
Self-correction Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Maybe we were wrong about this... Let's correct ourselves."
"That's the time to get back on the horse, because those moments of self-correction are the most valuable."
"The greatest of all strivings would be on yourself, to correct yourself."
"In the end, the Piltdown Man hoax is a story about how science gets done and how it can self-correct."
"The entire history of the world, the number of times that science has been proven wrong has always been by science itself. At no point in history has any religion proved science wrong."
"None of us said science was perfect and science doesn't make proclamations about truth; science always allows itself to be corrected."
"I do aim to be a critical reviewer and if I miss something during my first read and someone else pointed it out to me and I'm like, 'Oh wait, you're so right,' then I'm not afraid to correct myself and admit that I was wrong."
"I see you showing up and showing out. Okay, so if something was not going to according to plan, I see you not being afraid to check it and put it back into its place."
"Fanboys lack the ability to self correct, incapable of self-awareness."
"America is the only government in the world that is a self-correcting government."
"Do I get things wrong? Absolutely. I get things wrong. But I try to correct them whenever I get something wrong. I try to correct it because I'm interested in telling the truth."
"Democracy has self-correcting mechanisms and is able more than any other political system to learn from its mistakes."
"The good news is, within each of us is the big eraser."
"I'm delighted to discover that I have been wrong and to publicly come out and admit it."
"Science is not perfect, it's a self-correcting enterprise, but it is ruled by some of the most rigorous standards possible."
"Repentance is like doing a U-turn on a road. It's realizing we're going the wrong way, stopping, and deciding to go in a new direction."
"It's genuinely a way to practice when you're talking about them, make sure you use their pronouns and correct yourself if you [__] up."
"Feel bad when you fail to keep it consistent, when you slip up, when you give in to temptation. That's the only way to cure the lack of consistency."
"The best we can do is strive to do better and correct ourselves when we can."
"If you recognize that you are doing something wrong, stop the shot. You are only doing yourself a disservice if you insist on shooting subpar shots."
"He depicted Democratic societies as open self-correcting systems."
"It's just gonna force me out of my game and kind of correct those mistakes and fix those things."
"The only thing worse than me being wrong is me being wrong and then giving you a false impression."
"If I ever make a mistake, I am the first to rush to correct myself."
"The dumbest thing I could do is to stay wrong and harm my own health and everyone else who watches my channel."
"Science figures out when science makes mistakes, not guesses, not holy books."
"You get to the right side of it as quickly as possible as painful as it is to admit I had this wrong when you find yourself there you as quickly as possible own up to it and do so completely."
"Writing is reflective, allowing you to identify and correct mistakes more effectively."
"One of the most important things that a princess can do is realize when she's made a mistake and fix it."
"If my critics were right that would mean that I'm wrong and I don't want to continue to believe things that are wrong like believers do."
"If I'm wrong, I have to correct that. I was wrong, and I have to be just as straight up about myself as I was willing to be about them."
"You are in a phase of recovery. If you have been off your path, you are going to come back strong."
"If it has been to the detriment of your own integrity, this is an opportunity to right the scales."
"I don't want to throw out evidence that is against my position. The more important thing is if I'm wrong, hopefully I will be the one to discover that and correct it."
"Old Biff Tannen travels back to the 1950s and corrects his younger self."
"If you can prove yourself wrong, that's a victory and you get to learn something else."
"The most important thing to do when you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging."
"If that happens when you're performing the skill during testing on a live person, you'll want to make a self-correction."
"It's letting me hear it in my head, then I'll say it on stage, and as I'm saying it, I'm like no, don't say it quite like that."
"The quality of articles would be self-correcting because the best articles would win in the marketplace of ideas and get the clicks they deserve."
"I make mistakes in the video Sometimes some people point it out I might misspeak stuff like that I finally figured out how to edit that and actually put in you know hey I meant to say this even though I said the wrong thing."
"While no one may applaud us for the correction of a fault, all the world rewards us for its correction."
"The self-correction prompt chain looks like this: you have your prompt, you execute based on the prompt. If it's correct, you're done; if not successful, self-correct."
"Sometimes I totally get off tone. It still happens. I've got people to rein me in, so that's good."
"Recognize that you're doing it, nip that [expletive] in the bud."
"If we find that we're doing too much of the answer teaching, that's when we need to correct ourselves and allow the students to come through."
"He's so patient, he's so gracious, he's so long-suffering. He says, 'All those stages, just take a couple of minutes, go back through some situations, and say, 'Something I need to get back in line here. I need to step back in line.'''"
"This third-party voice, which I would call introspect, is the ability for you to kind of understand what you're doing subconsciously and then self-correct."
"The feedback loop is a process where the output of a system is returned to the input affecting subsequent outputs thus creating a continuous cycle of self-correction or reinforcement."
"The universe would self-correct itself."
"We have to believe that if we are stepping in the wrong direction, God is more than capable of correcting and redirecting us."
"The church has never claimed or should never have claimed that 'yeah, we're getting it right, watch us, we always do it.' There ought to be a self-correct mechanism always built in."
"To the mystic, the recognition that he lives in a world of reality, from which he is divided by his own unreality, becomes the inducement for the larger correction of his own nature."
"What I object to is the attempt to alter that development by deliberate construction from the outside, which is not necessarily wrong, but where the self-correcting mechanism is eliminated."
"Holiness is designed to correct what have deviated. Correction starts with self."
"You're nice, you blew it, wait, so, oh crap, oh okay, so okay, I think I get it, did I get the cap, yep, no I didn't."
"If you actually apply this standard to every aspect of your life from food clothing and shelter to your work and relationships, you'll find that you often have to correct your own mistakes."
"Your own wickedness will correct you and your own backslidings will rebuke you."
"Always be willing to consider the possibility that you were wrong and be quick to set it right, quick to confess to God."
"I found myself already making a lot of corrections in my training."
"I love that with the spindle boxes your child is able to self-correct."
"...it knows how to correct it's self-correcting."
"An open city is dialogical in focusing on self-correcting or self-revising processes rather than looking at discourse as a means to the end of action."
"We live in a universe that always corrects itself."
"Civilizations get some self-correcting processes in here because they don't devolve."
"Science works with probability and with self-correction; religion ultimately says, 'I know I am right and I'm not allowing anything else.'"
"If you aren't being true to yourself, course correct. It's never too late for a reset."
"Science made a mistake, but who figured out he was wrong? Scientists did."
"Science just proves itself, correcting. It's not perfect, but it's the best thing we've got."
"Philosophy is not based upon a perpetuation of punishment; it is actually a system of cultivation by which the individual recovers from the need of punishment by gradually overcoming their own mistakes."
"You should always be able to correct yourself and also be in indulgence with what you are doing."
"In the absence of policy intervention, the economy self-corrects."
"The economy can heal itself in a sense."
"The mind has a strong drive to correct and recorrect itself over a period of time."
"One of the most important things about democracy in any political regime is the capacity for self-correction."
"Science is very much self-correcting."
"The self-corrections... are what makes America and other democracies work."
"The ability of self-correction is considered one of the main features of science."
"If you notice that you just said something that is a lie... catch yourself and fix it in that moment."
"Science is a self-correcting enterprise. To be accepted, all new ideas must survive rigorous standards of evidence."
"One of Marx's great errors was to drastically underestimate, I should say simply deny, the extraordinary self-correcting powers of capitalism and liberal democracy."
"Sometimes a person has to go a very long distance out of his way to come back a short distance correctly."
"I got to make a U-turn; I got to turn around, y'all, 'cause I was going the wrong way."
"If you realize that you've made a mistake and you can correct yourself, then please do so."
"Science constantly tests itself against the natural world; it's a self-correcting system of knowledge."
"Science is a self-correcting process."
"The only thing that's ever disproved science is science."
"It's okay to make the mistake, what we want them to get to the point is that they can be error detectors, error correctors on their own."
"We have a self-correcting mechanism in America that we've always adopted, and it's called elections."
"The great thing about science is that it is self-correcting."
"Science corrects itself and this is a terrific thing."
"...science corrects itself and it gets better over time."
"Science is not perfect, the scientific method is not perfect, but the thing that keeps it going is that it is self-correcting and self-sustaining."
"The economy will self-heal or self-correct itself eventually."
"Science is enormously self-correcting."
"It's all of those times that we self-correct, those are the most valuable moments."