
Prank Quotes

There are 321 quotes

"You've been pranking me this whole time. Die, you killed Melanie, you killed Melan!"
"Last time I pranked someone they died, they actually died"
"They all hoped it was a prank, but Sandra volunteered to check just to make sure."
"In 1973, Elton John reportedly pranked the band by storming the stage in a gorilla costume."
"Jerome Powell was caught in a pranked phone call admitting that that's exactly what's happening, that likely we will not see rate increases this year. We will see rate cuts because we know we are headed for a recession."
"This is like a movie or something, you know what I mean? It's like it's not even Halloween, so what kind of prank are they pulling?"
"It affected a lot of people including their time and their money, and hindsight it sounds like a fun prank to pass the time during quarantine."
"Oh man that is a crazy prank I can't wait to see a video on this."
"It started as a goof, a prank, a collection of memes, and one could argue that it ended the same."
"That's really crazy. But you did it. Wait, you see everything? You just got pranked. His face!"
"I'm going to have to make him the best lunch all in blue food, but I'm going to prank him a little bit."
"Yo not only did we scare him you guys but we freaking left him stranded on the side of the actual haunted road for 45 minutes I failed to mention that to the viewers."
"It sounds sadistic and it was because it was nothing more than the magazine's annual April Fool's joke."
"You guys totally thought I was sick... you've been pranked."
"I just can't believe it, but also at the same time, you guys all just got pranked."
"Leaving a watermelon on someone's doorstep in the middle of night is a pretty inexpensive way to occupy a portion of their mind forever."
"Owen Hart pulled a legendary prank on Vince McMahon."
"If you guys enjoyed this prank, make sure to give the video a thumbs up."
"Nobody has ever pranked me this hard."
"Operation Revenge prank on Sherman."
"It's like tomatoes, you know? We're gonna have to go around the office and prank people."
"I was swatted somebody pranked the FBI it was a swat they came they saw I was doing nothing wrong."
"Scammer texted me and I decided to prank him by saying he was my long lost dad and I was his adult son. We've been texting for hours and neither of us have broken character."
"Her potentially missing it due to my stupid prank would be some sweet, sweet karma."
"City knew she had nailed this prank and she was going to be a star."
"I'm going to ignore him every time he walks around a blind corner or hears a loud noise behind him."
"I got you so good! It was just a prank, dude!"
"Hey, don't click on anything on the screen right now. A prank to you, you should do that please."
"I've always wondered why nobody has taken one of those 10-hour relaxing rain videos and put a horrendous jumpscare like four hours in"
"That's a good prank, that's a genius prank idea."
"I am proud to say that was a successful prank."
"Is this a prank? Is Jake Paul in the dumpster? Is there a prankster around here somewhere?"
"He tells her that it's only right that he pay her back for her little prank."
"Okay so are you surprised that this is the best rated item? What? No, these are all best rated items. I am the queen of prank, like people love this."
"What a lot of the local kids don't realize is I was planning on covering my house with toilet paper anyway so the joke's on them"
"Alright guys, this is Andrea and she's gonna be playing as a fake Amazon employee to distract my brother."
"I've been acting like butt hurt all day today which I am sad that Julia is gone but this is the perfect time for the perfect prank."
"I may have went upstairs before you sat down and told the camera that I was going to prank you and say I cheated."
"I personally made sure I got an extra few pores onto the seat so that it was thoroughly soaked. We then bolted for the open door of our getaway car and sped off, dying with laughter."
"'This video was a lot of fun because it's a hilarious prank to pull on you guys.'"
"...this fart spray is perfectly harmless to breathe it just truly smells really really bad."
"I would never go this far for a prank."
"That was one of the greatest pranks ever."
"I prank called Rampage from Africa, pretending to be a bank. He got mad, but I never told him it was me."
"It is the prank, isn't it? It doesn't shut up."
"How dare he leave urine in a bottle labelled as brandy that someone could have mistakenly drunk it and got seriously sick."
"I'm feeling a little bit mischievous so I think I'm going to plate these up and play a little joke on my husband."
"I've been anticipating Gabrielle doing the scandalous Halloween outfit prank on me. I know she's gonna do it."
"Elizabeth realizes that no one in high society would even react to such a childish prank by Alice."
"I'm pregnant prank on my boyfriend to see how he reacts."
"I've been planning this prank all week long. I've been working on it like crazy and today is the day it all goes down. Well, I'm gonna get him good."
"That would be an A1 prank, no I would too if if if I was living that I would want a guy like a cameraman yo it's just a prank so like I can just gas myself."
"They dropped their key card and we were gonna give it back to him, but I think we could prank them."
"Pranking someone with a fake suicide is the most a-hole move someone could ever do."
"It's not a prank at that point, it's emotional abuse."
"That's amazing, this is a prank inside a prank."
"Their prank works and the world is left in an awful mess Kenny however apparently didn't have the Constitution to survive such a blast."
"Michael Jackson rented out an entire grocery store and hired his friends and family to pretend to be regular people."
"We're Mia's laughing right now and today is the 1st of April so we're going to be playing the most uncomfortable prank ever."
"So you want a dance prank or you want to sit and have a prod?"
"It's a prank. They moved into the house so they could do it."
"Jeremy's go after this. I got word that our celebrity friend Nick Cannon was stopping by, so I decided this was a perfect opportunity to pull a prank on him."
"I can't believe I scammed Mr. Beast into giving me a free video."
"That was probably the best prank you've ever done."
"Now I came back and you cannot say that this prank is whack, you cannot say that because just look at the reaction that he gave y'all."
"How could I make his life stressful? Well, today I'm gonna prank Brandon and I want to prank him with like a fake pregnancy test."
"A good solid upper decker at a party."
"Okay, let's do it. Let's prank Hannah!"
"She pranked me again and please enjoy it."
"The purpose of this prank was to make you think that I was insane. Because I would just start eating my phone case."
"We got him good guys. That was a good prank. Did I prank you good?"
"The bananas shattered a glass panel of the Dome. All those years of shenanigans, that was the greatest."
"I brought you the homeboy. Nice prank, that's me."
"I know y'all been missing these pranks and I miss them too."
"I made a fake Facebook account and I was in the bedroom and he was in the living room and I added him on Facebook and I messaged him on it like, 'Hey, you okay? Like what you up to?' Like trying to trick him, and then he was like, 'Campbell, I know it's you.'"
"Prank two already took place in the matter of literally minutes after prank one."
"The plan was simple. All I needed to do was get a ridiculously coloured hair dye. Purple, peach or blue, then mix it in her shampoo."
"I waited until the next time she tried to pull this prank again. When she came to turn the lights off I knocked all the stuff off the shower caddy, the bottles on the tub edge and the towel rack."
"Did you know that you fell asleep in a laundry basket waiting to scare me?"
"I think you should just bring whoever deserves to get pranked. You get me? If they stay loyal, whoever was there from the gate, go."
"Unlike typical prank shows, it's not revealed to Caravello, the guy at the end of the film, that the entire thing was a prank."
"This guy turns, instead of pissing in the urine, he turns and he pisses all down Dwayne's legging into his shoes."
"I faked an exorcist-style possession in the forest, and convinced 100 people that something crazy was truly happening."
"That felt like a little OG phase rug prank burning something then surprising me with something new."
"What a better way to prank someone than hiding in plain sight? I am currently in a fake Bush."
"That's not a cute prank, that's like massive property destruction."
"In January 2017, Reset posted a video showing him replacing the filling in Oreos with toothpaste."
"I wondered for a moment if I had just been the victim of a prank call. It seemed, from our short conversation, that the guy on the other end of the line had been watching me."
"Right now, I also, they should give me a pizza. She's me a pizza right now. Pranking her."
"So this fool dead serious in the middle of class took a goldfish out and straight up 'Kobe'd' this across a bunch of class."
"Bro, look at the floor, bro. I was... But then I [__] when you were doing your lashes. I changed my mind. Prank you, bro."
"I usually just go up to their loved one or employer or whatever and say, 'Hey, that guy died. Did you see that? Oh, it was crazy.' I act like it just happened."
"So, I filled up an Amazon box with purple rain powder that was ordered to my office. A dry dye that gets darker and spreads when it comes into contact with your sweat that lasts a week on your skin."
"I haven't pranked you in a long time."
"...a group of Graham's friends that were with him on that Forum went by the names of media Outlets, newspapers, and TV channels and entered the call as journalists and then they started making fun of the judge and playing songs."
"Whoever pulled that prank on poor Mr. Lance deserves a round of applause."
"I'm not falling for that again. You've got to cut out this whole Prank War before it gets out of hand."
"You better not be pranking me again."
"Little does she know she's talking to the actual owner and he decides to mess with her and humiliate her in front of her friends. Hilarious."
"Every time someone in my house leaves an empty box in the freezer or pantry, I'm wrapping it in Christmas paper and putting it under the tree with their name on it."
"I highly encourage you play a little prank on your family."
"Instant power outlet prank stickers. Please don't litter."
"My friend hid my AirPods in a box of chicken nuggets that I proceeded to microwave without opening the box."
"every good YouTuber can pull a really good prank"
"I made life-size airpod stickers and stuck them on the ground all over the city."
"Would I say trick a friend into living in a bunker for a week making his family fear that he's died or been kidnapped in order for myself to go there? Maybe. It was really cool."
"I would keep their phone and play dumb."
"The more I think about it, the more I love the hot chocolate prank."
"That's crazy you're about to make money off us that's why I'm [ __ ] pranking your stupid ass."
"Nana reveals to Miku that the letter was just a prank by the girls."
"Rickrolling? Yeah, it's a big thing. Well, it went like this: You send somebody an email with a link in it that they think might be interesting or entertaining, they click on it, and what they find is a video of Rick Astley singing 'Never Gonna Give You Up'."
"I like messing with phone scammers, I figure as long as I have them on the phone, it's less time that they have to prey on someone else who actually buys into it."
"We're gonna do everything possible to make this the funniest prank ever."
"...I plan to tell them that they needed to leave but one of them took me aside and told me that they were taking an out of town friend on a snipe hunt as a much deserved Act of Revenge."
"Oh bro I made a guy fart, it was the funniest thing."
"Looks like it was a practical joke being played on the US Navy."
"This is the most legendary prank to ever happen on YouTube."
"I decided to send an Adam and Eve which is an adult toy and some lingerie catalogs to Kingdom Hall address to A Smith."
"That's how it's going down, man, so y'all make sure y'all thank God on that, man, no I'm saying, hold us down, we hold y'all down all the time, we love you guys, let us know what y'all thought about this video, this prank on Melinda, man."
"Tanner Cook's life took a sad turn in April 2023 when a prank gone awry at the Dallas Town Center culminated in him being shot by one of his unwitting victims."
"Of all the silly pranks that we pulled on each other, that was by far the most effective and the one we still laugh about when we meet up and recall those days."
"He's a youtuber, he's a bit of a prankster."
"A fake house where Vince and Roddy Piper are going to deal with trick-or-treaters."
"I apologize for pranking you guys with the snake situation."
"I'm about to do the final prank on the kids."
"his prank was to ride the subway wearing a medical face mask fall to the floor and then convulse as if he was having a violent seizure all of this was being recorded to capture the reactions of the concerned citizens who had no idea what was happening."
"...it was supposed to be a prank like I was like not a prank bro."
"I rickrolled my whole high school."
"Just prank our mayor because he hated foxes so he had his wolf friends find every Fox around and put them in his whole house," Scott said with a laugh.
"I was a bit cautious and whatever and I did Belcher look after the meal, so ice cream in this Cafe and I threw some ice cream in his face."
"I had an idea, should I prank Tom?"
"You better tell me all the pranks, no he's not."
"The reality is this is actually a prank on Ali...No, God, please, no."
"Works great fools my mom. She thinks it's a real dog."
"So I get up Derek's sitting right here, he has no idea, hospital gowns open in the back, dude I put I just bent over, gave him a little one right in his face."
"Now it's time to pull the craziest pranks yet."
"What was my senior prank at my high school? Sticky notes? No, we did cups of water everywhere."
"Secret's out we're actually in a fake relationship. This is all set up. You guys just got punked... we're just faking it right, totally?"
"So guys we're back to the video know guys as you've just saw my mom dad and my little brother have all chosen their own colors for the pet evil board game so the colors that they chose I am going to prank them with today in this video this is super excitin."
"One of the tricks he loved doing: a guy falls asleep on an airplane, he carried a makeup kit with a woman's makeup kit."
"I saved the best prank to the last."
"I don't know why somebody even like a dummy grenade like obviously they're just trying to to probably with me to be honest it's probably some weird prank by God knows who at this point."
"I hope you're all satisfied. This was a terrible thing to do to an old lady. It's not funny. You really had me scared. You really had me... well, they didn't buy the heart attack. Put the jokes on them."
"Rickrolling is one of the most well-known internet pranks and memes."
"It's the police. I'm just kidding, it's not the police."
""Yo, I know that [__], give him a wedgie. I just know it."
"I flashed my ass at the end and both of them got so weirded out they hung up."
"It began as a prank and ended in murder."
"Sorry Chef, the statue did leave you a surprise toy."
"This is something big, April Fools for the fools all month."
"Sending people to look for a tin of striped paint ... fairly common across a lot of people playing pranks."
"Have you ever played a prank when you were younger or had a prank played on you that you went, 'That was 10 out of 10'?"
"Have you ever done the old one where she's in the bath and you've done a dis?"
"That was not funny. I was supposed to be scaring you."
"At the end of the day, it's just a prank and I think I like that. I think that's really funny."
"I suppose you've learned your lesson. It's not like you'll try to prank me after this."
"You just got pranked by your coworker."
"One of the funniest, most expensive practical jokes."
"There's always a reason for things; they don't just think one day, 'Hey, let's play a prank on that guy.'"
"Was this a prank? Did they really see something?"
"We're gonna do this prank today because I think it's really... it's gonna be real lit."
"It's a prank. I prank y'all and I pranked her. It's a double whammy, it's a W, bro. It's an emotions thing, W's in the chat, bro."
"My daughter thought that this was the perfect chance to pull a prank. She poured cans of chili down the funnel."
"It is possible that they were the victims of some elaborate prank carried out by an unknown individual or group who have managed to keep their identity unknown."
"I knew she was messing with me but I couldn't find the camera. I didn't know where the camera was."
"Maybe they'll put on the label of the fart spray like a review: 'evacuated an entire American High School.'"
"The best senior prank ever was the one where they numbered the sheep one, two, four, and five."
"...I mean, first of all, what I'm going to say is, great prank. I mean, that is an incredible way to get back with your mother."
"Please offer to house-sit for the like button and when you're there, split all of their two-ply toilet paper into one ply."
"But what better than to show people? So, to properly take the piss, I had a book and I just wrote blank page on 144 pages."
"However, Lexi is convinced that Presley is pranking them to freak them out."
"We hope you guys enjoyed them pranking me 'cause I didn't."
"he had stowed away his breakfast sausage to pull off a very crude though funny prank"
"I drew cat whiskers on you because I thought it would be funny and it was."
"While it’s not a crime to scare your kids or pretend to strangle your wife, the two parents are likely paying for their bad sense of humor with years and years of therapy bills."
"He put up a sign pointing to an insane asylum - directed at the home of the woman who lived next door, and erected a fake tombstone for her that made fun of her for being unmarried and looking older than her age."
"This prank nearly took out a whole town’s leadership!"
"The boys were too young to be charged or held liable - which is probably a good thing, because they would have been paying off the damage into their senior years."
"I don't know why people think humiliation is a prank."
"Oh, we got him so good, high five love."
"One morning she took out her glass eye and dropped it into Mr. Twit's mug of beer when he wasn't looking."
"Yesterday uh me and Marty we we pulled a prank on Jeff Nadew and it was a really really good prank we really fooled him on this one."
"I made Aunt Polly believe that something was actually behind her for the thousandth time."
"Mailed him a glitter bomb, I followed it up and glued the edges so you have to pull it open, the glitter will explode everywhere."
"I'm going to tell Belinda I've played her a trick. I'm not playing in the match on Saturday, knowing I've been mean."
"Subscribe, like, comment and let us know what other pranks you want us to do."
"I once pulled my own teeth and put it in my sister's mouth while she was sleeping as a little goofy prank."
"...what had begun as a childish prank turned out to be one of the most horrifying experiences of my teenage years because we lived in the middle of nowhere and we had technically been vandalizing someone's yard."
"What is Grace doing hang on sharers she's up to something she's trying to prank me again."
"We got a prank for her so we need you to get her out."
"Daycare worker noticed her juice kept disappearing, so she filled her bottle with coffee. Her co-worker drank it and complained, but the worker taught her a lesson."
"If you enjoyed me scaring Nikki, give the livestream a thumbs up."
"Dragonlord was also catfished again. He chatted up a woman online and arranged a meet for some fun times, but when he turned up to meet the fine young lady, he was instead greeted by two men who threw Coca-Cola and flour at him."
"How was the prank, be honest, be real, how was it? Don't act like you didn't get fooled, you were just acting weird, like I thought I got your ass."
"I'm calling to report a crime. Okay, what crime? Extortion."
"Kind of like subtly rearrange his room so that when he comes back he's kind of like a little bit confused."
"He's gonna come back his room's gonna be rearranged he's gonna be really going crazy hopefully."
"Ben's gonna think he has some crazy stalker that has his phone number somehow and he's gonna freak."
"I'm gonna prank Lexi that I'm uh like calling another girl to come over she's gonna think that I'm actually doing it because she doesn't know that I know that she's here."
"I wish there was some way that we could trick coach Rocco into thinking it was Halloween."