
Purification Quotes

There are 1332 quotes

"Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God."
"The true magician was robed in the white garments of a purified body, in the silence and stillness of a harmonious being."
"Purification is a key aspect of all ritual activity in Shinto and it exists to reestablish order and balance."
"Islam prescribed basic solutions for how to clean yourself. Water is purifier, and it purifies."
"Right now you need to purify yourself and start to do that."
"God's judgment in the last days is to purify the corruption of mankind."
"To be among the angels, the Sons of Light had to be pure in heart and body, and water became the key to purification."
"Purgatory, or 'purgare,' is to make clean, to purify."
"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."
"May this month be the month of fasting and purification for all of us."
"A great purification will come upon the world, preceded by an illumination of conscience in which everyone will see themselves as God sees them." - Blessed Anna Maria Taigi
"God's judgment in the last days purifies all His people, and accomplishes the emergence of His kingdom on the earth."
"The work God does is to bring salvation, so we can break from Satan's corruption as well as sin, so that we can be purified and saved!"
"This heat, sometimes called Agni, is the purification method, so you'll notice that your body gets purified or heated up from the inside out."
"You need something tougher than the sins you've engaged in to clear, purify your soul. That's right. The only thing that can cleanse you is the truth."
"It's the word that purifies us, cleanses us, and makes us holy."
"To bathe in these waters is said to purify the soul."
"Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala tells us regarding one of the battles that took place, 'Allah sent down rain in order to purify you and to take away the dirt of Shaitaan from you.'"
"He purified it of its idols, he made it the Qibla, and he returned it to the glory that it was."
"Cry over your sins, it's a sign of acceptance, turning, and purification of the heart."
"This purification is perhaps the most necessary of all."
"The blood of Jesus Christ purifies and cleanses our spirit, soul, and body."
"The blood of Christ purifies our conscience from sinful deeds."
"The hostility of the hour is going to produce a purifying and unifying effect."
"Let the fury of the sea wash away this corruption."
"They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."
"For the glory of the Emperor, let us begin purging this sector of heresy."
"Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work."
"Every man that hath this hope in Him purifieth himself."
"They used to wear these crowns of gold so that they can purify their crown, purify their mind."
"Purification is an ongoing process; it never ceases as evolution never halts."
"We want the fire to go ahead and burn out everything that's not of God right now."
"If you want the anointing to come, remove sin and the stone of the heart has to be broken for the anointing to enter through the door."
"Before we can be filled, we gotta purge what we allowed to fill up that empty place in the first place."
"We are coming out of great tribulation and have washed our robes clean."
"God's forgiveness: 'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.'"
"When you start controlling how and when your mind thinks a particular way that's when your mind starts to get purified."
"The refining fire has purified this in a beautiful way."
"Yoga is like cleaning the body from the inside out."
"Developing your own individuality... purging out things that no longer serve you."
"purify yourself go and an ocean salt bath smudge yourself walk whoever needs to be blocked who's trying to impede on this"
"When I preach the word of God, I'm preaching a spot-removing message."
"Start with us first. Cleanse us the house of God first, Lord."
"He forgives instantly and cleanses, purifies us."
"His touch also kills poisons and allows flash to purge a person's body of impurities."
"The greatest thing the Holy Spirit can do in the church right now is search us and purify us."
"He treats the cataclysm at the end of the final yuga as an opportunity to purge what he considers to be evil from the world."
"His blood cleanses us from all unrighteousness."
"There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from evangel's veins, and sinners plunge beneath that flood, lose all their guilt and stain."
"We cannot purify the church and heal the church unless we recognize truth."
"From a spiritual point of view, suffering is a process of purification where we clean out the debris that we have accumulated inside of us."
"How much more then will the blood of Christ cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death?"
"Saint Paul is talking about a post-mortem purification of the man."
"The Jesus of the Bible purifies for himself his own special people."
"I am here only to be truly helpful... there's a purification that's going on that takes us higher and higher."
"Let the Word of God search you through and through, carrying away every relic that ought to be taken from you."
"The fire burns up anything that is not of God. If it's not of God, it burns it up. Period."
"Purification isn't always pretty, but it's necessary."
"The Bible says, 'He who has this hope in Him purifies himself.' The hope of Jesus' return motivates us to live for Him."
"If I used it, I would definitely ascend directly." - Recognizing the transformative power of purification.
"Two days later, Chung gong visits Take Young to perform body purification on him."
"Water blessed by true faith in the divine is the anathema and has the power not just to hurt evil but to dispel it altogether."
"The Salah, prayer, is the best of deeds. Every prayer that you pray forgives your sins, and between each prayer is forgiveness for you."
"Being baptized in holy fire changes your life. God wants to burn up all the wood, hay, and stubble in our lives."
"I believe we're at that place right now. There's a fire coming that will burn up the wood, hay, and stubble."
"Performing good deeds is like adding detergent to dirty water, purifying our minds."
"Using this time to purify anything that no longer serves you."
"If you want the odors to go away, don't cover them up, purify them."
"If we could shake off such soiled robes in exchange for the clean and possess a joy draped in Perfect Purity then we would begin to live."
"Purification leads to a place of rapid receptivity."
"Let this breath be purifying to your body, to your mind, to your heart."
"Yom Kippur for me personally is a day where I can achieve some form of purification."
"Everything you endure today is a process of purification, just as gold only shines when it passes through the fire, so too shall you shine."
"You suffer because the impurities are being taken from you."
"Fasting is the best way to get rid of anything inside of you that God didn't put in you."
"The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin."
"The word of the Lord will test you, purify you, and you will come out as pure as gold."
"Purification of all your karma and your ego."
"Purification happens through the practice of karma yoga, bhakti yoga, and raja yoga."
"Endings are purification, clearing the path for new beginnings."
"It's like God made the heat so hot to cleanse the atmosphere, to purify."
"Linger in God's presence until the unhealthy things in the heart surface."
"Certain things might be purified... to serve a better good, a higher good."
"You can have water running off the roof going into there. You can store the water. You can decant it as and when. And then you can purify it ready to drink."
"If you purify your body, your mind will become so much healthier."
"Anyone who cleanses himself from the latter will be a vessel of honor, sanctified and useful to the Master."
"Almighty God's words really can change and purify people!"
"Strip away what's not of God; He'll convict your heart."
"Be sensitive to what God is doing; He's bringing purification."
"To make it even remotely tolerable, I had to distill it again, to get rid of all that solid junk, and to purify it."
"The Lord is doing a controlled burn with his holy fire, burning out of your lives what does not belong anymore."
"Unless the impurities and the things that God hates are friends out of our lives, we won't be able to do anything about it."
"Once we have the red heifer, we'll be completely pure and we'll be able to rebuild the Temple."
"But if you're listening to me right now and you're not living pure and holy and ready to meet the Lord, I want you to pray this prayer with me."
"Purify me, sanctify me for your own glory."
"We've also developed a method to purify salt because if you purify the salt and get rid of moisture and oxygen and everything, you get less corrosion."
"Clear waters come to you now as a sacred invitation to see how your environment is either adding or depleting your life force."
"The beginning of all things is purification."
"Meditate and pray to clear your mind, clean up your act, purify your thoughts and actions."
"Your energy is coming in as one that purifies."
"Purify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do great wonders among you."
"If anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work."
"The purpose of ritual bath was not to clean yourself physically but to unclog yourself spiritually."
"Sunlight's the best disinfectant."
"Water security is really important; being able to purify water on the go with this and a bottle, you can really get a lot done."
"The purification has come in and we have to keep learning that and learning more as we further in our journey towards group meditation and connecting with these energies."
"Healers of purification magic were the only option to prevent the zombies from escaping."
"Arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins."
"Refinement is a very painful process, but through refinement, we are purified, free of impurities, elegant, and exquisite."
"Pharma's power creates a huge magical pillar that explodes in midair, containing Godly purification magic that eliminates the virus in the air."
"I feel clean, like all the filth of the city and wrongdoings are gone."
"This good deed has purified us once again."
"Salt bowls aid in protection by absorbing all of the negative energies in that space."
"Cleaning water is super important."
"He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver."
"Catharsis is something; it's a natural process in our body."
"Zakat is like the feces of wealth; the body needs to let go of its impurities in order to maintain its purity."
"Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on His name."
"The long hours of study and discussion of discipline and purification were only a prelude to the restoration of the true Israel and the building of the great temple in Jerusalem."
"Water clears the frequency. It cleanses the field it uplifts and gets rid of the murky water."
"The word of God is here to clean everybody up, straighten you up, and straighten you out."
"Hell is a purification process in alchemy. It takes you to a higher level."
"Fear only Allah, and the blessing of the Prophet purifies you."
"This easy to install filter removes chlorine, heavy metals, rust, and other harmful substances from your bathtub."
"Your journey involves embracing your true passions and allowing them to purify you from within."
"Filters remove a range of contaminants from water sources."
"The Pure bag is a simple, low-cost, all-inclusive, and easy-to-use system designed for capturing, treating, and storing water."
"Draw nigh to God, He'll draw nigh to you; cleanse your hands, purify your heart."
"The earth has been baptized by water."
"You're removing something from your life, returning you to health."
"He's burning things off of us, he's burning things out of us, and it's all a process for refinement and purification."
"There was an urgency to cleansing the soul, purifying the spirit."
"The presence of God does not Harbor demons; it casts away demons."
"Jesus has come back for a purified bride, a purified church."
"Everyone who has this hope purifies himself."
"It purifies it from bacteria and viruses and all that stuff."
"Performers meant to be, something is meant to be for someone to have purified their energy."
"The Holy Ghost has the ability to increase, enlarge, expand, and purify all the natural passions and affections."
"Here we see the incense Altar, and the incense was very important because if you are a slaughterhouse in a hot place like Jerusalem, there is a lot of bad smells that can accumulate."
"Charity will obliterate sin the way water puts out fire."
"The dirtiness has just burned up and consumed, and now we're just radiant and shining ones."
"Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh perfecting holiness in the fear of God."
"These four things that we do by faith, that God will purify you, cleanse you, and then keep you in that purity."
"All that is evil, all that allies with those who have lied and corrupted the Earth, they shall all be cleansed."
"Yuma felt as if she had been reborn after the purification, her soul touched by Yuma's energy."
"I am aligned, go within and allow everything that is not resonant to be purged."
"Wash your hands and purify your heart."
"You gotta hydrate, purify the soul."
"It's not enough to just be baptized with water, you also have to be baptized with fire."
"This chalk card is more or less speaking about purifying your energy, so I'm taking this as healing."
"May the blood of Jesus wash over you all and all of your loved ones, may the blood of Jesus wash over you and heal you, purify you and cleanse you."
"You can't cleanse yourself. No amount of rosary praying or any other thing could ever clean myself up."
"Lux, I and other people here will give our power. Use it to purify all the dark things in this kingdom."
"We're in the fire so that we can become more holy and pure, to look more like him."
"You want to be purified? Check your heart, pursue Purity, and obey the word of the Lord."
"This is a purging of what no longer serves you."
"May Allah untie any knots from our tongues, purify our hearts, allow us to speak the truth, and be leaders for the righteous."
"This heart now needs to be cleansed and the only way that it's cleansed is unless we go through some kind of suffering."
"The word fitna comes from the Arabic word taken from the goldsmith's work. The goldsmith cleansed and purified and sifted until he or she produced the pure gold and the pure silver."
"This purging process is cleansing, this clearing is designed so that again you can be a vessel for spirit."
"...the punishment of Allah is not out of anger and wrath; the punishment of Allah is a means of cleansing you of your sins."
"Jesus has to come and purify us because I didn't realize we live in a very toxic culture and especially I think the younger generation um it's just a very different mentality"
"He wanted to purify the cursed land next to his grandparents' farm."
"Roman Catholic theology teaches that a person can attend a thousand masses and still leave this life not fully purified and go into purgatory and have another thousand masses read in their behalf and still not be fully purified."
"Sun purifies and reveals our inner truth."
"Unselfish action is recommended to purify the mind."
"The yogi should then sit on it very firmly and practice yoga to purify the heart by controlling his mind, senses, and activities."
"When you give the violet flame, you're working on the balancing of karma."
"Blows that wound cleanse away evil."
"You're stirring the pot, you're stirring things up to get what needs to be purged and cleared to the surface."
"Fasting is like the charcoal. It's like the heat. It's like the fire that makes that incense burn and ascend up to our Lord."
"Love is a gift from above, a rain, a fresh purification."
"The squeezing and releasing symbolizes purification, emptying out vices and adorning with virtues."
"God leads us to troubled waters not to drown us but to cleanse us."
"This is responsible for the detoxification of all the nutrients in the water."
"Expunge: to eliminate completely, to be removed entirely."
"Unscented bleach not only cleans keeps things clean but also you can purify water."
"333 is a sign that you're prepared to purify memories that you carry within you, that are stopping you from living in peace and harmony with yourself and with your loved ones."
"One distillation method that can separate substances with very close boiling points is called extractive distillation."
"Ayahuasca helps you purge that out, vomiting this way, crying, sweating, everything but also energetically."
"God must get in the mouth that's right of the preacher that's right, purify his speech and then alter it amen."
"The endless extraction was successful. He successfully extracted the impurities and toxins from the unusable pill."
"Everyone has to encounter the purifying fire of God. If our vessel isn't prepared, what's going to happen to it?"
"There's nothing else that can wash your brain, wash your soul."
"Cleansing, protecting, attracting love, abundance, and opportunities."
"Why is that happening? Because God has always seen the vipers were in your bundle of sticks and God uses the increased flame to expose the stuff."
"Once you realize that in order to do that, you have to go through a process of purification, in order to change the vantage point from which we perceive our lives."
"By purifying your life of negative people places and experiences you attain true peace."
"Sitting with the righteous people will cleanse your heart."
"When you give, you are purifying yourself from being attached."
"Life is a phenomenal teacher. You try to manipulate it, make it be what you want, or use it to purify yourself."
"The salah removes the filth and evil from your life."
"Allah tests you and he puts you through difficulty and adversity that is purifying you, is purifying your conduct, is purifying your Creed, it's purifying your manners."
"The salah removes the filth and the evil from your lives."
"You're seen as a purifier, someone who focuses on mental and physical health, and has a higher calling."
"God sends us trials to purify us."
"Purifying yourself is connected with knowledge."
"One of the benefits is that it puts out the sin itself, as in the desire to do the sin. So you won't desire the consequence of it and the act of sin itself."
"One tea that flows from the eye because of a sin and a wrongdoing washes a dirty heart and it washes the filthy impure soul. And it prepares you for the meeting with Allah on the day of judgment."
"Purification will speed Ascension and bring joy."