
Allyship Quotes

There are 317 quotes

"Think of the amount of good you could have done, all of the injustices you could have stopped if you had the right allies to help you."
"Visibility is vital, but false allyship is dangerous."
"We turned what could have been an ally into an enemy."
"If you're a trans person reading this, and these comments have made you feel alienated or invalid, please know that you have allies. We stand in solidarity."
"The strength of the black community and its allies was shown to be truly formidable."
"I have always and will always be an ally and I will always stand up for what is right. #BlackLivesMatter."
"I hope we can get there, and I think that among most of those points, [the other speaker] is going to be an ally of mine."
"If you're down for the rainbow coalition, if you want to come on in and help and be a good ally no matter what your color is or whatever, then let's do it baby because we can do this, okay, we can change the world."
"In the face of discrimination and fear, true courage is standing up for your friends."
"We need to have our white allies understand that this is not race, this is justice."
"When you make people afraid to speak out and speak the truth, you lose allies."
"To be an ally, if you're white, is to really have the back of people of color as they fight against racism, as you fight against racism because you see it as your fight too."
"It isn't enough for us white women to just say that we stand with women of color. We must actually show up when we are needed."
"I pride myself on being an ally to all. If you think there is a way that I could be a better ally, please let me know."
"America must remain freedom's staunchest friend, for freedom is our best ally and it is the world's only hope to conquer poverty and preserve peace."
"You have a massive platform, and I totally respect that. I am more than happy to be an ally too."
"I vowed to be an ally in using my voice for a better representation on screen, both in front of and behind the camera."
"We need more men who have the courage and the strength to start standing up and saying some of this stuff, and standing with women and not against them."
"She really made people feel like they had an ally in her."
"If you're an ally and if you hold privilege, if you're the oppressor in the situation, your job is to shut up and listen."
"How hard is it to grasp how to be a good person and an ally?"
"It is up to our white friends and allies to be sure to stand up for those who are under attack."
"Be an ally to somebody who's being gaslighted."
"In order to be on the side of the oppressed, you have to stand with us and be loud and bold and courageous."
"Whenever Whites ask what they do to help the black community, they should tell us what other white people say about us when we're not around."
"The president's been an unwavering and committed ally to Israel and the Jewish people."
"The thing that I really hate... is the idea that if somebody's done a bad thing or something that you disagree with in their past, therefore they're not your ally, you can never work with them."
"Bullying people you're going to want to be an ally. They're going to probably radicalize in an opposite direction."
"We are the ones that are the greatest allies of Asian people."
"I've been working really really hard to become an ally anti-racist."
"Men and boys as both perpetrators and allies in violence prevention."
"But I also think it's up to our allies, not just Jewish people, all allies, all humanity, to stand with us."
"Every day, a constant reminder that we as trans people have so few friends, so few allies."
"There had been white folks all through history who stood up as allies in solidarity."
"Madonna's work and the references she made around this time served as allyship through visibility and normalization."
"It's called being an ally, it's being an advocate, and it really, really matters. It's not just abuser and abused."
"Stand up for non-binary folks when the trolls are trolling."
"I think we need men to help be allies, to help speak to other men."
"Maybe the scenario leads them with an ally who is originally an enemy who now they can come to for help, you know, forging new equipment, those antsy chaps, yeah, so just conversation."
"You will never shed enough blood to warrant continents to the cookout. You will always be seen as a Defector by the oppressors if you Ally the marginalized."
"An ally is not someone who uses marginalized people in their Community to win arguments or support their biases."
"Being an ally right now, it means shutting up and listening."
"Allyship, respect, and why they must be synonymous."
"I'm really appreciative of my Jewish allies who have sat with me to explain what they feel and who have also listened to me."
"That is white saviorism, not allyship. We have our own voices."
"It is incumbent upon those of us who want to be allies to these communities to uplift the voices of those who do face this harassment."
"White allies must amplify indigenous voices."
"Anguirus is widely considered to be Godzilla's closest ally and 'best friend.'"
"Your allyship should always lead to activism."
"If you call yourself an ally, you better step up."
"If you're white and you consider yourself an ally, maybe it's time to actually sit and think."
"If men were looking for end-goal solutions, they would see feminists as allies."
"He used his white privilege for good, not evil."
"True allyship means... you're calling out injustice."
"Allyship is nothing more than showing basic fundamentals of love with one another."
"We definitely need white allies to come to our aid and utilize their voices."
"If you're an ally and you're like I just want to be educated and support hi, I love you."
"I'm actually not an ally to women. I'm an ally to every single individual who is worthy of my allyship."
"I'm trying to learn and figure out how I can be a better Ally everyday."
"It is always more powerful unfortunately when people in the privileged group are fighting for the rights of those not in the privileged group because it's seen as selfless or something."
"I think that we're educating people but also creating allies with movies like this."
"Allyship requires that you give up something."
"Not taking action as an ally is to perpetuate the problem."
"They’re called allies, my friend, not stand-ins."
"White allies, I know you get it. I'm talking to the ones who don't."
"How you can be someone who is safe... someone who is really an ally... what I believe God calls us to do and be in the world."
"The Believers, believing men and women actually, men and women, explicitly, men and women, both of them are allies of one another."
"Logical trans people are our greatest friends and allies in this fight."
"It takes the white allies, or whatever word you want to use for that, to be the voices advocating in solidarity to the white community."
"Being an ally is when somebody says something wrong or distasteful, even though it's uncomfortable, be that person to say, 'Hey, that's not cool.'"
"When you're ready to come out about it, I'll be there to support you."
"I find that unfortunate because then it just tries to pit two marginalized groups against each other who should be natural allies."
"Now, people, we gotta understand when people are being strategic. All right? We gotta understand when people are being strategic or when they're being genuine allies."
"Being a good ally is proactively doing the work to seek out resources and learn."
"Survivors can't do it on their own we need Community we need allies."
"You gotta define what it means to be an ally, you can't just let anybody come forward and be it."
"Reading diversity can foster an attitude of empathy, also confronting one's own ignorance in this way has far-reaching implications and true in terms of truly effective allyship."
"To be an ally is to understand the difference between advocating and baiting."
"You're supposed to use your male privilege, your white privilege, to stand on the front lines for those of us who don't have power."
"My pronouns are she/her and hers. I've been an ally for a number of years, and I'm happy to be somebody who is visibly an ally."
"Representation is everything. If you represent as an ally, you are part of our community."
"A feminist and ally, believes in equality among the sexes."
"The only time black folks have an issue with you is when they see you siding with the white supremacists."
"There's a lot of really, really evil people trying to stop us from existing. What our allies can do is a lot."
"The overwhelming truth is that we are friends, allies, and support systems for the women in our lives."
"What it means to be an ally is to be supportive on the main issues, to be vocal about it whenever you can."
"You never know where you are going to meet new allies."
"At the end of the day, just know that I'm an ally."
"We need allies... without allies, if those of us with privilege don't help those without, then we all fail."
"Being an ally to people of color is very important."
"Are you going to be my ally and standing shoulder-to-shoulder with me while we're out there marching and protesting for the right to live for the right to exist, for the right of fair treatment and equality? That's what it really comes down to."
"I think it's weird stuff and I've seen too many of these alleged allies just being predatory to the people that they're allegedly trying to be allies to."
"An ally listens. An ally asks. An ally learns."
"Barbara has proven herself to be a vital and capable ally - that I've always enjoyed the complete faith Batman puts in the younger Gordon."
"There's actually people on your side that see where you're coming from."
"What if the Jewish community fought alongside the black community, what if the white community fought alongside the black community rather than fighting against one another?"
"I support anybody's right to be whoever they feel like they are inside. I'm your ally in that."
"We're all better off with an ally and um we have a new ally today in Casey Atwood."
"Do you want to ally with a part of you that believes in the potential for growth and change in the future?"
"Actually, the best thing to do is actually just be supportive of the trans people around you."
"thank you for opening my eyes and I hope to do my due diligence to be a real Ally"
"God is an always be your greatest Ally."
"When we were looking at this together, it's not the picture of a servant rising up in a temporary fashion to suddenly help the king, it is more like an ally, fellow king."
"What's the difference between pride and ally?"
"...you know LP was like it he showed you how to be an ally you know say he's like his support I thought that was a great point."
"...thank you for being an ally thank you for hopefully instructing other people on how to be allies and you're rapping on this is stellar."
"It's our aspiration that must become our allies."
"They see you underneath as an ally spiritually. You are an ally."
"If someone is standing on their own beliefs, they are not required to be anybody's Ally."
"I'm still an ally, alright? I'm just diversifying my stock portfolio."
"You want to be someone who is a reasonable ally, it's smart."
"You know I needed to date an ally but I like didn't realize like how big of an ally that you needed today and like now I know Cal is like obviously that big of an ally and I'm just so happy for you"
"Being in such fierce allyship with myself looks like being a good lover to myself."
"I think sometimes the best allies you can have are those who you might deem as even an opposing Force...I believe that there's like any race can be on your side when it comes to humanitarian rights."
"How do white people who are in active resistance to white supremacy show their love of people of color?"
"Let's lift their voices up and let them be heard. That is our job as allies and privileged people."
"That's what they want, man. They just want you to cry in their [ __ ]. They just want to look down and be like, 'That's right, you can't handle my world, you little [ __ ], you know? Like, that's... that's how you become an ally."
"And I've got to be real with you, man, if you only support survivors of abuse when they're perfect angels who have never done anything wrong, you are not a real ally."
"Safety pin box is a monthly subscription box for white people who want to be allies in the fight for black liberation."
"...if you are really going to be your Ally and to really stand strong... you have to release some of that power..."
"When you see white people themselves come out and speak about the issues, you have to understand that the world is changing."
"Expect discomfort. Listen when you're not comfortable. Be recruitable as an ally rather than the savior."
"I think the most important thing you can do as a cis person is allow trans people to use their voice and mostly just uplift trans people."
"A white girl who followed him, loved and came up to him after one of his lectures and was like, 'Mr. X, what can I do? Please tell me, what can I do to help the movement?' He said, 'Absolutely nothing.'"
"My solidarity with the non-binary community costs me nothing."
"Let's just stop hurting each other. I want to become an ally now."
"It's also important for white folks I think if we want to be better allies we need to also get together and talk about what that looks like because the idea that we just know automatically is very unlikely."
"I want allies, I don't want to alienate anybody."
"Find an ally to help you leave, help you heal, and hold you accountable."
"It's well worth knowing as an ally."
"I think productive allyship to me looks like non-racialized individuals understanding that in spaces where they have absolute power and where their voice is the dominant voice, harm is being done, even if you intend to or not."
"Can we stop pretending she was an ally yet?"
"If you want male allies on the left, being inherently hostile to maleness and masculinity is not a good idea."
"Presence of an ally. All it takes is one person to break the conformity and you're willing to break that, too."
"It's very powerful when white folks do that."
"It's just a nice thing to do, are you an ally? Prove it."
"Pride as an ally I continue to be committed to assisting in that where I can and helping to cultivate a future where we are all accepted and giving permission to be ourselves."
"With Peterson, we grab him as an ally...and we invite other people to come and experience that truth with us."
"Here’s the thing white folks, if you want to be a part of this fight, you’re going to have to learn to be uncomfortable."
"When you start helping black people get some power and some resources, that's when I will say that you are an ally. It's that simple."
"It's incredibly important for men to stand up as allies."
"To be a good ally, you are an ally 24/7, you are an ally into the future."
"A lot of the advice on allyship is very present in this moment, and that's really important right now, of course, but I think it's really important to emphasize that to be a good ally, you are an ally into the future."
"I'm an ally and I support the blt community."
"This person wants to fight for you."
"As you're going through the really challenging situation, if you're actively supporting yourself, you're an ally as opposed to an enemy."
"Sorry I left an essay, but this topic is important and worthy of acknowledgment if allyship is important on the show. Of course it is."
"Everyone deserves to see themselves in comics. Everyone needs allies and if you're an ally now is the time to step up."
"I am such an ally that I'm gonna buy a game that offends three separate communities all at once."
"A lot of white people want to be on the right side of history and they want to be out here fighting white supremacy."
"For someone to be an ally to the black movement, you expect what? Just for them to speak on their platforms to the white? That's a start, bro."
"It's on us as cisgender people to help advance the equality of trans people."
"The best thing that we can do as white people, as white allies, is just take our cues from people of color."
"If you're going to consider what ally means in a battle, like, you know, a good ally in a battle is not a person who's just sitting back at home being like, 'Yeah, hold on.'"
"The only way things are gonna change is if the systems are dismantled or more white people become allies."
"I kind of feel like Sunny is that way now because I'm one of the people who I believe allies are probably the most important part of any movement."
"You as an ally, oh my goodness, I've got so much support."
"The concept of transphobia cannot withstand forever the absolute force of allyship and representation and love that is coming from and for the trans community."
"Transphobia is not an immovable object. It will get battered by the force of allyship and representation."
"So many people want to learn how to be positive reinforcing allies in our community."
"Even though you're not racist toward me, if you're racist to my friend, you need to go."
"Jojo Siwa is an ally to the children, the gays, and the scene kids. She does it all."
"Asimov stood as an ally, championing equality and acceptance."
"She has always, always, always been supportive of the gay community."
"Those who have been oppressed should find allyship with each other; different peoples are more alike than it might seem at first."
"Allyship is an active, consistent, and arduous practice of unlearning and reevaluating, in which a person of privilege seeks to operate in solidarity with a marginalized group of people."
"Develop the capacity to use a flashlight on yourself, be an ally, mentor, and sponsor, have courageous conversations."
"I'm known as Boston Blackie, enemy to those who make him an enemy, friend to those who have no friend."
"Seniors need someone on their side."
"Kneeling isn't like, 'Oh suddenly racism is fixed.' It's just normalizing the idea of anti-racism and being an ally."
"In the long run, by exercising such a heavy hand in Bolivia, the United States may lose the best ally it has."
"An ally is an individual who speaks out and stands up for a person or group that is targeted and discriminated against."
"I'll always be grateful to Aunt Sydney for her support, to me she's more than family, she's a true ally."
"In everyday life, you can't tell who is an ally of the gay community, like who loves gay people just as they are and who doesn't."
"That's how you wake someone up... by becoming the ally they didn't know they needed to voice the doubts they didn't know they had."
"However, as an ally, it is important to recognize the ways in which privilege can blind us to the experiences and perspectives of marginalized communities."
"It's about feeling like you have to fight people who should be in the battle with you."
"Family of heroes will be your allies to others."
"True allyship is when you sit down, you step back, and you listen."
"Honor Chesley by becoming an ally for a community that needs support."
"Remember, we have wonderful trans allies and vocal trans activists like Emma Watson."
"Why being an ally matters: I want to see more grace and more compassion and more room for people to grow and change."
"Deaf people like me need hearing people to speak up alongside us, not just for us."
"You have someone on your side that wants the best for you."
"Thank you for being allies for the black community and for being so brave in your own identities."
"If you are an anti-racist ally who wants to further your anti-racism journey, I need you to listen to this."
"Defend our uterus havers, honestly, because this is not something that directly affects me, but I live with a person who has a uterus, and it affects them."
"What communities of color in general, and black communities need specifically, is not saviors; they need allies."
"Use your privilege to empower others, don't be a savior, we need allies in action."
"We need allies who look different from us to stand up and fight with us."
"Allies are good listeners; they don't take stuff personal."
"Jill is the real definition of an ally; she's now working for a helpline."
"I want to step up to this challenge and as an ally, I don't want to be a passive ally, I want to be an active ally."
"Insects are not our enemy. Insects are our friend."
"Everybody wants to be an ally, everybody wants to participate."
"All we can do as white people right now is help support the cause."
"It's like allyship that even though you are not gay, you can help people who might be gay."
"I'm with her... whoever, I'm with everybody. I'm truly an ally."
"AI is your friend, not your enemy."
"There's a real beauty in this character because first a Gate Guardian stops and opposes, slams a gate shut in the hero's face, but after the hero finds a clever way around that obstacle, the Gate Guardian transforms into an ally."