
Normalization Quotes

There are 1154 quotes

"You're not crazy. It's okay. Find a community, talk about this, share this with everyone. We need to normalize this before we can optimize it."
"Normalize this, normalize that. Not everything has to be normal, and also, something being abnormal doesn't mean it is bad."
"Characters can be overtly queer, and we're allowed to talk about queerness without it being a special moment."
"We need to normalize civilians fighting against fascism."
"Unfortunately, the violence became almost normal, especially towards the end. It's hard to even say that now, but the violence was almost normal."
"Um, we are normalizing it so that when they grow up, it's just part of life. It's part of life now, yeah. And that's awesome, that's fantastic, yeah. But what's actually good about it?"
"People are just trying to be humans and be themselves and it's just not that big a deal."
"Black excellence seems special, but I want to normalize the things that are special. I don't want it to be special; I want it to be normal."
"Financial literacy seems special, and like black excellence seems special, but I want to normalize the things that are special."
"Cancel culture... We've normalized bullying a little too much."
"This is life. This is part of our world. It has to be seen as a normal part of our world."
"The identity of Muslims also needs to be normalized in a country that is so deeply Islamophobic."
"Dr. K's content is amazing... he kind of normalizes the idea of therapy to other people."
"There's such an ick that comes with getting older that we just want to normalize. There shouldn't be age shaming."
"As we move forward over the coming months, we'll be able to see careful re-openings in certain sectors of the economy, certain things being allowed as people try to get back to something a little more like normal."
"It's one of the reasons that I love having this platform and being able to talk about these things and to normalize talking about these things."
"Witnessing his generational inspirational talent...social media has just normalized greatness to such an extent that sometimes we overlook certain greatness."
"Carrying appendix...it's been normalized through the point where when people see it, appendix carry is now a normal way to carry a firearm. It's as normal as four o'clock, it's as normal as strong side."
"Donald Trump has normalized fascism in America."
"The normalization of political violence is a slippery slope with dangerous consequences."
"The hate that women receive within gaming has become so normalized, but we need to make it clear to our communities and platforms that it is absolutely not okay."
"It scares me that it's starting to feel normal to just be stuck at home."
"The problem is that when you make a move towards normalization, de-stigmatization, and presenting this as a perfectly valid career route, you are going to end up with people going down that career route, for whom it is an absolute disaster and it ruins their lives."
"Intense restrictions are necessary, but so is a path back to a more normal life."
"It's normal to talk about mental health. Your mental illness is a normality, and you can talk about it."
"I think it's so important to talk about mental health. The more we talk about it, the more normal that becomes and the more that we're able to get help that we need."
"It's almost like there is a level of bigotry that is kind of acceptable and normalized in society."
"Brittany's restrictions began to lift and some form of normalcy, albeit not perfectly, returned to Brittany's life."
"The curse on the whole castle was lifted, and everything turned back to normal."
"There's no question in my mind that she put her fans in a horrible position and she normalized something that shouldn't be normalized."
"Getting back to normal means acting like there never was a coronavirus problem."
"Let's normalize being a person outside of our mental illness. Let's normalize having passions and hobbies that don't have to be about that part of your life."
"In normalizing struggles, we realize we're human beings too."
"Everything that you feel is absolutely normal."
"The president of the United States sniffs children and we're used to it. It's just, you know, it's almost become a punchline, but the president sniffs children."
"If we want the capabilities of having our stories told on the mainstream just as well as it has been on the independent, if we want to normalize our lives outside of the norms that society has deemed acceptable, we can't let up."
"The representation of Ellie as a queer character in the show is important because it may help to normalize queer identities and create a sense of sympathy and understanding for queer people among the straight audience."
"Dion being gay wasn't a huge coming out moment or a point of drama, it was just a fact about him."
"It's one of the oldest hustles in America, ain't nothing wrong with it."
"Get a vibrator. So many of my girlfriends are like, 'I don't know, is it normal?' Should I get one? I'm like, 'Get one!'"
"You are actually able to have sex without there being all of these magical rituals. It's possible to just have sex, you can just do it."
"We are not going to allow this to become the new normal."
"They more make it normal looking with some situations and I think that's also a right way."
"I want that mini split head to be seen as normal."
"We're living in an age where isolated cases become normalized."
"Most people did not want masks, they wanted their kids to get back to normal."
"It's totally cool if men wearing nail polish should be normalized."
"You figure it out, you get used to it, and then eventually it's normal."
"If you live in America, I gotta tell you because you're gaslit by our entire culture, this is not normal."
"The sooner that we can do that the sooner things can return to normal."
"I think we should normalize the fact that there are people from all around this planet, not just Americans or Russians or whatever."
"I don't call it PTSD it's not a disorder to feel like this after going through that it's just normal."
"There’s nothing wrong with seeing a shrink, okay?"
"The best strategy to overcome COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy is to assure the public that vaccines will lead to normalizing our lives."
"Normalizing self-medicated abortion is just normalizing legal abortion."
"You normalize it you make it okay because it is okay."
"If we can normalize the levels of people who actually want to be here, the problem will solve itself."
"What we actually have to do is normalize this vaccine mandate because we've been doing mandates for a long time. They work. They've kept our kids healthy."
"Normalize talking about your ex? Why? No, it gets to normalize it because it's not just talking about it 'cause her trauma."
"Perhaps a little. I saw a tweet earlier that said the Dream SMP normalizes human relationships with animals. Open to that, I thought."
"Trans people are normal people who just happen to be born in the wrong body."
"Gay people have more acceptance now because they're seen as normal people."
"The use of these weapons must never become the new normal. We must prevent impunity at all cost."
"Gray doesn't exist here, it's absolutely completely and utterly normal. There's nothing wrong."
"Hoping to try and make America normal again today and throughout the week."
"Trump cautioned against the normalization of violence in political discourse."
"I physically wasn't craving it for the uplifting effects, I was just craving any way I could to feel normal again."
"Women are normal, they're human, they're ordinary."
"China is the first major country to return to normal."
"This spreads like the flu, most people will have it and they get on with their lives."
"The Republican Party has normalized violence as a legitimate political solution."
"The reason crime is dropping is because society is returning to normal after COVID."
"As the months passed, the entity brought a new batch of terror..."
"Whenever extremism is normalized its effects remain in the culture."
"You are normal, and if you think you're not, then it's just all in your head."
"Normalize the work involved, it's just a part of the process."
"Omicron offers plausible hope for stabilization and normalization."
"Let's normalize having a life while being a YouTuber."
"Normalizing mental health from a young age is very important."
"Can we just normalize jewelry for men, please?"
"And what she's doing right now is normalizing some really insidious stuff; biological sex exists is not really a very insidious position unless I suppose you are a kind of gender flat earther."
"Film has done a great job in normalizing tattoos for people."
"Greatness is in you, activated. But what you're activating is the norm."
"We cannot allow them the space to become normalized."
"Sex is a normal part of life. Thank you, sex is a very normal part of life."
"We must be honest with ourselves. Too much of what's happening in our country today is not normal."
"Blocks have been lifted, now is the time to pursue your passions."
"Everybody's awkward when they flirt. Like, it's okay."
"Football brings normality back and stops underlying issues."
"The fear is beginning to wear off, people are going back to normal."
"In the end we're all on a spectrum I hate the word normal because that means that some people are abnormal and really there's just a variety of differences."
"We don't have to make everything a movement, just let it be normalized."
"Just because something is normalized doesn't mean it's normal."
"I searched through the tags 'blended family' or 'stepmom' on Instagram, and there's usually some quotes and things that really make me feel normal."
"Internet horror is a genre about showing us how to normalize terrible things are."
"I think you have done an incredible momentous job of normalizing being trans."
"YouTube is a normal thing now, it's less of a weird thing to do ever."
"Humanizing and normalizing pain, emotion, stress."
"It's weird to have mental illness because I guess this is how it is for everybody."
"I feel like we're society's outcasts who are just a little bit too obsessed with skincare, which is not a problem not for me."
"Skincare should be normalized by everyone regardless of who you are, regardless of what age you are, what gender, anything like that."
"Don't shy away from discussing your beliefs, we need to normalize these views again."
"Can we please normalize actually putting energy into someone who's emotionally available?"
"Alcohol is so normalized but it's actually terrible for your body's really terrible."
"Prostasia seeks to normalize pedophilia... it's explicitly evil as far as I'm concerned."
"Childhood normalized what was normal for you."
"Having acne is totally normal, it's totally fine."
"You get gas lit all the time by our politicians and our media that make it seem like it's normal. It's not normal."
"Non-judgment, discretion, and making it normal are key."
"The sooner we start the whole quarantine you know process or whatever, the sooner we could get back to hopefully yes normal."
"Just because it's cool in 2022 doesn't mean it's normal."
"This is social conditioning, and it's really scary."
"It's trying to normalize things that are not normal."
"It's just trying to normalize things that are not normal."
"You take something serious and you delegitimize it, and then you normalize it."
"Ryan Resch aims to normalize the existence of gay men and women within basketball."
"Let's start normalizing black faces in media... it constantly feels like we're being hidden."
"There's just thousands of people being shot in this country every single year fatally shot and the question is how we normalize that."
"Let's make this normal. Let's normalize all of the ways that we're experiencing this that we don't want to talk about."
"Erectile dysfunction is a normal part of life and should be discussed and respected like any other emotion that humans go through."
"Market dynamics have to return back to what would be normal."
"These conversations are starting to be normal within our community now."
"Just because a society normalizes something, it doesn't necessarily mean it's okay."
"I wear it because I want to normalize wearing masks."
"Diversity in media actually leads to immense benefits when it comes to the normalization of minority groups."
"The risk is tremendous for normalization and acceptance of this horrific assault on children."
"We need to accept normalcy again... if we don't then what was this all for?"
"Periods are natural. They are a normal part of a woman's life. It's nothing to be ashamed about."
"Legalized, regulated drugs are treated normally. They're treated as something which is a part of life."
"The aim of legalization is to make these drugs boring."
"Is it okay to be sad sometimes? Yeah, yeah, isn't it? Does everybody ask us to be sad?"
"Wake up and realize how normal life is and then get with the program of becoming a saint."
"Our kids will see this maybe as normal, like the way neighbors should be."
"Yo, we have trivialized, tribalized, and made all of these things so normal in our culture."
"Boobs out, totally normal. Yeah, no big deal."
"It's so normalized, but it's also so messed up."
"I really appreciate that she talks about normalizing discussions around mental health."
"As a society we should be supporting these people making sure they know that they're normal."
"If you really want to normalize it just call them both Santa and leave it at that."
"We were so happy, I felt like I was starting to become normal again."
"But we're back, things have calmed down, we're getting back to normal."
"We try to make it as normal of an experience for kids as possible."
"I am a very strong advocate for normalizing when your mental health is not okay."
"Speaking to a therapist should be as easy as going to a dentist, it should be something that's in all of our lives and it shouldn't be something that's seen as odd."
"Let's just normalize people being different."
"Please, please don't beat yourself up. It's normal."
"We need to normalize reporting, so every woman after you will feel it's important."
"The rocket is... a falcon 9 block 5... I love that that's becoming a normal thing."
"It's not just starting to pee, that's not normal."
"Represent yourself honestly and show people atheists are just like everyone else."
"Let's both keep talking about mental health and keep normalizing it."
"I think it's time we're gonna start seeing this become routine, and that's exciting."
"I think it's safe to say that this is the new normal."
"Normalization of failure is critical in this profession."
"It's nice to make people feel like I'm not this isn't abnormal this is something that a lot of people deal with and it's not something to be ashamed of it's just part of life."
"Normalize mental health breaks. Mental health breaks should be like sick days when you are mentally and emotionally overwhelmed."
"Can we normalize wanting to break up with your partner in a long-term relationship?"
"This was never sustainable, it was always going to pop at some point and we should celebrate the fact that it's changing and becoming more normal rather than trying to return back to the old insane system."
"Being smart and being eager is cool. It's fine. It's not a big deal."
"And so I think this is, this is exactly what's happened over the last couple of years, is the unthinkable has become routine."
"Life is really overwhelming and we are just trying to figure out our new normal."
"I do think that we would all benefit from seeing footballers as more than robots who run around a football pitch and as people whose job it is to play football just like our jobs are whatever our jobs are."
"People are going and they're getting this because they want their life to be normal again."
"It just feels so, so great that we've arrived at a point where this is normal because it certainly wasn't when we started."
"I refuse to live in a United States of America where Ted Nugents and Marjorie Taylor Greens and Matt Gates and whatever the heck that propaganda network is is normalized."
"Realize that they're all just normal people."
"This video is literally Ruby normalizing beating and abusing your kids because that's what real love is."
"No, it's not normal to normalize unhealthy behavior."
"The off ramp here is if you do stop this then we can return to some kind of normalcy."
"All this is completely normal to you because the people with whom you surround yourself all agree with your positions on things."
"It's not normal and it should not be normalized." - Viva Fry
"Political violence is normalized for the right and again voters are going to have to decide whether this is what we want going forward."
"We're just essentially back to the trend we would have been on if covid never happened."
"That phobia is so normalized and pervasive in our society that we might not even see all the ways it manifests."
"Don't be surprised, don't be scared if that happens, it's part of a healthy retracement."
"An um isn't a mark of quality nor is it a bad thing; it's just a thing that people do."
"In the spirit of peace and cooperation, both leaders also agree that Bahrain will fully normalize its diplomatic relations with Israel."
"We need to stop putting celebrities and people who have prominence on a pedestal, they're regular people."
"I want to get to the point where it's done being 'this is the first ever this' and women are finally doing this. No, I wanted to just be normal."
"It's okay I really like to normalize this whole concept that you're not going to like everything even the really popular books."
"Knowing that it's gonna take you some time to recover and that's normal and that's okay."
"Life's kind of settling to get a little bit normal again, so I do need to plan for 10, 20 years down the road."
"It's very normalized back then. Our Kelly didn't start this. Remember Elvis Presley got with Priscilla Presley when she was only like 13 or 14."
"Our biggest hope is just to normalize inter-abled relationships."
"The world's becoming more feminine; nails getting done is being more normalized."
"What we're finally seeing is getting past early adopters and into this era of normalcy."
"Teenagers masturbate 99% of male teenagers like that's totally normal."
"Gaslighting is used for everything's okay, just like in the family, nothing's happening here."
"You feel good inside... it really does feel and taste like a home-cooked meal."
"I've probably masturbated about past sexual experiences a couple of times... I think it's normal."
"She says this is normal, and you can experience it too!"
"Regal Eagle Smokehouse has morphed into a solid quick-service BBQ joint, and nature is healing."
"Let's normalize being lost and choosing wrong and making mistakes."
"That's one of the things that needs to be normalized like it's okay to disagree when you're going through the disagreement don't be like oh this is it I don't know if I can no this is normal this is what happens."
"Talk about your periods with your friends, make periods normal."
"When individuals experience disrespect on a regular basis, they may not recognize it as such due to normalization, low self-esteem, or fear of conflict."
"I know that one day it won't be unusual or groundbreaking, it would just be normal."
"It's going to start to get normalized again."
"Let's normalize carbs as being cool for that girl."
"How do they or how do maybe how does someone in general get to the point where torturing children becomes normal and acceptable behavior?"