
Economic Stimulus Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"You know how the thing works: if the pulse of the economy goes down, then the policymakers, like doctors, rush to the patient and inject it with a whole lot of stimulation."
"The most effective way to actually bolster our economy would be to put money into consumers' hands."
"The risks of overdoing it, the risks of providing too much stimulus, are smaller right now."
"The president has the inherent authority by executive order to issue emergency stimulus checks."
"Let's celebrate the stimulus being pretty much approved in the US, 1.9 trillion to help out people."
"Stimulus checks likely fuel the shopping spree."
"The flood of central bank stimulus and cheap money has convinced investors that risk has vanished eroding the market's role as a mechanism of price discovery."
"They're drafting legislation right now, preliminary legislation that would build a $3 trillion stimulus package for infrastructure."
"Private Equity blew the doors off in 2021 as trillions in pandemic-related stimulus produced a historic surge in deal making and exits."
"New waves of money are going to be coming out."
"Putting money into people's hands is good for business. It's good for the economy. It's good for markets. This is not socialism. This is capitalism where income doesn't start zero."
"The inflation argument is is not all pervasive, but because you've got a massive monetary and ultimately fiscal stimulus, the expectation is that this will be inflationary."
"There's another round of huge stimulus to come this year in the US alone, let alone Europe."
"I think we're gonna have good results... I think our stimulus package will get done and it will be a tremendous package."
"We got legislation that is like giving out unbelievable amounts of stimulus to low-income Americans."
"According to Joe Biden, we may actually be seeing a third stimulus check...if we get this two thousand dollar stimulus check before Joe Biden gets in the office, Joe Biden may actually be talking about a fourth stimulus check."
"I fully expect the Biden administration to do exactly what they have said: stimulus checks and stimulus packages until the pandemic is over."
"Governor Larry Hogan from Maryland also passed a statewide stimulus for residents of Maryland."
"As California sort of leads the way from starting to go back on lockdown... it does signal the urgency and the importance of a second stimulus check."
"The US government injected a whopping four trillion of stimulus into the economy to support individual households and businesses and guess what my friends it did work."
"If China does indeed reopen the way that it's planning to, it's going to stimulate material parts of the global economy."
"Do not hate on the stimuli because Joe Biden and Donald Trump both have gotten those seamless checks."
"This cycle is unique because what we have seen... is a stimulus on the degree never seen before."
"I'm ready to sign a big beautiful stimulus, you saw the other day I said go big or go home."
"We should dream about another federal works project."
"Some research indicates that an added $1,000 per month, per American, would help stimulate the American economy."
"Stimulus for business has to be divided into big business and then local and small businesses."
"President Trump's contraction of this virus puts more pressure on Congress to pass the next stimulus package."
"Trump of course has been insisting Congress write checks of two thousand dollars."
"So it's looking more and more like a fourth stimulus check is going to happen." - Ron
"We might have a fourth round of stimulus checks."
"Direct stimulus to the American people could be exactly what they're calling for."
"It's very clear that the president is preparing, plotting, figuring out, endeavoring, scheduling to get stuff out to you."
"Most Americans want stimulus checks and they reject the GOP's red line on liability protections."
"Good news is we got a 3.5 trillion dollar stimulus package coming out."
"President Trump supports two thousand dollar stimulus checks."
"As much as possible because you want this is it has a stimulative effect on the economics."
"This is a vote to proceed on the 3.5 trillion dollar stimulus package but if you've been watching the channel and following along you'll know this was actually a very important vote."
"Neil Kashkari: 'He's been calling for two thousand dollar checks until the end of this pandemic.'"
"We need to provide stimulus until the end of this, until the majority of Americans are vaccinated."
"What about giving Americans a big chunk of the stimulus money to start worker co-ops?"
"The US government injected roughly $4 trillion of stimulus into the economy."
"Pelosi has said that she is going to double down and work relentlessly and in a bipartisan way on a CARES 2 package that would extend and expand the current stimulus."
"Canceling student loan debt would provide a massive stimulus for our economy."
"Bottom line is that Fawn always ran to her family for help and she would never leave them behind without saying a word."
"When you give people who are struggling this kind of money, study after study shows that it gets spent in the local economy and then the return to taxpayers is actually good, it's an actual investment, it's not, it's not spending that disappears."
"The 1400 should be the down payment on what is to come."
"The problem with that is this is considered the American jobs plan the American jobs plan the American people need jobs now."
"There's a big push to add $1400 to $2000 stimulus checks in the next stimulus package."
"We will likely see a $2,000 stimulus check as proposed by the Democrats in the next package."
"When you over stimulate an economy with excessive money printing, you're gonna produce inflation."
"People across Britain are enjoying half-price meals as the government launches its Eat Out to Help Out program."
"Smart investors today would actually consider encouraging Brilliant Minds like Elon Musk to take advantage of an opportunity like this stimulus in China."
"You give people extra money they'll find a way to spend it."
"US lawmakers have proposed a $500 billion rescue package for local governments."
"Nancy Pelosi says the fourth stimulus check package could be unveiled as early as this week."
"Large stimulus support which Janet Yellen is already in favor of."
"President Biden quietly working with Democrats right now to figure out how in the world we can put together this path forward on stimulus."
"We need universal healthcare which will actually stimulate the economy."
"Remember that $350 billion dollars went out to states here from the last stimulus package and um they're now deciding to use... some states are deciding to use it."
"That's how you do it folks, this is stimulus, this is money, this is cash."
"Another rebate will be issued to all the taxpayers. Single filers will receive $500 and joint filers will receive $1,000."
"This is not just about the United States. There is about 10 trillion dollars of stimulus... going to modern infrastructure, electrification, or as some people call the Green New Deal."
"We could potentially see one of the largest stimulus packages passed in United States history."
"MIT Romney just suggested sending a check to every American."
"The biggest stimulus packages in the world come from the US."
"Do not underestimate the power of stimulus checks."
"Doesn't that sound pretty good? And we may even get to see not just a fourth stimulus check but even a fifth, sixth, and so on after that."
"Let's get rid of this idea that stimulating the economy can be too big because at the end of the day all this money is imaginary anyway so let's just give it to the people who need it."
"We've given a lot of stimulus... I think you're gonna see something that's gonna surprise maybe the world."
"The good news is that there's over 80 different lawmakers... that want a fourth stimulus check."
"Let's hope that Congress can act quickly to get this next stimulus package passed."
"Money to the people is money into the economy."
"All this stuff about checks coming out that are going to be extra checks paid a stimulus paid they're all incorrect."
"If the government does not come up with a way to bring forth stimulus as well as helping folks within unemployment, yeah that's going to definitely change the game."
"The good news is Republicans have not bagged on the idea of a $1,200 stimulus check... we haven't heard any indications of Republicans saying no way not happening..."
"Democrats have also some Democrats have also suggested this idea about a $2,000 per month stimulus plan or maybe even giving people money retroactively Lee for the last few months - how as a way to sort of help stimulate the economy..."
"We need an infusion of cash into the American people right now."
"Now this ninth set of stimulus check payments includes nearly one million more stimulus checks."
"Stimulus checks are going out but there's more exciting great news as well."
"Incredible great news about the fifth stimulus: raising your benefits, tying it to inflation, and more."
"Deal done, signed, and sealed, a 3.5 trillion recon is coming to the American people."
"Third stimulus which is paying fortunes you want money you want tens of thousands of dollars this week."
"Maybe the perfect use of your stimulus check."
"There is no excuse America just cut checks for millions of Americans that are white black Hispanic Asian red yellow business entities and all kinds of other people places and things."
"Helicopter money is the heroine shot. You're gonna feel really, really good for a while until you get on the downside."
"Joe Biden says the current stimulus proposal for 908 billion is a down payment on what needs to be done."
"For stimulus check is happening because we got not one, but four incredible pushes last week."
"The push is underway and the timeframe and the opportunity to learn about the stimulus packages is very narrow."
"Turning on the money printer again historically is a very good thing for the equities market."
"Twelve hundred dollars was already a joke, six hundred dollars is just begging for riots."
"Congressional Democrats leaders are now saying this is all the more reason to have a fourth stimulus check."
"Expect a rise in gold, silver, and cryptocurrency prices with more stimulus checks—prepare your investments wisely."
"This stimulus check is a step towards aggressively fighting poverty."
"It's incredible great news with breaking developments tonight about where stimulus is going for actor Congress."
"We need another stimulus we need direct payments in the hands of the American people and businesses or we are going to enter and stay in this great depression for I think as long as the CBO sees it."
"A staffer for Bernie Sanders' office now reports this channel is transformative for the passage of the forced stimulus recon."
"Up to about 25 million Californians are going to be receiving these stimulus checks."
"The best time for investors in equities are when central banks are trying to stimulate economies that are very sluggish, such as now."
"We're going to be putting monthly for stimulus checks in the four semesters package."
"The economy could be booming right now, this is everything when we're talking about forest stimulus."
"I would also like to see stimulus payments as well because there are lots of people counting on those stimulus checks."
"All they have to do is say use it. $300 billion gets immediately put into our system and will really help the American people."
"Stimulus checks offered incredible support in a massive way."
"Remember we could pass three different stimulus checks of twelve hundred dollars and checks for dependents with this 800 and some billion dollars."
"Biden's 1.9 trillion dollar coronavirus relief bill is a Trojan horse that the Democrats will use as a slush fund to buy votes."
"If the middle class gets more stimulus, that's when you can see a somewhat more inflationary outcome."
"There's a major stimulus check opportunity for Biden if he's willing to pull it off for the sake of the American people."
"Markets have become accustomed to responding to stimulus rather than economic data."
"So yeah, just a matter of a few days now until these 1400 stimulus checks will likely start hitting our accounts, it's a real thing, can't believe it right at this point."
"It's the largest stimulus package yet today... the largest stimulus package passed so far is actually former president Donald Trump's first stimulus check package at 2.3 trillion dollars."
"It really looks like the fourth stimulus check is absolutely still a possibility for us."
"I just feel like we're reaching the tipping point any day now for that fourth stimulus check."
"I really do hope that we hit our stimulus sweet spot with today's fourth stimulus check update."
"Over 80 different Democrats in the House of Representatives want further direct stimulus payments."
"Economists say that spending money now on stimulus on the economy on Americans when we're in a time of need, once in a hundred year pandemic, will actually pay for itself by getting the economy back on track and out of this recession faster."
"Ultimately, you want this bill in the Senate as soon as possible because every month it takes longer to get passed into law, a stimulus check for that month is missed." - Reporter
"Stimulus is coming; that's going to drive these prices to newer and higher highs."
"Mitch says, 'Nancy needs to do a standalone bill with me. We'll just do a bill with the checks and then we'll go out.'"
"Support continues to grow every single day for not just a fourth stimulus check in this infrastructure package but for monthly recurring stimulus checks."
"It's literally just the stimulus check in the standalone bill."
"We need more stimulus to avoid longer-run damage to the economy." - Jerome Powell
"I want you to use that money to stimulate yourself and your wallet."
"We need a seamless package. You cannot not give us a stimulus package; we need to do this right now." - L8
"The last estimate is it will be a 900 billion dollar total package with the possibility of six hundred dollars in direct payments to Americans."
"The Federal Reserve is about to go all-out to keep the economy moving."
"President Biden has a very, very busy week on his hands. We'll be watching closely those talks today on infrastructure and the next round of stimulus."
"The construction sector is calling for a special stimulus package to keep the industry afloat."
"Isn't Greece so sick specifically because of all the stimulus that made them sick?"
"Unfortunately when you have big stimulus packages, it's kind of like a free money free for all, right like the wild west."
"Buying bonds stimulates the economy."
"If the government bought bonds from you, they're gonna take the bond from you and give you cash. This would stimulate the economy."
"Why they say to stimulate economies but you could argue it's to make government borrowing affordable."
"We were supposedly running deficits to stimulate the economy, and I'm saying when we stopped running the deficits, the economy actually stimulated more."
"A new push is on right now to include a monthly recurring stimulus check in this next infrastructure stimulus package."
"This third stimulus check package could lead to the fastest economic recovery in U.S. history."
"It's pretty evident to most that additional stimulus is needed to keep moving forward in the right direction."
"Leaders in Congress have approved a deal for the next stimulus package."
"The stimulus is an investment in the future of our economy."
"Give us the money and we'll stimulate the economy."
"Millions of surprise stimulus payments worth up to 125 dollars are being sent out."
"If people have more money to spend, they spend more money."
"There's a lot of things that can be done to stimulate the economy, and we've got to figure out what those things are going to be."
"Government spending is one way to increase the circular flow of income and thus national income."
"The Bank of England has announced a new 100 billion stimulus package."
"All G20 nations have acted to stimulate demand, which will total well over $2 trillion in global fiscal expansion."
"Governments around the world have allowed their budget deficits to expand by something like 6% of GDP per year."
"Thank you, White House, thank you US government for the stimulus package."
"We've never seen stimulus like we've seen since 2020."
"The purpose of the asset purchases is to increase the economy's near-term momentum, with the goal of improving the outlook for the labor market and helping to promote a self-sustaining recovery with price stability."
"Sometimes the economy needs a boost."
"He passed an economic stimulus package to soften the impact of the 2008 financial crash."
"Low interest rates have been the equivalent of a sugar high."
"If you give money to lower and middle-class people, it actually gets spent."
"Addressing student loan debt should be thought of as a jobs initiative, a housing initiative, an economic motivator for young people throughout the country."
"Relief checks and expanded unemployment benefits are not only putting food on the table, they're also stimulating our local economy."
"This massive fiscal stimulus produced full employment."