
Self-congratulation Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Sneaker YouTuber of the year goes to myself. So, thank you, thank you again."
"If you made it this far into the video yo give yourself a pat on the back your brain has not been destroyed by TikTok congratulations you passed."
"It's kind of interesting... it's probably the best thing we've ever done."
"Well done well well done me it is not over the twelve shots are coming into the scarabs with the last hurricane bolt answer ones."
"If you made it this far, congratulations. Pat yourself on the back."
"It's amazing that you did what you intended to."
"Congratulations, you won! We've done it. We're the greatest teacher who ever lived."
"That is it for this one it's been a long one but I hope you've learned a thing or two I certainly hope you've made and if you've made it to this point give yourself a round of applause and a pat on the back."
"Pat yourselves on the freaking back if you've got a pair of diamond nards or diamond ovaries."
"I just saved the entire DCU. You're welcome, Warner Brothers."
"According to the comments, I actually got a really good score. 228 is like pretty much the highest I've seen from what people said they got in the comments, so yeah, pat on the back Matt, well done."
"Let's bring this thing back to base, and I think we did a pretty frickin' good job."
"Great amount of trust for media and media is like awesome job guys that's us pick up your trophy like it's truly it's." -
"Just to sort of marvel at it and congratulate themselves on being so high up in Pharaoh's favor."
"If you survived the bear market, well then congratulate yourself."
"That is stunning, congratulations, I'm really proud of myself."
"Congratulate yourself for getting this far."
"I've been congratulating myself ever since I sold it."
"Congratulate yourself, be proud of yourself for your strength, and love yourself even more."
"Your advice this year is to enjoy love, to enjoy abundance, to enjoy yourself. Really congratulate yourself."
"I think it's worth congratulating yourself."
"And so is destiny child but y'all already knew that cuz I told y'all that weeks ago let me Pat myself on the back uhhuh for knowing the tea"
"Congratulations to me, baby. Great. Thanks a lot."
"Congratulate yourself. So proud of you!"
"This is just wow, like well done, well done me because this is an accomplishment."
"Jackie's long stint on the show was there solely so the judges in the show could pat themselves on the back because they're all so inclusive."
"Pat yourself on the back if you've made it to the end of this haul."
"Eventually, you stop dreading what the future can be like. Where will I be in five years? What happens when I turn 30? Because you're there. You did it. Congratulations. You had to be doing something right to make it this far."
"Congratulations to yourself that you were able to create your database, it's not a small feat."
"I like the stretching at the end; it's like you just feel like saying 'I did it,' giving yourself like a little internal high five."
"Great job, pat yourself on the back."
"If you've made it this far on your journey, you need to congratulate yourself."
"Give yourself a big clap at home, big pat on the back."
"We are our own worst critic and we will be the first to congratulate everyone else in our lives but we have a hard time congratulating ourselves."
"Concentrate, focus on your ultimate vision. Congratulate yourself, you've passed the test."
"You ever beat your GPS to a destination and just high-five yourself?"
"You can pat yourself on the back because that means you just made this wonderful bread."
"Major respect to you, hats off, give yourself a pat on the back."
"Wow, we really did well for ourselves."
"Smart decision, good breeding, congratulations, well done us."
"Enjoy being in the moment and congratulate yourself on your hard work."
"Pat yourself on the back, my friend, you earned it."
"I'm talking about the exhaustion where you go and you work and you get it done and you high-five yourself at the end of the day."
"And just like that, you drew your own tiger. Congratulations!"
"Congratulations to me, excellent job on being in the right Hot Seat Daniel."
"We hit 160 freaking K, man. Pat yourself on the back, slap yourself on the face."
"Congratulate yourself for getting through this tutorial and making this really nice app."
"I want to learn and I want to be better. I want my future self to say, 'Amen, congratulations, you really took your time and the initiative to better yourself.'"
"Well done me, well done the latent subconscious part of my brain that got this."
"Congratulate yourself, you made it, survived, and had a lot of fun doing it."