
Provocation Quotes

There are 702 quotes

"I'm going to be offending everyone. We're all subject to my wrath."
"I think we can all see why they banned you from Twitter because you say uncomfortable truths or at least provoke or stimulate critical thinking skills."
"I went to the basement at 3 in the morning of this haunted ass house and yelled, 'Come and get me, Big Boy!'"
"Great art provokes something of the numinous in us."
"A news story is meant to inform, but a column is actually meant to provoke. It's meant to produce a reaction. So I'm either in the heating business or the lighting business. I'm either stoking up an emotion in you or illuminating something for you."
"I like the live experience. I like the people like you know, yell out. I say a lot of stupid things. I say a lot of things almost deliberately to annoy people."
"The best art is usually provocative and it creates endless emotional feedback from the masses."
"Will I be doing something that's dangerous today? Yeah, I will. Something provocative? Yeah, probably."
"The reaction and self-control of a person are more important than the provocation."
"I'm living in your head rent-free, and there's nothing in it, just a monkey with symbols."
"God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him."
"Compelling is a useful word when evaluating something as elusive as quality in art. Does it move you in any direction? Did something happen or did it leave you stagnant? No one knows what it means but it's provocative."
"How far can I push this before sensible, rational, tolerant people say this has to be a troll?"
"The next time someone tells you that money doesn't buy happiness, you can link them to this video or just tell them to go [BLEEP] themselves."
"Get the book, guys. Women deserve less... Stop sipping, get the book."
"Maybe that's what he's trying to say I don't who knows nobody knows but it's provocative."
"Florida is where woke goes to die... would you like to join us here? Please do."
"The biggest race Hustler is white. Yes you heard it here."
"Merely going to protect property was provocative."
"Whatever you think nonetheless, those who provoked it have to take some responsibility for it."
"When you are in a place where you're legally allowed to be and you don't provoke an instance, you can stand your ground."
"Don't wake the lion man, let the lion sleep man, telling you."
"This isn't just a deliberately shocking picture, it's also a deliberately sacrilegious one."
"There's never gonna be a time in art where thought-provoking art didn't matter."
"What's the point of all this power if no one's gonna be offended by it, you know?"
"Hope this has been thought-provoking and useful."
"Lil Uzi told the crowd at one of his concerts that they all were going to hell for listening to his music."
"You're gonna start getting provoked in 2020 to come off the shorelines of unbelief and step into deep realms of faith."
"Can you control your emotions to not let them provoke you to have an emotional response?"
"Outraging people is fun. We like to dump cold water on complacency."
"This whole situation proves to me how delicate and fragile having a piece of content tied to an online authentication system actually is."
"I'm not trying to find an opponent who's gonna bring the best out of me. I'm trying to find an opponent who's gonna bring the worst out of me."
"Thoughts should be things that help us grow, provoke our mind, help us understand reality."
"On camera, it would probably be, um, 'I love you.' Oh, that's a good three words to piss off any hater."
"I'd rather piss off more people and make a thousand people a lot of money."
"It's like they're purposely trying to piss off these people."
"You're scared of the riots? I hope you're ready for more. And it'll be your fault."
"Why do you ask me about what is good? Well, you're the Messiah, it's pretty you should bear to ask you questions like that but anyway."
"Just say it, just say the n-word. Hell, I'll say it with you, come on, just say it."
"I like the challenge of just trying to piss off as many people as possible."
"I am willing to offend you into heaven but I will not love you into hell."
"North Korea has rapidly escalated its provocations and such unilateral actions are a threat to the peace and stability of Japan the region as well as the International Community and are absolutely unacceptable."
"Conservatives that make less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year are simps."
"You know, why I did that with the audio to piss the people off who won't shut up about the audio. Turn your volume down."
"You watch leftists' heads explode on a second. I thought you said you were a dot?"
"Let's give these tosses something to talk about."
"Welcome to Epstein Island. Ask yourself, is this normal?" - Q
"Societal critiques are seamlessly woven into the fabric of my art, urging viewers to confront uncomfortable truths."
"One of the most thought-provoking messages... right to the pages of the Book of Revelation."
"You don't let them provoke you into doing something."
"The job of a comedian is not just to make people laugh, it's to make people think and it's to disturb, it's to shake you up."
"We want to be in people's heads and maybe we want to get under their skin a little bit."
"Comedy should provoke, it should blast through prejudices, challenge preconceptions. Comedy should always leave you different than when it found you."
"To god, we're going to take you back to slavery again."
"You gotta investigate, you gotta push people's buttons."
"Come at me bros, come at me. What you gonna do? What you gonna do? Aren't you gonna get close to this? Yeah, I didn't think so."
"There's every reason to think a major major provocation is on the near horizon."
"For a long time, I have held my peace, I have been still, I have refrained myself. But they have provoked me to jealousy, to that which is not God."
"For the time being we've got this one and it is I'm gonna say it the best car in the world there you go bombshell fight me don't care."
"I would rather offend someone into heaven than comfort them into hell."
"Your views and insights provoke the mind in a positive way." - Div
"How about you make home so goddamn nice and keep his stomach full, his balls empty, and his mind at peace?"
"As long as you are not in the immediate context of provoking violence then it doesn't matter what you did previously."
"What fun is Twitter without being able to own the libs?"
"If there's one surefire way to upset a wrestler, it's definitely calling wrestling fake."
"Don't act surprised if you take a stone, throw it out of a beehive and then you cry because the bees came and stung you."
"Your friends are going to be jealous when they hear you had the chance to lose to me."
"You are a comedian. We're supposed to push envelopes."
"People admire your honesty, even when it provokes thought or scares others."
"We are smarter than your God... I'm smarter than that motherfucker guaranteed."
"I just want to stir you up and get you to thinking."
"Remember these things are here to provoke your flesh, but that doesn't mean you should allow them to."
"I will do it again and again, and I'm planning on doing it again in the future until my point comes across."
"Russia Downing a U.S. drone yesterday was a deliberate provocation. It was a concerning incident, but such brinkmanship feels destined to get worse."
"Say, what do you think would happen if Charles kills you?"
"Go back where you came from." - Echoes of bigotry that spread like wildfire.
"If you're not pissing somebody off, then you must be doing something wrong."
"I love doing these kind of videos and just... pushing people's buttons I think it's fun."
"Let's teach a little history that's banned in some of these red states. We're baddies. We're baddies."
"Churchill's warning was deliberately designed to provoke a war."
"Even if it pisses you off, it's a conversation."
"Conservatism is when something triggers the libs."
"Reveal the secrets of your underwear and show what you're wearing underneath."
"President Trump woke up Sunday morning, gazed out at the nation he leads and saw the dry kindling of race relations and decided to throw a match on it."
"The time is always now to make content that's going to make people uncomfortable."
"A racial bomb is what we know of him to throw."
"He throws out race because he knows it's red meat."
"The art of our time is dynamic, provocative, and seemingly limitless."
"When you continue manipulating and provoking the public the way you've been doing, what do you expect is gonna happen?"
"Maybe [__] bastard back to the hand clapping, you die quicker than Darren Wilson walking through Ferguson dressed like the Grand Dragon of the Klan."
"Some hard truths are gonna be laid down... I can promise is to piss you off some more."
"And, if Mr. Trump pisses them off enough, they will unload that."
"Who's your daddy? Oh yeah, that's us. The Bears own you now, Jordan Love."
"Let's all post the Ukrainian flag with the US flag together. It will irritate all the right people."
"If we know one thing Dianna can do, it's piss people off and dance."
"The U.S is trying to provoke a war with China."
"Sorry, we're Progressive unlike your [bleep] hole state of Missouri."
"Sometimes you just get carried away saying reckless [__], trying to get a reaction."
"Nothing distracts a man like a little unprovoked aggression, huh?"
"Keep it up, you big bitch. Just you keep it up. Call me a child one more time, I dare you. I double dare you."
"Only a white boy would do it, they own the world."
"Nobody can disprove it; that's the scandal of philosophy."
"I mean, why not talk trash? All you gotta do is back it up. Ain't nothing wrong with that."
"Unlocking the potential Christos is better than praying to a guy who died on a cross."
"I think Ukraine is trying to provoke some understanding of causality in the Russian population."
"If your God is real, he isn't just dumb, he's dumb and evil as fuck."
"One of my favorites has been Bill Maher. But before we get into it, make sure that you like this video, subscribe to this channel..."
"Anything to shock and challenge the squares who brought you up."
"If you're bothered by the phrase 'Black Lives Matter,' good, now investigate the phrase."
"The phrase 'Black Lives Matter' is intentionally provocative."
"She's going to trigger the hell out of the old patriarchy."
"I'm probably ruffling some feathers lately which, well, that's what I do."
"Comfort The Afflicted, afflict the comfortable."
"Damn does the gospel, you get lipo Josh? You'll never get it. You'll die for."
"There's a cost to it there's a price that we pay and let me say something provocative I think most white people don't actually care about racial injustice if it means experiencing any inconvenience or any discomfort."
"I think these guys are looking at the United States and they see that senile old fool right on the edge of a cliff and they've decided to give them a shove."
"Republicans like somebody that will poke their eye in the libs."
"If you're white, don't use it. Say it so we can know exactly what's in your heart."
"People are gonna go nuts, you wanna get nuts?"
"Let's make take a controversy oh this is a good one."
"Congratulations, you're better than your god, you're better than your bible." - Scott
"It's like shock rock, but in a way that's also trying to challenge people in some meaningful way."
"Just when you thought you knew all the answers, I changed the questions."
"It provoked, it radicalized, it stimulated the mass of people."
"Shock value is fine if the purpose outweighs the offense it's supposed to provoke."
"This June is going to be different, and it's a time for us to really activate and provoke."
"Who is the being that brings the most people to God? Probably the devil, actually."
"The way you prevent a war is to provoke war as much as possible."
"The secularists are getting to the point where they've been poking the bear with a short stick."
"Have you ever thought about what I would look like with no clothes on covered in coconut oil?"
"Comfort the afflicted but afflict the comfortable."
"That's the basic message in the Bible, greatest troll of the establishment of all time."
"Get six owed, you're trash! Let's get it, bro. Suck it, Giovanni, you are terrible!"
"Just because you're stubborn and insistent doesn't mean you actually want it, just means I'm refusing to let it go."
"Sometimes you've got to stir the sludge, in order to make change."
"It seems petulant it seems bad tempered to me on the part of the Europeans it seems unbelievably provocative and of course potentially it is dangerous as well."
"You woke up today and chose racism. You literally woke up today and said I'm gonna be racist today against my own race."
"This is truly a military provocation, a war crime against peaceful civilians."
"Punish these political enemies because you will galvanize people."
"I'm just throwing this out here, making y'all getting y'all all worked up, man, a hundred percent."
"I loved pissing people off. I thought it was fun."
"This is sort of a provocation, you're investing a little bit of time to ruin his position in a small way."
"Sometimes you gotta shake tables to be recognized."
"White people who treat all races equally are actually the most dangerous white people."
"You were asked to care about your neighbor, and half the country said f*** my neighbor."
"They are in full-blown panic mode. Enjoy the show. Each fake news article written or attack is a badge of honor. Military-grade Q."
"It's okay to be triggered. That's what we want. We want to trigger you."
"Hey, they hated Jesus because he spoke the truth, okay? I'm just saying."
"Mimo know how to kick up dust, that's what he do. He can antagonize the [__] out of people."
"What do we do? We're in international waters, you know, right off the coast of Iran, the country we're trying to provoke in a war. What do we do? What are we doing?"
"She singled out yes start on of akkad she singled him out but she still fired the first shot you can't claim you're a victim when you shoot first."
"Who's ready for a flame war? Trick question, everyone is."
"That's proof that if the government pokes the bear, the bear will bite back."
"The intellectual dark web has converted conservatives into liberal conservatives. You mad?"
"North Korea's repeated firings of ballistic missiles and artillery were provocative military actions."
"Hell is full of people who didn't believe, because they weren't chosen."
"You can't provoke the problem and then claim self-defense." - Robert Hirschhorn, Jury Trial Consultant
"Your words might provoke transformation in others."
"People need to be antagonized 10 times more at this point."
"Getting mad gets to them. They think it's funny."
"Insurgents may also employ a strategy of provocation anticipating security forces will overreact and thereby alienate the government from the population."
"I actually admire that's a good point. There is an effectiveness in that, that you call it socialism and it does get a reaction."
"There is a legend about these woods that are called the Burderry Witch, a witch that can control some terrifying creatures but will only do so when provoked or angered."
"I'm gonna talk so much [ __ ] so you guys better get not get rattled."
"Trigger this fan base with one sentence: Gaster is the Night Watch."
"I wanted to start with questions rather than with answers because I think this is undoubtedly one of the most enigmatic, one of the most provocative, one of the most mysterious paintings in our collection here at the National Gallery."
"Sounds like you're saying someone needs to light a fire."
"Princes say, Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that the Lord has provoked us enough tonight."
"It's like it was planned can we shoot a black boy today what's your reaction?"
"Kyle Rittenhouse was acting in self-defense albeit may be misguided but he did not instigate or provoke."
"We've beaten this virus, let's go make a new one."
"I'm an equal opportunity piss you off kind of guy."
"When people say 'my ex was crazy,' what did you do to make her crazy?"
"We hope you're offended; you should be. Are you triggered?"
"I was like, 'I'm gonna piss some people off.'"
"Good morning, loving this rent-free space inside your head."
"If we didn't come from monkeys, then why are we still monkeys?"
"Art should disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed."
"They're just flipping a narrative on its head... saying 'sure I worship the devil whatever.'"
"Peace made, they'll look for problems to stir up turmoil."
"It's sort of hard to take Pierce seriously because he's just a provocateur."
"Good for Ryan 4:20 and I hope it stirs the pot and some royal ass whooping goes down."
"I don't care about killing him. That's not the point. I'm just pissing him off."
"If you want to ruin a Sugar's day send some sugar books my way you know they hate that kind of support from you guys towards megi so yeah now we know that the sugars in the chat you really want to R them up game on guys game on"
"Nothing makes me happier than pissing people off, especially the right people."
"Comedy has got to be a sort of unsafe space where we can be outrageous and provocative cos that's where the funny stuff is."
"We're toying with tomorrow in an unbelievably provocative manner."
"We appreciate you guys and we like pushing buttons."
"I clap at the end of every movie to annoy beta males."
"I'm racist because I think every white person is racist."
"Sometimes instigating a person to be negative toward you is the best way to incite a response."
"I'd rather offend you into heaven than to flatter you into hell."
"The threats of aggression on the border of Ukraine, yes, on its border, is provocative."
"I always know the response and how much gasoline I'm putting on the fire." - Charles Barkley on his deliberate provocation.
"Good people should drive evil people berserk we should bring much pain and suffering into their lives because they are evil."
"I genuinely think that people in that town just need to be shaken up a little bit more."
"What if I told you that the statement 'white people are inherently racist' isn't inherently racist?"
"Dustin was actually having fun... taunting him."
"I'm mean on camera because it's like I'm just trying to get you going."
"If the idea one is trying to express is a valuable idea, then being provocative as a strategy for the effective distribution of that idea, okay, in that case, I think it's good."