
Conflict Prevention Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"The risk of major conflict is real and needs to be prevented at all costs."
"We must do everything in our power to ensure that peace prevails."
"Focus on your own garden; by doing so, you rob the fires of the civil war of the fuel it needs."
"We cannot stop the first bullet, but we sure can stop the second, the third, and fourth one."
"In order to prevent World War III, which we all want, you need to convince the other guy you're willing to go to war."
"It doesn't mean that we surrender to Russia...but it means that we have to adapt because the alternative is perhaps thermonuclear war."
"You're obliged to assure a peaceful future for your children. Our grandchildren will never forgive us if we fail to stop Russia now."
"Failure of willingness to convey your intention, failure to act as an iron wall against the aggression of your enemies, leads to escalation, and then you actually do get dragged into hot wars that involve extraordinary numbers of casualties."
"Expanding their definition of who they see as their in-group is entirely necessary to avoid an upcoming civil war."
"If real effort had been made by the United States and by its European allies to implement the Minsk 2 agreement, we would not have a war in Europe."
"It is everyone's responsibility to not create conflict so that a person must use a firearm."
"We want to have as many links to each other as possible. The more trade we have with other countries, the less likely we are to engage in conflict."
"My goal is to get the dogs closer together and not reacting. Fights are more likely to happen in confined spaces."
"Don't let small things build and it can fester and become something big over time."
"The sooner we build the parallel economy, the more it deescalates the chance for a national divorce."
"We did everything we could to avert war at the time I wish we had seen more of that action from the Biden administration in the future."
"To prevent an accidental war, deter intentional conflict."
"Mark Milley moved urgently to avert armed conflict."
"All humanity is one family. If we govern our own communities, there's no need to have centralized organizations having wars that are based primarily on resources and needless territorial conflicts."
"Under no circumstance can there be an Israeli invasion into Gaza. It's going to be a bloodbath."
"If violence maybe is threatened and I know somebody who can do something to prevent people being killed and so on, I think I'm entitled to go to that person and say please, we don't want violence."
"You want to win the war before you start it."
"Preventing the conflict is the primary goal."
"There's an argument to say that there is such a thing as the Sudetenland moment... you intervene at a point where they realize that okay we're not going to get away with this."
"It's far cheaper to deter a war than it is to fight one."
"I am of the firm opinion that openness in governance is the first antidote to strife in the population."
"We're calling out Russia's plans loudly, repeatedly, not because we want a conflict, but because we're doing everything in our power to remove any reason that Russia may give to justify invading Ukraine."
"Remember, thoughts start wars if the gates are not closed."
"But it's hard to be in absolute since say you know we can be here and prevent these skirmishes."
"We are doing everything we reasonably can to prevent human rights abuses, atrocities, and potential war crimes in Ukraine."
"We held 88 rounds of talks in various formats to prevent this war."
"Instead, merely starting the war prevents Ukraine from beginning extraction."
"If we have one without the other, then we do not get war."
"It's important not to grow another authoritarian aggressor out of this war."
"It's preventive care to keep a war from starting."
"Communication is so, so, so important, otherwise it runs into misunderstandings, it can lead to abuse."
"Unlike a propaganda I mean, deterring Russia from what they're doing and basically telling them it's wrong with the means we can without starting a World War 3."
"Sometimes eliminating a threat sooner might be the only option to prevent something far worse."
"A true lover of peace will not allow the enemies to have any kind of stronghold."
"As I understand it, we're trying to prevent World War 3."
"We will do everything we can to prevent the war from escalating."
"Despite being human now, Aphrodite has visions of Zoe's death. If she lives, there's no war."
"It was really wanting to tell a really impactful narrative... to ensure that this sort of conflict doesn't happen again."
"When we started this journey almost three years ago it was really wanting to tell a really impactful narrative and a story largely to ensure that this sort of conflict doesn't happen again."
"The only way for that to happen is to prevent this massive, completely unthinking rush to drastically escalate the conflict."
"If we don't stop Putin's aggression, where does this lead?"
"If the Minsk agreements had been put in place, we would have never had the war."
"What's the best way to stop Putin from invading Ukraine?"
"The United Nations must continue to preserve peace, prevent conflict, and alleviate human suffering."
"Taking away his piggy bank would prevent him from going to war again."
"Preventing disruptive behavior is one of the best ways to deal with any problem."
"We need to stop the risk of civil war and deeply fragmented societies."
"If we don't stop Russia now, other aggressors in the world will start other wars."
"The only way to avoid a bigger confrontation is to allow free speech on the internet."
"Any military conflict with Iran would be ten times as disastrous as the conflict in Iraq."
"Two people kill each other... it kind of prevents two people from killing each other."
"It's the absence of diplomacy that leads to war."
"If you think about buying a graphics card today, you only really have two real choices: AMD and of course, NVIDIA, because we're not going to put into them the equation just yet."
"Know your triggers, the mental and emotional triggers that other people hit that cause you to want to engage in a fight."
"Preventing a war is difficult. Hot tempers can get in the way of cool and rational reasoning."
"We need to avoid a rush into a new cold war because cold wars can become proxy wars, hot wars. That's not in the interest of anybody."
"Let's stop de demonetized German dictator 2.0 before we end up in World War III."
"This war was completely avoidable; the party that sought diplomacy was Russia."
"We should take everything we can to prevent war."
"The war should have and could have been avoided because it's a war over NATO enlargement."
"If Ukraine had been part of NATO before the war, there would have been no war."
"Establishing boundaries is crucial. Clear communication avoids misunderstandings."
"You deter the ability for one side to create War."
"A war is inevitable only if we make it inevitable."
"It's how you stop misunderstandings from becoming crises from becoming Wars we have a war right now but my gosh I think it's very good that we're we're talking."
"You don't play these games with powerful countries; you find every way to negotiate with them."
"I will prevent World War III. Nobody else is going to prevent it."
"We have to find a way to deal with situations like this before they happen."
"Diplomacy is crucial if you're going to avoid wars."
"Putin cut the deal he did to prevent a civil war from breaking out on Russian soil."
"The stakes are high. U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken landing in Berlin to try and rally America's allies and prevent a war."
"I'm here to prevent further bloodshed which is exactly where I intend to do."
"It's not about a desire for war, it's about preventing war."
"Please don't threaten Amber, please don't put anything out there that puts any of this in jeopardy."
"Huge impact and implications, I think. I think China better stay out of Taiwan right now. That's why, if that were to happen in conjunction with this, it's World War."
"Maintaining peace and stability on the peninsula and preventing the situation from deteriorating and escalating conformed to the common interests of the International Community."
"I stand on the side of peace because you tell people they cannot speak, that is when they scream."
"Since the ability to inflict harm is now so widely spread around the world, it makes very little sense to make enemies."
"Only time will tell if this arsenal of exotic space weapons is a preview of our future or a dangerous fantasy world we can avoid."
"NATO's actions are defensive, designed not to provoke a conflict, but to prevent one."
"Get that dumb thing off my ship before you start an incident that makes the Ascension project fiasco itself."
"To avoid a civil war, do the right thing now."
"Taking a night to sleep on an emotional response prevents regrettable actions."
"I won't lose my job or risk a serious incident between a guest and not a guest by letting someone sleep or loiter somewhere that they're not allowed."
"I probably will never get it. But if you look at Idlib Province in Syria, I stopped the slaughter of perhaps 3 million people."
"Get a freaking will and tell everybody about it that is in it or not in it so they don't have to fight about it later."
"For 30 million dollars of diplomatic effort, we could have stopped a war."
"Communication is the only way, the only way, would you know, I'm very, is only way to kind of prevent situations like this, just communicate."
"I would rather have people be overly helpful than actively hating against each other and creating environments that lead to conflict."
"The best way to guarantee peace is to prepare for war, right?"
"Exactly, yes, exactly. Absolutely, I want to keep. I don't want a civil war."
"No friendly fire. No shooting ourselves in the back."
"You lay down some of those guardrails at least so that at least, you know, if we're gonna have these culture wars, right, we don't want to blow up the entire country while we're at it, so."
"Never make it an us-versus-them situation. When you're here, it's never seen equally."
"Alignment of goals prevents division and destruction."
"It's up to us to learn from these terrible moments in history so that we can recognize and hopefully prevent the next war."
"We should be looking for every possible way to de-escalate."
"Communication styles are crucial. Understand them to avoid unnecessary conflicts."
"The immediate priority is to prevent further bloodshed and conflict."
"Re-establishing deterrence is designed to prevent war."
"No war with Iran. We need to get back into the Iran nuclear agreement."
"To prevent a war and prevent the nuclear war, be careful what you do on Taiwan."
"If we're talking about the issues then it's possible that that is that won't happen."
"If you want to preserve the peace, you have to defend it."
"Maintaining peace in our minds in our societies in the world around us is of paramount importance because once a battle happens it's not selective it will happen to everybody."
"Working on Ukraine is also investing in the future of preventing a war with China, showing Xi Jinping that we're going to stand up for the little guys, we're going to stand up for democracy."
"Did Elon Musk just prevent World War III? Yeah, he did."
"Be a warrior before you resort to violence, make a thoughtful assessment."
"Don't let small sparks grow into atomic bombs in your marriage."
"People need a shared mythology, otherwise they fight."
"The nuclear enterprise has been protecting us, preventing direct military conflict."
"The rosary brings peace to the world and can avert war."
"Be aware of potential arguments when it comes to people slowing you down."
"The key thing is to try and avoid it escalating into an all-out regional war."
"Keeping your mouth shut could improve your sleep, which in turn could improve your cycling, and it will also help prevent or reduce the chances of a war on the road."
"The ability to place a company of US infantry anywhere in the world within a few hours would stop a lot of wars before they started."
"All wars can be prevented if you work hard to achieve a political compromise that is acceptable to all the parties."
"The rivalry between these two great spy agencies nonetheless very often helped prevent all-out nuclear war."
"Your parents go to stop a travesty from happening. They did not go with the blades and arcanes across the lands to just fight a war, but to face a single enemy in hopes of preventing further war."
"To prevent unintended war between China and the United States by reducing the risk of miscalculation and to clear the space for global climate change action."
"This man must not be allowed to bring war here."
"If you want to avoid Civil War similar to what happened in Bosnia, you've got to hold Iraq together because of the oil revenues. Iraq is Bosnia with oil."
"We decided to take the crowd away. I didn't believe that we would gain anything, even if you were able to destroy the police station that night."
"A bad deal will lead to war. A good deal will prevent war."
"I propose that we cooperate again," Elizabeth said. "You and I both want to prevent another incident."
"Some clear things need to be said, need to be done so that uncertainty doesn't turn to panic and panic into armed conflict."
"We thought it was very important first and foremost to stabilize the relationship so that at the very least the competition that we’re in doesn’t veer into conflict."
"Without the UN, we might very well have had World War three."
"Honestly, I feel like if people would just communicate and be straight up with others, the majority of interpersonal conflicts could be avoided entirely."
"The law aims to encourage healthy labor relations and limit potential conflicts between employees, employers, and labor unions."
"The construction of the moai themselves may have helped prevent conflict."
"How do you guard against the most fundamental mindset that traps us in conflict?"
"As an international community, we have got to stop that."
"If you don't have the hard conversations up front, you're going to be with somebody for a little while and then those things are going to come out and it's going to create conflict."
"The entire world has a stake in making sure that no Nation, no aggressor, is allowed to take a neighbor's territory by force."
"The best way to fight World War III is to prevent it."
"We are absolutely united in doing everything possible to prevent conflict in the Middle East from spreading."
"The European Coal and Steel Community proved to be a success... in order to avoid a future war."
"Strength deters war, appeasement invites conflict."
"Strive to anticipate and prevent hostile conflict with any vessel in immediate space."
"It's always a good idea to save your files, back them up, or do whatever just in case you start to go ahead and get a little bit too aggressive and start to get conflicts when your reports come out."
"What I see the team doing is trying to connect with all the players and the Middle Eastern leaders and keep the war from spreading."
"Exploring opportunities for inclusive multilateral formats to prevent, mitigate, and resolve conflict in the Red Sea region is one of the Institute's comparative advantages."
"We've made it to the beta line, but we are not done yet; we have to stop World War III."
"It's an insurance policy if you spend it on defense, and you stop there being a conflict, it's a lot cheaper than spending it on defense when you're in a conflict."
"They are there to ensure that people who are vulnerable remain safe and to basically oversee and ensure that things don't spiral back into conflict."
"We have to ensure that competition does not veer into conflict."