
Criminology Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Colin Wilson felt that serial killers were a fairly modern phenomenon and that they are primarily motivated by the need for self-actualization."
"Criminologists have found that it works to reduce crimes in the area are identified as problematic."
"Aristotle wrote that poverty is the parent of crime."
"During his campaign, there were a couple of decades of experience with violent offenders who were my patient population, that I came to recognize much more."
"In short? Given the chance, many killers love to talk about themselves, especially if they have a captive audience."
"The shape of your head determined what kind of person you were... it was thought that they could tell by the shape of your skull whether you had inherent criminal traits."
"Each of these crimes I think really provides some unique insights into human beings and that's kind of the criteria we use to choose the different crimes that we talk about."
"Straffan's case has intrigued criminologists, historians, and authors."
"The cruelty can show a precursor to larger crimes."
"The more methodologically accurate and stringent the research is, the less likely it is to find evidence for the hypothesis that more guns means more crime."
"The cooling off period distinguishes a serial killer."
"I think the mental health factors, especially the personality factors, really were a significant part of the motive."
"She's just done a degree as a mature student in psychology and criminology."
"Is there a pattern to criminality? Are there similarities between these gangs?"
"I always want to try and take a psychological perspective into what transforms a person into a killer."
"Understanding motive is an important element in understanding a crime."
"The current crime wave provides fascinating opportunities to study them. Criminals are not unlike beasts."
"How a murderer behaves tells much about who he is."
"Are criminals made or are they born? The short answer is we don't know. Anyone who claims to know is talking out of their ass, really, or they're trying to sell a book or something."
"Serial killers: what is up with our fascination with serial killer? Our world is fascinated by serial killers because they're so hard to understand. It's just so interesting and bizarre."
"One of the first steps when you're what we call hunting for a known perpetrator is you try to find out where they've been in the past."
"Everyone is capable of committing a crime."
"It's a spree killer? What's that, huh?"
"Honestly, I do criminology as a degree and I'm very interested in crew crime True Crime."
"I cannot impress them enough upon you how weird it is. Nobody in the entire world of criminology would have guessed that's what crime looked like."
"The evidence for me as a criminologist that's really going to be a Tipping Point here and again, involvement and just hundreds of murder cases throughout my career thus far. You know, the DNA is going to be crucial, critical."
"The likelihood of crime depends on three elements: a motivator, opportunity, and a lack of capable guardianship."
"When you have a domestic situation that has some sort of acrimony, victimology tells us there's a good chance that the husband or the boyfriend could be the person that is responsible for the disappearance."
"Most violent crimes are committed by members of the family or close friends."
"You can have fraud without fraudsters. It's an extension of Bill Black's original concept as another word that he coined was the criminogenic organization."
"Every crime... arises from some kind of situation where an instinct is thwarted by outside influence."
"They are procedures, ways of looking at homicide, ways of looking at crime, that didn't exist until they applied their great minds to criminals."
"Lead emissions from automobiles explain 90% of the variation in violent crime in America."
"Neurobiological studies in neurocriminology highlight the connection between brain structure and atypical behavior in serial killers."
"The bomber is probably a male in his late 30s or early 40s with some sort of bomb-making experience."
"FBI profiler James Fitzgerald sees this type of random violence as part of a terrifying trend."
"We want to understand the relationship that crime has and how it's distributed over the community."
"FBI profilers surmised that the killer was a White male, between the ages of 28 to 35."
"Serial killing often is seen as an American thing. It is not, an American thing. It's a human thing. It's a human being."
"Victimology is a term that we put upmost importance on."
"People commit fraud because of pressure, opportunity, and rationalization."
"Victimology will tell you what he would do and what he wouldn't do."
"By any standard measure that economists, criminologists, or sociologists look at, the U.S. is an extreme outlier in its use of prisons."
"Knowledge of a criminal's method of operation is a major element in law enforcement."
"Police heads were introduced into the museum to show detectives what criminals looked like."
"I was using my expertise to kind of guide him toward answering questions that were going to benefit criminology, psychology, and law enforcement."
"He delved into the psychology of the criminal which had never been seen before."
"Though much has been learned in the past few decades about what drives people to become repeat offenders, allowing many former inmates to successfully reintegrate back into society."
"Everything we see at a crime scene tells us something about the unknown subject who committed the crime."
"We're talking really about the birth of criminal profiling."
"It's an endlessly fascinating subject."
"I think there's a lot of reasons that people commit crimes."
"He's also the co-author of the Columbia University mass murder database, the largest in the world."
"Criminology refers to the scientific study of the nature, extent, causes, and control of criminal behavior."
"The science of forensics was fast developing, offering new and exciting ways of catching and convicting criminals."
"I graduated from Ohio State with a Bachelor of Arts degree in criminology."
"What makes a serial killer? And can forensic profiles, new research, and big data really help authorities understand how and why they strike?"
"Good morning to all criminology students from various criminology schools from the Visayas, Mindanao, and Luzon region."
"She's the author of 'Killer By Design: Murders, Mind Hunters, and My Quest to Decipher the Criminal Mind'."
"He's also the co-author of the Columbia University Mass database, the largest mass database of mass murder in the world."
"Right realism and left realism also talk about crime prevention."
"The crime is not as straightforward as having one simple cause."
"Scientists and doctors are continually investigating the problem of the functioning of the criminal mind."
"One of science's greatest contributions is increasing our understanding of the criminal mind."
"Criminal behavior has distinct characteristics and careful measurement of criminals will reveal the causes of criminal behavior."
"...it's significant in understanding not only the victimology but also what the suspect might be wearing."
"Social disorganization theory kind of takes an environmental approach to understand why crime occurs in certain neighborhoods."
"Right realists put forward some interesting ideas with regards to how we should tackle crime."
"I study law and criminology at Uni."
"The goal is to examine and solve the underlying problems that create or that make it more likely for people to engage in violent actions or actions that are declared criminal."
"I've studied true crime, criminal justice, and criminology for a very long time."
"The study of crime has really changed a lot over the years."
"Green criminologists take what we call an eco-centric view that sees humans and their environment as an interdependent relationship."
"The field of criminology is an academic discipline that uses the scientific method to study the nature, extent, cause, and control of criminal behavior."
"Criminology is basically the study of what causes crime and what are the causes of crime."
"Criminal behavior is best understood in three stages: the pre-crime context, the actual offense itself, and then the post-crime behavior."
"I love criminology, I love studying behavior."
"Crime prevention through environmental design is a part of environmental criminology."
"Rossmo's formula is a mathematical equation designed to find the most likely residence of a serial killer based on his crimes."