
Workmanship Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Your workmanship is marvelous, how well I know it."
"Study to show thyself a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
"Everywhere I touch everywhere I look there's just a sense of quality and of workmanship."
"I was really pleased with the outside when I finished it."
"We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."
"Look at this workmanship right here. Black tape, capacitor in parallel."
"Do you know what? Even if this thing doesn't work, I am really, really happy that I've been able to put a hundred solder balls on this BGA chip."
"You paid for a good job, so don't settle for half-assed work. Do it right, or find someone who will."
"I must say that workmanship is beautiful."
"He really worked that, easy does it, so does it still run in Strasbourg?"
"This is what we're working with, man, it's pretty nice."
"That's right where it needs to be, I'm really happy with that."
"If you're going to do a job, do it properly."
"...work in good light because you can see the reflection of what's happening."
"We have ourselves a fantastically cut perfectly straight groove."
"When you get done with a job, you look at it like, 'Man, let me just do that one more time because I will knock this thing out of the park.'"
"The better we do this job, the better it will look."
"They take pride in what they do, whether it's cutting your grass or installing a light fixture."
"The best contractors care as much about their work as they do their client to make sure the outcome is fantastic."
"Chicago has always been a city of hands."
"If you want the job done right, this is what you got to do."
"You can do a good job with bad tools, but not vice versa."
"Quality is about effort, not geography."
"New York is understandably proud of the products that flow from its factories, proud of their quality but even more of the workmanship that makes them possible."
"I believe in American quality and American workmanship."
"It's not the hammer that makes the carpenter; it's the skill behind the swing."
"It's a nice shoulder, but off hand there wouldn't seem to be anything wrong with the job."
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works."
"Use the right tool for the job, and you'll get better results."
"I'd rather have it done right than be rushed."
"We always use the best tools for the job."
"The cut quality here was absolutely amazing for what we were working with."
"It's fantastic for the client to know that the work was done in a tight, efficient fashion and is increasing the building's efficiency."
"You shall call, and I will answer you; you shall desire the work of your hands."
"Of course, the things that take more work will look more appealing."
"There's a difference between shoddy work and doing things in a workmanlike manner."
"People forget how fast you do a job but never how good."
"If you do the job right, all you need is a primer."
"He's basically delivering us a square box to work in down to the millimeter."
"If you do the job right in the first place, there won't be any comebacks."
"It's easier on your body, in reality, it does get it a bit flatter."
"The right tool for the right job, there's no substitute."
"The consistency and quality of cuts is everything on a jobsite."
"Just let the weight of the saw do the work; all we're doing is pushing and pulling."
"If you take your time to do things the right way, your work will speak for itself."
"We are happy with the quality of the home, with the workmanship."
"Skilled labor isn't cheap, and cheap labor isn't skilled."
"Cheap work isn't good, but good work isn't cheap."
"Happy with that, guys, nice gap in the middle, nice gap on either side."
"That's what I call craftsmanship."
"These beavers do a damn good job."
"It's always good when it's done well."
"In general, the workmanship and the craftsmanship on Hermes products is all very neat."
"I'm pretty happy with the way that's working."
"That is as good as it gets and I'm very pleased with the job."
"That's a damn clean job, it's done really well, very good."
"He is a decent, intelligent fellow, distinctly a good reliable type of workman, and with a headpiece of his own."
"If you're gonna do it fast, you might as well make it last."
"All the work can be done working with the grain."
"You see when you are working, you have to do something that will seal the house and it will be uniform."
"I'm always impressed by you guy who fries the fries better than anybody else."
"The better your workpiece is held, the better will be the result."
"The tricks of getting these jobs perfect is just being a little bit patient."
"That's a cool belt, that guy must do a really strong job."
"I don't think you could get that any neater than that, I'm really pleased with it."
"They ask you to keep up your production to the limit of your ability and the high standards of workmanship that have given us an advantage over the enemy."
"I love it when you don't have leftovers, no leftover screws means you've done a proper job."
"Never forget the customer's confidence in you and in your organization is only as good as his confidence in your workmanship."
"Everything's just fit and cut and put together very, very well."
"Your finish is only as good as your prep."
"Oh, how extraordinarily nice workmen were! She thought why couldn't she have workmen for her friends rather than the silly boys she danced with."
"A wonderful workmanlike dog, the national dog of Norway."
"Proper job, we like that, good job, ask for your granddad."
"We got the entire quarter panel in primer, and honestly, guys, it looks absolutely perfect."
"You're getting a lot more quality in materials and workmanship."
"Isn't that nice? That's a proper job."
"If it rains and it doesn't leak, we did a good job."
"Beautifully crafted, all aluminum TJ11 is a pleasure to work with."
"Bad workman always blames their tools."
"You are the workmanship of God, created in Christ Jesus for good works."
"They got a hell of a reputation. The guys take a lot of pride in the trucks."
"The yarn is a very very nice and such a pleasure to work with."
"Encourage pride of workmanship, have fun."
"I'm not looking for like show quality or like perfection because it still is at the end of the day a work truck, but I want it nicer."