
Aristocracy Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"It was a British aristocracy thing... it was really crass to mix the two of them because it was indicative of the fact that you didn't have a country estate."
"Without bragging too much, my family are of aristocratic heritage, and my grandfather's brother owns Chillingham Castle, a 15th-century castle in the north of England."
"Sorin Markov comes from a long line of vampire nobility of the Markov house on Innistrad."
"In Britain, the aristocrats still had to pay tax to the monarch. They were still accountable."
"Nobles represent creatures that belong to the aristocracy of their race."
"Venice was unusual in many ways, not least because its rulers, the Doges, were chosen in aristocratic elections."
"This is the problem of having a monarchy and an aristocracy in place... they're going to jump ship."
"Governments, if they endure, always tend increasingly towards aristocratic forms... eventually it always starts off good and it always ends badly."
"The aristocracy used Thatcherism to their own benefit."
"Anything we can do to reduce the amount of aristocrats that exists the better."
"Eula is a descendant of Monstadt's old aristocracy, being from the now-overthrown Lawrence Clan infamous for the tyrannical rule over Monstadt."
"Our hero's father had a dream that if he grew up in an aristocratic family, he would have succeeded in life."
"The most cultured and aristocratic town on the stagecoach route from Charleston to New Orleans."
"After all, adaptability is one of the tests of true aristocracy."
"We are increasingly concerned that America is turning more into an aristocracy than a meritocracy."
"Their Legacy has crafted a blueprint of aristocratic survival and flourish in a world that has relentlessly evolved around them."
"The grova family, tracing their lineage back to the Norman Conquest, exemplifies the enduring Legacy of old money in a modern age."
"Hugh groer 7eventh Duke of Westminster is more than just a wealthy nobleman he is an emblem of what the aristocracy could become in an era clamoring for change if they play their cards right."
"Expensive things can only be sold to Aristocrats."
"If she is the only daughter of the Duke, she surely has the permission to enter and exit the place."
"If you're a British Aristocrat, what's high status is driving a beaten up old black Land Rover covered in dog hair."
"The engagement of Duke Vernon's daughter is discussed... she chose a foreigner."
"Waddesdon Manor evolved from a private Haven to a social epicenter hosting the era's political and cultural Elite."
"The heralded progeny of the Rothschild lineage, a name still entwined in wealth and power, is first embodied by the baronial figure of Jacob Rothschild, the fourth Baron Rothschild."
"Aristocracies are stable but stagnant."
"The bartender is the aristocrat of the working class."
"Machiavelli didn't want democracy, but he led to that because he destroyed the alternative to it, namely aristocracy."
"At the heart of this dynasty, steering this majestic ship through the modern era, is none other than Ralph George Alan Ian Percy, the 12th Duke of Northumberland."
"Forget about the quaint idea of a nobleman; Grosvenor's empire isn't confined to the posh enclaves of Mayfair and Belgravia."
"Christopher Foster has his sights set on a place in this aristocratic world."
"The decades-long conservation work at Attingham has revealed a family history besieged with flamboyant living and rampant spending."
"Political structures as well as things like aristocracy and also the economic structure, the capitalist system."
"The area was dominated by a planter aristocracy."
"People know that joining the houses of a marquess and a duke will create a very powerful alliance."
"The evil of aristocracy is not that it necessarily leads to the infliction of bad things or the suffering of sad ones. The evil of aristocracy is that it places everything in the hands of a class of people who can always inflict what they can never suffer."
"Well, an English Lord is essentially a man who bears one of the five titles of peerage in England."
"Aristocrat or not, I was in love with him, and I think he was with me."
"Life on the ton is filled with so much drama and romance."
"I don't care what perfumed Aristocrat sits beside you in the throne room."
"...they are a direct link to an ancient aristocracy that has chartered the course of mankind since before the Imperium itself."
"The nobility, otherwise known as the aristocracy, are the titled landed estate owners."
"We've got to train ourselves not to think that the aristocracy can do no wrong."
"They behaved pretty appallingly, they dress up in the aristocratic garb and basically play the fool."
"He considers this the greatest honor as an aristocrat."
"The Cecil family have been one of the most resilient and successful aristocratic dynasties in English history."
"We run a civilized aristocratic government machine, tempered by occasional general elections."
"It's a classical tale of the folly of the aristocracy."
"Aristocracy does not mean titled; it means the best."
"It is my belief that the most thoughtful among the hereditary peers of all political persuasions know that the time has come to say thank you and goodbye."
"They continue to stand as an emblem of the intricate complexities and fascinating contradictions that define those born into the noble lineage of the aristocracy."
"Having an aristocratic family still living in the house is one of the fascinations for visitors."
"Change is coming to Longleat, the aristocratic house with lions in the backyard."
"Aristocrats are supposed to live a certain lifestyle right in terms of the quality of culture they experience."
"It was difficult to discern his identity because he was wearing a half mask, but he had the unique attitude and dignity of an aristocrat."
"The hereditary wealth of the aristocracy was destroyed and there was a radical redistribution of wealth around the world."
"The final Bronze Age saw the transition from tribal societies to aristocratic societies."
"She knew that things were changing, and in some of her later conversations with some of the aristocratic friends, she talked about the role of women."
"From the 10th to 16th century, tournaments were the principal expression of aristocratic ideals and noble lineage."
"Generations of this aristocratic titled family enjoyed the trappings of their country manor lifestyle, especially hunting and shooting on their enormous estate."
"Tragedy is an aristocratic principle; it depends on the idea that there are great human beings who stand for something remarkable."
"We broke free from Europe for a reason, and it was because of aristocratic practices like this."
"The Pekingese, a true aristocrat of a breed that can be dated all the way back to the Tang Dynasty in China."
"I used to have a very poor opinion of your aristocracy, but I've changed."
"It is the Duke's desire that the carriage shall go at once to the Fighting Cock Inn to bring Lord Saltire home."
"You can feel like a member of the aristocracy in the 19th century here, but with some modern trimmings."
"When an aristocracy begins to decline, some free spirits or some genuine natures will try to recapture the essence of aristocratic life of the aristocratic regime, namely the notion of nature, but now in a conceptualized or abstracted form."
"It was on a cold Autumn night in 1821 when the thunder of hooves signaled the return of the wealthy 15th Earl of Shrewsbury back to his home, Alton Towers."
"The whole point of the aristocracy is that it is pointless; that is its one justification."
"It's about being pointless in a truly splendid sort of way."
"Imagine it's 1922 and our hero, the very glamorous, refined Aristocrat Count Alexander Rostov has been condemned by a Bolshevik Court to house arrest for the rest of his life."
"It symbolizes the aristocratic life of somebody from Madrid in the 19th century."
"Her quiet, subdued, aristocratic bearing make her mysterious and powerful."
"Coming from the Roman aristocracy, he was a shrewd statesman and politician."
"Beautiful women were the aristocrats of the day, inspiring painters, writers, and early photographers."
"They do own more than a third of all British land still, yes over 33% still in the hands of the aristocrats and traditional landed gentry."
"Rest assured, the Viscount adores you, he has devotedly courted you."
"For the ancient Greeks, warfare is an aristocratic and an honorable thing."
"The elegance of the room invested each one with a kind of aristocracy."
"Lara Croft's original bio had her rebel from her family to pursue her own life outside of the aristocratic expectations placed on her."
"I ended up in the western world, Covent Garden... and then I started meeting aristocrats."
"Rule by divine right and the taming of the aristocracy into obedient servants firmly centralized power of the French State around a single entity, namely Louis XIV."
"It is the splendor of surplus enjoyed by an aristocratic elite that produces cultural excellence."
"I acknowledge the importance of appearances, especially among the aristocracy."
"...those kinds of jewels were, you know, the essential elements of the aristocratic classes at the time because they're really symbols of status and wealth..."
"The Borzoi, a true aristocrat of the hound group."
"I sleep here all right, it's lovely. I feel a proper aristocrat."
"There was a whole language of fans. Aristocratic women would communicate with each other using fans in certain positions to convey little messages across the dance floor."
"The poem embraces the highest aspirations of the late medieval aristocratic world, both courtly and religious."
"The von Hausenbergs are true aristocrats who really care about common people like me, especially Miss Lilly, who I look up to in every way."
"Being an aristocrat meant prestige, position, and power."
"Aristocrats are a species on the verge of extinction."
"We're well aware of the French Revolution, which cost the life of Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, and thousands of aristocrats."
"Who would believe that Baroness Lily von Hasenbuch, the most aristocratic of aristocrats, would suddenly find she had so much in common with a commoner?"
"To raise horses at those times was an aristocratic craft and hobby № 1."
"The aristocracy were more Christianized and more connected to the wider world."
"We aristocrats have big responsibilities, you know. Being responsible, I know it's hard to believe."
"The world's finest assassin gets reincarnated in the entire world as an aristocrat."
"What constituted an ancient aristocrat was not merely a biological legacy or racial selection, but rather a sacred tradition."
"Although Pericles was an aristocrat, he ended up supporting the lower classes."