
Saving Quotes

There are 1528 quotes

"The reality is for every millionaire lottery winner, startup wiz, or beneficiary of great aunt Berget's estate, there are 100 millionaires that got there by earning good incomes, living below their means, and saving the difference."
"If you could save $15 a day, in 30 years at 10%, that's $1,017,000."
"My goal is really just to make enough money to take care of myself, my loved ones, and save for the future."
"The beautiful thing about Bitcoin is that it is a great reward for those looking to save their value into the future."
"Bitcoin is the most powerful technology we have for money, offering a natural fit for anyone productive wanting to save their value."
"The more you save, and the more you invest, the more options you have."
"The number one rule for personal finance is so simple. You need to save more money than you spend."
"I would have saved close to $8,000 not buying this stupid stuff. So, learn from me, save your money."
"The idea is that by following a very aggressive saving and investing strategy, people can get to a point where they are effectively retired at a very young age, sometimes younger than 30."
"Don't save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving."
"It's not about how much you make. It's about how much you save."
"Don't save what is left after spending; spend what is left over after saving."
"Wealthy people, the one percent, what they do is they make money and then they save it and invest it first, and then they only spend what's left after saving and investing."
"Live below your means and pay yourself first, that way you can use your money to build your wealth."
"You've got to just plug away and make solid returns year after year and save and invest your money, and it does work."
"I started saving as soon as I started working, which was when I was eight years old. My mom would make us go and clean the office with her... I took it as a learning opportunity."
"If you're not saving money for one of these three reasons: for an emergency, for a big purchase, or for an investment, you are saving your money the wrong way."
"You save money for an emergency, save money for a big purchase, and save money for an investment. If you're not saving money for one of these three reasons, you are saving your money the wrong way."
"Use technology to help you save money automatically."
"Saving money is not fun, but it is very important for a healthy financial lifestyle."
"Investing and saving is going to build your wealth."
"You can use technology to help you save money automatically."
"You have to save your money and then invest it. It is the only shot you have at beating inflation."
"Living below your means plus saving plus investing plus time equals magic."
"Americans are saving only about 4% of their income on average each month, that's about half the long-term average."
"The nature of saving itself is that we are delaying present consumption and looking further into the future and engaging in longer-term production processes."
"Invest your money. The people you're telling us to save the money with aren't doing that at all; they're investing your money."
"Getting your first $100,000 saved and invested will change your life. The quicker you can hit that milestone, the better."
"Saving makes you poor. Money is a tool, it's not a trophy."
"You're doing all the right things if you're getting out of high interest rate consumer credit card debt, saving money, finding ways to put yourself in a good place."
"Build the life you want, and then save for it."
"If I'm poor today and I'm going to be poor tomorrow, then I should still save."
"The best way to save money is to not spend it in the first place."
"If saving is extremely hard for you... work on reducing debt first."
"Cut down on your grocery bill... planning out your meals strategically."
"Start small... the start is not going to be about how much you can save but it's just going to be simply about starting."
"We all know how important it is to save money where you can, especially in this economy."
"Focus on how much you can keep; that's really what's going to drive success in the long term."
"We managed to save up enough resources to buy a new house."
"The power of saving... that resource, the relief it gives you, and the power it gives you is so great."
"Investing, holding, dollar-cost averaging, and following the 50-25-25 rule will help you achieve financial freedom."
"You got to save your money, you got to plan for the future."
"If everybody starts saving, the amount of money in the economy shrinks and we have a recession."
"Paying yourself first means you're prioritizing your financial well-being and your future over everything else."
"I want to teach them how to save, how to spend, and give them a little bit of jump-off money."
"Create a financial system for your money. What this says now is for every dollar that you earn, 75 cents is the maximum that you can spend, 15 cents is the minimum you should be investing, and 10 cents is the minimum you should be saving."
"If you're saving your money just to save it, you are losing by saving your money."
"The fiat system rewards investors and punishes savers. The Bitcoin system rewards savers."
"During the war, the US government's office of price administration encouraged the public to save up their money."
"Ultimately, save the multiverse in the process."
"I hope I help you make some money and save some of that money that you've already made and I hope you get one step closer to the Financial Freedom that we all desire."
"Saving for her future and preparing with cash was important to her."
"You don't save money to buy a house, you save money for a down payment."
"You will not save your way to a million dollars."
"Save that money, cash is king, but put a little bit into stuff that cannot be reprinted."
"Investing and saving is what's going to build your wealth."
"Rather than trying to influence you to spend some of your hard-earned money, I'm going to attempt to inspire you to save it and maybe make some good in the process."
"June is the first month this year that I saved 50% of my income. That's crazy."
"A spending freeze is a great way to reset your finances or do a financial detox."
"Despite the temptations, Millennials are saving earlier than their parents and their savings are higher portions of their income."
"Save where you can, make more where you can."
"To be the greatest hero, Deku must attempt to save even those who seem beyond saving."
"It's always a good idea to cut back on your spending, save as much money as you can, invest consistently, and look for new ways to make money."
"Spend less money than what you make. That's rule number one."
"For every dollar that you earn, 75 cents is the maximum that you spend, 15 cents is the minimum that you invest, 10 cents is the minimum that you save."
"People need to become good savers... and then become investors."
"Interest in saving money and budgeting is trending up."
"You could have a million and a half bucks in the bank in 40 years with just a hundred dollars a week."
"Save at least 15 to 20 percent of your net annual income for investing and retirement."
"Automate your savings. Paying yourself first is the easiest way to save money."
"She had been saving every penny she could for months."
"Let's assume that you're only investing 300 a month... I know that's not a little bit of money, it's a decent amount of money."
"That's a cost of $2 a clamp...way better than retail."
"A great way to save money...a great way to save time."
"Your main goal should be stacking your money."
"Societies never get rich by spending, they get rich by saving."
"Teach them what does it mean to create a budget, what does it mean to save your money."
"You're almost there. Save money and build your income."
"Pause attacking our debt... and start saving up."
"Save like a pessimist invest like an optimist."
"Wouldn't that be cool to put that $200 a month away in savings? Someday for your children's college, someday for your retirement, someday to buy your dream house."
"It's never been easier to save and invest money."
"The more money you save today, the more money you'll have to invest with during times when the Market's down."
"We need to give Jerome Powell enough bad news to where the world realizes, ah crap, maybe we do want to start saving a little bit of money."
"It's not about having a less lifestyle... it's about having the same stuff for less money."
"A sinking fund is how you're going to reach that goal. It's essentially breaking down that bigger goal into little bitty action steps that you need to take."
"It's not how much money you make that matters, it's how much money you keep."
"Who doesn't like saving money? See, you're feeling good already."
"Saving is a mark of superiority both in mind and character."
"Just get a normal job, stick with your job and just save your money."
"When you start a job even if it's minimum wage you should put money away no matter how small it is."
"Do not save what is left after spending but spend what is left after saving."
"Buying something that's maybe a year old can usually actually save you a lot of money off of the brand new price."
"Investing is more important than saving now than it has ever been before."
"Saving your money doesn't have the same value that it did 10 years ago or 20 years ago or 50 years ago."
"Saving for a rainy day: be resourceful, committed, determined."
"You probably should save more and have a well-diversified portfolio of very low-cost index funds."
"Save your money because you never know where it's gonna go you know"
"Saving money, it's very, very simple. Saving money. But Dad, you're supposed to take a portion of your paycheck and put it into a savings account. I think it's that you may one day. You may one day."
"If you have a modest salary you can actually get there with discipline savings and a little bit of side hustles."
"It's not as much how you make, of course, it's always nice to make more, but it's about how you save it."
"Wow, look at the two of them together. Please look at them together for me and just like understand that you need to save for them."
"That's why you save for the fifth anniversary. That was a pretty good showing right there. Very good, very good."
"Not killing what you hate, but saving what you love."
"Saving money on a prom dress by committing a crime."
"Park in expired meter parking to save on parking tickets."
"Understand that saving is better than earning."
"Save diligently to achieve financial goals; even small amounts add up over time."
"You gotta save it's one of the best things you can do over time."
"Let's save up some money here, save a bit of money."
"One-third of all workhouse inmates were over 65 years old like thousands of other paupers friend had been using the workhouse as a retirement home and remarkably after he died it was discovered that he'd even managed to squirrel away a nest egg."
"Save while you can, invest while you can, and make sure your money works for you."
"No one became a millionaire by saving money."
"Two ways to make more money is to 1) make more money, or 2) save more money."
"If you look after the pennies, the pounds will look after themselves."
"It's not about how much you make it's how much you keep."
"It's not how much you make, it really comes down to how much you keep."
"If they're making 25,000 a year they can still save... they are no less than the person who makes 100,000 or 150,000 a year."
"Save half of your money, save more than you spend."
"The key to success is to save 10-20% of your income and invest it."
"I'm saving up so I can have a future. Just think about that the next time you buy some stupid stuff."
"If I've learned anything over these last 15 years, it's the importance of saving money, investing consistently, and then whenever you find something that works, stick with it."
"So much about saving money and spending smarter is about being creative with how you get what you need and learning to rethink the way that you get things."
"Save your money, you don't have to buy everything that you want."
"You're not spending all of your money anymore; you're saving some and investing the rest."
"It's always better to pay cash, to live under your means, to save."
"An important element in being able to accumulate wealth is to save money and do so consistently."
"From cracked lenses to broken tabs: plastic welding saves the day."
"There's nothing better to me than saving money here at the Angry Joe Show, and so everybody should have this installed. No exceptions!"
"You're saving, you know, 60% off to get this watch with almost the same specs."
"People are now said to be punished for saving money."
"You gotta ask yourself, where in your life are you spending money that you could potentially be saving?"
"Definitely don't buy cars based on monthly payments, buy it based on the price and save as much cash as you can to put down on the car, borrowing money costs money."
"Don't spend more than you earn and don't be tempted to chase higher yield investments."
"Live on less than you make. Take that amount that you're saving and invest it for the future."
"It's not about how much you make, it's what you keep that counts."
"If you can follow the 50 25 25 Rule and keep a good amount of cash, then you're good. You're good. Continue to DCA away and just follow the same strategy."
"Save your money in the bank, go get something in the nicer part of town."
"True wealth is actually the money that you have not spent."
"You gotta live below your means. This will free up more of your money so you can throw it at your debt."
"Prosperity takes some savings and investment, not just spending."
"Emergency fund: 3-12 months of expenses in a savings account. Rest for investing."
"Always remember to save your projects because when you turn it off and turn it back on, some of the changes are not going to be there."
"Do what makes you happy, like if owning a home is something that makes you happy and it's a big goal of yours, then you know, like really save."
"This seems like a nice logical step to go ahead and save the application now, doesn't it?"
"If you save up for 30 years and you get a portfolio of a million dollars, a 10% move per year, that's 100 grand in your bank account each year for doing nothing."
"Spend less than you make and then just invest the rest."
"If you're not ready yet, then you want to just prepare, be saving, get your emergency fund together, pay off debt."
"It can help you plan for future upgrades... it might even help you save money in the future for what you want to set up."
"I'm saving for you know, I just got my mom a house."
"Wealth isn't a function of how much you make; it's a function of how much you spend and save."
"I'm a long-term optimist because all people tend to produce more than they consume and try to save the difference."
"Rocket Money helps you to save more and spend less."
"For every dollar that you earn from now on, 75 cents is the maximum that you can spend, 15 cents is the minimum that you invest, and 10 cents is the minimum that you save."
"He is still seeking and saving the Lost; He is still turning hearts of stone into hearts of Flesh."
"Money sitting in the bank is losing purchasing power to inflation and shouldn't be sitting there unless you need it for a very short-term need."
"Saving is not a bad word; there's nothing wrong with saving."
"Wealth is about not how much you make, it's about how much you save."
"Hopefully it saves you some time, some anguish, and some money."
"The culture of saving is important."
"I'm trying to really save money because I want to move out and start."
"Prioritize saving for yourself either in sinking funds, which is a great way for buying things that are the fun money, the exciting things, the holidays, the new cars, anything that you may want to be saving for."
"Investing is also great for your own personal finances; if you can invest your money, it means that you're spending less money than you make."
"We're saving for a deposit and it would go so far in helping us get the house that we do want."
"It's better to really save up and then do it like a grand grand where you like your dream wedding."
"You're all in one personal finance platform that helps you save more and spend less."
"You just saved thousands of Nintendo Switches."
"I don't believe in Saving I believe in investing."
"I'm really glad to finally have one in my collection and that I was able to save this one from being scrapped as well."
"I'm going to save you some money today."
"We're going to do that by setting up undos, auto save, and also incremental saving."
"Spending less than what you earn and investing the difference is the secret sauce."
"'Pay yourself first.' The book advocated that Tom should pay himself 10% of his salary each month before doing anything else with his money."
"It's the same thing with saving; if it's just sitting there, there's no intention behind it, it's very difficult to not spend it."
"If you actually put money away and don't spend all of it, you're actually quite wealthy."
"Liquidate, tighten your wallet, that's my recommendation."
"The whole point of getting the miraculouses is to save your wife so that your family is complete."
"Paying yourself first essentially means rather than waiting until the end of the month to save some money, you instead pay yourself first up front and then spend what you have left over."
"He thinks it's all up to him to save the girl."
"As much as we love shopping, we love saving coins even more, honey."
"I'm glad I waited, I'm glad I saved that money."
"Never settle... save up for something that you truly want that's going to be high quality that can last."
"Wealth isn't about how much money you make, it's about how much you save."
"It's amazing how when you focus on those small dollars, the big dollars don't go running away."
"So save more and spend less, join the 5 million members using Rocket Money today."
"I just got into saving and investing pretty early."
"I think it's really audacious goal to pay it all off and once they pay cash for a house. Um, so we resolved ourselves to refining our grocery budget so that we could save more every month."
"Invest at least 10% of your money and it's happening automatically."
"The more you do it the more you save that snowballs."
"The first $100,000 is the hardest to save, but after that, your net worth starts to compound."
"Live below your means, delay gratification, and save non-stop."
"Every one dollar you save at 20 years old is going to be worth 21 by the age of 60."
"Save your money today, what do you get? Nothing, you lose money."
"Keep a little bit at least $100, you know if you can put it back, just put back $20, just start out with something."
"It's hard work, but at the same time we saved this house."
"Save, invest, have some investments. Even if it's 20 quid, 20 quid can become twenty thousand."
"Boom, just like that, we now have our half-inch board, saved money thanks to the thickness planer."
"Easy grocery saving tips that will help you save money, get out of debt, even when your grocery prices have gone up."
"Budget and save for expensive prepping items."
"As long as I save money for six months I'll be able to buy a car this year."