
Role Reversal Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"The rolls have reversed; oh no, now I'm big, now he's the big spoon."
"These authors don't think they're doing anything wrong, but as soon as you read it with the roles reversed, you realize how insane it is."
"The world of One Punch Man reverses the roles of heroes and villains."
"Well, well, well. It appears the student has become the teacher."
"Be careful what you say because nowadays roles can instantly be reversed these days."
"The tables have turned; the hunters are now the hunted."
"I think a kid has to kind of forgive their parents and start parenting their parents."
"I will never get over how fun this role reversal is. 10 out of 10, baby!"
"Daphne didn't want to be stuck with the archaic damsel in distress role..."
"They're actually the heroes of the pre-flight."
"The rolls have flipped. The business owner has become the Karen."
"Instead of being the victim she's actually the hero and she's the most powerful strongest person in the movie."
"If the roles were reversed, I don't know what I would be able to do."
"The labels are always the evil characters of the story... sometimes they're actually the heroes."
"You're going to go from being the meal to sitting down at the table eating the meal."
"I wanted to play Wesley Snipes, you know how they flip every movie."
"He's an amazing host and interviewer, and we're gonna turn the tables on him today."
"What stupidity and what horror the moment society decides parents are not to be parents but children are to be adults and adults should act like children."
"Women have to be perceived as having agency, having the ability to act, and then leave the damsel role for the agent role."
"White Mages in Final Fantasy XIV flipped that notion on its head."
"Don't play the effing hero when you've been the villain."
"I figure if the actual Pope is such a [ __ ] at his job, maybe it's my turn. What do you say? My turn sounds pretty good."
"Maybe switch it up, let a guy take care of you, see how you like it."
"I want to be the Easter Bunny and you sit on my lap. There's nothing we never do like Christmas."
"The demons and the makers would come to find out that the Doom Slayer wasn't trapped there with the demons, but the demons were trapped there with the Doom Slayer."
"You become champion, what happens is your home betraying changes, you're the hunted instead of the hunter."
"That's the whole point, but you never see the roles reverse."
"Everybody wants to be the robber now and not the cop."
"They were hot on your ass in the past, then you became the chaser."
"Father, now it's my turn to protect you both."
"The student surpasses the master kind of situation."
"It's a reversal world, you don't expect to see Stallone playing that guy."
"Any of the faced Mechon would make a good entrance; they're basically unwilling reverse mech pilots."
"Live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"Only the classic idiot sidekick archetype is actually the smartest person in the room."
"They're always on TV judging people well I think today it is time for the judgers to become the judgies."
"Gana, the newly crowned queen of the Valkyries, is not at all happy about her position becoming null and void."
"My mom 42 is a single mom and has always treated me more like a second parent than one of her children."
"I mean, I survived in a lifepod. One of them could be alive too. The rescuer could have just become the rescued."
"She showed everyone what she could do with the hammer in her hand and now it's time for him to show everyone what he can do without it."
"What's great about this game is that the vagrants get to be the heroes of the story."
"Our job is not to save the humans and destroy the zombies but rather to be the zombies ourselves and lead them to victory."
"This is a boy in a dog story but the roles are reversed... Arlo the dinosaur is the boy in the story and spot is the dog."
"The protective and providing role of the father becomes inverted, and he becomes a threat to the family."
"Conceptually, Mega Man A Day in the Limelight is probably the most fun game I'm going to talk about because you get to play as the robot masters."
"This is weird though, cuz usually I'm the one getting trolled, and right now I am the one trolling."
"The body has been conditioned to be the mind, then the servant is the master."
"Imagine this: You've just been brain-swapped into the dying body of your arch-enemy."
"I love this, like being the actual interviewer, I feel that so much in control. This is a real role reversal."
"It's cool how the tables have turned with the crew hunting the troop now."
"If the roles were reversed, how would you feel?"
"Seeing Johnny be the all-defensive one like, we never see that, I know."
"Interestingly, the film will switch parental protagonists with Elastigirl taking the principal role over her husband Mr. Incredible."
"It's nice to change roles as I age."
"What it took was to become the villains."
"It's kind of where they say a lot of the Christmas stuff comes from like the idea of giving gifts and there was also a role reversal when like they had slaves."
"I feel like these people wish they could be in your role. If they could snap their fingers and suddenly be in your position they would in a millisecond."
"I guess you'd appreciate being the dude for once, huh?"
"Men are starting to now feel like those pieces of meat that they made women feel like for so long, and they don't like it."
"It could be really fun to see the roles reversed, in addition to seeing the characters’ reactions to new and unfamiliar situations."
"Here we got to turn the hunters into the hunter, did I?"
"I thought she would tell my character, 'Don't worry my lady, I'll protect you.'"
"Sometimes the hunter becomes the hunted."
"The tables have turned now, you know how it feels when mother spends hours slaving away in the kitchen for you to DoorDash something."
"It isn't often that, you know, the kids are the parents and I get to play uninterrupted until now."
"Switching rolls, don't know what got into you. Kids trying to play killer like Duncan Penderhughes."
"Since the beginning of time, dogs have worked for us. It now seems we work for them."
"I'm your doctor, next time I need a brain surgery, I'm coming to you, okay."
"What happens when the world is a carnival, and the clown becomes the critic?"
"The Descent aims to take the traditionally male-dominated world of horror movies and switch those roles for an almost all-female cast."
"Is it true that long ago firemen put fires out instead of going to start them?"
"When did we become the ones giving advice to our parents?"
"The fools will be wise, and the wise will be fools."
"It's almost like being a parent to a newborn except that person is your parent."
"I used to be your teacher, now you are my teacher."
"I'd like to be on the other side of the table for once, instead of pleasing a customer, be pleased."
"I think the underrated are the top dogs now."
"We were your pets, now you're ours. Welcome to your new forever home."
"He identified women as connoisseurs, transforming the traditional male role into an active female one."
"The ultimate example of breaking social norms during the Saturnalia was the role reversal between enslaved people and their enslavers."
"In this case, they aren't the pets, they're the pilots."
"I could tell that she was proud that for once she'd gotten to help me when it was usually the other way around."
"Now the student has become the teacher."
"Doom is a horror game, but you are the monster."
"Kirby suggests that they should switch places every once in a while."
"The teacher has become the student."
"Violet's mother takes it upon herself to say that Violet is not going to become a scribe but is instead going to become a dragon rider."
"The general concept of parentification is essentially when we place children in the role of a parent."
"It amused him that she had believed him to be the black dragon, unaware of her own impending destiny as the future assassin queen."
"This is a genuinely funny and clever cartoon that is an effective role reversal."
"As I cannot be the hero, let me be the monster, and lessen them in fear in place of love."
"When your parents are getting older, they start turning into children too, so you have to reinforce good behavior."
"The role reversal with the Masters becoming slaves and the slaves becoming masters, very important part of Saturnalia."
"Being a Disney princess, wanna quit? I can replace you."
"No one would suspect that a lovely such as myself could do a bounty hunter's work."
"Sometimes the child has to become the adult and has to be the mature one."
"Sometimes these kids end up becoming the teacher."
"Shishio thought that the possibility of being a household husband wasn't bad at all."
"I'm doing chemistry and you're doing photography, look at us switching."
"I'm being a mom to my mom right now."
"He became my child, so the roles were turned."
"In the past, the Count of Monte Cristo has protected the torch. Now it's the torch's turn to protect Monte Cristo."
"It's Freaky Friday, and now the Blue Baron is trying to survive high school, and the kid is trying to be a superhero."
"What if you were her and she was you? How would you be feeling?"
"Instead of my mom reading me a bedtime story, I was reading them to her."
"So you're a princess who's come to be a peasant?"
"That's where the student becomes the teacher."
"This time it's Argentina who've been playing the so-called beautiful game, and Brazil who've been grinding out results, their roles intriguingly reversed."
"It's awesome when the fans become the athletes and the players become the spectators."
"It's something badass, you know, that you generally would think of, 'Oh yeah, men cliff divers do that.' Now look at Wonder Woman taking this, this is great."
"Why walk your dog when it can walk you?"
"No more oral presentations, no more tests to pass, or homework to do because this time, we're the teachers."
"This the hider has become the seeker."
"Parentification occurs when a child takes on adult tasks and it can either be emotional or instrumental."
"It was refreshing to be the one in the audience for once."
"One time we had Jeffrey Wiseman, the actor from Back to the Future two and three who played George McFly, I was doing a gig with him where he was actually playing Doc Brown, which is strange."
"She just wants to be the good guy for once."
"When the student becomes the teacher."
"You know we go through life, and you know as we're young, our safety net... And then one day the tables turn, and now you're the safety net."
"I'm a stay-at-home dad... it's terrific. I love it."
"Imagine Goku is the one that needs being saved by Vegeta. That would be awesome."
"Every once in a while, the role reversals are sweet within this industry."
"Imagine a world where we could play different roles, where girls be taking control."
"It'd be nice for you to be the hero. Wouldn't it be kind of cool for you to be the nice one for a change?"
"In the seahorse world, it's the fathers that do it all."
"You can be the baddest alpha male around, but if your daughter tells you you're a princess, you're a freaking princess, man."
"If you're going as Barbie and Ken, it's much funnier if you swap it. Have the guy be Barbie, have the lady be Ken."
"Dad, you make a pretty cool mother."
"I thought that you know I could be your teacher, I wanted to be your teacher, but you wound up teaching me."
"It's so funny how the last become first, and the first become last."
"Isn't it funny sometimes how those roles reversed, how the tables turn just so quickly?"