
Heights Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"My biggest fear is heights. I really don't like roller coasters and stuff like that."
"It's amazing because the plane went so high into the air."
"This ride is such a rare ride it's a giant ride too you're probably a hundred feet off the air I've I love it."
"Super magical... hopefully you're not afraid of heights."
"It can be a bit unnerving if you’re not a big fan of heights, especially once you reach the glass floor, but it's one of those iconic attractions that you can't miss."
"I had a terrible fear of heights, and therefore preferred to stay grounded on the Eden Hall's ground floor."
"I'm not a big fan of heights, so my wonder and excitement about the tower is the only thing holding me together here."
"I'm not scared of heights. I'm scared of falling."
"Vivekananda says that human thought reaches there such heights that the human lung can scarce breathe there."
"These heights are usually called potentials, so I'll use that name from now on."
"But it just I'm afraid of heights anyway. I wanted to do it for my fear of heights to kind of...I do stupid [ __ ] like that sometimes."
"I loved being way up there it was really peaceful and calm."
"There's nothing really touching the bottom except from the heights is there?"
"Maybe he's afraid of heights," Gary suggested, pondering why the kitten wouldn't sit on their shoulders.
"For those who love heights, the infinite horizon is a leaning tilt wall that cantilevers over the side of the ship, allowing guests appear down from deck 19 and look down to deck 9 and beyond."
"If you're afraid of heights, you're definitely gonna be terrified of this hike."
"We've built to the heights of the skies and the depths of the oceans."
"He reached such heights, he'll be able to inspire us all"
"The highest spiritual heights are very easy to attain."
"I've been since I was a small child but somebody explained it to me very well the other day it's what we've just been talking about they said you're not actually scared of heights you're scared of death which I am."
"You're looking to reach new heights, then get on some new platforms. You still pay half price on public transport."
"I'm scared of heights and we are very high, like I'll go up but I just got very scared."
"I hate Heights. I hate this. I hate it. I hate it."
"I'm not saying I'm scared of heights, I just don't like them."
"I've got acrophobia. Do you know what that means? That means that I don't like Heights."
"We're literally above the clouds."
"Rooftops are fantastic places to get new perspectives on the world."
"It's a surreal experience being up so high in our boat."
"Olympus Mons rises to heights found nowhere else in the solar system."
"I think I became afraid of heights because I almost fell off a building once."
"You'll join the high flyers who soar to high heights."
"We're a mile and a half above the Earth on the tallest building on the planet, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai."
"Oh Jesus, I have a total fear of heights."
"We made it! I don't know if you can tell but we're really high up."
"Crows can only fly at the heights of tall trees... Falcons, however, they can fly thousands and thousands of feet in the air."
"I will soar so high like an eagle above the clouds."
"At a higher altitude with flag unfurled, we reached the dizzy heights of that dreamed-of world."
"I am on the highest point of the world and I love you dearly."
"Once reaching the top, if your nerves haven't already been shredded, you'll be able to walk across the glass Skywalk, also known as the coiled Dragon Cliff."
"I told you guys he gets all the good shots, he gets up on all the good views up high."
"The higher we go, the better the view."
"The views are actually insane as long as you don't look down."
"I'm scared of the altitude up in the clouds, I'm scared of the fall so I don't look down."
"We will dance in the high place of the sky, yes, on the mountains of fragrant spice."
"We're heading up to the top, there's actually six levels up there at the top of the Strat, over 1,000 foot above Vegas. Crazy!"
"It's amazing up here, isn't it? Nowhere near as windy as last time."
"Then you shall take delight in the Lord, and I will make you ride on the heights of the earth."
"There's two types of people in this world: there's people who say they like heights, and there's liars."
"When you're 15 meters above the ground and you look down, I love it. I love feeling that sensation, the rush."
"I feel very comfortable with heights; I don't even know what vertigo feels like."
"Above the clouds, that's how high it goes. So awesome!"
"I'm not usually someone who's a big fan of heights, but like, this view is absolutely insane."
"I've always had an obsession with heights, the opposite of a fear of heights."
"Heights aren't my best thing, so that took a lot of courage."
"By definition, if you suffer from acrophobia, of what are you afraid?"
"We're extremely high up in the air and I have the sweatiest freaking palms ever."
"The world sure looks different up here, doesn't it?"
"Tell you what, it looks a lot bigger when you're at the top there."
"I can't do heights. I'm too scared."
"It is so great to see everything from this higher perspective."
"People are riding the rides. Some are riding swings way up high."
"Climb something high, don't look down and don't look back."
"Mount Everest is so high, it almost approaches the normal cruise height where most commercial aircraft fly."
"Acrophobia is the fear of heights."
"Cheers everyone, cheers. Tell you what, it feels amazing up here."
"Heights do make me a bit jittery. We went to Blackpool Tower a couple of years ago, they've got a glass floor."
"What amazing views from the 108th and 109th floor."
"We got all the way up to over Gatlinburg and then we went higher than over Gatlinburg."
"The excitement level is touching the heights of the sky."
"It's a time of looking down from way up high."
"It's a time to soar high up in the sky."
"We have made it, this is literally, and I'm not joking, in the clouds."
"It's a bit daunting being up here, but the views are worth it."
"Doth the eagle mount up at thy command, and make her nest on high?"
"As you reach the top, they actually lean you outward, so you're kind of tilting down."
"You know, some people get the most terrific urge to jump when they're up in high places."
"If you're scared of heights, don't worry, the railings got you."
"I'm not scared of the altitude up in the clouds, I'm scared of the fall so I don't look down."
"I love heights, like I love a pretty view, I'm not afraid of falling."
"Hey man, this is what it's like to have a dinner in the sky, 100 ft in the air."
"This is one way of conquering your fears, being 10,000 feet up in the air."
"It isn't too bad if you don't think about how high it is," she told Callie.
"It was so peaceful up there in the air, 800 feet above the water."
"There's just something about heights that's a yes, people, yes, yes, he gets me, yeah, I know that feeling."
"I felt an irresistible yearning to be at the heights."
"It's a little bit crazy, I don't think anybody's done a live from 60 or 70 meters up in the air."
"I like to climb buildings, climb towers, and stuff like that, explore abandoned places."
"That's so cool; I've never went so high."
"You are now ascending 1,500 ft above the Dubai Skyline."
"Ride the world's tallest roller coaster."
"We've never been this high up without being in an airplane, and it's pretty spectacular."
"Very low risk of death, very mild way to get incredibly high."
"From the highest of heights come the longest of falls."
"Maybe this could help me get over my fear of heights."
"You know me by now, when I come to a fun fair, I like to go on a good tall ride just to get a view."
"I have no fear of heights. I have never been a craven."
"I promise you this, I will take this Championship to new heights."
"I do actually, I'm pretty afraid of heights, even though I'm a pilot."
"You're doing great, look at this drop, it is very far down."
"It's the world's highest skywalk, and one of Toronto's greatest adventures."
"I was over my fear of heights, thank God, because if I had not been over my fear of heights, there's no way they could have talked me into doing that."
"When you're up here up high, everything looks fine, it looks peaceful."
"Wow, look at all the boats. Ooo, a freeway. This is what it looks like from really high in the sky."
"Just when you think it can't get any scarier, at the highest point of the trail, there's a glass-bottomed viewing platform."
"They can reach extraordinary heights."
"You can't be afraid of heights today."
"If there was ever a moment to conquer his fear of heights, that moment is now."
"I love heights; they don't faze me."
"I'm quite scared of heights, so excited to give that a go."
"Oh, we're going up to sea levels; it'd be nice to see the fair from the top of the funhouse today."
"We're never coming down, never coming down again. We were born to be this high."
"I always like to get to the top of the mountain; I want to be the highest point in the area."
"I had a dream we were sipping whiskey neat, highest floor of The Bowery, nowhere's high enough."
"It's a trip when you can leave the ground and go 25, 30 feet straight up in the air."
"70 floors up, you just don't look down."
"Come on, you have to face your fears sometime; you can't always be scared of heights."
"I'm flying higher until I touch the sky."
"I imagine my true form leaping from beam to ledge to terrace roof until I am at the top of this island."
"I was never scared up there; to me, it was this peaceful, beautiful place."
"These two players brought the league to new heights."
"We're about to be 700 feet in the air, and we're going to be doing parasailing today."
"I don't want no Skyscape review; I want to go to the skyscrapers to the top."
"You're going to reach heights that you have never imagined."
"I don't like heights at the best of times, and there's something about the way this is done that really emphasizes the height of it all."
"We're all the way up here on the top deck, 187 feet above sea level, which certainly makes the experience."
"You're going to go to new heights, heights that you have never reached before."
"Use your mind wisely and see yourself flying to new heights."
"You can soar higher than you ever thought because you're looking at things with a new perspective."
"I'm not gonna lie, this is scary. I know people are out there who have no fear of heights; I'm not one of them."