
Replication Quotes

There are 542 quotes

"Reality is based on the replicated facts repeated by numbers of scientists in laboratories."
"The pursuit of imperfection, because imperfection is hard to replicate."
"Memes... are cultural replicators like viruses."
"What we have is a process of self-replication: abusers who are split into an emotionally disregulated hidden self and a false performing self act in such a way as to split the people around them into emotionally disregulated hidden selves and false performing selves."
"Replicating a photo one to one will not only help you in what you need to do next and what needs to be improved, but it develops attention to detail."
"Doctor Strange is able to make multiple copies of himself."
"It's all copied directly from the manufacturer, and it worked great."
"I think that setup could work very well... you could definitely get the same kind of effects."
"Making our $500 Target even more challenging is the fact that we wanted this to be a build that you could replicate at home."
"Every infected person makes tens or hundreds of thousands of mutant copies."
"You can clone my exact business that I showed you today, the exact high converting funnel that I'm using right now to get sales."
"Every previous technology in history could only replicate our ideas."
"It's not just about replicating results; it's about understanding the truth."
"You find things that you've done well that worked. Figure out how did they work, why did they work, how can you make them work again."
"What if you copy it? You've got two of them."
"Once you find your winning book, you can go ahead and replicate it over and over and over again to increase your monthly sales."
"This is almost a one-to-one exact replica of the vehicle you see in the movie."
"This mod is literally the perfect one, and it is exactly, to a tee, what the movie one looks like."
"This car looks almost like the one from the movie."
"So I'm very happy that I managed to replicate that."
"If you take this information seriously, then you could potentially recreate the success that we've just achieved."
"We believe we found a model to repeat the wedge deal model over and over again."
"Tesla's Gigafactory in Nevada is their asset that everyone is desperate to replicate."
"To this day archaeologists and stonemasons are very much baffled by the fact that some of these constructions can't be replicated even in today's world."
"What the CIA and their allies achieved with Crypto AG has been copied time and time again."
"It simply cannot be replicated in a virtual platform."
"We do that at every single layer... if you replicate that round on all of the four sides you should get a very perfect looking cone shape."
"Ectoplasm's quirk enables him to create multiple clones of himself."
"Techniques that are easy to replicate and will get you a fantastic result."
"He apparently duplicated the experiments done by B. Field and Brown."
"Science is not done by consensus; you make a scientific claim, I can replicate or verify that claim."
"Let me attempt to replicate that on the other side."
"Barry existed like this so there you go it's it's actually very hard to replicate, you know"
"Our awareness replicates what it's aware of."
"Thin as skinned and plasticine, carefully detailed and sculpted to replicate the look of the original design."
"Another part of this that's so fantastic is that I could take this comp and duplicate it."
"How cool is that it's a perfect copy of that shape."
"It was her power, but for whatever reason they're able to on a small scale replicate Lilith's Siren power."
"Art is one of the few places that we can articulate how we're feeling on a very fine grain level in a way that can be replicated to other people..."
"It's just such an easy clip to digest and to replicate."
"We need to replicate that if we're going to win in 2024." - Ronna McDaniel
"The clone stamp tool basically makes an exact copy of wherever you sample."
"Replication allows us to weed out false significant effects."
"It's super simple, you're gonna be able to duplicate this as well."
"You can create a highly available kind of cluster using this replication mechanism."
"It's not compression... it's figured out the essentialization of these points and it's replicable."
"You can reproduce the behavior of any other Turing machine."
"The primary reason for using replication is to scale the use of data in a database without degrading performance."
"It's the craftsmanship which is hard to replicate today."
"Visible speech in which any human sound could be written down and then be exactly repeated."
"...an everyday look that you should be able to replicate and use at home so it's really something that you can take with you and continue doing on a day-to-day basis..."
"We are now at a precipice of replicating the intelligence of humanity in silicon."
"Cloning the module makes the most sense; it's cheaper and way more straightforward."
"The broadcasting is doing the replication."
"It's called a copycat for a reason."
"I trust me, like the stuff I'm about to show you has been replicated hundreds of times already because people hated the results and so they've tried to replicate them over and over and over again."
"All of the extras in the training program were twins dressed to look exactly the same."
"That's very helpful when you're trying to outline things or you're just want to replicate something."
"I'm unstoppable, I look to replicate it, and I said it from the bell."
"With the water cooling loop I've tried to follow his original design."
"Something that replicates why not the coaches."
"There's even the question of who, what is her, you know? Because it's not just cell division. It's like, it's the copying, you know? It's the perfect imitation of something."
"It's really, really cool, Dave at DSX tuning is able to kind of replicate the OEM look on an aftermarket Billet lid that he machines at his shop."
"She's creating more of herself just as flowers do for a plant."
"A perfect head replica combined with hours of delicate painting will create something magical."
"The replica of an ancient robot lion walks across the floor exactly as it had when Leonardo presented it over 500 years ago."
"We want to instance our object which we just created multiple times on a mesh in a grid pattern."
"If you read enough papers and really study them and understand them and replicate enough results, pretty soon you have your own ideas for pushing forward the art. This is a very reliable process."
"This burger has now been replicated all over the globe."
"So if you could replicate the the the Grandeur of the events but be in a controlled temperature environment perfect"
"Don't over engineer, don't replicate if there's no state. If I can just recreate it very quickly and it meets that recovery time objective, it's going to save you a lot of money."
"I want backups on some different medium but also I might just have replication if there was some just disk failure."
"Life is information that copies itself."
"If you follow my 223 stuff I've got a series where we attempt to clone the mark 262 military round."
"If you watch the video and you like the results that I'm having, then you can go back and replicate those settings."
"I want something that's already selling, but also something I can replicate."
"When you don't know anything and you're just building, it's a lot easier to duplicate a car than start from scratch."
"That's the thing is like everything on these on the fakes, of course they replicate it, so they don't replicate it to the tee."
"Successful individuals are innovators, not just replicators."
"...you're going to be making four of these Diamond units."
"Document the steps you take, so it's much easier to replicate later."
"We were authentic we did that in our replica."
"So you can just go replicate databases all around. Boom, go give it a try."
"Every feature of the human mind is now being replicated by machines, except one: consciousness."
"One of the scariest things about AI is the ease with which digital things can be perfectly reproduced."
"It's a game that's become the red print for World football impossible to replicate reality."
"We just made a perfect copy of Rock Ridge. Now all we gotta do is make perfect copies of ourselves."
"The killing is almost a perfect copy."
"An AI that's able to replicate an art style so well that it looks indistinguishable from the original works is a real possibility."
"And Aaron's going to try and recreate it."
"It's a winning formula that's been replicated many times since."
"We are supposed to replicate ourselves in others."
"Following their research into God’s Blind Spot, the Foundation’s own Doctor Marvin Scranton attempted to artificially recreate the area’s anomalous effects somewhere else."
"It replicates every five minutes."
"It's almost as though I'd made little copies of these guys."
"You'll be able to create similar results."
"I wanted to print something as similar to the finished part as possible."
"You're gonna be able to make pastrami very very very similar to Katz's right in your own home."
"I think we did a very good job in replicating the miniverse collector's guide recipe as closely as we could."
"Life did not arise when even very complex organic compounds like DNA molecules were formed, but when the replication mechanism started to work."
"Wow, this is not bad, now you just got to make it look exactly like that on the other side."
"It's about taking something real and replicating it, wrapping it around something fake until the two identities become indistinguishable."
"There's no concept here of these are three copies. There's no replication of a managed disk to another region."
"If the University team can successfully recreate a fully functional replica, it would lend further weight to the notion that the knowledge and technological sophistication required to build such a device were far more advanced than previously believed."
"I think it's an accurate and respectful replication of a set piece that I truly love."
"...try to reproduce the same idea using managed cloud services."
"...with this promise of complete capture and replicability, the shift into digital when we lose nothing or seem to lose nothing..."
"If the science doesn't replicate, it's not science."
"It is the most replicated finding in all of psychology."
"You can learn and replicate it and play like a grandmaster."
"This plan is something that you can replicate in all the games that you play."
"One of my favorite color combinations is blue and white, so when I came across this gorgeous container on the Horow website, I knew I wanted to replicate it."
"Every time we tell the story of God's work, we create an opportunity for God's work to be replicated in the life of another person."
"Memes, like genes, can be replicated. You replicate them by either telling the meme to many people or telling a lot of people all at once."
"It's probably the most copied video on the internet."
"The most important thing that every single beginner out there needs to do is replicate what's already working."
"We built three replicas of B-17s that were incredibly detailed."
"We love this one... especially to duplicate our inspiration photograph."
"Many of them wasted months or even years trying to replicate results that weren't even real in the first place."
"It's not our job to make it better. We don't need to make it better. We just need to copy and paste. We literally have the blueprint."
"An alternative way to understand it, instead of being a feature detector, is to see it as a replicator."
"Whenever you see an exact replica of these sites, you've got a hot site."
"It's actually a neat business model because you're actually you use it for yourself you see how it works you can have other people use the same tool."
"Every piece knows exactly what to rebuild to make a new worm, a perfect little worm."
"Replication occurs with very high fidelity."
"State machine replication is a really great technique. It makes things extremely testable, repeatable, and a really beautiful way to program."
"They appreciate our engagement and this model can be replicated elsewhere."
"Severe stress ... causes the DNA in our cells to shrink until they can no longer replicate."
"...the book the knowledge contains within itself the genetic instructions for its own reproduction for its own replication if you like..."
"The talent that it takes to that quickly make exact replicas that everyone is being fooled by. Bravo."
"A tiny detail worth noting is that Daiso was even planning to make ink copies of the titans for his army after he destroyed the originals."
"So this comes with you across the world. This is an exact replica of what they use at the circuit."
"It's literally when you walk in and you're in here, the setup is absolutely identical to how it is in the other location."
"Understanding the 'why' behind something's appearance makes you better at replicating it in your artwork."
"Animated films have a unique visual style and animation that can be difficult to replicate in live action."
"These 12 clones here are so close that they could almost pass for the original."
"It's also an art gallery with its marble replicas of the seven Michelangelo sculptures."
"Let's quickly try and replicate that using ansible."
"They clearly figured something out, and that is what other social media platforms want to replicate."
"So why not do the same thing right it works."
"So it looks exactly like it. Okay? And then I started this one at H30, so I'm just going to copy the same exact one."
"If you're able to perfectly replicate a painting that is considered a masterpiece, are you an artist?"
"Replicate past campaigns effortlessly."
"Isn't it funny we have a city in America that just replicates a bunch of other cities?"
"He managed to replicate the Flash's powers, turning himself into a mirror of his idol."
"What ends up happening in the world of pedals is Electro-Harmonix comes up with something brilliant and then everybody else copies it."
"Your purpose in life is to survive and replicate."
"You follow this is the famous going or else I can make the same album."
"If a Boltzmann brain replicates the processes in our head, it's alive."
"Present toys did nail it this time and they didn't just recast the hot toys sculpt either."
"It's hard to replicate a second time."
"The ruins at Great Comp are actually quite affordable and reproducible in our own gardens."
"We went ahead and picked up a spare trackhawk... we're going to make the exact same trackhawk."
"With object level replication, I can set up a relationship to replicate specific containers to different regions."
"We have those different types of resiliency I talked about: LRS, ZRS, GRS, GZRS, RA."
"That's looking pretty good, going to go and do the same thing on the other one."
"DNA is a perfect self-replicating molecule, and the beauty of this, I think, is in its profound simplicity."
"And now lastly if I go back to my controller, I'm just gonna copy the logic that I currently have here."
"It is something that I just can't replicate with other products."
"Cross region replication lets us replicate our data in real time."
"His work makes it obvious that the Book of Mormon is not impossible to replicate as Mormons claim."
"Sounds like a carbon copy of the brides' pattern."
"We've now just created a digital planner and the nice thing about the way we did create it is now we can go back and we can create tons and tons of planners from the same planner with half the amount of work."
"Just because you didn't invent it doesn't mean you can't clone it."
"I respect the artisanal nature. This is art to be able to replicate that perfectly every time."
"If you let this model train for even longer, you will at some point get to the results which the paper also has showcased."
"Our studies are always too small, and I've also found that when I work with real people, the studies are always too large."
"I think that replication is inherent to Bayesian inference."
"How did you get it to taste exactly like it?"
"Is LA a place where these ideas and practices can be incubated and replicated around the country?"
"This is so good, I want to make that at home."
"It's the same angles and all that because this is made right from an original Super Value."
"This is the first marker of the bi-directional nature of DNA replication."
"In case of doubt, always make sure you replicate the values at multiple points."
"NBC tried to replicate the success...catch other types of criminals."
"Sony is reportedly eager to replicate some of that box office glory."
"It's gonna be a formula that other [__] are gonna try to replicate, but there's only one original."
"Utilizing cellular transcription factors regulates HIV replication."
"It's a straight copy, but we got Disneyland food."
"Viruses are considered obligatory intracellular parasites, so they are obligated to be parasites inside of another cell. So just means they require a living host cell to multiply. They can't replicate on their own."
"The cloner became better than the original."
"That's a replica of an original one, but it's better than the original."
"There's something about identifying real humans in the world that even though this is a farce and it's funny and Scorsese doing this big dramatic thing it's evident to me that this is not just aspirational but replicative."
"...an exact copy of an existing sword now that is how these swords were originally made."
"Now, we're going to put it in just like they had it, okay?"
"I just want to recreate that thing exactly."
"I've actually done that specifically on R2 to replicate what I had going on in Pancake."
"Mattel claimed that they could not replicate this."
"The black anti-skid texture that is applied on Navy ship decks resembles a roughness as if it had been applied with a mop therefore I'm using a Kei interactive concrete."
"At least we have one to kind of reference when we're replicating, and that's what we'll do."
"If you want to heal yourself and replicate yourself, you can't be as strong as steel."
"It's quite a long video, but I wanted to make sure that everything is contained in this video and that you can go out there and replicate what I'm showing you here."
"The cloning technique is actually fairly powerful."
"Overall I think TC did a very very good job capturing the sound and the overall Vibe of the original 2290 on here."
"This shows how anyone can literally replicate same results."
"Focus on what works and replicate the success!"
"DNA replication is semi-conservative and it involves both the continuous and discontinuous strands called the Okazaki fragments."
"This rocks and if this isn't copied it's gonna be."
"If you can understand how a virus is doing these things, you'll of course learn something important about what the virus needs to replicate, but you will also have learned something fundamental about how the host functions."
"This supports that idea this refutes that idea it supports or refutes some idea please go check and here's how i did it so here's what i say here's what i hope you can do too so you can replicate my results that's the essence of science"