
Missed Opportunities Quotes

There are 927 quotes

"I freed a thousand slaves but I could have freed a thousand more only if they knew they were slaves."
"If you don't believe you're qualified, if you don't believe you can do it, you're gonna miss those moments in your life, and your entire existence here wasn't what it was supposed to be."
"Don't let what-ifs haunt you: regrets, unsaid words, missed opportunities."
"Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity."
"What is left in my memories is more the stuff I didn't do, more the chances I didn't take, rather than any mistakes that I've made."
"Rosie Cotton dancing. She had ribbons in her hair. If ever I was to marry someone, it would have been her."
"You miss a hundred percent of the shots you never take."
"Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to do something, like walk up to a beautiful girl in a class, raise your hand and ask a question, contradict an authority, but then you got this feeling of nervous anxiety and because of this feeling, you didn't do what you actually wanted to do?"
"The things that people end up regretting are those things that they didn't do."
"My poor dad, he died so young at 48. He never got to enjoy his grandchildren."
"It's not what they failed at; it's what they didn't try."
"History is filled with almosts, with those who almost adventured."
"This person feels regretful; they feel like they missed out on some kind of opportunity with you."
"Because of someone's deliberate interference 3 years ago, I never got to confess to her, but now my feelings have finally reached where they're supposed to."
"Had we procrastinated just one month... all the adventures, all the experiences, never would have happened."
"There are these moments every single time when he has an opportunity to step into the America that we actually are, he steps behind the line again."
"Newcastle had their chances, Andy Carroll had a couple of good ones he didn't take either of them and in the end they paid the price."
"Every chance that we don't take, we're going to be thinking about for the rest of our lives, you know what I mean? Like we're never going to know what the unknown holds for us."
"A solid start, New York just not able to hit those shots."
"I hate when this happens and you're like [ __ ] that would have been so much better if I did that."
"Missing out on direct access to me, missing out on what I was talking about in that first sentence, and you will miss out on the biggest thing I will ever do."
"It feels like just a missed opportunity in a role-playing sense or in a storytelling element."
"The commentary team was lost for words when the plant big spot of the match was missed."
"I also lament us not living in the world where Diablo, Warcraft, and Starcraft got the same treatment that the Zelda, Metal Gear, and Souls franchises have gotten over the years."
"When you give that medication...you are missing an incredible opportunity."
"Not starting our YouTube channel sooner when we're at school cuz we were nervous."
"If Cyrus had simply reached out to the sweet feminist for a collaboration to begin with, that would have truly been the best of both worlds."
"They see your value now that you're not in their life, it's too little too late."
"Ignoring messages reduces the number of potential people that you could connect with."
"A lot of people who don't practice meditation are really missing out."
"It just would have been really cool if they made a good movie in there somewhere."
"I could not meet the love of my life because of that."
"Like I wish I could have spoke to Pop Smoke like I wish I could have told him like don't don't don't stay in Hollywood that's not that's not where they could be like you know what I'm saying?"
"If you don't open up your mouth, you lost an opportunity."
"It's not someone else's fault, it's not the timing of it all that's off, it's just you're not asking for what you really want."
"Imagine being the guy who said no to Iron Man."
"We missed a huge opportunity to contain...and potentially eradicate this virus."
"Microsoft had missed the boat, perhaps in part to their legal issues."
"I could already be a billionaire if I had only bought it back then."
"Sinatra's mother was planning on coming to see one of his shows but sadly she never made it."
"It's a tragedy that what could have been a really important collective moment for education and learning around anti-semitism was wasted."
"It's already bad enough that Australis is skipping three or four events that I would have had in like the top ten events you must attend in 2019."
"If this shot had gone in then the Bulls would have achieved something that no other team has done before."
"You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
"You miss a hundred percent of the shots you don't take, but we can win if we fight."
"I wish so badly someone was recording my little brother and I."
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it's dressed in overalls and it looks like work."
"Our biggest regrets in the long run are not our failures, they're our failures to try."
"I had a one-year visa to go and it just... I just never got around to, you know, the right time never came for me to actually go."
"Think about it, you know the story... if they were good grapes and he would then miss out."
"That's the difference you always talk about in the match. If I was one hit away, if I just blocked that, but it's like you didn't."
"It's a missed opportunity and I have to accept that."
"I feel like a lot of people simply don't take advantage of all the different resources and opportunities available at a college campus, and that's sadly the reality."
"You had one chance, man. I was totally gonna invite you to the wedding. I was totally gonna invite you to the wedding. Well, now forget it, it's over."
"The invasion angle was the biggest wasted opportunity in professional wrestling history."
"Reflecting on missed opportunities, realizing the impact of just 10 viewers donating one dollar could've made a difference."
"Everybody in front of Sacramento in this draft that didn't get Anthony Edwards and didn't get LaMelo Ball missed out big time on a guy that's going to be an All-Star, potentially an All-NBA caliber player for years and years and years."
"This person with the four of cups in reverse i feel like this person is seeing things in a new light okay i feel like they're looking at it in a different way and i feel like they see you as the person that got away."
"If he had gotten his ass, his fat ass out of Florida and had done a single rally in Augusta... they would have won both of those seats."
"I was going to apologize if you ever gave me a chance to speak."
"I want to quote a man in my life that said, 'Son, you miss a hundred percent of the shots that you don't take.'"
"That's the stuff that we wish we were doing that's the stuff that has been lost in the noise."
"Brexit could have been so brilliant, so bold, so beautiful, but it's been ruined by the Brussels bullies and the remain traitors."
"I've decided I'm very excited. You miss all the shots you don't take, guys."
"You miss 100 of the shots you don't take quote Michael Scott quote Wayne Gretzky."
"Honestly, there's a part of me that really wishes she did that too. It would have been perfect."
"By the time most people are watching this video, they'll be like, 'Oh man, what an opportunity!'"
"She wishes she had done things differently now but she didn't."
"The only shot you missed is the one you don't take." - Wayne Gretzky
"Oh yeah, let's go! Oh what a chance Aaron Ramsey. Ramsey, Ramsey doing, he's got a score. Massive chance for Ramsey. Lovely ball by Bale."
"I didn't break the rules not because I am more self-righteous than anybody else but because I just didn't really have the opportunity to."
"I literally called it and how do you miss from that far away? That should have been a gimme."
"A missed opportunity is not taking profits. That's a bigger missed opportunity in my opinion."
"Eric Killmonger was capable as hell and he's one of those characters that I still say to this day Marvel made a massive mistake killing him off."
"There's so much more they could be doing with their talent and opportunities."
"You're gonna kick yourself because you're gonna go oh zach and jesse why didn't you tell me to just buy it when it was ten thousand dollars."
"Failure to Launch... DeSantis has such poor political chops that he watched his opportunity come and go and still to this very day refuses to throw a punch."
"I text first all the time, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
"Don't wait for that magical moment to express the important things because you very well may not get it."
"It would have been so funny if they had crossed paths."
"People are so scared of starting a conversation but my God they're missing out bro like I can't tell you how many Beautiful Moments I've had just by talking to somebody."
"You miss all the shots you don't take." - CP spiracy
"The movement stood down when we should have stood up."
"I can honestly tell you that you were gypped out of what really looked like it was turning out to be an epic adventure."
"People regret not the mistakes, but the things they didn't do."
"Fasting absolutely speeds up... the metabolizing of fats."
"This person missed out on an opportunity with you because they took too long in making a decision."
"So are we missing a trick from Africa data? I think we are."
"You're becoming the missed opportunity, you are becoming the missed opportunity."
"Most of the time you'll be ripped off by things you don't do, or you don't do correctly."
"There's a moment where Luke could have totally fucking delve into midi-chlorians but they separated old-school-style."
"Just a glowing example of what could have been."
"The fact that the Democrats have Joe Rogan and Elon Musk... and they're too stupid to pull them into their party."
"This person feels like they saved their love for you but they waited too long."
"They just drop the ball in every possible way except for expeditions which were really cool."
"I feel like that is also kind of a missed opportunity to if not legitimize, at least explore the other side."
"You're on the ship if you choose to miss the boat."
"We're grieving our missed opportunities and regrets."
"If you don't make a move, every chick you find attractive you might not have the opportunity to see her in person."
"That night at the bar, if Chris had asked me to go to his room 30 minutes into our conversation, I would have gladly gone."
"My biggest regret... would have been amazing."
"Sometimes we have a golden nugget in front of us, and we don't even realize it until it's too late."
"People regret not taking the chance, not going on that trip, not speaking up, not asking out that person, not starting that business, and that's what I call a boldness regret."
"This is huge, missed opportunities for people."
"They missed opportunities to catch the real killer, allowing him to strike again."
"When you do see someone who has influence and is unwilling to use it and has represented themselves as wanting what you want, it strikes me as a missed opportunity not to press them on those things."
"The sad part is most people will not take advantage of it."
"In the end, we will only regret the chances we didn't take."
"We had 50 years with the petrodollar to right our ship, and I feel like it got squandered. We didn't do a lot with it."
"Be thankful for every missed opportunity; it was all a lesson."
"It made me realize that I could have died without ever really being who I was."
"Arsenal's biggest problem in these big games is they get chances and they [ __ ] miss them all."
"I really feel like not just Brian Coburger's team but the legal community as a whole is missing the boat on something big."
"What the flag did was robbed us of an opportunity to see the Eagles answer."
"What a shame it would be to miss out on the outpouring of God's wonderful spirit."
"It's a crazy feeling when you feel like you had your breakthrough opportunity and you fumbled it."
"It's a well-written gem about all the people in the world that don't even realize that life is passing them by."
"You have an opportunity to stop, and you didn't."
"There's often such missed opportunities for being a productive member of society. Let's be productive here, man."
"If you let it go by, you're always going to be filled with regret and what if."
"It's a missed opportunity, much will be said in history as to how we could have handled this better."
"Why wasn't there a My Little Pony browser MMO? That would have been huge."
"Rey and Kylo should have fought him together, and it should have been a fantastic sequence. What if it was?"
"Don't cheat yourself out of a chance for a great relationship."
"The real tragedy, the scarcely mentioned but never forgotten truth, is that an entire universe's storytelling potential slipped through the cracks because of unforced errors permeating one game."
"I didn't want to wake up one day and not only have missed the opportunity to join and to serve but missed the opportunity to feel deep down inside that I committed myself my in my life to a greater purpose."
"As Wayne Gretzky or Michael Jordan or Nancy Kerrigan probably said, you miss a hundred percent of the shots you shoot in the wrong direction."
"It's interesting they didn't include the gameplay elements within combat as they had in last of us part two i feel like that would have been a worthy inclusion and heightened the gameplay aspect of this remake"
"I didn't have anybody saying, 'You know, why don't we cast Priyanka Chopra in this movie?'"
"Don't miss something great because you're beating yourself up."
"I thought it was intriguing theater I thought Austria put up a really good fight if they'd just taken their chances they could have won it."
"That should have been Obama's chance to make it three nil."
"Leonardo DiCaprio missed out on the role of Patrick Bateman in American Psycho."
"A real story of what could have been last weekend."
"They were the hottest tag team in the company when they first launched and they just didn't get a chance to capitalize on it."
"20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do."
"I've never bought or sold any crypto. I wish I'd bought the right one, the right ones."
"It would really suck if I had no idea this existed."
"She's heartbroken she wasn't there to see her first biological grandchild be born."
"People regret the things they didn't do, not the things they did do that didn't work out."
"You will always miss the shot you never take."
"Lewis Hamilton could have quite easily won that race right if things have gone slightly more wrong for rebel."
"I still would love to see a lightsaber battle. I was hoping to get last time with like Snoke versus Luke which would have been awesome."
"Many of the greatest ideas in the world never made out in public because that person dates or gets married to the wrong person and they drag him down."
"I feel like you would literally be throwing away a very very good relationship."
"You're not gonna have regret. I think the regrets in life are the acts of omission, the things we didn't do, the opportunities we didn't chase, the dreams we didn't pursue."
"If you give me four opportunities from inside the 10 yard line like he had at the end of the game to score a touchdown and you don't I mean I I would score at least two of those."
"You have to invest in yourself. I hear people say this all the time: 'Christopher, if I would have listened to you, I'd be rich now.' Yeah, you could have gotten into the school just a couple hundred bucks years ago, now it's $1500."
"You regret the things in life that you don't do."
"It felt like this movie very clearly set up so many Avenues to go in a more commentary guided Direction and the fact that they just kind of discarded all of that felt odd."
"You don't want to miss something great and you're hating it."
"Every moment is a gift so you can either sit there and hold on to this previous moment in which case you just missed this one and you're probably gonna miss the next one you're missing opportunities as you hold on to the three of swords."
"I make so many mistakes... probably my best mistakes is watching some of the companies that I passed on and investing become successful."
"There was a way to do this that could have made a big difference. It wasn't implemented correctly. It still could be."
"Now's an excellent time to look back and dig into some of the great shows that we might have missed out on amid the seasonal grind."
"Every step of the way they just do everything kind of in a lame way when they could have done in a cool way and it's just kind of like ah so close."
"There is nothing wrong with you. That person missed a great opportunity."
"You may feel like you're going to miss an opportunity if you reject them."
"Please, I beg of you, please don't miss opportunities because somebody from the past you're stuck on."
"It bothers me as an older person is the sad reality that this young man was not given a chance to apologize."
"Boris gets it for throwing away possibly the greatest opportunity that any prime minister within our lifetime has had."
"He's handed an amazing opportunity... and he's completely done the opposition."
"Not doing that was potentially good out there and the opportunity to inspire that I wasn't tapping into."
"There was probable cause in this case, and it wasn't done."
"Lock just the two we missed, both pick sixes."
"They regret not getting you while they're getting what's good."
"This had so much potential, man. It could have been so good."
"Before you know it, you've missed out on your marriage, on the love of your life, on your man, financial stability, and security."
"They realize they might have let something good go."
"Happy in their life but feeling like they missed out on the one with you."
"Somebody's having lifelong regrets that they missed out on the right one."
"You miss 100% of opportunities that you don't take."
"There's so much opportunity for these alt biome annex that aren't really being capitalized upon right now, and I think that's a shame."
"You miss a hundred percent of the shots that you don't."
"A win over Cena Mania would have likely shot him into the main event instead it left fans wondering whether Bray was worth getting behind."
"Now is the time; the clock is ticking. If you never shot your shot then you will always wonder what if."
"The reality is, if Donald Trump actually gave a damn about any of this, it's a good bet he probably would have been reelected."
"You miss a hundred percent of the shots you don't take."
"This person is missing a chance with you because they're being superficial."
"That would have been a great response if Marquis hadn't left the party."
"I regret giving up this valuable opportunity all because of fear."
"Blizzard had every opportunity to do the right thing and they continually failed at that."
"Right when something good coming on you ready next to you know you sleep."
"As long as we won, that's all good. I lost my game winner opportunity, but thank you Damian Lillard."
"Imagine if you would have been on the up and up."
"What do you want? You feel like a missed opportunity to this person at this point in time."
"You wanted it. You had your chance. You blew it."
"Xerox could have owned the entire computer industry today." - ColdFusion TV
"Yahoo could have been the most valuable company in the world."
"Unfortunately for them, that little company they turned down was called Google."
"It's a massive golden opportunity that we have potentially [ __ ] up so far."
"We all have someone that maybe the timing wasn't right maybe they just really weren't right for us but they're The One That Got Away for a reason."
"Did I get things I would have otherwise have missed? Yes."
"It still hurts to know of what could have been."
"Opportunities are out there for them, they don't even see it because they're looking down all the time."
"This game could have leaned into the sense of scale and wonder."
"People are missing out on one of the biggest opportunities in the history of the world."
"You miss 100% of the shots that you do not take."
"Why create a situation where there could have been a small piece of resolve?"
"Nothing says wasted potential more than Sonic the Hedgehog's short-lived, almost non-existent career on the Saturn."