
Eclipses Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"Eclipses have a history of making deep impressions wherever they appear."
"Eclipses are a natural wonder that seem tailor-made for humans to enjoy."
"The period between two eclipses is when things can truly sweep around, switch around, change in our mind, change in our life."
"Eclipses are times when big things happen, like meeting someone, separating from someone, quitting a job, starting a job, starting a new life direction."
"Not everyone gets affected by all the eclipses... It will affect a certain area of your life, but for some, it might just be an emotional experience."
"Eclipses can turn your life around, change it 180 degrees."
"An eclipse symbolised a time when the gates of the underworld, or gates to the spirit world, land of the dead, would open."
"Eclipses have a way of revealing our deepest fears and worries, shining a light on things we've been avoiding, forcing us to confront them."
"Eclipses are considered to be very fated milestone moments in astrology."
"These eclipses are long-lasting in their influence."
"There's something being hidden from you in your romantic life because of Destiny and it's associating with this Eclipse."
"There can be with eclipses sudden endings and sudden New Beginnings."
"We're about to see a major replacement spectrum coming up here, meaning that we are firmly in the energy of eclipses."
"Eclipses are known for their ability to usher in noticeable and sometimes dramatic turns, closing old doors and flinging open new ones."
"Both of these eclipses also bring you extraordinary spiritual and personal growth."
"Seeing a partial eclipse is like being in the parking lot. Seeing a total eclipse is taking your ticket, walking into the stadium, and getting ready to actually watch the game."
"Partial eclipse of the Sun accompanied by full Eclipse of knowledge and reason."
"It's called the ecliptic plane because that's the only circle around the sky where eclipses can occur."
"Eclipses should not be reasons to be afraid."
"Eclipses can feel like the veil between the worlds is especially thin, allowing us to recognize our spiritual lessons more easily."
"Your words are heard the loudest during an eclipse, and it is the easiest to jump from one timeline."
"Eclipses actually encourage us all to shed anything that doesn't enrich you on your Soul's journey."
"During eclipses, spiritual sadhana is thousands of times more effective."
"We have a responsibility to our inner selves to use them [eclipses] for what they're supposed to be used for which is of course our evolution but also something that is usually overlooked with us is our happiness."
"The heliograph of the 1862 solar eclipse revealed the sun's previously unseen corona."
"Eclipses are the ones that really realign you to the path of the Soul."
"Eclipses kick us out of our ruts, they force us out."
"Don't rest on your laurels this year, Libra, with those eclipses in your sign and in Aries, and with Jupiter in Gemini, you want to be moving forward."
"In eclipses we see the full range of human experience, from the absolute lowest depths of human tragedy and suffering to the achievement of the highest aspirations of freedom and liberation."
"Eclipses represent an interruption in nature, where the light of the luminaries of the Sun or the Moon is suddenly extinguished."
"They represent major beginnings and major endings, which are always my main keywords for eclipses."
"Eclipses can crack you wide open to instantaneous gifts or abilities."
"Eclipses will open up a sort of portal where great beginnings and great endings will start taking place in that area of your life, in six-month increments around that time."
"Eclipses always act as catalysts for change, and change sometimes can be good, or sometimes it can be more challenging."
"Eclipses have a way- they have this magnetism to them, or almost like a black hole, except not in a negative sense, of just drawing things into it through a sort of gravitational vortex in your life."
"Eclipses should not be feared, they're actually great moments of healing."
"Eclipses will open and close doors that you were not anticipating."
"Eclipses can come to us as a slap if we're not very authentic or we've lost our way, kind of realigning."
"The next piece of the puzzle comes so that's why such events tend to happen around eclipses."
"Eclipses can sometimes enter into our lives to make space for something bigger."
"Eclipses are the most powerful times to engage in transformation... Grounding your energy to allow this kind of transformational energy to move through you."
"2024 brings four eclipses, three of which fall on the Aries-Libra axis and one that falls on the Pisces-Virgo axis."
"It's all karmic relationships when eclipses are involved."
"With eclipses, they always represent major beginnings and major endings."
"Eclipses occur when a lunation occurs at a node."
"Eclipses act like a bottleneck almost and they release things from our life."
"Eclipses happen every 6 months an eclipse a solar eclipse is actually on a new moon so it's a new moon on steroids."
"Eclipses don't just affect us on the day that they happen, they have a timeline 4 to 6 sometimes 8 weeks before and after each Eclipse where it's very active and full of manifestations."
"Eclipses bring faded events, they also bring change. New beginnings, endings, blessings, and karmic lessons."
"Now is the perfect opportunity to start pushing forward because these eclipses this Mercury retrograde as well that is quickly approaching is going to allow for this portal to open for you."
"Eclipses happen for a reason. They are faded. Anything that happens during this time, trust me, it's going to be for your benefit."
"Remember that anything that happens during an eclipse, it's a blessing in disguise. Keep that in mind."
"Eclipses tend to bring drama fruition major closings major openings major trajectory shifts surprises or accomplishments along the lines of things that were already in process at Eclipse time."
"You might find a hidden talent in an eclipse cycle, something that you didn't know that you were good at."
"Eclipses tend to bring changes in trajectory, new opportunities coming to fruition, surprises, drama, bright openings, notable things in the forefront of home and family."
"...eclipses tend to bring in themes that had been in process and tend to bring movement along in certain areas of life."
"Eclipses thin the veil between the visible and invisible world and make manifestation easier."
"We're at the tail end of the eclipse season, full of change, unexpected things, big goodbyes, big hellos."
"These eclipses are giving you that grace to trust yourself."
"Eclipses often bring non-negotiable changes to our lives."
"The moon is distant enough, got the right size so that the Sun 93 million miles away compared to 240,000 miles away have lunar eclipses and solar eclipses full of each."
"Eclipses are associated with fated events that push us in the direction of our destiny."
"It's specifically done this way to highlight the celestial physics going on when we talk about eclipses."
"Things happen, you have a lunar eclipse, solar eclipse, a partial eclipse, a total eclipse."
"It pretty accurately calculates eclipses, which is hugely important for astrology."
"Eclipses are the defining catalyst events of the following six months."
"Eclipses are the royal road to success."
"The energy of the eclipses help us to realign ourselves with where we are supposed to be."
"Eclipses accelerate the timeline, things happen very quickly and sometimes these are shocking and sudden changes, but there is a happy ending."
"The themes that happen in eclipse time tend to feel destined."
"The Assyrians were obsessed with eclipses, believing them to be important omens from the gods."
"A lot of the change that is a trigger point because of the eclipses are changes that we've always subconsciously craved, wanted, knew that it was going to come, we just needed a push, we needed perfect Divine timing."
"He's coming with some incredible predictions for us about the world, about the states, about the upcoming eclipses."
"Eclipses are really important when it comes to astrology because they occur during a new moon or a full moon."
"Every ending is like a new beginning, and nowhere is that more true than with eclipses."
"The birth of astronomy is the ability to predict eclipses."
"He has traveled to every continent chasing total solar eclipses, chalking up to 16 thus far."
"Both types of eclipses are amazing shows, just with different perspectives."
"Eclipses present unique opportunities to study the sun."
"How often do eclipses happen? There are actually eclipse seasons."
"Anytime you're in a time of eclipses, there's always going to be crazy events."
"If the moon were any larger, eclipses would become a monthly bore; if it was smaller, they simply would not be possible."
"It's a time of big change, unexpected change; eclipses definitely bring in the unexpected."
"The eclipses could bring in some new opportunities out of the blue."
"Eclipses, as we know, are game changers."
"Eclipses are about intense deep transformation of a very unpredictable nature."
"Eclipses create change; they Eclipse things out of our Lives, they bring new things into our lives."
"Eclipses are game changers, they're known to be game changers."
"Twice a year we have eclipses and at that time radical changes, massive trajectory shifts, major endings, brilliant new beginnings are all more prominent as an experience for us."
"Eclipses are great harbingers of change."
"Eclipses are about transformation and change."
"Eclipses bring radical change, crazy trajectory shifts where you're going in one direction then all of a sudden almost overnight you're heading in a completely different direction."
"Eclipses ask us not to suffer but to surrender."
"Eclipses are times for breakthroughs."
"Eclipses tend to bring dramatic endings and brilliant new beginnings."
"The purpose of the eclipses are spiritual and soul evolution."
"Eclipses can be so helpful in that process because they can bring us to a deeper spiritual understanding of our path and why we are here."
"All eclipses are about growth, they're about taking you somewhere new."
"This is really closing out your cycle with eclipses in your sign, so this is really this last visitation, a very powerful energy."