
Sports Science Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Mike Israetel, you guys probably know from my channel, he has a PhD in sports physiology."
"I'm the chief sport scientist at Renaissance Periodization."
"We live in a world where Sports Science has made it really clear as to what it takes to achieve these physical things."
"Glycerol use has shown to increase endurance by as much as 24%."
"Peaking for me is having the highest level of fitness and the lowest level of fatigue possible on one particular day."
"The number one influence for training success is your actual running training."
"Age decline is clear and there is a lot of research to back it up, but actually when that point happens is exceedingly variable and dependent on motivation." - Professor Louis Passfield
"Gene doping is targeting people's gene variants within their DNA and altering them so they have gifts."
"Our goal is to allow athletes to perform as best as they can any given day of the week."
"The difference between males and females in sport is primarily based in biology."
"Rest days are a unique kind of fatigue reduction."
"Taking two days off in a row can be a GameChanger."
"Concentrated loading consolidation of stressors into one part of the week consolidation of rest into another Sport Science approved."
"To win a NASCAR, the drivers, teams, and engineers, they need to understand race car physics, especially aerodynamics."
"After hormone replacement therapy, trans women produce the same testosterone as those of normal women."
"Ecdysterone...worthwhile in exploring for anabolic muscle growth."
"Variability overuse injury hypothesis: increasing the variability of movement improves motor learning."
"Ketosis improves athletes' performance by 7-15%."
"Some variants of ACTN3 can help our bodies make a special protein known as alpha-actinin-3, a protein that controls the tensing and flexing of muscle fibers used in sprinting or weightlifting."
"Archer's paradox: a misunderstood concept clarified."
"Biomechanics of archery: the impact of hand positioning."
"Caffeine is the number one studied performance enhancing drug definitely and it actually has proven benefits it's like the most well studied the most evidence behind it that it truly improves performance."
"Age affects recovery... older athletes may tolerate less training."
"One of the most important things I've ever done in my career is really diving into the science of swing speed."
"Cooling your core body temp is the holy grail of performance... These guys using this on the tour."
"When mitochondria max out, you hit the wall, like in a marathon."
"Embrace science. Let's take a scientific view of how you train athletes and maybe even how you teach them skills."
"Taurine supplementation may improve aerobic performance, anaerobic performance, strength, and power."
"Structured training makes a huge amount of difference."
"Some research shows that you can perform better physical maximum in the evening compared to the mornings however that's just for one effort not repeated efforts."
"Recording session RPE can help track adaptation and prevent burnout."
"Trans women retain muscular architecture and strength that would favor competitive advantage, according to scientific evidence."
"Foam rolling has been shown in research to improve your mobility without any decreases in performance."
"Shorter legs kick a ball harder than bigger, stronger legs."
"Fast-twitch muscle fibers handle glucose the best."
"Rest days or easier days of training are the very days on which the actual adaptations are made."
"Periodization is really another way of seeing the modern approach to organizing training."
"Being able to recover faster is a sign of great genetics because you'll be able to accumulate more volume over time without being nerfed by muscle damage and fatigue."
"If you want to swim faster, you can either decrease the amount of drag that you have or you can increase propulsion."
"Regarding cycling, 'time on, time off' pretty much debunked. We go by health parameters and the more intelligent cycle design."
"I'm actually going to graduate with my degree in sports science."
"With his groundbreaking work guiding athletes from the gym to the podium, my guest breaks down the science of Peak Performance into clear actionable advice."
"He uses his knowledge of sport science to better understand how cancer works."
"Impact of pressure on performance can modify the attention of the performer, focusing awareness on execution of the movement and evoking conscious motor processing control as a way to maintain or improve the efficiency of performance."
"Fluid dynamics and aerodynamics: Unraveling the mysteries of ball flight."
"The higher and tertiary institutions must all be centers of excellence for sport because there must be research development. The muscles okay, have got to be developed. It's scientific."
"If you can add five pounds of neck strength muscle to your neck strength, you dramatically reduce concussion."
"So, in a nutshell, two things that really link this back foot contact position and link to stress fractures are run-up speed and jump in high, run-up speed and change in direction, okay?"
"I studied exercise physiology... my research focused on the factors leading to endurance performance."
"Polarized training is put to the test against more traditional training models, polarized almost always comes out on top."
"By understanding each sport's individual requirements and the needs of each athlete, a strength and conditioning professional can design a safe and effective plyometric training program."
"We use biology and science to drive sport performance."
"LeBron's longevity needs to be studied."
"A sports scientist's main goal is to drive training and improve performance."
"One of the best symposiums when it comes to strength and conditioning, sport medicine therapy, physical therapy."
"The importance of an individualized approach... we assess where the athlete lies in terms of physiology, psychology, strengths, and weaknesses."
"First, let's establish what physical characteristics make up an elite level soccer player."
"Both of these positions are going to really be utilizing the ATP PC system."
"We want to teach it as close as we can to vertical jump mechanics."
"We've seen more development in the sweet science from KSI."
"Post activation potentiation... it's definitely a mechanism that happens in the human body when performing athletic endeavors."
"A relaxed muscle is a quicker muscle."
"Increasing intramuscular creatine via supplementation enables you to replenish ATP stores faster, enhancing performance."
"It's very intelligent, it's actually a sports science principle called direct adaptation."
"The approximate goal for ground contact times in elite sprinters is 0.08 seconds."
"Boxing's hit and not be hit, it's a science."
"The way he can convert his speed to power is really impressive."
"The sport keeps evolving, the athletes keep evolving."
"Less drag means faster speeds for the same effort or less effort for the same speed, which is pretty significant for our cyclists and triathletes."
"There's an inflection point between where you spend so much time in the gym lifting weights that compromises your ability to either recover from or participate in higher volumes of your sport practice."
"In this sports laboratory, Cristiano Ronaldo is about to undergo a series of challenges unlike any he's done before."
"Boxing as a sport and as a science... it's creative problem-solving."
"Adding some protein to the mix can significantly increase those carbs' ability to prolong your endurance."
"The ankle rocker is essentially how the foot functions during high-speed running or walking, or just sports in general."
"Testosterone levels in male athletes... dramatically increased."
"All of this plays into something that is very relatable to us: cycling economy."
"The lean mass of the trunk is the biggest contributor to estimated punching force."
"Well, Bill, not many people know that you've actually studied it on almost a sabermetric level."
"Sports science is very goal focused it's more applied and nearly everything in its realm leads to answering the question of how do I or we as a team get better at our sports or better at our goals."
"We need to understand the energy system parameters of different sports."
"Women and their coaches really have to be their own best scientists and keep track of this."
"Nitric oxide is a vasodilator that helps you relax the blood vessels, allowing for improved blood flow and oxygen delivery to the muscle."
"Specificity is programming 101; it's sports science 101."
"I've been a professor of sports science for quite some time."
"We have to improve the biomechanics so that we don't overload that tendon in the first place."
"Air resistance decreases the displacement in the x-direction of the ball by less than 1 centimeter."
"Sport Science still remains our best tool to arrive at the truth to measure does this thing have an effect or not."
"Periodization is the scientific ramping up and down of volume and intensities in a specific cyclical pattern to create a peak."
"Everything we talked about should be universal principles that can be applied across all of human body mechanics and across all sports."
"If you turn the axis slightly on your release, that ball is going to have more pressure on this side, less pressure on this side; it's called the Magnus effect."
"Comp specific hypertrophy means growing the muscle mass in the most competition specific way on our lifter's frame."
"Understanding specificity and how it relates to sport performance training is going to really play a big role in this video."
"Age of information, you've got so much there, sports science here and there, it's so crazy."