
Powerlifting Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"Bolo Young's dedication and hard work paid off when he became the champion of China in powerlifting, showcasing his prowess in combining martial arts with strength training."
"Who says powerlifting is not technical? That's so technical."
"The whole goal of the show at the end of the day is to raise people's vibration, shift consciousness, and elevate humanity."
"Powerlifting and weightlifting often get lumped together as these two barbell sports, but they're always being compared and contrasted."
"Starting powerlifting? Check out 'The Unity' program."
"I just want to do as much as I can to etch my name in the history of powerlifting."
"I do powerlifting guys, my record is a 556 pound deadlift."
"It's all about leg power, back power, and just brute strength."
"I'm 34 and constantly setting PRs in my lifts as a lifelong powerlifter."
"Daniella Melo: Broke the open world record in the 84 kilogram weight class for a back squat."
"The main objective is very simple: to get a better squat, bench, and deadlift. That is your sport, that's the technique."
"Powerlifting cycle of six months or a year you adding a new cup you're giving yourself more room to grow."
"The deadlift is what makes a great strong man go."
"Christy Hawkins: 'One of the great female power lifters and bodybuilders.'"
"America is tremendous at powerlifting and specifically at raw powerlifting."
"The better powerlifter with the greater skill set, one which can be argued as which is more sport, the one that requires a high skill, sure."
"I'm not gonna compete USA PL USPA I've had experiences with both those feds I will never do that [ __ ] again."
"Powerlifting will save your life and it kind of made or shaped your life."
"As soon as I decided, okay, I'm going to do powerlifting, I subscribed to Powerlifting USA, and the first issue I got was the one where Andy Bolton had just squatted 1,213."
"...they should know. The best way that I can sum up John would be in the powerlifting sphere, he currently is one of the best competing and probably best in the past decade."
"The number one thing in your life is powerlifting right now. There's no doubt about that."
"The more Elite a power lifter becomes, the slower that is."
"I started powerlifting when I was in high school, you know I had that gift of strength."
"He officially announced that he would be leaving the USAPL."
"Russ left Illinois a three-time national champion, new squat record holder, and a reputation as one of the strongest men on Earth."
"Russ was showing off some massive gains hitting new single and rep PRs at a seemingly abnormal rate."
"The next time I step on the platform I'm going to be a whole different human being."
"The most amazing experience go to a powerlifting competition."
"Success in bodybuilding or powerlifting comes from dedication and making compromises over many years."
"Polish power says Mariusz, we've seen a lot of that."
"It's essentially the trademark of strong man. It's the trademark of powerlifting. It's pick something up as heavy as possible and then put it back down. It's simple."
"Yeah, I think it is. Louis ran all kinds of people out over here at the gym where he's at now, right before I had left the last time, you know, because you really can't powerlift anymore."
"It's not the total that won, it's not the total, it's called powerlifting."
"You know, I just have a special place in my heart for women's powerlifting."
"Recovery is super important when it comes to being a powerlifter."
"We are 15 weeks out from raw nationals, we're making sure that we are on point with nutrition and all that kind of stuff and I'm very very excited to see the type of numbers that we put up because a lot of people are saying it's going to be a battle."
"Positioning is everything in powerlifting and kind of like in life if you want to get philosophical about that."
"It's cool to see, like, I think we had kids come up to me like, 'Hey man, you got me into powerlifting.'"
"Powerlifting should not be avoided; it's a phenomenal way to train."
"Run the powerlift program, then performance. Then when you come back around to your powerlifting training, watch how much better you are."
"When you compete in a powerlifting competition, you bench, squat, or deadlift. That's it."
"like the difference between geared powerlifting and raw powerlifting are two different sports."
"Most of these names were powerlifters. Guys like Alan Thrall, Candido, Omar Isuf. They gave the best advice before muscle building and for strength development."
"The vast majority of people I learned from in lifting were powerlifters."
"He's twice as big as 10 boulders. That would mean Crash's strength is similar to the world's best power lifters."
"Welcome to powerlifting America 2024 Nationals."
"This is powerlifting America's biggest Nationals yet."
"Powerlifting is what I love and I see myself doing this for a very very a very long time."
"I'm not trying to degrade strength training or powerlifting in any way."
"I just love how powerlifters analyze and they're meticulous about how they train and how they execute movements."
"I've had a few online clients... and they tell me they like to do powerlifting cycles because it gets them to stop worrying about the way they look."
"Mike's descent is very low and it's almost the pause squat."
"It seems like more people are now looking to powerlifting principles... because they're seeing the value."
"Nothing thing can beat lifting heavy freaking and feeling like an absolute freight train."
"I like to lift things, so powerlifting, that kind of stuff. So lifting things, eating things, and hacking things, that's kind of the three things I like in life."
"The future is bright for strength sports and the female side for powerlifting."
"Being stronger of course helps, but you don't need to be the best powerlifter in the world to be the best jiu-jitsu competitor."
"If you love powerlifting... it goes over everything you need to know if you want to get into the sport."
"Power is just your ability to move weight quickly."
"One of the best powerlifters of all time, Dan Green, has really taught me... a very different approach to training."
"Powerlifting is the gift that gave me the ability to do more."
"I realized my identity as a powerlifter is the 308 world record holder."
"I'm coming from not even knowing what powerlifting is... very quickly I got that team atmosphere again."
"I go to this meet and I go seven for nine... I squat 903, the best 903 I've ever done."
"As a bodybuilder, you're trying to use as much muscle as possible; as a powerlifter, you're trying to lift as much as possible."
"If you went to a powerlifting meet then, I remember the very first meet I went to, I was like one of the only guys that were competing raw."
"People don't necessarily realize that in the last 20 years, that's completely flipped."
"That's camaraderie... and I think there's a good deal of that in powerlifting too."
"I just focus on my goals... I'm going to squat 500 kilograms, that's the goal right now."
"I'm so dialed in, and then you set up and you take that time to make sure that this is the perfect setup."
"I never considered quitting powerlifting."
"My goal in powerlifting was to total two thousand pounds, and now I've readjusted it to 2300."
"I want to squat or deadlift over 900 pounds in competition and in the gym hit 1,000 pounds on either one of those lifts."
"What percent chance would you give yourself that you deadlift 1,000 pounds? 100%."
"It's going to be an absolutely epic project, powerlifting, big equipment, 100 machines, monolift, all the good stuff."
"Powerlifting is a marathon, it's not this is your first and last meet."
"It's amazing to see like the community aspect of powerlifting."
"Welcome back to the 2024 Lifting America Classic Open Nationals."
"Hello and welcome to day two of the 2024 Powerlifting America Classic Open Nationals."
"This is her first time on the Powerlifting America National stage and she is still a junior lifter electing to compete in the open."
"I also train power lifters, one of my favorite weeks a couple weeks ago I helped a power lifter, he squatted over a thousand pounds for the first time in his life."
"I want to take this job freaking seriously because never in a million years would I have thought that I could make a living through Powerlifting."
"The fact is when you're competition benching and you're using this constant leg drive style... you're literally doing an isometric leg extension and you're driving into the floor."
"If you want to bench 225 explosively, make 500 your max."
"He's a power lifter, last year in 2021 he was the alternate and made it into the finals."
"If you take these variables and smash them together, what you have is the potential for a world-class powerlifter."
"The sport of powerlifting is to see who is the strongest person."
"The big three are known as the three heavy hitters for a reason."
"I think with the reemergence of the WPO, it's gonna give people a stage."
"Intensity is the most important aspect of powerlifting."
"The principle of specificity: if you're training to be a powerlifter, you have to pause the weight on your chest."
"We have Elite level powerlifters that are training here all the time."
"Cheating is breaking a rule, so if every powerlifting federation allows you to pull Sumo, it's by definition not cheating."
"I wanted to document my journey through powerlifting."
"I wanted to be the best powerlifter instead of being popular on social media."
"Powerlifting is something that I anchored my life to as a youngster."
"People are like, 'You're pretty strong for how big you are; you should get into powerlifting.'"
"It's a good thing for powerlifting when you see so many companies trying to invest more into it and upgrade their stuff."
"The goal of powerlifting is to add weight to the bar over time."
"Power lifters love everybody. They really do, like an awesome community."
"John is pretty safely the strongest powerlifter in the world pound for pound."
"It's perfectly valid for a powerlifter to deadlift 400 pounds knowing it's only 80 percent because he has his eyes on the 100; it's a building block to get to a certain degree of strength."
"Powerlifting bringing people together."
"Fantastic, just as a reminder, Jen found powerlifting at age 30."
"We are here in beautiful Miami, Florida at WRPF's The Ghost Clash."
"It really adds to the spirit of community at all levels of powerlifting."
"He became the best powerlifter of all time by accident. He just tried to beat his total every time."
"If you're dedicated to the sport of powerlifting, you want to try to get to you know national Sunday, you really want to give it your best."
"I just really, really, really fell in love with powerlifting."
"Let's work on the setup, let's work on creating a more stable position to pull the bar from."
"For maximum strength development in the powerlifting total as well as maximizing our body composition, or basically getting as much muscle mass on our frame as possible."
"All powerlifters need rice cookers."
"If you're powerlifting, you want every single rep to the textbook."
"We want to characterize the injury risk in powerlifting, discuss strategies for injury risk reduction, and discuss strategies for injury management."
"Is powerlifting safe? It appears to be relatively safe."
"In terms of powerlifting, in the history of powerlifting, I'm the most successful powerlifter ever."
"Bodybuilding is probably the most subjective sport... the powerlifting aspect adds a sense of objectivity to it."