
Single Life Quotes

There are 366 quotes

"Single people that are like, you know what, I just enjoy being by myself."
"Enjoy your life whether single, in a relationship, what have you. It's your life; you only have one. Make the best of it."
"Being able to be a single woman on your own is such a privilege."
"You can have a deeply meaningful life and be single."
"I think it's possible to be happy when single."
"Data says the single women got more money than you, the single women are happier than you."
"How to be single and satisfied at the same time."
"Single life is not a curse, it's an opportunity to build yourself."
"Plan your days and invest time in activities that enrich your life, even when you are single."
"How to be single when everyone around you is cuffed... I think it's a good idea to have an array of friends at all different stages."
"Women have an easier time being single than men."
"Shout out to all my single ladies this Valentine's Day. I hope that you have a fantastic time with yourself or your friends or whoever you're [ __ ] at the moment."
"Being single just opens up so many doors... be open to new things."
"You're not missing out on anything. Okay, you really aren't. You might as well be happy single than be miserable in a relationship."
"You're trying to move on, happily single, living in the moment, Virgo. And this person? It's killing them, knowing that you're out and about doing your Virgo thing."
"Some people are single because they haven't found the right partner for them, and some people are single because they're not the right partner for anyone."
"For those single and happy: Reach a little bit higher. Love yourself, you're worth it."
"For singles out there your days of being single are very numbered."
"There's no rush to settle down. Focus on yourself."
"Being single isn't a curse, it's a wonderful season. I can serve God in. God is good, he has the plan."
"The best way to get over someone is not to get under someone else. Just wait, be respectful, take your time, just be single."
"Your best bet is to be single until the right one comes in."
"Being single and being able to do whatever I want each day is definitely the direction that I've been craving for literally more than a year."
"You're single and happy... It's a good time to be single and happy."
"I think that being in the wrong relationship is worse than being single."
"Sister Wives, I'm single as conveyed so you've never we've never been single at the same time Yeah right we've never had."
"There is a study by Morgan Stanley, financial... it's called the rise of the she economy... by 2030, women between the ages of 25 and 44... over half... will be single for the rest of their lives."
"I think it's a step in the right direction to just start by removing the shame from being single even if you can't eradicate all of the fear of being single."
"Some of you just want to be single and independent."
"In some ways, staying single and living single is actually the ultimate luxury good."
"Don't settle. Focus on being thankful and being okay with being alone."
"I'm surprised I'm single. So if you want to talk, just message me."
"Don't dwell on it. Some people stay single because they're scared. But don't fear, love will find you."
"Being single in your 30s isn't bad luck, it's a global phenomenon."
"Count your days of being single because it's coming to an end."
"Enjoy your singlehood while you have it, because when you don't have it no more usually you want the singlehood back."
"Fighting initiate feat: niche, but could be great for specific character builds."
"It is time for a more accurate portrayal of single people in single life, one that recognizes the real strengths and resilience of people who are single."
"Being single is fucking amazing... you get to do whatever you want, openly date, openly flirt, hang out with your friends..."
"It is time for a more accurate portrayal of single people and single life, one that recognizes the real strengths and resilience of people who are single."
"Being single when you're later in your life is kind of depressing."
"Everybody's like, 'Oh God, I'm so alone, I'm single, might as well go out.'"
"If you're single and happy, good for you, because right now you can accomplish a lot personally and professionally."
"Being single is like being a dog. If marriage is bad, why do some people marry three times?"
"Being single is not a death sentence, it is not the worst thing that can ever happen to you."
"Single is a gift, embrace being single, being single is great."
"For guys, being single is a big W. It's wonderful, honestly."
"For those of you that are single and happy, change your focus again and look in different directions."
"We're both really enjoying being single together, but obviously we want to find our partners."
"There's nothing wrong with being single your whole life, there's nothing wrong with it, there's nothing wrong with waiting until you want to get married, nothing wrong with that either."
"Especially with love too, for those of us that are single, it may seem that there are a lot of obstacles to even meeting people right now." - Erica Othen
"It's your choice, it's your life. If you're single and happy, it's an ideal time to be so."
"Being single has been such a gift in my life. It's been such a blessing to spend this time getting to know myself."
"Guys really into hammering that they are the prize man... I've been single."
"Have your pillars, but know that other things can be worked on or stay single for the rest of your life."
"Now being single is no longer a curse; it's an opportunity to distinguish your uniqueness and find out who you are on the inside."
"I enjoy being single, but at this point, I'm just mentally preparing myself to spend an eternity alone."
"You literally went from this place of 'God, I hate being single, I feel so lonely, I feel so abandoned' to 'Oh God, this is great, I love this freedom.'"
"I'm not in love right now but you know what I don't need to be in order to feel fulfilled or excited about life."
"I want to stay single, it feels good to know that I am just myself."
"Love prioritizes the other person, but when we're sing, sacrifice becomes a way to fulfill our own emotional needs."
"I am living a fantastic single life. I make my own money, I take myself shopping, I go on trips with my girlfriends, I go dancing, I go on dates... basically, I do everything I love."
"It's always a good time to try new things, but I kind of just feel extra motivated to do so when I'm single because I'm like I'm just gonna reinvent myself."
"Valentine's Day as a single person because it's just like a lot of being reminded it's a singles awareness day am I right Am I Wrong well give me galentines instead I'm looking to find them"
"You're going to meet this person when you're single, when your finance is good..."
"I'm just like damn what is the incentive I might as well just stay single."
"Being single has a bigger incentive. I have my money, I don't have kids, and I want to be left the hell alone."
"The place you live has to reflect how you see the world."
"The single life is kind of the best life, Loki."
"Being single is more acceptable than ever. Once upon a time, it was the norm to fall in love, get married, and have children."
"No attachment leads to jealousy and jealousy leads to being single on Valentine's."
"First things first, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being single. No bae, no problem, right?"
"Being single is fantastic right now because you get to focus."
"As a single woman, it's very important that if you want to find your purpose, you avoid getting caught up with unnecessary... Or with bad men, with men with ill intentions, with temporary men."
"There are so many perks to being single and we need to learn to appreciate them."
"Just because you're single doesn't mean you're lonely and unhappy."
"More and more men out there are choosing to be single and they're happier."
"I feel like all the singles that listen to the love hour have wanted me to do a single series."
"I don't want to downplay the fact that being single is actually really enjoyable if you're comfortable with it."
"It is possible to be unmarried and not be alone."
"It's okay to not be looking for a relationship and wait things out and maybe want to be single for a little bit."
"It's better to be single than with someone who doesn't treat you well."
"It's kind of trippy to see, right? I feel like it's so, especially for me because I have been perpetually single."
"You're single now, meeting your divine counterpart."
"We do need to acknowledge where the church has missed it and empower singles to live life to the fullest."
"They're in a dilemma, trying to be happy single but happy single doesn't mean celibate."
"Women tend to be happier when they are single."
"Women tend to be happier when they are single, struggling financially, being alone, having no one there to talk to as you age."
"Every man should have a dating phase... learn how to enjoy being single."
"Sometimes it's better to be single so you can learn to be who you really are without being defined by another person." - Coach Corey Wayne
"The next relationship that you get into for those of you that are single is going to be your person."
"You are not alone and there is so much beauty to being single."
"The short answer is that I finally chose to be consciously single for a period of time."
"I will absolutely brag about how happy I am being single."
"It's a good time to be alive and single it's a good time to be alive and single."
"We need to normalize being single in your 30s and restarting later on in life."
"Enjoy the freedom of single living and self-love."
"There's true love coming for those who are single."
"You feel you feel like the dating pool, okay if you're single especially the dating pool is dried up."
"I'm not married, I'm 44. I've never been married, never engaged, I have any kids. But I'm just as exhausted as fathers who've done that."
"Enjoy being single while you can because when the one comes, you won't want anything else."
"There's a lot of [__] to be said about being single."
"The moment you start behaving as if you hate being single, it just comes across as if you hate your life."
"For those of you that are single and ready to mingle, I mean, oh my god, this is going to be brilliant."
"Embrace your freedom. Embrace your singledom."
"Love is in the air, enjoy your days of being single, they're gonna be over soon."
"I'm gonna fully own this and embrace the fact that I'm a single dude with two cats."
"Honey, I'm home! Oh, I forgot, I'm not married."
"I'm funny, I'm successful, and I'm single as hell."
"The one commonality found in how men respond to their divorce is by how they respond to being single."
"Enjoy your single season, enjoy those lazy days on a Saturday morning when you can just relax."
"Happily single, living in the moment, having fun."
"Most of my adult life, I have literally been in a relationship. But finally, I'm single, and it feels so good to understand myself and really learn who I am as a person without a partner."
"He reflected on the delights of a single life, managing his own money and breathing deeply."
"I had to be single, be single guys, because I see people in all sorts of relationships, relationships that they don't even know where they're leading them."
"That means I'm single again. Silver lining."
"Single life can be very lucrative and profitable for women if they navigate it correctly."
"Enjoy your single life right now. Take a break. Listen, enjoy your single life because after the fall, yeah, after the fall is the afterparty."
"Some of the happiest times in my life, I was single and doing me."
"Y'all want to be too damn honest and that's why y'all be too damn single."
"The most beautiful thing about being single is that I have no idea where my wife is."
"Love your single life. It's an opportunity to spend quality time with yourself."
"For a single man, what more could you want? If someone was single and you were still getting no action off that, then that's, then just give up."
"I don't complain about being single. I'm happy single."
"Single female life is not a prescription but its opposite, Liberation."
"I was always the kind of person like when I'm in a relationship I never worry about the things I didn't do because I did them right when I was single right."
"Be okay being single. Be okay being single. We live in a new day."
"We need married people in this world, and we need single people. Because I love the babies I'm not having."
"I'm happy being single and when the time comes and the time is right then I will be happy in that moment too."
"If you're single and happy, good for you. This is a period during which you can make a lot of strides when it comes to making money. You can also really start to create some important relationships with friends, family, and colleagues in your life."
"Welcome to single life. It's not actually as glamorous as they make it out to be."
"It's okay to be single for a while. Alright, let's just be spiritually single."
"I'm just enjoying being single. I don't really want to date anyone yet. I just want to hang out with my friends and my family and enjoy life and focus on my work right now."
"Men and women are not the same. So a guy being single is not the same as a woman that's being single."
"Being single has been very rewarding as well."
"It's perfect. Girl, it's things. Things have been interesting, you know, the single. I think everybody's going to like it. It's different."
"I'm actually happy I'm single, I'm not running after being in a relationship."
"I love being single. I haven't had this much sex since I was a Boy Scout leader."
"I'd rather be single and sifted than married and miserable."
"For the first time in a long time, she was absolutely single... it surely gave her a sense of self and independence."
"Being single what it means to find love and ultimately how we Define each of them for ourselves."
"We say that, like, 'Yeah, they trash,' but, like, name some single dudes."
"Shout out to the single life. I'm enjoying it."
"Lots of people who are still single but want a relationship simply have absurd expectations."
"This is like a brutal reality for all the single people, honestly this is going to sound [ __ ] brutal but it's the truth."
"Just enjoy your life, enjoy your life and just find, right now, you know, because I'm single nobody's saying oh where are you?"
"You could be re-entering the dating pool."
"The richest soil for growth is cultivated when you're single."
"It takes time to heal and rebuild your life to get back to a place where you love and enjoy your time being single and learning to have fun again."
"In today's video, I'm going to be having a date night but single girl edition, cooking a recipe from this book called Comfort Mob."
"I've been single for probably coming up to about two years. I find that it's the things that you miss, you know, those Sundays where you build like a fort on the sofa out of like a million duvets and just watch like crap TV and make really good brunch."
"It's nice to go to a wedding as a single woman without a date. Yeah, and you could meet your eligible bachelor. It is the best. It does that picks up party because you're meeting people that you know your friends are already approving enough to be there."
"I just wanted to clear that up. Being single is not a bad thing. It's amazing."
"Are you single?" "I am, yeah." "How single?" "Hella single, yeah, on a scale of one to ten, damn, I'm a ten."
"I'm very single actually, but pass."
"Are you single ready to mingle?" "I'm single."
"For those single and happy, enjoy the time for travel, exploration, and personal growth."
"I am single and I am currently updating my dating profile."
"Being single again, that's fine. I don't regret that."
"Fun was exactly what I needed. I was single and ready to get out of the funk that Thorne Canton had put me in."
"You're learning to be okay with being single and realizing that you are fully in your power."
"I've been single for a minute now."
"Singles peaceful exactly singles peaceful I don't even get on my phone and talk to people I mean you know hey text here and there or people reach out to me but it's like small talk you know what I'm saying like I stay busy and [__]."
"Ain't nothing wrong with being single ain't nothing wrong with being single, just me if I don't want to talk I'll have to talk if I don't want to cook I don't have to cook okay so that's the way it is."
"Exactly, being single is the most peaceful [__] exactly, it is it definitely is but here's what I'm saying."
"You're possibly already moved on, enjoying the single life. You're single, living your best life."
"I think being single isn't that bad when you look at it like that."
"I miss being single. I was like, 'Wow, I love being single.' But that's only because I was in a toxic relationship."
"I don't miss being single at all. I think if you're in a good, healthy relationship, you don't miss being single."
"What's the best thing about being single? Getting the bed all to myself."
"Life is better being single than you could possibly imagine."
"Embrace where you are wherever it is that you are and just enjoy it. And you can get frustrated at times and you can feel lonely at times but it still doesn't make it like bad that you're single, right?"
"Stay single until you meet your equal, King."
"I never been single as long as I've been single which is like 10 months."
"Have you ever heard of a love story that's gone so wrong and bizarre that sometimes you've wondered to yourself if you're better off single?"
"I'm single, I love life. I love being single, I mean I could do whatever I want."
"Yeah, but like, now I'm so, like, disgusted by it, like, if I even think about, like, an argument with, like, a significant other, I'm like, 'Oh my God, I'm so thankful I'm [ __ ] single. I don't want to deal with that [ __ ] ever again.'"
"I feel like too many people just get obsessed in the negative sides of being single rather than appreciating the fact that that is the time to improve yourself."
"I like being single too. Not just because I can randomly meet someone and it's like a crazy adventure but also you can be very selfish and it's like the time of my life."
"I've decided to get out on the scene now I'm officially single."
"Staying away from sinking ships might mean one thing: you're single for a longer period of time. And that's not a bad thing."
"Protect your peace. Enjoy the single life."
"Don't pressure yourself. Just enjoy the single life."
"You got to be independent if you're single."
"Stay single until you're actually able to find someone who complements your life."
"If we can correct things on a single level as singles, we can fix a married problem."
"If you're a single, you know, do you think it would be so hard to like, to meet someone?"
"I decided okay what are some of the things that I would do if I was single and this was definitely one of those things."
"Being single is fun, in my opinion."
"She never married or had children of her own and lived a simple life."
"If you're single and you're not dating right now it's a great time."
"Enjoy the freedoms of being single. There's a lot of truth to it."
"I'm going to enjoy being single and never relying on a man financially ever again."
"I love being single. I love that I'm independent and I'm happy alone."
"Being single in your 30s is waking up alone but also loving having a queen size bed to yourself."
"All I wanted was to be happy, and I didn't know that my happiness would come by being single."
"I'm just going to focus on myself for a while, I'm not in any rush to get married again, that's for sure."
"Not having a man in your life can make your life so much easier."
"When married people look at you and ask, 'Why are you still single?' do you not want to look at them and be like, 'How are you still married?'"
"You're single, self-sufficient, independent."