
Emotional Safety Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"If you are in a healthy relationship, you feel safe, nurtured, seen, heard, understood."
"It is 100% safety, and it just means you respect their emotions as a human."
"You get what you want from this person not through applying force, aggression, frustration, resentment, anger, expectation, commands... but by lovingly allowing them to feel vulnerable by giving them a safe space in which they can express themselves as and when they're ready."
"Reminder that how emotionally safe you feel with a man shows you how masculine he is. Treating women poorly is not masculinity; it's wounded little boy energy."
"When a woman feels emotionally safe with a man, she is able to be her most feminine self."
"This is a safe place to talk about hard things."
"Make a man feel challenged, awed, respected, experience desire, and feel safe emotionally."
"Creating safe spaces for people to feel and unmask every beautiful thing they are, letting my heart and body be a vessel for the expression of love, leaves me feeling so close to the pulse of life."
"We create emotional safety within ourselves through integrity. We create emotional safety in our relationships through consistency and compassion."
"They still need to feel safe to open up to someone."
"If you feel offended... there is a violence... in learning."
"I don't want you to be safe emotionally. I don't want you to be safe ideologically. I want you to be strong."
"Imagine being married to someone and walking on eggshells so thick that you don't know if you set them off if that's what's going to happen. That's abuse and it's disgusting."
"Do your kids feel seen, safe, and supported by you?"
"Safety and understanding are key aspects of love."
"We try to go at these cases in the best way possible so you can absorb the information without getting too triggered."
"Safe space is actually the most missing and needed medicine of our times."
"There will be good people carrying on the fight after we are gone."
"They made a pretend seal mother out of a wetsuit, that way Illy Pika could feel safe while she drank her milk."
"Just let whatever happens happens and be there when your 'autistic' needs some picking up and some cuddling and some comfort and safety."
"It's not about the sex, it's about each other."
"You're going into a time of more stability, a safe container for both of you."
"I just want to be somebody you can feel safe talking to."
"She wants him to feel safe... she wants him to feel safe."
"Awaken your heart, let love in. Your fragile heart is safe; you're allowed to be excited, to experience, to love."
"Don't open up communication if this person could possibly trigger you."
"It's safe for you to love, open your heart to give and receive."
"Protected, covered, secure, knowing you can finally rest and find safety in our covenant is what this journey is all about."
"Home is a safe place to express and feel your emotions."
"Authentic forgiveness doesn't mean you just forgive. It means you engage in a process that is not mandated or scheduled. It means that you put your healing first and work on feeling whole and safe again."
"Love and let yourself be loved, you are safe."
"You do not need to be vulnerable towards anybody until you feel as if you are ready to do that."
"Figure out what you're all looking for. Find someone who you're on the same page with. No one gets hurt."
"You must love me and no one else? That's a dangerous idea."
"Supportiveness: a basic requirement of any close relationship."
"You don't need to be afraid because you are not alone."
"Real closeness can be both safe and comfortable, and you deserve it."
"Being alone might be the only place where it feels safe to process our feelings and be who we actually are."
"Don't hand away your psychological passwords. Don't give away those most vulnerable parts of yourself until someone really gains that trust."
"Protect yourself and be around people who are there for you."
"I'm strong and powerful. I'm going to do whatever it takes to own that and have confidence in myself."
"There's nothing like being able to let your guard down and know that you are protected by your partner's love."
"Better than the real thing. They don't use you or abuse you."
"This is a very uplifting energy they feel, like that safety to be vulnerable where you can be really playful with someone."
"Clark needs somebody who understands that they're different and that they want to be accepted. I think it shouldn't be unsafe, it should be called acceptance."
"Sex definitely hits different when you feel safe and emotionally vulnerable."
"You are not broken, trust the process. It's safe to soften. Oh my god."
"Is it safe for you to love? Open your heart to give and receive."
"It's safe for you to love and be loved with an open heart."
"It was safe for us to tell each other we love each other, cry with each other, pray with each other."
"It's here it's safe for you to love there's there's genuine love here so somebody needs to ask why are you not making this offer or allowing yourself to receive it seriously."
"I'm only submissive in a safe, loving relationship."
"Be mindful of who you share your deep healing journey with."
"It's safe to love, it's safe to go after what you truly desire."
"Feeling safe and secure, building a safe space for vulnerability with them."
"Make them feel safe enough, comfortable enough to love."
"Having a safe space to be able to be who you are even in the hard times, hard conversations where it's not going to be thrown back at you, it's not going to be judged."
"You deserve better than this, you deserve to feel safe in coming together with someone."
"Safety is an emotion. It's a feeling. Security is a state of being."
"You will start to feel safe. You will start to feel the separation between you and other people. It will be liberating."
"True love feels like coming home. It feels like safety."
"Home isn't just a place; it's comfort, happiness, and safety."
"If you are with someone who is trustworthy, they will not use your wounds against you, you will develop intimacy, you will develop a closeness, you will feel like this person trusts you and that you can trust this other person."
"You make them feel safe, and they're different in your presence."
"He made my confusing, distraught, drunk self finally feel safe and loved for the first time in a long time."
"You're going to meet someone who makes you feel secure and protected in love."
"This person feels safe, they feel like home."
"She can't touch me today, you can't touch me today."
"They feel like you are home; you were a safe shore to them."
"Now there can be a safety in what you love, a safety in feeling whole or complete."
"It has to be safe for you to love because there's this potential huge opportunity coming up here."
"Guys want relationships built on trust and emotional safety."
"Your heart, keep it in your pocket for safekeeping. Don't ever let nobody be the reason."
"It's so safe for you to love. You've got the shield, you are defending yourself, you are protecting yourself."
"You're going to feel more safe to be yourself, and it feels like your emotions are more protected as well."
"When we're at our most vulnerable, we all need someone who isn't afraid."
"There's one story that I play over while everything else goes wrong. It's the one where I'm on top of the world, where I feel safest, where I'm loved."
"It is safe for you to love, you are always protected, we always have your back, you don't need to worry."
"You feel safe enough to surrender to each other... a solid union."
"From a real feeling tone of being loved and appreciated, a real feeling tone of transcended abundance, safety, security, we're tapping into our real identity."
"Anyone that says I understand you, I get you, I know you... automatically have an attachment or feel safe."
"That's saying to him that you're more protected than than he can imagine. It's safe to open the back of your heart."
"When a woman loses respect for her man, she will lose her feelings of safety, security, and love for him."
"Safe space is so rare between people and places on this planet."
"The lack of safety in a narcissistic relationship is the core of the hurt and pain."
"Love is safe. It has to be safe. Because if it's not, as far as I'm concerned, it ain't love."
"If there's a part of you that can't take this opportunity, it means a part of you feels unsafe to go with this upgrade."
"Your warmth and inviting nature make people feel safe and loved, drawing them in like coming home to a mother."
"You actually really need is someone for once to say like it's okay if you crumble and fall, I'll be here."
"We are happy we're together, we're creating these safe spaces."
"You're going to open up because you will feel safe with this person."
"You are safe so a lot of you Scorpios you know you don't want to accept love you have your guard up you're suspicious of this individual okay and this is letting you know that you are safe."
"It is safe for you to love yourself, that's for sure."
"Let your guard down, this is a safe space with this new person."
"When a person is emotionally safe, they become very attractive." - RC Blakes
"Relationships should be healthy, happy, and safe."
"It's almost as though you can unveil all your layers and share and exchange love with this person and feel completely safe."
"They wanted you to know that it's safe for you to have an open heart with them that you could trust them but you always knew that anyway."
"I don't want to take the risk of getting hurt more than I've gotten hurt already."
"You are protected. Whatever this is or whoever that's for you are protected."
"Pisces, manifesting a safe place for them to love."
"Humor balanced with vulnerability makes people feel safe to access that part of themselves."
"When you share something vulnerable, it makes it safe for somebody else to share something vulnerable."
"One of the main reasons we find so much enjoyment in horror movies is the element of fiction that makes us feel okay since we know that what we are witnessing isn't real."
"Falling in love should immerse you into a world of safety, a place where you can be yourself, somewhere you will be encouraged to be the best version of yourself."
"Please use this journal as you please know that however you express yourself in this book it will be safe from my eyes only for god to see love adam."
"Love is the heart of the matter - it's safe for you to love and be loved with an open heart."
"You feel like they're truth, they feel like they can trust you."
"A safe and controlled environment to explore your emotions."
"We all deserve a relationship that allows us to sleep peacefully at night."
"For me, the way I like dealing with or processing it is by creating safe little worlds where my emotions are welcomed and someone is holding them almost or and reassuringly and lovingly is there for me."
"Intimacy, both emotional and physical, is an unspoken feeling of safe closeness."
"They're going to lift you up and kind of save you from that critic within you."
"They're going to create a safe emotional space for you to be just that, without any judgment."
"But if the man is evolved enough and has been working on himself, there is nothing that feels better than to feel safe."
"I must feel safe to open up my heart."
"You don't feel safe emotionally because you don't really know where you stand with this person, even after months or even years."
"I want to feel emotionally safe. Would you be open to going to therapy in the beginning of the relationship?"
"Emotionally, like you are safe with them. Emotionally, like you can tell me anything and I'm never going to judge you."
"They feel safe. They know that their emotions are safe with you, that they can open up to you about anything."
"Create safety within yourself first."
"Your emotions will be safe with this person. Maybe this is something you need."
"If you're going to include something that could potentially harm someone emotionally, just check up with your players. It's not hard to do. Always just check."
"Emotional safety. If you can provide those three things, she is going to relax. She is going to trust."
"...trust me guys, if you are having a position where your partner feels really, really hopeless, then safety, that emotional safety in the relationship is massively broken."
"I was gravitating towards Curtis because I felt like he was emotionally safe."
"For a relationship to make it beyond the power struggle stage with a fearful avoidant, having somebody who is safe to be around emotionally safe especially, like consistent, shows up, is stable, you know, is grounded, is reliable."
"Emotional safety and stability has been a huge positive to come out of this."
"...but it was fun it feels good to tell these stories and you make me feel safe right thanks."
"When you respond with kindness and empathy, you help someone feel much safer around you in general, and when people feel safer around you, they're a lot more likely to be vulnerable."
"Emotional safety is your number one currency."
"If you guys are facing that, where you have a veneer of calm and an explosion, that's 100% you are having some emotional safety issues."
"Shame is the biggest factor in an emotionally unsafe environment."
"Connection is to feel more safe with our nervous system, to feel more present, and to feel more whole within ourselves, which then translates into feeling more present and connected with our partner."
"Think twice when you ask someone about their trauma. It's extremely private information that is very difficult and can be traumatic in itself to re-experience."
"... a moment of me really understanding how incredibly supported I am and that like if I fall apart there's like a lot of people there that will catch me"
"Make it super safe and welcoming for people to feel emotionally able to come into your space."
"If I had a hard time, I would just go into dance and like leave it outside. I feel like dance is a safe place for me."
"I trust you, and you can tell me anything, anything at all."
"There is nothing more satisfying than being able to unload emotionally with somebody who will not take advantage of you."
"We don't never want to hurt anybody to the point where they hurt themselves."
"Children learn and can only learn when they feel a sense of security and emotional safety."
"The anxious attachment style is usually pretty charismatic, desiring to connect with people to feel soothed and safe."
"Creating that emotional safety is the first stage of persuasion."
"We're able to really appreciate each other in a much deeper way."
"Trust is a product of the sense of emotional safety that comes from knowing that your partner is there for you, that you matter, and that you are cherished."
"Emotional safety means that they can bring up something and you're not going to get defensive."
"Create an environment around them where they feel like you are one of the best people to talk to about really deep emotional stuff."
"It's a massive green flag for both of you to become safe places where you can learn about how to identify and express feelings and needs."
"You want someone that's going to be selfless, someone that makes you feel protected emotionally and physically."
"Making your house into a home isn't necessarily about decor and craftiness, it's about making your family feel safe and secure."
"I really encourage you to seek help... talking it through with my therapist has helped me immensely helped me feel a lot more safe."
"You have emotional safety when both of you, you and your partner, can really express the full extent of your feelings of your emotions without the other person getting mad."
"Emotional safety is really the key if you want to have a very calm and a very harmonious relationship."
"But once you have emotional safety, then you can really create a more comradeship because you will now understand how to manage each other's emotions very well and you can always prevent arguments from happening."
"Emotional safety is what's going to bring two people together."
"Intimacy builds emotional safety."
"It's helpful to be able to have great emotional connection and communication when you are first able to talk about the things that aren't emotional, and you feel safe in doing so."
"Protect yourself and more importantly, protect your heart."
"If your relationship puts you in a position where you're constantly having to tiptoe around the other person, then that is not a healthy relationship."
"The whole idea of having a home within is that you become for yourself the emotional safety that you seek in others."
"Once we are safe in our bodies to attune to the emotions, we can explore our ego, our Shadow Self."
"It's safe for you to open up your heart."
"We want to give everybody a heads up that if you feel uncomfortable, please come back at a later time when you're feeling a little bit better emotionally."
"If men wanted women to be more honest, then provide a safe space of non-judgment."
"I want that to be a thing where men have safe spaces to tell their brothers, you know, I love you."
"I feel safe to allow my emotions to land with that person."
"Emotional security, integrity of the home reputation, not just what I say to that person but how I carry myself in public and in private."
"I want people to feel like there is a space for them to be vulnerable."
"They're not going to break your heart, they're not going to hurt you."
"For an avoidant to be able to share their thought process, they need a safe place and they need time."
"He wants to be able to be weak with you and have you be able to hold that space for him."
"I've looked too long for some place where I felt safe."
"I feel like you gotta have that feeling of security and safe space to be feminine."
"What's most important to me is that mental and emotional connection and safety."
"Hope that everyone is doing very well, feeling safe, protected, loved, balanced, clear, productive, happy, loved, loving, able to love, able to relax."
"I didn't want you to get hurt or suffer ever again."
"Identity integration is accomplished as the patient experiences negative emotions but in a safe, accepting environment."
"That's the best mindset in my opinion to have because you don't get hurt that way."
"When you help somebody with zero expectation, they can't hurt you."
"I've been alone before, this way I won't get burned. Hold on to my heart."
"It is safe for you to love, open your heart to give and to receive the highest energy of all."