
Cell Division Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"The phenotype of cancer is cell division out of control."
"Prophase: Chromatin becomes condensed, nuclear membrane starts dissolving, and spindle formation begins."
"Telophase: Nuclear membranes reappear, chromatids reach poles, and cytokinesis completes cell division."
"The heart of the control system that guides the cell through cell division is a protein kinase called a cyclin-dependent kinase or CDK."
"Symmetrical pattern of cell division means that the cells divide to give two more or less equal cells."
"During metaphase, the microtubules attach to the centromeres of chromosomes causing the chromosomes to line up along the equator of the cell."
"It's very easy to talk about cell division and how it happens, but perhaps it's a bit hard to imagine how it happens."
"Mitosis produces two daughter cells."
"It's this way of intrinsically asymmetric cell division that I would like to talk with you about today."
"Asymmetric cell division is one of the most fundamental processes in developmental biology."
"...chromosomes become a mess in those cells."
"Cytokinesis is the separation of the cytoplasm at the end of telophase and that's how we form two separate cells."
"When cells start to divide forever, uncontrolled, then they become cancerous."
"The cells can divide on and on and on and on."
"Cell cycle describes the progression of a cell through a cycle of division."
"Cytokinesis is a very precisely timed physical activity of the cell that extends across the entire cell cycle."
"The cell cycle control system directs the steps of the cycle and prevents cells from dividing in unfavorable circumstances."
"The protein kinase CDC2 or CDK1 in humans binds to a cyclin, which creates the MPF that was first biochemically purified in frogs."
"The chromosomes condense and then in metaphase, the centromeres attach to spindle fibers."
"All new cells arise from existing cells."
"Cancer cells are defined by an ability to divide uncontrollably, and what radiation does is it causes significant DNA damage to cellular DNA."
"The G1 checkpoint gives the go-ahead signal for the cell to divide."
"Mitosis gives you identical cells... versus Meiosis, their cells are going to be haploid and genetically distinct."
"Cancer cells have altered DNA that enables them to go on dividing indefinitely, essentially making them immortal."
"When you just stop and think about it, you think how many times those cells have multiplied and divided to get from this to this."
"Mitosis will lead to the cell splitting into two."
"Mitosis results in an increase in the number of cells which results in body growth."
"All cells in nature originated from the first cell, and the first cell has never died; it only divided."
"Mutations in various genes can cause uncontrolled cell division or errors in the cell cycle, leading to the formation of tumors and cancers."
"One cell always divides to make two cells."
"Mitosis just means nuclear division."
"Mitosis is only concerned with duplicating the mother cell to produce two identical daughter cells."
"Mitosis plays an important role in tissue and organ repair."
"Mitosis is the name of the process that eukaryotic cells use to ensure that each new daughter cell gets its own nucleus with the exact same DNA content."
"The mitotic spindle is an organized array of microtubules."
"Zygote undergoes a type of cell division that is called mitosis."
"Meiosis consists of meiosis one and meiosis two."
"Finally, nuclear membrane disappears."
"At the end of meiosis, we have four daughter cells."
"Meiosis is really important in sexual reproduction, as this is how sex cells are formed."
"We have looked at the example of cell division, mitosis, virus infection process, and some of the developmental disorders."
"The main goal of cell division is genome segregation."
"When cells get too big, they start to have problems and those problems will become lethal."
"Eukaryotes take longer to go through cell division than prokaryotes."
"Mitosis is to replace old cells or to repair cells so that we can continue to maintain the tissue."
"Mitosis specifically is looking into the process of creating new cells."
"Meiosis is a form of cell division that produces four daughter cells that are genetically different from each other."
"All cells come from other cells through a process called mitosis."
"Primordial germ cells... they continue to divide, they continue to undergo mitosis, and they increase their population."
"DNA needs to be able to replicate itself in order to be passed on through cellular division, which ensures that genetic code is passed on."
"DNA methylation is one that is particularly interesting because it is known to be preserved in mitosis."
"Mitosis is the name of the process by which we make more genetically identical body cells."
"A tumor suppressor gene is a gene that codes for a protein that inhibits cell division."
"Mitosis is an orderly sequence of events by which one parent cell becomes two daughter cells."
"What is cancer? It's a bunch of rapidly and uncontrollably dividing cells."
"When we speak about DNA replication, one of the reasons why DNA replicates is because the DNA is trying to make copies of itself so that when the cells divide, each cell has the exact same copy of DNA."
"These are things that grow rapidly, and examples of that would be something like cell division."
"Cancer is where there is rampant uncontrolled cell division."
"This enzyme is performing some very, very important functions in terms of helping cells to make intelligent decisions about dividing."