
Police Training Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Police officers need more training, they need more access to less lethal weapons, they need more scenario-based things that cost money, therefore they can be better and proactive in the community."
"A properly trained officer may reasonably be expected to exercise a higher degree of restraint than the average citizen."
"This interaction exemplifies the need for legislation requiring officers to undergo more thorough medical training and to consider the overall health and medical conditions of the suspects they interact with."
"We owe it to our police and law enforcement to train them properly; we owe it to the law-abiding citizens of this country, and of course, we owe it to the innocent children that are just trying to get their freaking education in school."
"Counseling, and training, and communication with the community is what we need."
"These officers need remedial civil rights training, and yet they still have a job."
"Cops need to be better funded, better trained."
"The average police officer gets four hours of jujitsu type training in the whole year."
"Every cop who walks the street should be at least a BJJ blue belt."
"That's part of the recap that we do with our police."
"It looks like you've got police who are trained to be excessively authoritarian."
"Police officers do not need more training, they need accountability."
"An officer with this level of confidence has the confidence to verbally de-escalate at every level."
"This is policing 101: keep your finger off the trigger."
"Every young officer, I don't care who they are, is gonna make a mistake."
"Things evolve over time, and it's the hope that officers get really good training."
"Well, we need to spend money on police retraining. You're right, we do. Because so many officers don't understand what it means to de-escalate. They don't understand what the Constitution is and they trample on people's rights." - Herschel Walker
"Isn't that more evidence for one more police training and two if you're gonna own a gun?"
"Officers don't have the training to respond."
"Officers who had gone through the traumatic trust training had a 50% reduction in their use of force complaints."
"Perhaps the most important thing to consider when adopting new less lethal devices is the training on how to use it properly."
"I think that the best training that these officers can get writ large is accountability. Being punished when they violate the rights of the ones they serve."
"It's not this policeman or that policeman... the whole idea is that there's something in the police training, in the system itself, that needs to be overhauled."
"This is great training for the police department because it shows man if you can't do this job bro and maintain a level head then this is not the job for you."
"Let's spend more time responsibly training them to de-escalate violent situations."
"This is the best thing that has ever happened to police training ever."
"If the general public simply knows how under-trained police officers are they'll at least second-guess themselves before judging an excessive use of force."
"We need to make sure that this department, every single officer, understands that constitutional policing is the rule of the day."
"We need as rapidly as possible to recruit and train a new set of police forces."
"We're going to have trainings to make sure our officers respect constitutional rights."
"The initial training that we get is in the police academy. We have a fairly short course, an introductory course to help us recognize criminal street gangs and potential criminal street gang activity."
"If we can teach police officers that their whole occupation relies upon the Constitution and those rights are important, that's a victory."
"If it's a weapon, you can kill someone still. Maybe police should be trained to aim for the legs, the hands, you know, not shoot to kill, just maim."
"Most people don't know about police training. It's horrific. It is, would you say across the board or is that department-specific? I would say for the most part across the board."
"It's hard like the physical, mental, emotional like gruesome things that they have to encounter to become effective police officers cannot be praised enough."
"We made it safer... we still have those two hundred policemen showing up to go to police training that next week."
"You might make mistakes, but don't worry, you're going to be assigned to an FTO who's going to show you the ropes."
"I was trained to document as a police officer to record every single detail and Observe and Report and monitor her safety."
"Police officers require training, psychological evaluations, and other support systems in place."
"The only way to have that change is to change the system, is to change how you're training police officers, is to change how funds are allocated within the police departments."