
Technical Skills Quotes

There are 389 quotes

"We learn technical things so that we can actually use them."
"Photography is not about learning how to configure the settings on your camera; it's about lighting, composition, art, mood, posing, finding the right location for a landscape shot, planning the right time to be there."
"Learn Linux really well. Learn Python really well."
"The technical side of what you're doing with your long exposures becomes second nature, so then all you're left to think about is the composition and the artwork and the story that you're trying to tell."
"We broke many, if not all, of the rules. The things that allowed us to survive were one, our founding team was extremely technical... they were not intimidated by any technical challenge."
"This is the level of creativity and Technical finesse that fashion students should be aspiring to."
"The spirit and technical skills are both critical for a team's success."
"The technical demands of the two sports are different. In weightlifting, you use multiple muscle groups that are changing rapidly, and you have multiple directions that your body is moving."
"Technical mastery and technique are something that needs to be preserved and practiced frequently."
"Some of you are having trouble with technique; it's not very difficult, only the formula is complicated."
"We are going to look at the details. We're gonna look at the quarterbacking. We're gonna look at the footwork, the arm talent."
"You're going to have the skill to be able to build UIs even as complicated as all this."
"Which is why studying TensorFlow is sort of almost necessary in order to make progress in deep learning, just because it can facilitate your research and your projects."
"I really enjoy tuning the engines more than some of the car trim and all that because I like figuring out the puzzles."
"A great thing you can point someone to and say hey, you know not only do I know how to use algorithms but I also can implement them into this cool visualization tool."
"Sign convention was so important in circuit analysis and it continues to show itself over and over again."
"It requires a lot of practice. It means breaking things down to the component pieces, understanding how they work, and then putting them back together."
"Final projects will synthesize knowledge from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript."
"There's so many different specialties that you can get into when it comes to web development."
"Goals you set yourself, goals that you need. Perfect blend of creative and technical."
"It's actually quite valuable to have the technical background as a manager."
"The higher up you go in the software engineering track, the more you really need to have technical brilliance."
"The focus of the second course is on more advanced topics such as constructor functions, objects, prototypes, inheritance, polymorphism, classes, and more."
"Top five skills... cloud infrastructure... spin up VPSs... attack from your own server."
"The breadth of difficult techniques characters can use to deepen and enhance their play in competitive environments instead make it more suited to tournament play."
"If we don't teach people how to do lower level software, we get a generation of programmers that only know how to use a library."
"Abby knew that Chloe is the most technically sound dancer on that team."
"People make this more difficult than it needs to be with regards to disassembly and reassembly."
"You just have more tools by which to harness those lower-level implementation details."
"You get your technique right, then everything else will follow."
"We were successfully able to diagnose the issue at hand."
"You can actually open up an elevated command window and you can actually go into the windows system32 drivers et Cie folder and edit a file called hosts."
"Craft comes first and then like technicalities in my opinion at least come after."
"So, big picture stuff here. Don't just stop at the refrigerant leak. Start looking: why is there a crack in the line? What caused the crack?"
"Artistic mastery: transcending technicality."
"He got an interview, got the job, and developed into one of my best technical analysts."
"I encourage you to try each of these devices and just see what they do understand them and play around with them, they'll be the best way to learn."
"Let's just dive into Maya and start making our scene to render our character."
"Mastering sprite groups is the key to efficient game development and optimized gameplay."
"I think they're just an idiot. I don't know, we'd have to unplug to be able to tell."
"Learning how to use [the terminal] is a very valuable skill."
"White balance can make or destroy your photo."
"That right there is going to cover 99% of the things that any hobbyist is ever going to need to know about using a DRO."
"In manual mode on a traditional camera, you have complete control over the aperture and shutter speed."
"He's the head of our sculpting department and he's developed a lot of the techniques for these faces."
"Understanding how light and shadow works can help you shade things properly"
"Your voice is great but you don't have the proper technique."
"There's a lot of freedom in regards to how you can work with data."
"You need to understand how to read and write SQL statements before you can understand how a tool like Room can make your job easier."
"The most difficult and important step is cable management."
"You can actually see the HTML that makes up any element on a web page by right-clicking an element."
"Understanding Node.js core modules like path for working with file directories and paths."
"This course will help people understand the mechanics behind stuff like ill curb inversion."
"Prompt engineering goes into all fields, whether you are in fashion, business, or food."
"Woodworking is the interaction between a blade and grain."
"If you don't understand lighting, you're really shooting yourself in the foot."
"Party Rice, that's a very good blend of athleticism and physicality, real technical quality."
"Another way to just type in a function on your own."
"Data science is a combination of AI, machine learning, statistical mathematics, business analytics, business software development, and computer science."
"Bios programming is a very, very powerful tool to have in your inventory."
"You better have a fairly solid engineering background."
"To win a NASCAR, the drivers, teams, and engineers, they need to understand race car physics, especially aerodynamics."
"An athlete can get very strong, but his technical limitations are gonna be so big that he's going to consistently lose in competitions to athletes that are actually weaker than them."
"People tend to focus on the wrong things, like brushes or tablets, but the key lies in understanding the tools and their functions."
"Adjusting elements like contrast and exposure is part of color correction."
"He's literally doing things before they render. What is this?"
"Power move finesse move, actually mean a pursuit block shed tackle. Not very good at all."
"Director of football praises Mateus Nunes' technical abilities."
"The fact that a passionate programmer was able to discover this bug using disassembling and inserting hooks is incredible."
"Hopefully that gives you an idea of what goes into producing a really cool standalone product shot."
"Eventually you'll be able to figure out how to take parts off and put miles on, but it's the diagnosis part that people really need to learn and understand."
"My goal when I'm mastering is to actually make it sound better... while increasing the loudness."
"Learn the tools in the actual operating system."
"There's much more to building out a successful website or web app than just writing the code."
"This game... it's a very easy game to get into but the amount of technical precision that is afforded to you... means that you can do some really fancy stuff."
"The key is to get your settings just right so you penetrate both pieces, you can see the heat affected zone here on both sides, so you know that you've melted it correctly."
"You can't possibly know everything. You can't possibly know how to take every car apart."
"A good code review could be like a college tutoring session from your technical heroes, and next to watching them debug code live, a code review was the best way to learn."
"All of them are super simple to do as long as you have some basic knowledge in after effects."
"Most of the time I'm always recomposing my shot so I can go back to the main camera."
"I just made something that showed off that I understood how to work on the back end, that I could write clean code, that I understood how to hook up a front end with a back end."
"This is a very complex piece of kit to take apart it's not but it does require the proper tools."
"With the right lighting tools and setup, a shot can go from good to unforgettable."
"Understanding restful services and requests in responses and cookies, those are all things that are going to be hugely important to web development."
"I started feeling good in Linux and the cloud and I got on a contract where we're deploying containers to kubernetes that took me months and months to figure out."
"Compression helps keep constant presence on something and enhances low-level detail." - Bob Power
"Let's take a look at animating something like this opening title where everything kind of flies together."
"The advantage of using a DSLR is that we have full control over our exposure our framing and we can also create that shallow depth of field or blurry background effect."
"The choice between front-end and back-end engineering depends on your skills, background, and interests."
"If you like orchestrating the behind-the-scenes of things, back-end engineering might be for you."
"He's a genius... I'm not saying it's the best fight ever... but he's probably the best technical heavyweight we have right now."
"It's not an easy thing to work with, especially on thin metals."
"There's a demonstration of the Python scripts that allow me to extract Exif data into a text file or to the terminal."
"Within 20 seconds, I figured out the issue and within five minutes, the issue was resolved."
"One thing that you will do in this first week's problem set is write a function that lets you actually detect the edges in an image, which is pretty cool."
"Full stack development is generally divided into two parts... front end and the back end."
"We still have to deliver on the creative, we still have to deliver on the technical."
"Olimar continues to be the best owner in the game. He has the best projectiles, he has the best pivot grab, he has ridiculous damage output."
"That's what you should be striving for with those technical sessions."
"Git is one of the most important skills any developer can learn."
"For anyone looking to get a job in programming, they will need to know Git."
"Mechanics is just purely time-allergic related, like mechanics it just comes a time that's all."
"Crafting beautiful websites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript."
"It's really difficult to overstate just how much extra speed can be gained with the tech and how high the skill ceiling is."
"It's important to note they don't imply that AKC's getting bad roads or driving badly. All it is testament to is just how much you can get out of this game's engine and the mechanics."
"Understanding a linked list overall, how it works, and how to create one is going to be crucial for pretty much any interview that you go into."
"Understanding merge sort and possibly quick sort are crucial in your interview prep."
"Understanding how you can use big-O notation is incredibly important because it's going to calculate the time and space complexity of your algorithm that you're writing out."
"Becoming a back-end developer in 2021: let's first talk about the basic skills."
"Just a high shutter speed and stabilizer, and a little bit of praying." - Bill Ingalls
"Welding done, now onto mounting brackets and reinforcement plates."
"Being able to do this with keyframes to adjust the volume up and down however you want super useful for videos."
"Start making a couple of these flying lead harnesses first because you'll learn so much."
"Both those players would argue that their technique has uh has let them down a little bit on those occasions."
"We are avoiding any kind of shaping that would create a lower back neckline, so we need to split for the two fronts."
"You really need to understand this to get the basics of coding."
"Each online round provides a series of fun and challenging algorithmic puzzles designed by us, the Google engineers, so that you really get a taste of the technical skills needed for a career at Google."
"Technical interviews and Kick Start are sharing a lot in common, especially you have to write a solution for the problem, and you have to work on the test cases, and you also have time constraint."
"SQL is such a powerful skill to have... you can query the data, extract it, and do all sorts of things with it."
"If you're patient and clean and can read and follow technical written instructions, you can make additional money doing [this]."
"Knowing which curves to use is key to a really fast lap time."
"As I say per a ho is one of those ones man, the Restall skill moves sucks, full star weak foot that's quite nice."
"Measured carefully... knowing when to use a tight tolerance and a loose tolerance is pretty much everything that separates the expert from the novice."
"Kubernetes: The Hard Way... so that everyone can learn how to do Kubernetes."
"Each time you make a new thing, just reapply the shape tool, the text tool, tracking, masking, keyframing, etc."
"Now, we know how to create new contacts and fetch them."
"Select and mask glass or transparent objects in Photoshop."
"Data frames and series data types... basically the backbone of pandas."
"Let's do what we do: go through the ignition system, go through the carburetor, make sure it's got fuel, air, spark."
"Depending how you wire it, you can be back and forth really very quickly."
"Once you've got those technical skills nailed down, you know how to use your camera, you understand where to focus, then that leaves us free to explore our artistic side."
"By the time you're done watching this video, you will have full confidence to build your very first rig."
"Learn the command line, it will save you unlimited hours in your day."
"Practice using grid...focus on properties we need to really understand."
"Their distance management seems pretty damn good, I have to say for a movie."
"Fit up, making sure your cuts are the right length to fit in whatever you're welding on, making sure your miters or your angles are the right angle."
"You're having to interact with APIs and do all sorts of really good things as you progress through some of the more advanced challenges."
"FreeNAS: GUI interface available, but knowing the command line is crucial."
"In special operations, it wasn't specific technical things that made us successful, it was a conglomerate of technical skills, mindset, and even the selection process."
"It's all about removing the technical part of the process."
"Custom retopology is crucial for building topological support for intended movement."
"Luka Modric... one of the top technical central midfielders in Europe."
"Settings are actually huge when it comes to shooting."
"One of the most difficult things these days is understanding how to put all the technical differences together."
"Now I've acquired every gym badge on the server."
"Editing configuration files in Linux is like wielding a digital chisel - precise and powerful."
"Going back to the basics... is really how you find those really great novel zero day vulnerabilities."
"In order to clamp it to the frame, I needed to tap some holes."
"Michael Bisping consistently applied one or two technical adjustments at the very right moment."
"The line between front end and backend developer is really starting to get blurred."
"Sprinkle in a few additional things... learn about JSON, security, and testing."
"They actually knew the mathematics and the structure of how to cast it properly."
"I really feel like when we drain this out we put some refrigerant in it we're going to find that leak right away at that compressor."
"Paul Pogba... defensively being on the front foot but also his technical abilities as well."
"If you can demonstrate that you know how to use the React Context API, then guys, you can pretty much trick your way into a job."
"Knowing how to use an API is going to be massively valuable."
"If you truly want to be a really good developer... you have to know CSS."
"With a straight up two post because there's way more advances, to move your body position that dramatically on a bike."
"Compression is to control the dynamics of sounds."
"Running data is something I did in my teenage years. Yes, when I was a teenager, I was a wire monkey."
"Data science is all about dealing with different data structures. You definitely need algorithms and data structures."
"Building websites, building REST APIs, building back ends, that's what Python is good at."
"What you need to know is how they work with the engineers, how they set the car up, how they're working with the team over the course of a Friday, how they work over the course of testing."
"His takedowns are amazing to watch... but it's his ability to adapt and chain things together which really makes him so special."
"Drawing a variety of different aircraft can also help you develop a much keener sense of function and design."
"It's nice to see technically-minded players in the lead."
"I knew absolutely nothing about technical analysis, and going through CT2A now I am able not perfect not great but I am able to way better make my predictions."
"Do not skip your data structures and algorithms... you will need very deep knowledge of data structures and algorithms."
"When you've got a bit of electronics knowledge, people tend to bring you some weird things for repair."
"Mastering is about sometimes not doing anything or doing a very little amount of EQing work."
"Let's move on to the basic equalization approach and then we'll go into the compression..."
"You have to understand the basic principles of refrigeration to be able to work in this stuff."
"Knowing Kubernetes is a must when working in any cloud environment."
"Arguably the most progressive technical skateboarder of all time."
"Creativity over the technical, but when you align the two, you have what you have: mastery."
"I want this bone to rotate the wrist and the hand."
"What's the purpose? Advancing the skills in Technical and communication phases of the radio art."
"Consider how to evaluate technical ability based on the job you're interviewing for."
"I do believe that managers should be technical."
"Your shutter speed and your aperture are the primary settings that control how much light is coming into the camera and therefore they are the most critical of all the camera settings when we're talking about exposure."
"In tattooing, it's a technical thing. Any kind of surgeons, they don't have one scalpel, they have several."
"CLI helps in technical interviews and in projects where GUI tools are not available."
"Being a filmmaker is a great collaboration between the artistic abilities and the technical abilities, and lighting is a perfect collaboration of both."
"So getting this thing rigging this thing up enough to start it is well the next step."
"There's not much you can't service on a console or a mixer, you know?"
"That's the cog fitted to the new motor, so just a matter of soldering the wires back on now and fitting it back into the case."
"You have shown some real technical wizardry."
"Once this order went over to Seth, he was actually going through, he was cutting off the lengths of LED strips."
"For the average person, it's going to be very beneficial to go to school and get that foundation of some technical ability as well as just the soft skills that come with working on a team."
"Coming into that challenge, we had a great advantage. We managed our 5-second lead and my mechanical skills."
"There's a lot of different ways you can approach music, and some people are more of just like a technical kind of compositional mind, and others are like... for example, I can't remember that one video that you did where you were talking about just like the synthesis of sound."
"Be the most knowledgeable about your industry and have the most technical skills around it."
"We also want to demonstrate you have the in demand tech skills."
"You have to be sure that you are somebody that can take a technical finding and translate it over as well."
"You need to know what it takes to produce high-quality videos."
"This is to demonstrate the importance of pattern recognition... in your technical training."
"I've taken apart an entire iPhone and I put it back together and it still works."
"Create animations for characters or objects, use blueprints to create events and actions triggering in your scene, and use sequencer to polish up both of these things with different tweaks and effects."
"He was an engineer by training. He had a very good grasp on machinery."
"Patience is key when troubleshooting."