
Emotional Manipulation Quotes

There are 309 quotes

"I think it's a serious offense to weaponize the emotions of the oppressed."
"If you've ever dated someone who has narcissistic tendencies, before you know it, you love bomb to sh** and you just say, 'I wouldn't do this in any other context, but I love you.'"
"I believe that there is a problem with the way social media companies boost ideas that get strong emotional reactions from people."
"When you get emotionally activated, the narcissistic family member... they're gonna win. They are master manipulators."
"We are becoming frighteningly good at deciphering and manipulating human emotions while we are not good at all in really understanding the human mind."
"These ideas about how to avoid emotional manipulation are not the same thing as not having emotions."
"It's incredibly easy to manipulate people's emotions, which is why in the past, our culture took very seriously the project of bringing up children who could make decisions on the basis of what would be best for themselves and those around them."
"Social media enhances the ability of war propaganda because social media's AIs were designed for emotional manipulation."
"A narcissist will exploit you emotionally when they think they're losing an argument or they feel like they're losing control over you."
"You're being trained to seek their validation, to make sure that they don't get upset."
"Propaganda is the manipulation of the emotional process attached to a political issue or a political goal."
"Populism is telling you what you feel... It's mirroring your feelings back to you, telling you what you want to hear."
"They're not trying to solve the problem. They're trying to exploit emotions."
"I just want to say something really quick, you're gaslighting right now and I'm not okay with it."
"You do not have to endure their lies or manipulation alone."
"You're using as your anchor to control his emotions. This has to do with the guy's level of insecurity and also with how much choice he has."
"Your emotions could be manipulated by bots or by fake government sock puppet accounts."
"I definitely agree with that assessment because from the very beginning there was so much fear-mongering there was so much drama there was so much emotional and manipulation that literally people shut down."
"They exploit emotional responses like fear and guilt to shape beliefs and behavior."
"Huge red flag in the entire world: forcing somebody into a feeling."
"Anyone that loves you, anyone who is not a manipulator, anyone who is not gonna use guilt on you and shame you and blame you for why they're not getting what they want out of the situation, anyone that's healthy is not gonna do that."
"He got upset and said I was weaponizing sex and being financially controlling."
"How to tell if a loved one is being emotionally manipulated"
"Should you send him gifts to soften his heart? The fact what you said soften his heart leads me to believe no."
"Trauma bonding... causes you to develop a certain psychological dependence on the narcissist."
"Everybody a great day and see you in the next one."
"Somebody's trying to steal you away from where you're at. They want you to walk away, steal your heart for themselves."
"Taylor Swift will be activated politically by the Democrat Party to further emotionally manipulate millions of American females."
"Media sensationalism distorts the truth and misdirects our emotions."
"Give the impression she doesn't want our pity. She'd rather make us hate her."
"He promised he was going to kill himself if I didn't go back to him."
"It's time to walk away from that spirit of witchcraft and control."
"I'm 41 years old, so you can't imagine how I feel. For now, this does seem a little gaslighty, you know, a little manipulative."
"Not only do I feel like then the emotions that I felt were robbed of me, were stolen of me, they weren't earned. But also, it makes me not trust any death moving forward."
"Gentlemen, if you're waking up every morning to an emotional manipulator that is right beside you, leave."
"Make them feel guilty and insecure... the lower the lows, the higher their highs."
"Never let the other person take you for granted... use absence, pain, and conflict to keep the fire going."
"Create tension in his life... you become their source of happiness."
"Most people never get to that place... because most people are controlled through their emotions by other individuals."
"Ultimately, by giving gifts, Shatner and the crew are attempting to absolve their guilt, generating heightened positive emotions upon the reveal to deny the Riverside citizens' ability to properly emotionally process the maliciousness."
"Strategically, it's a good idea to emotionally guilt the traitors about what they're doing."
"A great way to make yourself feel better is to make other people feel worse."
"There's fear-mongering that has its own thing that's like someone taking your fear of being alone and amplifying it."
"Stick with the facts. Don't let them manipulate you emotionally. It's time for a fresh new start."
"Please don't give it to them because they don't love you they don't care about you they are only after the money."
"Russia's tactics play well with people's emotional vulnerability, especially on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels."
"There was no love bombing, none of that really."
"Stop using our emotions, it's either real or it's not."
"Getting emotional is a tool. Once they get emotional, you stop thinking. Agents of chaos thrive on confusion and emotional manipulation."
"Emotional dependence: relying on the abuser for validation despite negative treatment."
"Getting someone to fight emotionally is the best way you can do it because they both expend a whole bunch of energy."
"I think it's cringy to focus on making people angry for content."
"Once the victim has emotionally bought into the scam, then the scammers can begin what I call the compliance ladder of sending money."
"But yeah I was with him for a long time um I don't know why I stayed I think mentally and emotionally I think abusers have a way."
"You going back to that example, though he may try to reconnect and linger to smooth things out, he's still not committing to you."
"Shame, shame, shame. Why? Because you don't care about this person I made up in my head."
"Propaganda makes its way into your head much much easier when people are in an emotionally heightened state."
"One of the first warning signs of a manipulative partner in a relationship is when the party in question begins their attempts at isolating you from the rest of your loved ones."
"I understand the feeling of being in a very manipulated state in a relationship where you know you're betraying yourself."
"My mom's constantly holding my addiction over my head, it's a never-ending cycle and I feel like I can never win. Avery was with me nearly two years."
"We are the product, not the customer, specifically our emotions."
"People are just saying things to generate anger and frustration."
"He cries the victim just over and over and over."
"If you have to cut someone off in order to provoke them into wanting you or even demonstrating basic empathy, it is time to opt out."
"They make you feel guilty... they will specifically target your insecurities."
"I learned that my feelings were being manipulated by the people that I trusted."
"Morgans controls emotions, consensus, truth, history, and to some degree, even the future."
"We've got to stop giving them passes because they're crying."
"Fear is not only more powerful than rationality, it's also absurdly easy to evoke."
"Parenting is mostly gaslighting if we're being honest."
"Hitler tapped into that vein of anger which he shared to basically say to the Germans, 'we are a great people, we have been screwed and we need to come back with a vengeance.'"
"We're giving away a piece of our soul when they start manipulating, and... this is the pinnacle."
"Sociopaths don't actually value relationships and bonds with other people. Any emotional bonds that are thought to have been created with the sociopaths aren't real."
"They wanted to be lied to, they wanted to feel special."
"The reason they do it is the point is they want to get you angry so you watch more so you click more so become addicted to the anger they are purposefully driving people mad."
"The left pushes anger because when people get really angry they don't think straight."
"Love bombing is regarded as a precursor to abuse."
"There are people who are much better at emotional manipulation than they are at critical thinking."
"There are so many levels of just emotional manipulation going on here and mental gymnastics."
"Love is the strongest one, you can't play with people's emotions."
"Emotionally manipulative tactics trap people."
"If you explore that boundary deeply enough, eventually you'll discover that it breaks and that it bleeds into something else."
"As long as it makes you miserable, he's just happy."
"That overlap period where love bombing turns into devaluation is this demilitarized zone that's a really dangerous place."
"A lot of what we do to rile up our base actually makes voters on the right really angry."
"It's not you, you're not going crazy. These people are deliberately seeking to press your buttons, to provoke you, to feel so their ego can be fed."
"Anyone who seeks to shame you out of these standards does not care about you; they want to control you."
"Breadcrumbing is kind of almost like testing too. When they send those little feelers out, they want to know how you respond. If you respond favorably, they can rest assured that they still have you on the hook."
"We want the drama, you don't answer, you just go like be active, and I want there to be a little bit of fear instilled, you know?" - Sierra
"Mental and emotional manipulation, scarier than yelling or any other series of toxic traits."
"You have to demand evidence, you have to demand reason, and if they pull this emotional manipulation moral high-ground nonsense you can't grant that to them."
"Prosperity Gospel is honestly just bullying and fear-mongering."
"The only reason they're doing it is to try to get to you so if you don't let it get to you, have they won, you know what I mean."
"They're playing with our emotions right now, dude."
"But those crocodile tears because Shane Dawson fell for it hook line I'm fuckin sinker."
"Everything they thought they knew or felt, even sacrifice or love, was all pre-scripted by Tsumugi herself."
"When people try to make you feel ashamed, I want you to know that it's their shame, not yours."
"If people are controlled by fear, then you can bring them joy, and they can laugh, it almost pushes the other one out."
"When you take a step back from a union, twin flame union Pisces, you actually pull on the runner's cord and then they come seeking you."
"They want something to be there to hold on to... hopefully you won't move on."
"Love bombing feels real, but it's not. It's introducing you to a feeling."
"They intentionally rage out because if they can scare you into submission, they don't have to deal with consequences."
"Using the silent treatment is incredibly cowardly."
"Connection and true love is a two-way experience, love bombing is a one-way thing."
"They want to manifest something serious but they feel like you may be emotionally manipulating them."
"People who say they don't want you back, nah, they'd be lying."
"It's not the last time they'll use emotional manipulation via pseudo-analytical conclusions."
"Once the enemy has stripped you of your dignity and put you in a place where you're constantly ashamed of yourself, you can do anything."
"Don't fall for gaslighting and manipulation. Don't be belittled by little people."
"When you have a parent who's manipulative, it's very much about manipulating emotion."
"Narcissists don't want to enter into your hurt. They're just thinking, 'How can I make you love me?'"
"Manipulators don't care about your life outside of them."
"There's a saying that narcissists can cry for themselves um can't cry for somebody else um so they're just maybe crying over the loss of oh I don't have this person to use anymore maybe maybe I don't know it could just be more of the fake."
"Narcissists target people who care and then take advantage of them."
"Toxic people seek to tear you down, demoralize you, and make you question yourself in your dreams."
"When they love bomb you and they've sucked you in and they pull you in, it may be, and there may be some codependency here."
"Fear is like the biggest aspect when it comes to control."
"They will be completely lovesick over you, completely obsessed with you in no time at all."
"Choosing beggars and people who are entitled in general will always try and make you feel bad."
"We have to stop trying to destroy each other, to marginalize, to vilify, to Gaslight each other."
"Psychological catfishing is worse than just regular catfishing because it isn't clear the first time they walk in the door."
"When the enemy starts talking to you he wants you to be sad...he wants your health to deteriorate."
"Propaganda is used to create a desired emotional response to control public sentiment."
"I'm not about to waste one man's time to make another man jealous. I'm too old for that [ __ ] ass [ __ ]."
"They don't like it when we walk on eggshells, but they like the power."
"You've probably already done this, you let this man go... see how they act after you let them go... you cut the cord, they become that way, they have to face the monster that they really are."
"How do you deal with someone this emotionally manipulative? You don't deal with them... become the queen of swords and just set boundaries with them."
"This was all a game to you, this was all a form of witness intimidation to you."
"We have to stop these emotional vampires. We have to identify them and expose them."
"Relationships are about a shared sense of commonality and love and empathy, not about trying to Gaslight and to trap somebody into being stuck with you."
"You guys don't like do people fear monger all that type of stuff."
"When we give love in order to receive it back, it's not real authentic love, it's love with an agenda."
"They don't want you to move on, they don't want you to interact with other people."
"They may have cheated on you in the past... and they're going to try to sweep you off your feet before you find out."
"We have had our compassion weaponized against us."
"I feel like this person, this emotional manipulator is really good at manipulating through words."
"Trump going to a place where he's happy, where he feels respected and loved, has the side benefit in the theory of satisfying him and placating him."
"And that was how she got me, holding the word divorce over my head like a guillotine."
"Gaslighting that person and making them feel like their concerns and their issues and their irritation are not important, I think is wrong."
"If you guilt people, you are destroying the foundation of the relationship."
"You're gonna act like this isn't controlling? You're gonna act like this isn't emotionally manipulative?"
"The story of Brittany Murphy and Simon Monjack is really not about the dangers of fame and fortune, it's about the dangers of narcissistic manipulators who target vulnerable people."
"It's pretty funny how some people try to turn on the tears when they get in the courtroom hoping and thinking that those tears will actually work... and in some cases they probably really do."
"Don't let nobody play with your heart and lie to you like that [__]."
"I think society kind of acts like men can't be emotionally manipulated or abused in relationships."
"The crew seriously knows how to make you feel any emotion whenever they want."
"Controlling, jealous, manipulative, gaslighting."
"We have weaponized niceness to basically mean anything I don't like is not nice."
"What she's saying is powerful, but the presentation of it is, 'I want you to feel sorry for me.'"
"Content that gets engagement or reaction... is hateful, divisive, polarizing. It's easier to inspire people to anger than it is to other emotions."
"It's not physical violence, it's emotional Revenge."
"They're very evil and they don't care about you... it's like a classic abusive relationship."
"The news is not only fake but it's completely manipulated to control your emotions."
"If you've been using tears for manipulation, repent and renounce."
"Politicians can win elections by manipulating the emotions of people, getting them to be afraid of problems that don't exist."
"Narcissists use self-pity to manipulate situations."
"You can't teach that students should feel guilt or anguish or distress."
"It worked; he looked so lost, and for a moment, every awful emotion I had been feeling was wiped clean."
"Why are you weaponizing it? Why are you talking about someone else's mental health to make you look better?"
"Happiness is not an emotion that can be manipulated simply by forcing someone to smile."
"The white woman started to weaponize her tears."
"If it bleeds, if it leads, it's designed to manufacture outrage."
"Damn cruel, Dumbledore, you've been raising him like a pig for slaughter. Don't tell me now that you've grown to care for the."
"I just hope that people in the situation know that you're going to find the right person who is not going to guilt-trip you."
"You wanted to be acknowledged, didn't you? To be loved. You've been nothing but a puppet from the very beginning."
"This person was stringing you guys along even though I feel like at the time I don't know if they wasn't interested back then or they made you feel like they wasn't interested wow this person is getting bad karma for this."
"Not only did they not recast T'Challa, but they decided to use his death to play with your emotions for financial gain, and that is pretty [__] up."
"People learn to love what they fear, but they will learn to resent what they love."
"Your tears are not your fault or your problem. Just because someone cries doesn't make them a victim."
"Influencers have sort of learned how to use the negative emotions of others to their advantage and make money off of upsetting people essentially."
"I felt like he was high key gaslighting me the whole time."
"That's not love, that's manipulation. That's witchcraft."
"Seeing your face go from hope to despair makes me feel on top of the world." - Meliodas
"Babe, this is so unfair. I can't even be mad at you. I know why. Here, one more time and you will get mercy tonight."
"You're maddening them; it's kryptonite when you don't engage with their nonsense."
"They were lying to you, they did have passion for you, but they were juggling someone else."
"Somebody was just giving you false hope, you know, to keep you around."
"He knows how to emotionally manipulate the people that look up to him."
"He's holding hostage his love and affection but also his willingness to work on himself in their relationship."
"They were trying in a way to prove to themselves that they didn't care about you by hurting you."
"It cheats in emotion constantly; it's like the perfect, absolute drama to tug on the heartstrings as much as possible."
"There's a difference between supporting somebody and emotionally blackmailing somebody."
"It's as if my heart is being manipulated, perhaps if the Phantom thieves truly do exist I'm sure they're very much like you."
"The beginning is blissful and addictive and by the end you're just feeling sick because love bombing is a cycle that begins with amazing shows of love and care and ends with Misery."
"If you have to jerk somebody around and hurt them to make them want you, it's never going to be love."
"If anyone's trying to control you by using emotions and withholding their feelings to try and control you, or a relationship, that's a very toxic and unhealthy habit."
"Mom, we're done... Manipulating the kids and toying with their emotions is terrible."
"The problem isn't the crying by itself... it's the fact that the cry can be weaponized and bludgeoned."
"Don't let people try to make you feel like a [ __ ] in front of them cultivate building yourself up in your self-confidence you got this and i have faith in you."
"You can be completely manipulated and all your emotions can be manipulated too but it still counts as genuine."
"He seemed so nice but then he just kept toying with my emotions."
"If my husband is drained of his poison the same anger juice, then he'll do whatever you got to milk the snake."
"You've only been reacting to their manipulation. It's not your fault."
"It's just sick that he can think I'm gonna marry him to see if their compulsions. None of this is your fault. I just feel bad. I feel guilty."
"Trump appeals to people's negative emotions. He gets those hateful people fired up."
"The moment the battery's run down and the buttons don't work anymore... it creates within the narcissist an injury that they cannot seemingly recover from."
"Do not let them manipulate you. Don't go chasing after them. Don't act all desperate, you know?"
"Love bombing is a setup for the most profound betrayal. They built you up only to tear you down."
"As intoxicating as this love bombing phase can be, it's actually a setup for the most profound betrayal."
"That's so shitty dude that is so like for real manipulative like that's gaslighting that's narcissistic abuse dead ass narcissistic abuse makes a stunning reappearance the crowd goes wild."