an average corner."
"Starbucks almost has no choice but to try and fix things with this SJW sensitivity training."
"He's been famous since the 1950s, an American icon, rich beyond measure, a legitimate world-class stand-up comic, and then on top of that, a psychotic pervert."
"When two people are fighting, they both look like idiots from a distance."