
Stakeholders Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"Stakeholder capitalism means that a company shouldn't answer to the shareholders but instead to society at large."
"Conscious capitalism is not just about making money; it's about serving the broader interests of all stakeholders."
"He's one of those and he ushers in the last of the stakeholders."
"Players are losing, the staff are losing, and the investors are losing."
"He's always trying to do right by all stakeholders."
"Business has responsibilities to all its stakeholders."
"Janet Jackson had a bunch of very shaky relationships with who you would call are her stakeholders."
"Players should become true stakeholders of their games."
"The solution must comply with federal regulations and consider a multitude of stakeholders."
"This is a win for all involved, especially Ava."
"The time is now for all key stakeholders to devote the necessary resources."
"If you take care of the needs of all stakeholders, you actually create value for the share price."
"A stakeholder is the one whose interests may positively or negatively be affected or perceived to be affected by the decision, activity, or outcome of the project."
"TRIKE focuses on acceptable risk and implements a requirements model that ensures the assigned level of risk for each asset is acceptable to stakeholders."
"It doesn't matter if it works for you; it matters if it works for the clients and the employees."
"To determine which information is relevant and belongs in a one to two sentence overview for your stakeholders, ask yourself: How can I communicate a decision in a way that makes it easy for them to decide?"
"The alignment between the users of the advertising product and the shareholders."
"...what the patients want, what the doctors want, what even the insurance companies want is treatment. That's really what it's all about."
"Respect, and that's kind of a 360 view we respect ourselves we respect others we respect the concepts that we are using as part of scrum and and you know and we respect the other stakeholders as well 360."
"Know your stakeholders and their roles. Effective communication is key in security."
"Effective communication involves relaying only the information that is most relevant to stakeholders."
"Communicate regularly with your community or donor base. Let your stakeholders share in what you're accomplishing."
"Stakeholders are anybody who could be impacted by the project or could impact the project."
"For releases, key criteria include successful completion of features, testing, documentation, and meeting stakeholders' approval."
"Your stakeholders will want to see regular indications that the team is making progress, and milestones are a great way to show that progress."
"Understanding these benefits and concepts will help you ensure you deliver a project that meets your stakeholders' expectations."
"Product roadmaps should be created with input from different cross-functional teams and different stakeholders and people in the business."
"The profits shouldn't go to just shareholders."
"Conflict management is an important skill for a project manager while communicating with stakeholders."
"A stakeholder is anybody who has a stake in the project, and may affect or be affected by its outcome."
"The size and complexity of your communication plan will be different for every project, but it is always good to have one, especially when multiple stakeholders, different phases, and change management are involved."
"Effective communication is crucial for machine learning engineers to convey complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders."
"The sprint review aims to get feedback from the stakeholders on the user stories done during the sprint."
"Understanding how to effectively communicate your results to stakeholders is an important part of being a data professional."
"Your technical skills are of no use if you can't convey your data insights properly to your stakeholders."
"GE wasn't being run just for investors but for employees, customers, and communities."
"Bringing your stakeholders along for the journey is crucial."
"There's all the normal stakeholders involved, customers, employees, and shareholders that they want to produce value for, but there's this second thing where they exist for the good of America and its interests."
"Identification of stakeholders helps us having a better understanding of the project."
"Generating progress reports updates the stakeholders about the project growth."
"Your project Charter has been approved and your stakeholder analysis reveals multiple impacted highly paid Executives with the power to influence your career."
"A significant number of changes or modifications to the project requirements or scope may indicate stakeholders are not engaged or aligned with the project objectives."
"...how are we communicating with all of those stakeholders and making sure that everyone is getting the information that they need in order to get their job done?"
"Communicating the benefit of a proposed change is important for handling difficult stakeholders."
"Let's see how we can take the idea and concept we have about a business process in our organization and translate it into a visual workflow easy to understand for all stakeholders."
"Anyone who is a stakeholder to deliver value to the customer should be part of this frame."
"Business has to keep in mind they have a stakeholder, which is the planet."
"Communication with stakeholders is conveyed through meetings, emails, newsletters, and events."
"Every process does multiple stakeholders."
"Corporate social responsibility involves considering the interests of all stakeholders, not just shareholders."
"Corporate governance serves the best interests of shareholders and stakeholders."
"Requirements encompass high-level business goals, stakeholder needs, and solution characteristics."
"The business requirements document is a major deliverable requiring formal review and sign-off by stakeholders."
"A stakeholder is any party with an interest in an enterprise. For example, corporate stakeholders include our investors, employees, customers, and suppliers."
"To differentiate stakeholders, ask yourself who's directly or indirectly affected by your actions and who has the power to influence them."
"The Mendelow matrix categorizes stakeholders based on their level of power and interest."
"Education is not a single system it's a vast complex adaptive system which involves interest of teachers parents uh the business Community uh politicians architex."
"Making these models more open increases accessibility not just to other AI researchers or Engineers but also to other stakeholders within domains such as medicine like clinicians and patients."
"Inviting a multi-disciplinary discourse among different stakeholders."
"Audit findings will often be ultimately reported to stakeholders. Before that occurs, they need to have appropriate buy-in from the auditees. This is the only way to have a successful audit process and add value to the organization."
"Requirements workshops: a structured and facilitated event to discover, refine, prioritize, validate, and discuss requirements with the stakeholders."
"Embrace a partnership with these stakeholders."
"Quality focuses on meeting acceptance criteria for deliverables and satisfying stakeholders' expectations on product requirements."
"The main benefit of this process is that stakeholders can understand the current status of the project, the steps that must be taken, the budget schedule, and scope forecasts."
"Taking ethics seriously means that every stakeholder will do their part to address to ensure that ethical concerns are not neglected."
"Identify the correct stakeholders early on."
"Taking ownership and responsibility is an extremely powerful tool when working with stakeholders."
"Leadership is about service. It's not to serve the shareholder, it's to serve the people, the customers, the patients, the clients that you serve. That's what it's about."
"But who can really maximize the wealth of shareholders without paying attention to the other stakeholders as well? So it's just good business to say that this is the case, but nothing is going to change now."
"In business, there are winners and losers... you will always be servicing three Masters: your customers, your employees, and your shareholders."
"Prototype make it easier for stakeholders to grasp the system's look and feel, especially valuable when dealing with complex financial transactions or investment portfolio management interfaces."
"Prototypes and mockups serve as powerful tools for requirement gathering, helping in effective communication with stakeholders."
"Denny Hamlin represents the teams, Marcus Smith represents the tracks, and right now, both sides have been directly battling each other for a larger chunk of NASCAR's media revenue."
"Sharing reports with an audience, customers, or stakeholders."
"This is great for project and program managers and stakeholders as well because you can just sort of track the progress of a fixed version as you go."
"It provides this really great foundation of trust with your stakeholders."
"Postmodern organizations are committed to culture, empowerment, and stakeholder models."
"If the values of the stakeholders are not aligned, we might have the perfect model, but it is not going to give us equitable care."
"if everything is called stakeholder list"
"It's important to act in the public interest by considering all stakeholders."
"...I think he should stay longer. I think the shareholders would like him to stay longer."
"Involve stakeholders in the process from the beginning."
"You have to think about your audience, who are your audience? Most of your audience will be your stakeholders."
"How are you going to help your stakeholders to utilize the findings?"
"Successful project development requires that you engage with your stakeholders and decision makers early in your process."
"I've made promises to the horses, but I also have different stakeholders that are involved, and that responsibility is on my shoulders."
"Stakeholders are people or groups who are interested or affected by the company, directly or indirectly."
"Key players are those stakeholders who have high power as well as high interest in the company."
"More reputation because it's voluntary, more transparency, more focused on stakeholders."
"Stakeholder Assurance for stakeholders such as customers, investors, and regulators, IT audits provide assurance that an organization's IT systems and controls are robust and trustworthy."
"The goal of corporate governance: promote the interests of stakeholders in a fair and transparent manner."
"The stakeholders need logic, need data, need proper analysis otherwise for them it's a risk."
"Stakeholders want to reduce the risk associated with decision making before they give an approval."
"Engage your relevant stakeholders in technical decisions."
"Appraise stakeholders of value gain progress."
"There must be a communication strategy in place to keep stakeholders informed of project progress."
"Communicating with stakeholders... is critical to getting those key messages and elements across."
"Teamwork is essential, and you should make sure to involve stakeholders and pick the right people for each phase of the project."
"We act all as stakeholders of larger communities, that we serve not our only self-interests but we serve the community."
"Make sure you're talking to the right person, make sure you have identified the right stakeholder."
"These areas of works have also been appreciated across the board by taxpayers and stakeholders alike."
"Stakeholders are anyone who may be affected by the project."
"Engage early with key stakeholders and understand their role in delivering the outcome."
"Companies do not only optimize short-term profits for shareholders but seek long-term value creation by taking into account the needs of all their stakeholders."
"By focusing on all the stakeholders, we serve everyone better, including the shareholders."
"We provide a public good; it goes to shareholders, it goes to regulators."
"Your project charter should align different groups of stakeholders towards the goal."
"Performance must be related back to the organization's mission and also to its stakeholders."
"Performance is really viewed through the eyes of stakeholders."
"Management has to manage the conflict between what stakeholders want."
"Take a collaborative approach and partner with your stakeholders."
"Maximize the welfare of the stakeholders, not the shareholders."
"The education sector has to be accountable to students, to parents, to teachers, to the officials who work in that sector."
"For the next generation technology company to succeed, all of the stakeholders and societies around them have to succeed as well."
"Stakeholders are people who get value from a system."
"Action mapping is a process that can help get our stakeholders and subject matter experts on board with what we're trying to do as instructional designers."
"It enables stakeholders and decision makers to analyze data visually."
"Regardless of the industry, regardless of your size, your location, the type of your organization, one thing will never change: that your organization exists to create value for stakeholders."
"Let me share with you that we have put a lot of passion in shaping a conference that would hopefully get us closer to European stakeholders in general."
"Effective and timely communication to stakeholders is established to increase performance."
"Systems engineering has always been responsible for ensuring that the end users and all the stakeholders' needs are identified and addressed."
"The recommended curriculum is construed by educational stakeholders at the national level."
"Collaboration is the key word here, involving all stakeholders from the very early stage of designing systems."
"As business analysts, most of our interaction is with stakeholders."
"Support means the other stakeholders in the decision support them in taking the solution to fix the pain."
"We feel a duty to serve the interests of all five stakeholders: guests, hosts, employees, communities, and shareholders."
"You can use portfolio for your plan to track progress and also share it with stakeholders."
"If you only focus on the shareholder, you're going to lose. All three of these groups have to win: employees, customers, and shareholders."
"This is about breaking down silos and building bridges between these different stakeholders."
"Motivation Elements allow us to justify Projects by identifying Stakeholders, their Drivers."
"Make sure you have the right stakeholders; make sure that people know from an organizational perspective why you're adopting enterprise governance."
"Engaging stakeholders at the right stages of the project to gain, confirm, or keep their commitment and continuous dedication to the project's success."
"We consider them to be the quantified and documented needs, wants, and expectations of the sponsor or the stakeholders."
"Quality has to be defined in context of these two important stakeholders: the offering as well as the receiving."
"We have two stakeholders, a CEO and a customer, and then we have some drivers for change."
"This is really very helpful to start sketching out beyond who are the stakeholders, what are their concerns, and why are they concerns."
"Business needs to have a purpose; it needs to be about stakeholders."
"Make life better for all of them; create value consciously for each of them."
"Accountability is the commitment to transparently respond to the needs of all stakeholders."
"Our job as companies is not just to care about shareholders but to take care of our customers, take care of employees, take care of society."
"Our focus remains on creating long-term wealth for all stakeholders."
"It's important for firms to be able to create value for constituents."
"In high stakes meetings, it's crucial to have empathy for your stakeholders and understand where everyone is coming from."
"Set up a meeting with the two stakeholders to resolve the conflict."
"Transparency with the various stakeholders is very important because that engenders trust."
"Stakeholders are again part of the ecosystem; anyone affected by the organization forms part of the ecosystem."
"Project stakeholders are individuals and organizations who are actively involved in the project."
"The benefit management plan talks specifically about the strategic alignments of the stakeholders for a project."
"Effectively engage with stakeholders."
"Planning should involve all stakeholders."
"The collect requirements process involves determining, documenting, and managing stakeholder needs and requirements to meet project objectives."
"Communicating the program periodically with all the stakeholders is crucial for the totality of project management."
"Stakeholders are all those individuals that have an interest in the company's behavior or the company's actions."
"Stakeholders are persons or groups with a legitimate interest in a company."
"Design first drives involvement from product management and other key stakeholders."
"It's also a key tool for communicating the project to all stakeholders."
"An ethical business... would expect as part of its broader responsibilities to be looking after its responsibilities to social stakeholders."
"CSR or corporate social responsibility is all about stakeholder responsibility."
"Business leaders should not only serve shareholders but all those who have a stake in the company."
"Accommodating the views and integrating the passions of the people with your stakeholders is very important."
"The role of a strategic leader is to balance the interests of the organization with stakeholders."