
Spiritual Cleansing Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
"You're clean through the word that I speak unto you."
"He begins to remove the clutter, the idols, the names of every single person who's ever hurt you."
"I release anything that is no longer here for my highest and greatest good. I am removing any type of negative energies, cleansing the space with love and light."
"A visionary realized that the only way to create peace, understanding, and enlightenment was to cleanse the soul pieces from the spirits of humanity."
"Some people, if you know how to stay protected, if you know how to cleanse yourself of any energy that's being sent your way, you're good."
"Clean your heart before Ramadan; forgive others as you want Allah to forgive you."
"May Allah subhanahu ta'ala take us out of the mud of our own selfhood and help us to spread our wings."
"He wants to cleanse you from two primary aspects."
"You plead the blood of Jesus over every room, every corner, and you plead the blood over every person in your home."
"Remove any items from the home. Then you're going to pray aloud in every single room, inviting the Holy Spirit into your home."
"Every demonic spirit that has been creeping and crawling and hiding, come up and out now."
"And I ask God that you would just come in right now and wash my mind, wash my heart."
"Clean up your spiritual house, make room for new things. Someone or something is going to come into that spiritual house."
"Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work."
"We want the fire to go ahead and burn out everything that's not of God right now."
"It's all about the blood of Jesus, forgiveness, cleansing."
"You don't have to just use smudging techniques like sage or incense."
"God's forgiveness: 'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.'"
"Jesus's blood makes the vilest sinner clean."
"Shame is falling off, guilt is falling off... you have made them white as snow."
"I thank you for the cleansing power of your blood."
"When you repent of your sins and believe Jesus died for them, you are washed clean."
"Jesus has a cleaning service. He can clean you up from your sins."
"Remove from me any jealousy or envy. I pray that my satisfaction can only be found in you and in your presence."
"When I preach the word of God, I'm preaching a spot-removing message."
"It's time to cleanse, purify, and clear your energy to prepare yourself for new beginnings."
"There is a second round of sanitization coming... God wants His body, the church, sanitized, purged, and dealt with."
"Feel the ultraviolet ray transmuting any energy that no longer serves you."
"Start with us first. Cleanse us the house of God first, Lord."
"When I read a description of a partial birth abortion, this was the thing that blew his mind." - Dominic Kalana
"Just take it to the cross and let him wash you clean."
"He forgives instantly and cleanses, purifies us."
"The greatest thing the Holy Spirit can do in the church right now is search us and purify us."
"The blood of Jesus removes sin and the effects of sin."
"It's not just about weight loss, it's about cleansing spiritually and emotionally."
"His blood cleanses us from all unrighteousness."
"He transfers our sin to Himself, He dies for our sin as if He was sin, but then He rises from the dead clean. He's cleansed us and remained clean Himself."
"Thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses our guilty consciences that saves our Our Lives That Forgives us of sins that creates in us a Clean Heart."
"The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sins."
"How much more then will the blood of Christ cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death?"
"This feels good, cleansing ourselves from past spirits."
"Cleanse our hearts, O God, until all we see is you."
"Let the Word of God search you through and through, carrying away every relic that ought to be taken from you."
"We are nothing until we are cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ."
"For the blood of Jesus purge my record in heaven, totally cleansed and removed."
"Father, we pray for Your convicting power to be released, that You would show us if there's old relationships, if there are soul ties."
"It's time for you to leave out of our TVs, out of our homes, out of our marriages, out of our kids."
"Repentance is confessing and forsaking your sins."
"All it takes is a spiritual bath, all it takes is a sage cleansing, all it takes is an energy alignment for the miracle to come through."
"The death of Elektra marks a moment of spiritual cleansing for Matt, releasing her from the cycle of tragedy."
"All of us alike need Jesus Christ to cleanse us to scrub away our sins and to give us a hope beyond the grave."
"Confession is a gift that brings freedom and cleansing."
"Tonight, let there be a supernatural termination of every satanic contract."
"There's not enough sage in the world, there's not enough sage in the world."
"We brought sage bundles and other cleansing stuff, we haven't seen anything like that again after that."
"Not in his eyes, I'm washed by the blood of Jesus Christ."
"Lord, I renounce the following things that you know, the secret things and the shameful things that you've been trying to keep hidden."
"Utilize this Leo new moon and this Lion's Gate energy to cleanse away all the emotional and mental debris that no longer serve you to allow all this beautiful new energy in."
"The cross is way more than just forgiving your sin. He forgives it and he removes it as though you never sinned."
"Remove Satan to make room for an increase in faith, hope, and capacity."
"The fasting isn't causing the Deliverance; the fasting is starving out the thing that even demonic entities feast on."
"When it comes to mid-size luxury crossovers, it's easy to see why the RX is the best-selling model in the Lexus lineup."
"The Cross doesn't just forgive you, it removes the stain of sin."
"Clearing Karma, releasing blocks, and sweeping the soul clean."
"Neptune and Pisces can be wonderful for a deep cleanse, a deep removal of who you are not."
"You must get rid of karma before you can move into this new earth."
"It's time to release physical and energetic toxins from your life."
"Behold, your sins are forgiven you; you are clean before me; therefore, lift up your heads and rejoice."
"Let Jesus wash you. If you don't let Him wash you, you cannot walk with Him."
"The cleansing fire of the Holy Spirit always comes along with the fire of His anointing."
"It was his cleansing and forgiveness that was imparted to them rather than their contamination to him."
"You are cleansed by the blood of Jesus; we are made whole."
"Come Holy Spirit, manifest your glory...bring freedom from unclean spirits."
"Cleanse your area, cleanse your home, cleanse yourself. Spend time with yourself, nurture yourself."
"By this importation, every semblance of shame and reproach, let it be torn apart and taken out of your life."
"Channeling is first to listen and then to clear away the gunk of the old to make space for the new."
"Mograine picked it up, and as a miracle, not only his hand, but his entire soul was cleansed and healed."
"Tonight I have heard your word, I believe in you. I ask you to forgive my sins. I ask you to cleanse me with your precious blood."
"What joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of guilt."
"Father God, forgive us of every way we have fallen short. Wash us and cleanse us, Lord, in Jesus' name."
"There's no sin you've committed that Jesus can't wash away."
"Saturn moving through your 12th house since March of 2020 but in Earnest since December of 20 is about cleaning your karmic closet."
"The waters that you see will purify and cleanse you if you receive Jesus the Christ as Lord and savior."
"Declutter and cleanse your energy field... receive more of what is rightfully meant for you."
"God is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
"What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus." - Hymn
"The blood of Jesus is constantly cleansing us of all unrighteousness."
"Cleanse your energy, magnify your intentions... for your highest and greatest good."
"Perfection has cleansed you with His perfect blood."
"I cleanse this space so regularly it goes hand in hand with my cleaning routine not only because I feel like I'm such a magnet for spirits and energy and all of that stuff but also just because this house truly is haunted."
"To me, this card indicates you guys are leaving a lot of the karma from the past behind, and you now have a clean and clear door to go through. This connection will be like nothing but light for you."
"Grace that will pardon and cleanse within, grace that is greater than all my sin."
"May You expose the impurities. Lord, may You lead us to deeper measures and levels of repentance, brokenness, humility."
"Expansion happens through loneliness as karmic energies clear out."
"The blotting out of sin in heaven's sanctuary is so that the whole universe will be totally, absolutely clean, and there won't even be a record of sin any longer."
"There were angry spirits in the house. It needs to be exercised," the paranormal investigator concluded.
"Only the blood of Jesus can wash away your sin, set you free, and get you into a right relationship with God."
"It's time to release control and really cleanse and clear your energy."
"Be clean! Be healed! Be washed! Be sprinkled with the water of this Word!"
"Get ready to tap into that power and cleanse your heart."
"Cleanse your heart, cleanse your hands, purify your hearts."
"I renounce everything from the occult or from the new age or from false teachings."
"Clearing out all these old stuck negative energies that we no longer need, we can Ascend."
"Only after man has been made clean through words can he be gained by God and become sanctified."
"The solution to cut off the foothold satan may have in your life is to repent and confess your personal sins to god and then he delivers you from those sins he forgives you of those sins."
"Clearing the spiritual debris for God's attention."
"Every communication line connecting any person listening today to any false prophecy over their life be severed."
"Why did you bring in basically an exorcist to cleanse your space?"
"The blood of Jesus is able to cleanse you from all sin. You confess your fault and your sin, and God will cleanse you."
"May the Holy Spirit destroy every bondage and addiction and every form of idolatry and blasphemy from us."
"Everything confessed is behind you and under the blood."
"Jesus Christ died to take the stains out of me that nobody else could take out."
"We cannot enter heaven until we are cleansed and changed."
"The spiritual cleansing and protective means necessary to overcome any obstacle shall be granted to you."
"...sprays are a very new form of spiritual cleansing that has become very, very popular."
"When you wash yourself in the word of God, you repent and you read your Bible until the flesh is no longer in the picture and you feel God cleansing you of things in your life. You're not done at the labor until the flesh is gone."
"I rebuke the spirit of division, bitterness, or Strife within your family in the name of Jesus."
"Every once in a while, ask your spirit team to cleanse your energy, cleanse your aura, and clean out all the gunk and everything that's not yours. They definitely will do it, just as long as you ask."
"We're praying to remove the obscurations from our mind and heart."
"This is a cleanse for my soul I should have done this ages ago."
"So many people are saying that they're crying, it's not you that's crying, it's the demons that are crying, they're coming out."
"You have to clean it up, factory settings, network says, whatever they call it on the iPhone or however you do the same with your heart. Everything has to go. The junk has to go, the rubbish has to go. Otherwise, the Shaytan is going to play a game with you."
"He cleanses us spiritually and makes us pure."
"Fasting cleanses the heart and removes harmful qualities."
"God wipes them away. Cleanse me, and I will be whiter than snow."
"May the fire of the Holy Ghost search through your body and clear that devil out of your life."
"God is just washing some of that old junk out of you."
"Spiritual cleansing is time for a spiritual cleansing of the body, the mind, and spaces in which you reside."
"We all need Jesus. To truly break a curse, we must first forgive the source of it and clear our heart of any anger, hatred, or malice."
"I declare every hindering spirit gone from you."
"God, I'm asking you to break off of us any covenants or decrees that we've made that were wrong."
"Confess specific sins in your life and seek cleansing."
"After an hour of close friendship with God, my soul feels clean as new fallen snow."
"I want to rebuke certain strange spirits that have held on to certain destinies. In the name of Jesus, I declare, be released."
"When you come clean with God, God cleans you up."
"When an unclean spirit leaves a person, the house is made clean. But if it returns with seven worse spirits, the condition worsens."
"Help us father God to purge today, help us to purge ourselves, letting them go, all these things that are contaminating us as Believers."
"Islam will wipe everything that you have done."
"The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin, ensuring that our fellowship with the Father is never broken."
"Suppose there be a man who has been guilty of all the lusts of the flesh to an infamous degree... yet if that man shall believe in Jesus Christ he shall at once be made clean from his defilement and shall not perish because of his sin."
"Even when you fall, even when you blow it, you're already forgiven and washed by the blood of Jesus."
"Your job isn't your identity, you as a son is your identity, you as a daughter is your identity, you being washed clean, washed as white as snow the whole way through."
"You're cleaning your Akashic records, you're breaking karmic ties."
"Your feet get dirty, so just wash your feet. Lord, forgive me. Wash me. Cleanse me. Thank you, Lord."
"We're all doing what's right and right in our minds is to worship God on the high places but God says no the one who's right in my mind is the one who chooses to just sit in the threshing floor and let my spirit blow all of the chaff out of their life."
"You must repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins."
"Lord, push out all the negative energy, any spirits, good and evil, inside this house."
"There's nothing more effective in cleansing the heart than abundant remembrance of Allah with proper etiquette."
"Spirit could be definitely coming in cleaning things up, freeing you from some type of burden from something that was just no longer needed in your life."
"Forgiveness of all sins, cleansing of all unrighteousness."
"The blood of Jesus cleanses and washes away all unworthiness and all unrighteousness."
"If they will purge the atmospheres in their homes and repent to each other, and pray, and evict those things out of their house... the Lord said if they'll get that out and ask for forgiveness."
"He who has begun to cleanse thee will never leave the work until he has made thee without spot or wrinkle or any such thing."
"Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your Holy Name through Christ Our Lord."
"You may have all your sins forgiven, your greatest and most aggravated transgressions blotted out as a cloud."
"Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord."
"We are clean because we are washed in His blood."
"Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for."
"The blood of Jesus Christ, God's son, cleanses a man, a woman, from all sin."
"He'll clean your hands, He'll clean your heart, He'll change the way you think."
"I will sprinkle clean water upon you, you shall be clean from all your filthiness and from all your idols, will I cleanse you."
"Mercy must clean you up before grace will fill you up."
"The frequency of 417 Hertz is a spiritual truth serum; it undoes false perceptions and dismantles circumstances not meant for our soul."
"Cleanse ourselves of all filthiness of the flesh and of the spirit."
"You must become purifiers and liberators of your soul that lives everywhere."
"This water washes away all tears and fears and troubles. You are blessed."
"Unless you're born again of water and the spirit, you shall not enter the kingdom of God."
"Finally, Father Ivan performed a cleansing ceremony on my daughter, which was as good as baptizing her once again."
"Christians practice ritual bathing—it's baptism."
"Wash my soul in the ocean, in the tears of God I let it go."
"Your iniquity is taken away, and your sin is purged."
"May the Lord Jesus wash us in His blood, fill us with His love."
"You may feel like your aura is more purified and cleaner, how you carry yourself may be different."
"Confess your sin, and the blood will keep cleansing you."
"If you confess, He will forgive and cleanse you, and you'll take the hardest stone out of me and give me a heart of flesh."
"Between the priest and the bruja's cleansing, it works, the man's gone."
"Once we clean that stuff out of us, we're saying, 'God, now I'm ready for your word'."
"Dear Jesus, please forgive me, Lord, for all of my sins. I ask You to cleanse me, to wash me in the name of Jesus. Amen."
"How much more shall He cleanse you, how much more shall He raise you up, how much more shall He breathe life into your situation today."
"The blood that was shed on the cross of Calvary does not cleanse partially; it cleanses totally, it cleanses completely, it makes you brand new."
"Ask Archangel Michael to clear away any old attachments to fear that stem from past relationships, freeing you from destructive patterns."
"Just in case you've made a bad decision, if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
"Purify your mind by the washing of God's word."
"Let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."
"Lord, we ask for forgiveness and your cleansing from all unrighteousness."
"God's word is like a fire that consumes rubbish."
"I renounce and repent for any covenants with death that my forefathers or ancestors could have made with the devil."
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
"The blood of Jesus is the most powerful cleansing agent in the universe."
"See, this coal has touched your lips; now your guilt is removed, and your sins are forgiven."
"I've been washed, I've been cleansed, my heart is new."
"The light of the full moon is clearing us out so that the light itself can be poured into us."
"We ask Allah to purify us from the sins and the shortcomings that cause our duas to not be answered."
"We must be cleansed by grace before enjoying God's peace."
"The Word of God washes your head and makes your spirit and your head connect."
"He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
"Myrrh for its spiritual cleansing, healing, meditation, peace, peaceful dreams, digestion, and menstrual cramps."
"Put your heart right, reach out to God, get rid of evil and wrong from your home."
"One touch of living water and the whole tank was declared to be clean."