
Social Class Quotes

There are 252 quotes

"It was a British aristocracy thing... it was really crass to mix the two of them because it was indicative of the fact that you didn't have a country estate."
"When the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the middle class gets smaller."
"Luxury beliefs are beliefs held by the upper classes that bestow status on them but incur costs on people of the lower class."
"Luxury beliefs idea I define as ideas and opinions that confer status on the upper class while often inflicting costs on the lower social classes."
"My subject is the American Protestant small town middle class. I like middles; it is in middles where extremes clash, where ambiguity restlessly rules."
"Rory at her core was a hybrid between the middle-class American girl and the rich American girl."
"Luxury beliefs are ideas and opinions that confer status on the upper class while inflicting costs on the lower classes."
"We're working class people; these people are the rich, the billionaires, they don't give a [expletive]."
"Trying to appear as relatable to your low to middle class audience while at the same time flexing your high class lifestyle is never going to feel authentic to anyone but kids."
"Despite the hardships faced by the working class, Glasgow was not without its charms."
"Our relationship with the workplace is what defines our class."
"What all of this ultimately means is that, though he meets Legosi on a certain intersection of alienation, he has a far more nuanced and complex understanding of something we don't really get from other main characters... C L A S S."
"Sometimes the working class has a little bit of trouble recognizing who and who is not their enemy."
"It's not just about racial or sexual diversity, what about class diversity in politics?"
"The creation the rise of a new massive class: the useless class."
"If there's one thing money can't buy, it's class."
"Empowering workers is a good thing. We want a strong working class, we want a middle class."
"The British middle classes are not what they seem behind the veneer of white-collar respectability there's another story."
"It isn't a matter of left versus right, it's top versus bottom. Class struggle is not left or right, it's class."
"Kate is very upper crusty aristocratic... but I don't think it hurts to pull a little bit of a Jackie Kennedy moment."
"Inflation hurts the poor... inflation is the reason why the middle class is getting wiped out."
"The major storyline deals with the conflict between old money and new money."
"Poor people and middle class people are really smart too."
"Robert was pretty much born with the silver spoon in his mouth."
"Our clothes and where we buy them now have become this class issue and now more than ever they're starting to get mixed up with our ideologies."
"The voice of the working class is always going to be coarse, and it's worth bearing in mind that these people are suffering."
"The Democratic party has got to reclaim what it once was - the party of the working class."
"Looking at it now, it seems to me that the video games industry doesn't want the working class, or if it does, it certainly doesn't understand them."
"You saw she's old Massachusetts money with a grand staircase. Her Halloween costume had a corset, and she left the house without telling her parents. That's rich kid privilege."
"The world economic forum is a sorority of the rich and powerful, the one-tenth of one percent, and they want to control the 99 percent."
"Life was much cleaner and easier for the wealthy who could afford lavish bathrooms and untainted water."
"We're at a moment like in American society now, and ironically this is a moment when the class contradictions in American society are greater than they have ever been in the history of the Republic."
"The wealthy want to get bigger, while the middle class just wants to be happy."
"Our agenda is the agenda of working-class and middle-class Americans."
"It's well documented that the Titanic had many rich passengers because of the unsinkable ship's notoriety."
"American families are hurting, my Democrat colleagues and their liberal elite mouthpieces in the media claim to be champions of the poor and the working class..."
"The real thing about Donald Trump was it he was somebody who was prepared to say do and be anything and didn't care what anybody said."
"The worker is unable to understand his situation because he doesn't have the education of a rich man. The rich man is not able to understand the worker's situation because he doesn't have the education of the poor man."
"Destroy the middle class and you eventually destroy the economic engine of the United States."
"The billionaire class is scared and they should be scared."
"The cost of the soiree will remain confidential, but the young high rollers spend sometimes up to a hundred thousand euros per night."
"American Rachel Chu's journey to her wealthy boyfriend's home in Singapore marries the best parts of the rom-com genre with some genuine cultural insight."
"So your family is like rich, quite comfortable? That is exactly what a super-rich person would say."
"Kids experience a lot of pressure at a pretty young age."
"The ultra wealthy, okay, no I know I get it, I'm rich but I'm not like a billionaire or anything like that right, certainly the powerful elites know something we all don't."
"I want the middle class to be thriving again. We're losing our middle class."
"How can you possibly Implement policies that are going to work for Working Class People if you've never met one?"
"The children of the billionaires don't see the effect of these wars; it's the working class who bear the brunt."
"In today’s show, we’re going to class you as a regular working person in Rome, a plebian, someone who didn’t have an en-suite."
"There's two types of people. There's the people that own the store, and there's the people that scrape the gum off the floor. You have to decide which one are you."
"You're not the Archie Bunker vote, you are an elite even though you rally against them."
"Being a rich kid in South Korea sounds pretty sweet, don't you think?"
"What happens when three kids from modest backgrounds find themselves thrust into the world of the rich and privileged?"
"He was a proud working-class lad from Leicester and he'd led this fantastic life."
"The middle class, the working class in the Midlands, the north coming over to the Conservatives."
"The ethics of CEOs may very well have gone down since the 1950s but they've gone down because there's not a fighting working class forcing CEOs to behave in a more ethical fashion."
"Neoliberalism was an attack on the working class and an attack on the working people everywhere."
"It really comes down to dignity, which I think you understand when you explore what's happening within the white working class."
"The problem isn't racism per se, although it's certainly there, but it's class. We don't talk about class."
"It's the upper class and the capitalists that want Mass immigration and want illegal immigration because it's in their economic self-interest."
"Our working-class people going to benefit from that or just the billionaire class?"
"I realized that, you know, this middle-class phenomenon, their curse."
"This really is a story about class and how it doesn't matter where you fall in that spectrum—you still make stupid mistakes."
"Look like a match made in heaven, this beautiful high society horsewoman, only daughter of a wealthy Oil Man."
"Working-class Americans are often more pessimistic about their future compared to those in higher income occupations."
"Black Excellence is also in tandem a class issue."
"FDR was a traitor to his class... that is very different from a lot of the billionaires who run today."
"The deeper down you go in the class structure, the more our people suffer."
"The media is broadly out of touch with the core concerns of working class Americans."
"The middle class in America is probably permanently... people... know it."
"Strong, clear advocacy for working-class Americans isn't just for the Bronx."
"The fact is the rich is getting richer, the poor is getting poorer, and the middle class is simply not existing."
"Part of the energy behind this Titan submersive story is our awareness that these people were representatives of particular economic class."
"I mean the guy really takes care of the elite of the elite."
"Despite their schemes, the Kim family ultimately couldn't change who they are or how they smell."
"CIS Hitman in particular think of themselves not as currently poor but as future rich people."
"Most people think they are middle class but most are not and that's costing them a lot of money."
"Two cars, a well-furnished single-family home, and regular vacations are all part of an upper middle class income starter pack."
"The alternative is socialism, a capitalist society inherently leads to a two-class system."
"Most luxury items from Major League brands are not targeted at the uber-wealthy upper classes, but instead at the upper-middle class."
"Turbo's a billionaire, he's not one of the common people."
"Most people who lived in Jones County scorned the wealthy planter class."
"The triumph of the professional managerial class over everyone else."
"Class trumps all other privileges in America."
"Maybe the economy shouldn't be dependent on an enormous underclass of terminally exploited workers..."
"The luxurious ships were designed to appeal to the upper echelons of society, offering such travelers an exclusive first class traveling experience to places otherwise unreachable."
"If you're mad at the Burger flipper and not the hedge fund guy, you're a peasant."
"They think all the same things the difference is whether they can put like a veneer of ivy league [__] on it but what they all think."
"The North Pier, the Posh Pier, very proper class."
"Abortion stands for other things, and when you drill down into these things, they all stand for social class."
"The rich class doesn't really have that... stick together."
"Every grave is rich, there is no poor grave; this is the cemetery of upper-class people."
"We will stand up for the middle class; we will stand up for the vulnerable."
"Why are the nobles so violent with their ideas of commoners?"
"No one can choose what class they're born into, but we can choose how we live or die."
"All my life, I wonder how it feels to pass a day not above them, but part of them."
"You are destined to be the lowest class."
"This is low class, this is that prison spread."
"Potatoes were a very important part of the diet in the 18th century in Great Britain, then in North America. They were an important, especially for the poorer sort of folks who didn't have those expensive foods available to them."
"Oh my God, there's a little bit more to the movie talking about Alex and his identity with privilege being that he was from a working class family and yeah, but I skipped it because I just wanted to get to the lovey-dovey stuff."
"It's Unthinkable for a noble like her to be lumped in with the commoners in beta class."
"I'm finding myself stuck in between these two, this working-class upbringing, but I've got these middle-class children. So I invented a term, the 'model class,' and the model class is somewhere in the middle."
"This is actually low class citizen. Some hair extensions run from 500 to a couple thousand dollars."
"The aspirations they have for themselves and their children differ, and therefore money alone as we would see it doesn't make one middle class."
"Peter’s financial struggles aren't as prominent as in the Sam Raimi trilogy but he’s still very much a working class superhero."
"Why are working class Aesthetics perceived as cool and desirable in the first place?"
"Faking it is making it, and adopting the Aesthetics of the working class does a great job of communicating solidarity and connection with that social class."
"Class consciousness... is continually being upset again by the competition between the workers themselves."
"Gee, imagine a real countess coming to stay with us."
"Just because you have money doesn't mean you can walk all over regular folks."
"However, as the play unfolds, we learn that Gerald does not feel any social responsibility towards poor working-class people, nor does he accept responsibility for the role he played in Daisy Renton's suicide."
"People like him made class divisions worse in England."
"The working class is bringing more truthfulness and political destabilization to the culture machine."
"The rise of this Mercantile class often originating as commoners or mid-level managers who gained wealth through skilled trades signaled significant Evolution."
"Hassan is just like this peak bougie champagne socialist."
"We have an increasingly prosperous white merchant class who control resources like land and water as well as publicity vehicles like newspapers."
"Earrings were worn by different classes - the lowest class, nobility, merchants - all for different reasons."
"It goes without saying that all three classes will not dine together. They are separated, and will only really come together when they are faced with the matter of life or death."
"Upper-class women always had more independence than the lower classes."
"...a vigilante who replaced the terrible justice that the state always put on the poorer classes."
"The once prosperous City had become a graveyard for slave owners and the privileged class."
"...the lens of a class, i.e. economic situation..."
"We don't want middle-class people always at the front of the queue."
"Accent or pronunciation is a key indicator of social class though not the sole or most crucial one."
"In the kind of shabby gentile family that I'm talking about, there is far more consciousness of poverty than in any working-class family."
"Allow me to show you the facilities available to second-class Travelers."
"I think the fear is that there's an image of people who live in houses like this, aristocracy, you know, that they think it's their god-given right to the day, so we almost kind of pull back."
"Even in the relationship within the knight and his squire, there are intimations of a leveling of social classes here."
"Parasite, yeah, which is that the sort of like lower middle class family of like gig economy strivers, there's a rung beneath them and they're just as bad to the people at the bottom of the house as like the rich people are to them."
"There's this isolation and disdain that the new upper class holds for ordinary Americans."
"The new upper class holds ordinary Americans in contempt, disdain."
"I hate having our social class held over you like a sword."
"We are segregated in America by social class. Most middle-class people don't know someone in poverty by first name. We're not sitting down to dinner together."
"The dichotomy of Old World Newport: millionaires and working-class traditions."
"The privileged group of high class of the time included kings, merchants, and the priests that kept the temples running, which is not very different from what happens today."
"Tolstoy's upper-class characters are very good at hiding their true selves."
"There's this whole conversation about class and black immigrants to America who have a level of access that the black American doesn't because of their different social class."
"As people move up in higher socioeconomic class, they tend to become more polite in their language use, using more strategic politeness strategies."
"The more formal registers tend to be associated with higher social classes."
"The rich will keep on growing richer while the masses grow poorer and poorer."
"These are made out of, oh well, straightens. This is where London's wealthy elite come to offload their has-beens."
"The gratifying thing about advising the well-born is that they, unlike the tenants on an estate, are in the position."
"I am not indifferent to her station in life which must be beneath my own but."
"Just a word or two in passing, but the gentry is the gentry, and it gets noticed," Mrs. Pierce remarked.
"At the end of the day, if you sound posh, you sound posh, you know? It doesn't change you as a person or whatever."
"Because it was expensive to dye or bleach garments pure white and because it was also expensive to launder and keep them clean, white became associated with elites and the wealthy."
"Hopes of leveling were behind countless actions of poor whites against the rich in all the English colonies."
"You got taken from probably the middle class of America to the upper class not even just the upper class you got put into the [ __ ] 1% or the 0.1% of this country"
"I don't think most people's parents have jobs like that, and I don't think most people go to very wealthy school districts. But at Harvard, it is definitely common for people to be upper middle class at least."
"The proletariat vs. the hierarchy."
"Only the working class could regenerate the world, that is not himself, as a bourgeois, but only workers."
"They call them Blue Bloods 'cause they've been given everything their entire life. They ain't us. We're wilderness forged, forged in the toughness. Their time's over. It's our time. It's your time. It's show time. You show the world who we really are."
"The aristocracy and the working class are united by the bonds of a common morality."
"If a middle or upper-class reader saw this and felt that the working-class people were just like them, would this not have increased sympathy for the working class, which is perhaps Dickens's ultimate aim with this story?"
"Eva, even at the hour of her greatest need, proves to be far more moral than her social superiors."
"Musicians were considered to be on the lower end of the social class spectrum."
"Generosity permeates all social classes, races, ethnicities, backgrounds."
"I'm looking at everybody and said, Polet, look, everybody here is rich, man. And we're having dinner with rich people."
"The middle class is a social construct specifically designed by the ruling class to mystify the self away from Capital exploitation."
"What you need to understand is that working class is what fast fashion tries to Target."
"I don't want to toot my horn too loud but... after 50 years I didn't read it 50 years ago... what struck me... is very characteristic that as he evolved in his thinking that toward the end of his life he was against his idea the meritocracy had gone too far."
"This new class this new aristocracy... has gotten very good at Living glossy lives and gotten very bad at Living textured lives."
"I talk in the in coming aart about the new upper class new lower class and a lot of people are focused on the problems that the new lower class has I'm really much more worried about the problems of the new upper class."
"Jon and Gisele Fetterman are fighting for the American working class."
"Dogs: Rich people use them to win competitions. Poor people use them to protect their house at night."
"The middle class is definitely the minority of the three."
"because um like no one who is around a London upper middle class dinner table actually knows anyone in rum"
"Genius like Shakespeare's is not born among laboring, uneducated servile people, it was not born among the Saxons and the Britons, there is not more today among the working classes they say."
"The combination here of the story about social class and the story about the natural round is fascinating."
"Even though the boats are for the wealthier segment of society, people were not necessarily behaving themselves any better down below."
"...the anxiety the economic anxiety that lives in this novel drives this novel and it often is easily forgotten because people have servants and cooks and gardeners..."
"The closer to the town center you get, the posher it seems."
"She realized that an aristocratic lady apologizing to a village orphan was what people called nobility."
"The nobility, otherwise known as the aristocracy, are the titled landed estate owners."
"If you're posh, this means born into a family, typically but not always, that has money and is wealthy; but more than the money, it's about their... It's about the name of that family."
"I'm working class with a middle-class background."
"Received pronunciation is the classic British sound."
"If you were of the best society, this was how you spoke."
"The messenger of Allah was concentrated upon those who would hear it, and oftentimes it was the poor."
"Shakespeare really wants to explore the Nurse as a real person, as a member of the servant class."
"The working class is the most numerous class and also the most poor."
"The blitz was the last great occasion when the middle classes were able to offer charity to the working class and be readily accepted."
"You can't ignore it, it is literally the lived reality of class in this country and it has to be engaged with."
"It just irked the crap out of me that people would make derogatory comments about Working Class People because they were talking about my grandparents."
"Status is a much more important determination of class than salary or bank account."
"They are clothed in velvet and rich stuffs, ornamented with ermine and other furs, while we are forced to wear poor clothing."
"Class divisions were well marked; they appeared in manners, in dress, and in occupation."
"Monkey man does manage to be somewhat distinct; it takes place in India, spotlighting the lower class."
"It's great for the lower and working in lower middle class; they're getting the bulk of the relief."
"The proletariat isn't simply a victim class, it is the class that can take hold of society, reorganize society, reconstruct society in the interest of society as opposed to the interest of a corporation maximizing profit in the next three months."
"Class divisions were unimportant to me, except that I would have liked to have the privilege of a college education."
"Metamorphosis is a story about alienation and class powerlessness."
"Eating on a bare table was once something only a peasant would do."
"She feels that there's this sort of subtle distinction between who has money and who doesn't, and how that changes what you can do."
"A really funny and compassionate story of love, family, and class."
"The beginnings of this accent goes all the way back to around the mid 1700s when wealthy British Traders started to speak without the r sound in their words to show that they were from a higher social class."
"Miles hadn't forgotten the hopes of the tail end people."
"Some people are Hindus, others are Turks, some are Muslims, but you must recognize that there is only one caste, one social class of all humankind."
"I believe that your class can still have a very large impact on your ability to or your likelihood of becoming popular online."
"Privilege and class and wealth is a huge factor in this as well."