
Generalization Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"This was a surprise because it is making me re-evaluate. I need to be careful about making these blanket statements."
"Most people in this world are good people, and most guys in this world are good guys."
"Algorithms that are very well optimized to perform at a single task fail to generalize and go beyond that to achieve a higher-order level of understanding."
"The reality is, most trans people, even on Twitter, are probably decent, reasonable people. You don't see those people. What you see are the crazies."
"This test set is used to check how generalizable the final model is."
"With a billion people, you're gonna find plenty of all types of people in every group."
"The goal of a neural network is not to memorize but to generalize from the input data."
"It's always a slippery slope and bad things always happen."
"Generalizing a large group of people is always a bad idea because every person is an individual."
"Most Americans are good-hearted and not racist. Hey, also, there are some racists, and there are people who are also just giant jackasses."
"Like anything else, when you try to paint a group of people with one brushstroke and make them a monolith, you're just going to get it wrong."
"You can't generalize a whole group of people to being one thing."
"Let's take a step back. The idea that there's a Middle East conflict, singular, is ridiculous."
"The trick is to develop these algorithms that can generalize. By generalize, he means think."
"You easily see the general principle behind specific occurrences."
"Who has more annoying fans, Arsenal or Liverpool? I think every fan base has got annoying fans."
"I mean, every dog is a good dog. They're all good boys."
"Black men defend degeneracy and then want to separate themselves from it."
"We need to make sure that everything is kept in proportion, the vast majority of people in the United Kingdom are decent hard-working people."
"It's not that everything was bad under Trump... but it's this black and white thinking."
"Everybody is pretty kind and gentle. Yeah, there's some [__] out there but for the most part everybody's pretty sweet."
"Painting broad swaths of the population complicit in things that they may or may not have had any involvement in."
"Correctional officers have a hard job. It takes a lot to not put everybody in the same bunch."
"Every performance was great, and you can make an argument for everything."
"We're all mentally traumatized, mentally ill."
"Everybody knows PS3 make the best games, right?"
"I don't think the American people are particularly radical, particularly corrupt, or particularly vicious. Quite the opposite actually."
"Mental illness is not a one-size-fits-all problem."
"These are dishonest people, these are liars, these are frauds."
"The more I talk to people, the more I realize this is just human beings."
"Every time there's somebody I disagree with, you guys assume that every single thing they're saying is wrong or bad."
"This is every controversy: Trump says something wrong, the left oversteps way too far."
"We're a people who are quick to give our opinion."
"It's that 1% that ruins all of those good things."
"One bad story spoils everything in the barrel."
"They're using January 6 to lump in anyone that believes in conservative principles."
"I'm just a guy like all of you looking for the fucking truth."
"White people have a very, very serious problem."
"The history of science is really the history of most scientists being wrong about most things most of the time."
"Most Islamic people have their heads screwed on properly."
"Relationships especially relationships in general are not as rock solid as people would like them to believe."
"You want to think about methods... in a way that's general, that they can be used over and over again."
"It's not like Gatlin is the only one, every single one's doing the same thing."
"It's just a real problem with humans in general."
"The problem that he represents isn't an individual problem it's a systemic one."
"Underemployment means you're more qualified than the job you're doing. Everybody experiences this, not just Black people."
"America has been gentrified, not just New York or LA."
"It's got millions of examples of arithmetic, and yet despite having millions of examples, it's completely failed to generalize."
"The anger at Trump existed for Bush, it exists for all conservatives."
"Americans arrangement syndrome is merely the broader version of Trump derangement syndrome."
"Radicals are people who will do insane things because they believe things that aren't true, and radicals are present in every ideology."
"These are the ironies and paradoxes that can arise when we define any broad group in a distorted way."
"The assumption should be that most things are lies, unfortunately."
"Not everybody's like that, and that's a bullshit way of handling criticism."
"Money, power, and sex pierce through everything."
"A broad categorization, I don't believe this [__]."
"A few bad actors can cast a shadow on entire communities."
"There isn't like a across the board like this is the average species."
"There is no such thing as a good Republican."
"All gold smugglers may not be terrorists, but all terrorists are gold smugglers."
"I'm sure you're an excellent person in almost all regards."
"Almost everybody has a number everybody does."
"The mistake I think Graham has made here is that he's fallen for what Wittgenstein would have called the philosopher's craving for generality."
"Every girl feels that. You're kind of crazy."
"Attacking all police as 'bastards' simplifies a complex issue."
"Anyone who's really buff tends to be good in other areas too."
"Football fans are the least patient people in the world."
"Most Muslims are good people, most of them are really just decent human beings."
"It paints a dark picture, and here's the thing: I don't think this is something that's... limited to comic book movies or the Snyder verse or no. I think this is something that is very much part of almost every fandom."
"I'm a teenager and much like most teenage boys there's only one thing i'm really interested in"
"Trump probably did have the white racist vote just like probably every other fucking Republican candidate has had."
"Not every Republican, not even the majority, are MAGA Republicans."
"People do shitty things constantly all the time." - Unnamed speaker
"Men generally speaking still want to laugh, want to be able to Escape."
"They will go to the extent, somebody will, I'm not saying everybody, yeah, somebody will just chill."
"The fog of war does not only refer to what the soldiers on the ground experience, but it's the same for all of us."
"Women tend to fare better because women again this is based on stereotypes but stereotypes exist because they're true."
"Anything that saves time is generally an invention."
"All of these advantages we've been talking about are only on average."
"All men are misogynistic, right? Oh man, and do this, no exceptions."
"America is the number one country in the world, in everything."
"Men in general don't care, we could teach you all the things that you need to know."
"I just think it's ridiculous to say like just like all cops are bad obviously not all cops are bad."
"Children are the future, they're important, etc."
"Why is it that overwhelmingly all of these things that people complain about..."
"It's about men are just never satisfied, period, of money."
"I think in a tier list it's also good to generalize because a lot of them can definitely be changed."
"Life was just like life, look at us and I'm just doing an overview of everything."
"I woke up, but that doesn't change the fact that when I scroll through my timeline... I still see people making really generalized comments."
"If it's falling apart for Tesla, it's falling apart for everybody."
"Everyone has sat around in their board meeting."
"This critique doesn't help literally anybody."
"An aware person generalizes but they generalize with the awareness that exceptions and differences exist."
"Generalizations can be inaccurate and harmful; they can also be accurate and beneficial."
"There are some sick little bastards out there."
"I think generalization period, stereotyping should never be a thing."
"The bigger impact is moving from more specificity to more generality."
"Rules with exceptions are bad, rules without exceptions are much nicer."
"There clearly is that average difference between men and women even if there are lots of outliers on an individual level."
"The left calls everything racist, everything's sexist; the right calls everything anti-semitic."
"I apologize to everybody, a blanket apology."
"Any of its forms, kind of just pick your flavor at this point."
"there are poles of political choice in black communities just like anywhere else."
"Brazilians are very positive as a rule... most Brazilians are always glass half full instead of glass half empty."
"That's kind of Fallout in a nutshell isn't it."
"For most characters, it's pretty much go apply to all characters except for a few."
"If you can perform well at the Circuit de Catalunya you can form out well anywhere."
"I'm not saying all Barcelona fans and all Real Madrid fans are bad."
"If you're going to judge the Ukrainian people by a group of 100 idiots... it's the same as looking at Palestine and judging the Palestinian people based on the actions of extremists."
"Finally, this world isn't really full of the brightest people."
"I think there's a range where everybody experiences this to an extent."
"Cheating in the past doesn't mean cheating in the future. Cheating online doesn't mean cheating at home."
"One-time activity does not make lifetime identity."
"You can still hate any evil they see in their heart and they can still speak up and try to make a change. And I think some Muslims also, I mean, it's just speaking in general, but some Muslims are just happy..."
"We can't take the actions of a fraction and put it on the whole, whether good or bad."
"Like I said, I don't know why people hate these things so much."
"People make a mistake when they generalize from the great success of technology... to say well this is how nature itself is."
"Most things are bad because most things are bad."
"This is how it ends, 98 to 99 percent. That is crazy, that is crazy."
"Politicians lie and misrepresent stuff all the time."
"You can usually find something to like in every single one of them."
"Not everyone in these fandoms... are bad people."
"The left thinks we're all the same. The left thinks there's no difference."
"How you treat anything is how you treat everything."
"It's like oxygen, it's just ubiquitous, it's everywhere."
"It's not all good, it's not all bad, it's probably somewhere in the middle."
"The vast majority of the human race is stupid."
"Liverpool fans always... well, no, no, Liverpool fans don't always do anything." - Paul
"The only people that you see do that are these people that are over here."
"Not all losers are groomers, but all groomers are losers."
"Generalizations are useful, but you have to be careful with how specific you are being."
"The French get a slew of other things... let's talk about that really quick."
"This is total war in which no man woman or child is safe."
"The only reason men and women are different."
"Victims tend to one particular group? No, sir. The victims have a variety of recovery."
"The vast majority are very normal people bullish."
"Spreading blanket pronouncements of the uniform evil is not true."
"He's virtually one of the most talented people to walk the earth."
"You can be a genius in one state, that doesn't mean you're a genius across the board."
"Even stupid people have a nose for the truth."
"All men suck? Well, it's just the ones you're picking."
"It is stupid to assume that every single man is [__] violent and therefore shut yourself off from 50% of the population."
"Of course there's going to be those people, but the vast majority of Americans still have functional prefrontal cortexes."
"I think most Americans are good-hearted and polite and curious."
"You're going to meet the one that finally convinces you they're not all the same whether it's all the women are the man the same they don't."
"You only need one slice to know what the whole cake tastes like."
"The idea that everyone who voted for Trump is a racist is just disgusting and asinine."
"Hey, Americans are mad. I don't know why all Americans would be mad about this." - Tim
"There is no one, there are some good ones and there are some bad ones but there is no one one."
"2012 is the one that seems to come up the most often."
"If they can come for me, they can come for anybody."
"If you can do it on that, you can do it on anything. You can do it on any topic, you can do it to any person for any reason, and that's really scary."
"Black men simply just don't care most of them don't."
"It's all connected ultimately at the end of the day."
"Not all cops are bad, but the issue is that these few bad apples do very awful things."
"Can you really say that all cops are bad after this? No way dog, no way."
"The overwhelming love Africans generally have for their mothers."
"Billionaires are all depraved pieces of [ __ ]."
"Everyone is a hypocrite on the right and on the left."
"This is a great example for people that say there's no difference between Democrats and Republicans."
"Ultimately, all categories, all labels are inaccurate, but some are useful."
"But it's going to ruin it for absolutely everybody."
"Americans are just arrogant and ignorant as if 325.7 million people were molded into one monolithic entity."
"99.9 percent of people are not bad people. 100 percent of people are bad people."
"Nationalism just always that sort of thing. Well not quite."
"We got so divided, it's black and white and political. Republicans are bigots, libertarians, if you're liberal there's riots in our streets."
"It's not just this one instance, it's all of them all the time."
"The next time someone tells you that the media is responsible for our standards of beauty or that only men or only women are shallow, you can tell them they’re wrong, because we’re all a little shallow."
"They truly seem to think that small boroughs in New York govern the entire country."
"Always do as general as possible and as generic as possible."
"This is a country of people who are not very bright who want the easiest way out."
"It just sounds like some bullshit um but that idea and and what that really is when it's being shown in its most general form is a lot stronger it was actually a lot harder to do in the face of all that negativity then on most people's resolve."
"You can't blanket everybody with the bad actions of a few."
"You're not just dating her; you're dating all of womankind."
"Active recall, however, is a one-size-fits-all solution."
"Just because you have a shitty relationship with your family doesn't mean every other family has to have drama too."
"There are good men out there. Most men are good guys; they're just bad daters."
"Science is great at coming up with averages, but averages mask all the individual variability that you have."
"There's two kinds of people: people who did that too, and liars."
"Just like everywhere else, there's also going to be good people, bad people, good areas, bad areas, that's just how it is."
"Everybody is a hypocrite...including myself."
"The few looters and the few savages... gonna paint us with a very broad brush."
"It's happening on the left and it's happening on the right."
"The Democrats take every single group they pretend to be friendly with for granted."
"The processes are not 100% right because there are a few bad people amongst them causing more problems."
"There's a way of like, you could be generalized." - Discussion on prejudice
"You can judge a race of people by their lowest common denominator."
"But if you look at all of them, they're all directionally, emotionally, correct."
"There are a few unicorns out there, but nearly every last one of them is wrong."
"Everyone's nuts, literally I just think everyone's crazy."
"That's basically how coming up with a good theory in any area whether it's history whether it's science whether it's philosophy works."
"One bad person does not represent an entire population."
"Not every person in the western world is a devil, and there are good people by their millions."
"At some point you got to assume they have some familiarity."
"I once read a book that said this incredibly broad general thing that may or may not even be true."
"They're all around us, we all know at least one of them."
"People like to act like there's this big moment in history."
"Reasoning is key... Africans are taken up by short term desires and emotions."
"Never or always is not really a good way to approach historical fashion."
"All of them [religions] are false, including yours. Religion, by definition, is false."