
Vocational Training Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Our education today is a thoroughly vocational education that centers on teaching students information and skills, which was the education for the slaves in the Greco-Roman world."
"After entering the workforce with a bachelor's degree, you find that your classmates who went to vocational school are also washing dishes in the kitchen with you."
"Higher education should be an option for people but should be largely with a mind to your vocation and your return on investment."
"We really need to start bringing back vocational schools and help kids get apprenticeships."
"We're teaching reading, writing, arithmetic, and we teach them a trade, is that wrong?"
"You can absolutely pick up a trade, get a job, and make that hundred thousand dollars a year."
"I always talk about all the time like I, yes, I do love certifications I love trade school I love Community College."
"You put the work in being hvac tech these jobs aren't going away with automation."
"More kids should look into picking up a trade instead of going into debt fresh out of these overpriced colleges."
"College is not the end-all, be-all. We have to build up vocational and technical and apprenticeship tracks at the high school level."
"Great work for somebody that knows nothing about trucks."
"Go get a trade man, go learn how to do something with your hands."
"Different jobs require different paths. Explore vocational training or apprenticeship programs."
"Your commitment to skills education, to vocational education, is a testament to your determination to make the American economy great again for every American."
"We're taking applications through the month at micro works dot org we have a million dollars these are not for four-year degrees these are for trade schools people who want to learn a skill that's in demand million bucks microworks org go get some."
"Every man should make his son or daughter learn some trade or profession, so that in these days of changing fortunes – of being rich today and poor tomorrow – they may have something tangible to fall back upon." - P.T. Barnum
"Offering support for vocational schools or apprenticeships is crucial."
"Anybody graduating in high school right now would do a lot better off if they go get their welding certificate, plumbing certificate, start a business, and don't go to school and get a degree in gender studies."
"It's not the end of the world if that's not your path and you could still succeed in your chosen vocation without that."
"Learn a trade like plumbing, learn a trade like electrician, learn a trade like carpentry. There's a masculine trade that will allow you to work with your hands predominantly be by yourself."
"Trades are just as important as college education."
"Thelma's dream is to teach her traveler trainees all the basic skills required to make her extravagant wedding dresses."
"We want to work for God in every capacity sir so we want to open up our own mechanic shop our diesel mechanic shops where all of our buses can be serviced."
"No, you do not need to have a bachelor's degree, they will train you."
"College is not for everybody, and we have to have welders. They are so important to even the infrastructure of this country."
"Dream job: teaching or writing about small arms repair."
"The rise in blue-collar work and the push for more vocational school instead of this constant push down the line for higher education."
"I think they need to bring shop class back to schools and teach kids reality on how to do all this stuff."
"Every black child would go to trade school. They can go to college after they're done."
"Technical colleges provide excellent experience for young people not just academically but also in the technical skills that they provide."
"You can really dive into these skill trades, start to pick up how to do it, and before you know it, start making really good money."
"It was like a barber beautician college."
"The best advice that I could give someone is just like try to pick up a trade that makes you feel good that can also make you money."
"Most of our people know most of any group go to college, so we need to become the plumbers, every house in America needs a plumber. We need to become the electrician, every house in America has electricity at some point. We need to become house painters."
"School isn't all about reading, writing, and arithmetic. That's what I can tell you. So keep the trades going, that's what I say. Keep the trades going in school. So, absolutely."
"We need to stress the benefits of solid vocational education and the solid middle class life."
"They want conduit bending, so that's we're doing today."
"Having a good understanding, a good foundation of how this whole process works is definitely a great skill and an asset to have if you're going to be a welder."
"we need to massively create many more programs that give men and women the opportunity to learn a trade"
"more vocational programs less shaming"
"I really grinds on me that shop class is being phased out of our public school system. I don't know maybe I'm just one dude on a mission trying to save shop class one bandsaw at a time."
"When I was in school I always got good grades but I never really felt like I fit in and that's until I got to high school and started taking auto shop and wood shop and it just something clicked for me."
"It's crazy how the financials of college that was supposed to, you know, back when everyone was supposed to go to college, you're gonna get a job, how far it's now reversed that the trades are getting paid out of college way more."
"Institutionally, there were other options for students and attending a vocational or technical school was not taboo."
"If you're a kid in high school right now and you're watching this, do consider the trades."
"I believe that both countries will be stronger if we continue to deepen our bilateral cooperation on vocational training as we build off the best ideas, create the greatest opportunity for growth, and improve the lives of so many workers."
"They did train me quite well to go on with my life, go into the world into the workforce."
"Only 6 percent of American high school students are in vocational and technical and apprenticeships right now. In Germany, that's 59 percent."
"The GDL is more vocational, it's a bit more professional, it's based more on scenarios as opposed to academic textbooks."
"Instead of going to college for four years, I wanted to help people who don't have the time, money, resources, or desire to do four years of school."
"I wish they would bring back vo-tech. Like, every high school boy should take some type of vo-tech."
"We are the largest vocational trainer of electricians in the entire world."
"The Correctional Service is taking rehabilitation to another level by teaching inmates vocational skills like commercial farming, tailoring, and even carpentry."
"Students attending this school are trained in a vocation of their choice by professionals from that trade."
"Train for vocational discipleship."
"If you're into HVAC, healthcare, or automotive, and you don't feel college is the right decision for you, go to trade school to learn a trade."
"America's vocational education... should be as innovative, dynamic, and successful as our people."
"We're going to get you a trade. You're going to walk out of here with some tools."
"Nine out of 10 new jobs will require you to finish school and then go on to TAFE or to UNI."
"Support higher ed. Support our vocational training programs. Support our community colleges."
"I'm at welding school from 7:30 in the morning to like four or five P.M., Monday to Friday."
"We need significantly more investment in vocational education and training."
"This benefit can also be used at accredited technical and vocational schools."
"Increase in vocational training... that would help to make them more employable and so reduce unemployment."
"Here you study for two years and after you can go and have a job right away."