
Marine Biology Quotes

There are 1008 quotes

"Sharks are just cool. Have you ever seen a goblin shark? I would like to."
"The Epaulette shark... probably not one that a lot of people saw coming... hopefully some people who had never heard of the Epaulette now are fully on board with how awesome that shark is."
"I think that shark is actually a female, and she's pregnant. Oh my goodness, it's the shark princess."
"The Megalodon is said to be the largest fish that ever lived."
"Although the Meg is generally claimed to be extinct, other people believe that there's still a chance that it might be swimming around somewhere in our oceans."
"The whale gently nudged and moved Hauser away from the possible danger, shielding her with its head and lips."
"Clownfish do in fact live in anemones, and they are immune to the stings of the anemones."
"After a female clownfish is eaten or dies, the largest male will then become the female."
"We've discovered a whole range of new species... Scientists dredged up new samples from as far as 3 miles deep."
"These see-through fish don't have red blood cells and have evolved to have an anti-freeze protein in their blood."
"A small fish glowing green and red was discovered...that has its own antifreeze in its body."
"The accidental discovery of marine organisms on a boulder on the seafloor beneath an Antarctic ice shelf has caused scientists to reconsider the limits of life on Earth."
"Explorers have actually discovered a species of fish having completely translucent skin."
"Scientists spotted the circular nests of the ice fish and found a total of nearly 17,000 nests."
"The bristle worms play a vital role in the ocean's ecosystem."
"In many ways, the octopus is as close to alien life as we may ever see."
"Wild orcas will spend around 95 percent of their day submerged to depths of up to 1,000 feet, which reduces the impact of UV radiation."
"In sea horses and several related clades, the males have an abdominal brood pouch to incubate the fertilized eggs, a behaviour sometimes termed male pregnancy."
"Octopuses and squid have three hearts... with three hearts and eight arms, when the octopus hugs you, you'll know she's very sincere."
"The white shark cafe... is said to play host to a vast group of great whites every year."
"Nicknamed the loneliest whale in the world, this whale has a signal that differs from most other whales."
"I actually didn't even know that you could be a marine biologist as a career until I was a junior in high school."
"In the ocean, light is a rare commodity, well water is a non-issue, and food will come to you if you're patient enough."
"I think it's safe to say you all, my audience, enjoyed marine biology as much as I did."
"It's one thing to read in a magazine and a book, and you see it, and you know the biology, and it's another thing when you're a foot away from 500 million years of perfection."
"I mean, for instance, this morning we're at the breakfast table discussing the Ampullae of Lorenzini... I get to have breakfast with a bunch of marine scientists saying things like Ampullae of Lorenzini. I mean, come on, that's why everybody wants to get into marine biology."
"Tommy's very informational, knows a lot, got a degree in marine biology."
"All corals, except for plate corals, will continue to grow until something kills them."
"Alien sea beast: Late last year, 41-year-old Desha Sri Chai captured a creepy creature with 20 long jet black legs causing him to throw his net in horror. At first glance, he thought the specimen was a twig, but when he saw it moving, he panicked."
"The Arctic May currently have a greater phytoplankton growth than any other ocean location on the planet."
"Sea mounts due to their geological formations serve as hotpots for biodiversity."
"Exploring the depths of the ocean is indeed a fascinating endeavor."
"Life exists all the way at the bottom of the Mariana Trench Challenger Deep, they call it the most brutal high-pressure conditions imaginable, and yet life exists. It's remarkable."
"These octopus rock pools are an ideal habitat for octopus."
"So the clicking noise that we heard that this sperm whale makes is him echo locating and toothed whales are the only ones that can echolocate because they use it for hunting."
"That's what's amazing about these oysters is they're sort of like a nursery habitat."
"Scientists believe that within a decade, the wreckage of the Titanic will be gone entirely, disappeared all because of bacteria in the ocean."
"Oceanic whitetip sharks have pretty much become the poster shark for shark conservation."
"Sharks are pretty smart as they kind of are. They've been around for millions of years."
"Blue sharks may be found in deep waters across the world's temperate and tropical oceans."
"Giant stingray discovered: this huge Stingray is dubbed to be the world's largest freshwater stingray ever to be found."
"Knowing about stranded whales is vitally important, largely due to human causes."
"The barrel eye fish has a transparent head to see in the darkness of the deep sea."
"Sea devil anglerfish: the sea devil anglerfish it has a crazy misshapen body sorry to body shame the razor-like teeth and fins and teeth and eyes that can disappear just like that."
"The ultimate effect of whales pooping is less CO2 in our atmosphere."
"Most siphonophores are like arm-length, but this one is over 360 feet long."
"Millions or maybe billions of underwater siphonophore galaxies."
"Octopuses are not just about their flexible bodies, they also exhibit remarkable intelligence."
"Seaweed is certainly something. In fact, seaweed is pretty essential to the life of the planet."
"The sheer magnitude of undiscovered creatures that remain lurking in the ocean depths is truly astonishing."
"There’s actually a concept called 'deep sea gigantism,' the paradoxical phenomenon that in the abyss, where food is scarcest and pressure is most severe, organisms get bigger."
"Almost all of the greenland sharks captured in the arctic were found to have an obvious handicap."
"While the debate will rage on about exactly what kind of shark this is we firmly believe it could be the make."
"The Philippines has the largest level of marine biodiversity in the world."
"A horrifying new species of fish may have just been found in Antarctica."
"The Megalodon puts the great white shark to shame." - Narrator
"Mako was capable of death throws, powerful strikes, and agile leaps and bounds."
"The largest animal that ever existed: the blue whale."
"Leptosphalids are the larvae of eels, these flat almost extraordinary creatures are slow swimmers and thrive in any water."
"There's much more to the ocean than meets the eye perhaps that's why we're also fascinated by it."
"Glaucus atlanticus is a fancy name for something as straightforward as a sea slug, but it won't take you long to realize there's something special about this sea slug."
"Leafy sea dragons are so unusual in their looks and behaviors that it's easy to assume they are fictional creatures in a book."
"Deep in the Earth's seas, there are vents where seawater comes into contact with minerals."
"In the abyss beyond the edge of the plateau, the largest organism we’ve yet to glimpse calls out through the deep."
"It's also worth remembering we haven't exactly completed the marine pokedex."
"Eldritch horror deep down in the ocean you expect to see some pretty crazy creatures"
"It's not in fact an eldritch horror but a kind of siphonophore a colony of marine organisms that work together as a hive"
"Known as the gulper eel or Pelican eel this deep sea find is most notable for its massive mouth which surprise resembles that of a pelican"
"Except unlike that scary shark this Gator is no sculpture it's 100% real"
"The cave known by locals as the turtle tomb is filled with dozens of shelled skeletons"
"These funky fish able to mate with any other member of their species they can even make both sperm and eggs to produce Offspring all by themselves"
"That fateful day fedorov hauled up this fearsome fish its fleshy pink mouth scaly body lizard-like tail and grotesquely protruding eyes make this pure nightmare fuel"
"This humanoid Marine Beast off the coast of Antarctica estimating it to be around 65 to 100 ft long for reference that's around the same size as a blue whale"
"Feast in the Deep: giant isopods make the most of it."
"The oldest black corals have been aged to more than 4,000 years old."
"The mega fish has remained largely unchanged since the Jurassic Period some 200 million years ago. Wow!"
"That's absolutely beautiful. What we do find in the net is this amazing paddlefish, as ancient as the alligator gar and reaching similar sizes."
"The giant clam is the largest living bivalve mollusk."
"The coelacanth, an incredibly rare fish assumed to have died out with the dinosaurs, has been discovered living in the Indian Ocean."
"We've seen warm conditions in the Bering Sea the last couple years and we're seeing a response in a cold-adapted species."
"The blue whale is the largest known animal alive today and to ever exist, period."
"Praya dubia is a member of the order Siphonophorae within the class Hydrozoa."
"These arctic sponges are strange life forms that were found totally by accident on a boulder beneath the ice."
"The tuatara...a marine species that can technically live forever."
"Tuataras are incredibly slow animals, taking just five breaths and experiencing six to eight heartbeats per minute."
"The bowhead whale...considered to be the longest living mammals on earth, living to at least 200 years."
"Hinako...the oldest koi fish that supposedly ever lived...believed age of 226."
"An Aldabra tortoise...died at 250 years old...age was unconcerned."
"Ming the clam...five hundred and seven year old clam...held the world record for the oldest known invertebrate."
"The Greenland shark...world's oldest living vertebrate...some publications putting its age at up to five hundred and twelve years."
"The megalodon is one of science's most popular mysteries."
"Rare frilled shark caught off the coast of Japan."
"The Great Barrier Reef is the biggest reef system in the world."
"Octopuses and squids are actually among the most fascinating and intelligent animals on Earth." - Joe Rogan
"The hungry and aggressive great white shark is tough to envision as prey. Is it possible that orcas are overwhelming them and taking their livers?"
"The Japanese spider crab: a creature that seems to have emerged from the wildest corners of imagination."
"The goblin shark: a true Marvel of the deep sea realm."
"The frilled shark: a living fossil from an age of dinosaurs."
"Blue whales are a type of baleen whale that can grow up to 98 feet or 29.9 meters long, weighing as much as 199 metric tons."
"Giant Pacific octopuses, also known as North Pacific giant octopuses, can weigh up to about 33 pounds or 15 kilograms with an arm span of 14 feet or 4.3 meters."
"Footage from a remote-operated vehicle revealed a massive set of bones with an intact spinal column spanning about 30 meters or 98 feet long, sparking speculation about unknown deep-sea creatures."
"If the mom ever dies, one of the males will turn into the next female because they're born with Logan."
"Although most sharks and rays give birth to live younger pups, some lay eggs which are surrounded by a tough protective casing referred to as mermaid's purses."
"The st. Augustine Monster remains unresolved."
"The giant oarfish, known to reach up to a ridiculous 110 feet long and weigh 600 pounds."
"Jellyfish are some of the oldest and strangest creatures on the planet."
"The St. Augustine monster became a noteworthy part of cryptozoology due to the confusion and speculation surrounding its identity before experts even determined it to be a whale carcass."
"Corals can't grow back overnight... with more corals disappearing each day, this state of emergency has forced scientists and marine biologists to work on a faster way to repopulate the reef."
"Corals are animals, they're dying, they're in trouble, they're important, and we should do something to save them."
"The purple orbs found floating in the depths of the sea have sparked curiosity and speculation about their origins and existence."
"The stonefish is the most venomous and dangerous fish in the whole world."
"The blue-ringed octopus contains venom enough to finish off almost 30 people at once."
"Tiger shark is considered the most dangerous shark species for humans."
"Angular roughshark. It's advancing, alright."
"Prehistoric microbes have survived in the ocean."
"Some deep sea life can survive and thrive without ever seeing the sun."
"Dolphins are marine mammals that swim in the ocean, and it was astonishing to learn that we had more in common with the dolphin than with the land mammals." - Horst Hemister
"They're like, 'It's part of this so and so family of sea creatures.'"
"Greenland sharks remain a great mystery to scientists to this day."
"An octopus amazed a diver with its amazing color-changing camouflage."
"The immortal jellyfish: Biologically immortal, it can revert back to its juvenile form after reaching sexual maturity."
"The world's oldest mammal: The bowhead whale, with one particular whale carrying a harpoon fragment dating back 130 years."
"Vertical migration is the idea that like sea monsters and creatures mentioned throughout history that we don't think are real are real."
"Prepare to be amazed by the wonders of the ocean as we delve into the fascinating world of the giant Oceanic manta ray."
"The creature closely resembles a plesiosaur."
"Sounds play a special role... for dolphins and other Marine creatures."
"The Sea of Stars in Vaadhoo, Maldives, is a result of bioluminescent marine microbes."
"Congratulations, it's phytoplankton! Happy birthdays!"
"It's fascinating... it's incredible they're the smartest creatures I swear on the ocean floor."
"The deep sea also has limited resources, limited predators, and is isolated from the rest of the ocean."
"Rojo jelly: it's actually a new species of jelly that was discovered by scientists."
"A sea snake that was once thought to be extinct has been rediscovered."
"The blobfish is arguably the most pitiful and most misunderstood creature in the world."
"Scientists stumbled upon the largest colony of fish nests ever seen in Antarctica, sprawling across 240 square kilometers."
"Fish with headlights: No, this video isn't doctored. You're looking at a real fish known as the flashlight fish."
"Fish tornado: Fish tornado might sound like something that sounds like it's from a fantasy world but it's a real thing."
"Gentlest creatures manatees: These creatures are the gentle Giants of the ocean."
"Whales maintain a crucial position in the aquatic food chain and yet have been hunted close to extinction."
"The great white shark is considered a keystone species, grooming prey populations and encouraging healthy ecosystems."
"Now it's time for the sweet topic: the Jordan River has finally dried up and now this has emerged A peculiar and large skeleton grabbing the attention of marine biologists and paleontologists all over the world."
"The ocean can be a scary place, the darkest depth of water can have many freaky creatures because the unexplored water is still revealing new species we didn't know about."
"Glowing sea creatures sightings fueled speculation and rumors among soldiers during the Vietnam War."
"This is the beginning of the dev log series for Dolphin, a game about a marine biologist and the ocean he's trying to save inspired by a true story."
"The amberjack hole is a mysterious blue hole located 30 miles off the coast of Sarasota, Florida. Its rim is approximately 112 feet below the surface of the water and extends down to 236 feet."
"Unfortunately, many Bishops who restricted traditional Latin Mass are on the losing side of history."
"This enormous coral reef skyscraper was found in the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Cape York."
"A fisherman discovered something that strongly resembled the Creature from the famous movie Alien."
"The giant squid: a real monster of the deep."
"The frilled shark: a living fossil of the deep."
"The biggest great white shark ever caught was almost 40 feet long."
"This is the Magna Pinna squid... it remains to be one of the mysterious animals that lurk in the deep sea."
"Bottom of the iceberg 400 year old shark: This is very interesting and it's basically just what the title suggests, a 400 year old shark said to be the longest living vertebrate animal in the world."
"The most powerful lizard build of all time was the mosasaurus."
"We didn't believe the giant squids existed either, then we found one."
"Biden hasn't added any new barriers, but is funding the repair of existing ones."
"The Florida Keys' coral reefs: supporting 25% of marine species."
"Machimosaurus Rex: the largest ocean-dwelling crocodile ever known to have existed."
"Hidden under the ocean are the biggest animals on this planet, sea monsters."
"The mantis shrimp... one of the most ancient animals on earth and it's a mean punching machine."
"Hotel with a designated Turtle Hospital: saving and rehabilitating almost 2,000 turtles over 15 years, addressing injuries caused by marine hazards."
"14-foot giant squid discovered on a South African beach."
"A whale could break your bones and take your life with a flick of its tail, but most won't do that. Humpback whales in particular are generally non-aggressive."
"The oceans are big, there's a lot down there we haven't seen or understand, and some of it is truly scary."
"Giant mysterious eyeball found on Florida beach, sparking scientific curiosity."
"Stunningly preserved giant squid: 'This would be a heck of a discovery.'"
"Sea pickle invasion: 'Full-on invasion, swimming north by the millions.'"
"Gigantic lion man jellyfish: 'Rare indeed, just take a look at this thing.'"
"Science makes one fact undeniably clear: some dolphins are noted for seeking out social encounters with humans."
"A remarkable coral reef discovery off the coast of Tahiti."
"Stunningly preserved giant squid: a heck of a discovery."
"Gigantic lion mane jellyfish: a rare and disrupting find."
"The Coral Triangle has been called the global center of marine biodiversity."
"The Mandarin fish has one of the most spectacular colorations of any fish."
"Sea slugs, or nudibranchs, bear a dazzling array of flamboyant colors and patterns."
"Sperm whales: the deepest diving mammals on Earth, hunting giant squid in pitch-black darkness."
"Scientists found deep water coral reefs, but in the same moment as the excitement came the realization that these coral reefs are dying."
"The Daziko are striking examples of the diverse Squilloid clade."
"If you're afraid of modern sharks, get ready for these facts because this prehistoric predator puts them all to shame."
"Lurking below the waves are not only bizarre species known to science — but a vast multitude of imagined leviathans."
"Bioluminescence is a pretty rare natural phenomenon, and the light is emitted when these tiny creatures feel stress. They emit light from their cells, and pretty much anything can set them off, including the waves."
"Get your snacks and let's dive under the waves as we cover all six layers of the MCC iceberg."
"They can live to 500 years old, that is amazing."
"Shark populations signify how healthy our oceans are. I love that. It's cool."
"This sea snake sticks out its tongue to collect chemicals from the water which are then analyzed by a special organ inside its body and this is how the snake understands who's in front of it."
"What you're looking at here is a really really remarkable specimen of a fish."
"Marine biologist swims with great white sharks to promote conservation and dispel myths."
"The Narwhal Tusk is one of the most unique structures in nature."
"Leatherback sea turtle: the biggest turtle in the world, with individuals reaching almost a ton."
"Killer whales, also known as orcas, are technically the largest dolphin of its species but claim the whale name because of their size."
"That's amazing - I never knew that whales could be this big."
"It's believed some of these creatures of the deep are actually superfoods containing special health benefits you won't find anywhere else."
"Plenty of crazy and cool things have washed up or swam up on shores across the globe."
"This footage is quite a marvel; it's the first giant squid ever recorded in U.S. waters."
"Shark DNA lifespan resistance, defense, and resilience. Oh, I like it, yes we did."
"Keikai Malu, the world's first known surviving wolfin, is the living proof of a new beginning in oceanic hybrids."
"The oldest shark in the world: Greenland sharks, the longest living vertebrates known on Earth."
"A new mosasaur that has developed a hunting strategy reminiscent of modern-day sea serpents."
"Its name is a tribute to Eugenie Clark who was known as the lady of the sharks."
"The psychedelic frogfish's future is uncertain... these fascinating fish could vanish from our oceans forever."
"One of the most amazing things about this species is that they produce more eggs than any other vertebrate that we know of and can release as many as 300 million at once."