
Personal Gain Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Integrity: A common expression for the compromising of a person's integrity, morality, authenticity, or principles in exchange for personal gain, such as money."
"Donald Trump converted the presidency into an instrument for self-enrichment. He raked in millions of dollars from the most corrupt governments on earth."
"In reality, this parent may have in fact been motivated to drive the success of their child for their own personal needs and desires, the entire time. No matter the adverse effect on their child."
"The whole basis of Chad's character was that he wouldn't use his fists for fighting for his own gain."
"You should not use your government connections to make money, period."
"The more you act in your best interest, guess what? The more your best interest has served you."
"What does it profit a person if they gain the whole world and lose their own soul?"
"So Marjorie wins the belt, and I get a little bit more money to spend on tchotchkes. The only loser here is America." - Narrator
"It has nothing to do with standing up for women, it uses issues of gender in a deeply cynical manner for personal gain."
"Sherry went down the rabbit hole and took a very wrong turn and then realized, you know, I can control, manipulate people through this information and make a shitload of money too, right?"
"Sacrifice means to give something up to get something better."
"It's about the bag dude. If it's about... if you're willing to put it out there for a bunch of [__] perverts to see, like, right? Like, yo, take advantage of the purse. Do it."
"The idea that Fauci wasn't benefiting though from the COVID vaccine is not necessarily true either."
"What will it profit a man deep divers if he gains the whole world yet forfeits his own soul? Hmm."
"I think a book is good if you gain something from it whether that be enjoyment or a heightened appreciation for your own reality."
"Edward has actual personalized reasons he's getting something out of it whether it's personal revenge against somebody who wronged him specifically or if we're talking about actual monetary gain from performing these actions."
"His face darkens and give it to me and now Bernie's got multiple homes and he's a millionaire."
"It may give you some temporary lift, but in the end, it is about them, not about us."
"James Westbrook distributing hundreds of thousands of dollars to the members of halo beauty partners llc for his own benefit."
"Chris Hansen is desperate and will do anything if he thinks it will make him money."
"It's when a group of people want to control you for their own personal gain."
"Being on TV has changed my life because I get lots of free stuff."
"She does so for his own gain and personal enjoyment."
"So, I was a waitress the last time Jupiter was in my third house, okay? And second, well, Jupiter is in my second house, I was making a ton of money."
"What the app gave back to me was a lot of control."
"You might get some kind of email, phone call, or news about a financial opportunity that's very good for you."
"Building my own business: all the benefit accrues to you."
"The more successful you are, the more over I stay, the more successful I become. It makes me look good, right? It's a win-win."
"The fact that like people don't realize that this woman was using this story to push her book and make money is crazy to me."
"Not only good for her pocket but good for history also."
"Pick the one where you're going to see the biggest return."
"Was he a hero of the Spanish Reconquista or a self-interested opportunist who sided with whichever side he could benefit most from?"
"When I learned I could actually profit from them, that I could make use of something that plagued me, it was a great feeling."
"Thanks to capitalism you don't have to take anyone else's marbles to get more marbles of your own."
"What are you going to gain? Well, a lot. Everything."
"He's the richest person in the world until he leaves power."
"You will get what you really need and deserve for yourself."
"A broker's job is to sell his clients' dreams, while stuffing actual cash in his own pockets."
"Negotiate this week and you'll end up with so much more than you'd normally expect."
"All that for a drop of clout and he's still profiting from the bag."
"Whenever personal gain and coincidence converge, it's probably not a coincidence."
"Because the money was good and Baron himself was making a piece."
"I eat off my trauma. I get a percent of my pain. This ain't reparations either. No, this is labor."
"Beautiful messages are coming in, and the wheel is turning in your favor."
"It's disappointing when creators prioritize personal gain over ethical practices and community support, especially in sensitive topics like anti-mlm activism."
"Focus on what you're choosing and what you're gaining over what you're losing."
"Trump sees the corruptibility of the world around him and this is a way for him to exploit that, a way to exploit that before he got into office."
"From 2013 to 2018, lapierre was reimbursed for over $13.5 million."
"Get that paper, Dustin. Get some paper, Dustin. I mean, yes, man."
"She's just doing this apparently for money and power."
"I want the Lion Share. I want to split no money, man. I mean [ __ ]. I want it all."
"You will receive from others, it could be some gifts, or inheritance, or even some sort of deep knowledge for liberating."
"Lying is an intentional act. When you lie, you acknowledge the truth and then you subvert it in order to achieve your own personal gains."
"People will play the victim if they have something to gain by the act."
"Taking a risk will pay off very very nicely for you."
"Crystallize your vision and focus on what it is that you've gained from this experience."
"I am NOT an anti capitalist I like money I plan to sell this book for money and you'll never see me wearing a Che Guevara shirt or sporting the hammer and sickle of the former Soviet Union as a fashion statement."
"Watch the goddamn show so Miss Pat can get a G-Wagon."
"Go all out. Forget about fear. Focus on everything you have to gain."
"The way to get the most out of life selfishly is to give the most away."
"Beto is one of those people who manipulates situations to get popularity for his own growth."
"Feels good to have those diamonds rattling around in my pocket."
"Ruined could care less about trust or goodwill. Those things meant nothing to him. He 100 got something tangible from the trade."
"When you move on, you have everything to gain."
"Every time I get canceled, my [expletive] blows up and I make more money. Whoops!"
"Release, you will get so much more in return."
"Using the anomalous object for her own purposes... she found a way to save her daughter."
"Personal profit isn't the only thing at stake here."
"What matters to them is them and what can they get out of it."
"His ability to just turn a blind eye to what's in the best national interest for whatever person is in his ear, talking about how he can personally gain, that's a threat to our national security."
"Family, not just friendship or connection. You are loyal to the friends you make throughout the way, but almost every single one of those friends are just vehicles in which you can make money through by way of missions."
"Throw your friend under the bus for your own gain. That's all it is. It's plain and simple."
"I make you rich, I make you a man with one leg."
"Humiliating myself for money is honestly what's raising my status in the world."
"Some of you are gonna get money, you may get a raise or a bonus."
"Saturn in Pisces is catastrophic, but it can benefit you."
"I don't care who I'm trying to help, I'm always trying to get something out of it at the very least."
"Big Smoke in the end cared primarily about himself he had people he considered friends but when he realized how much money he could make he threw his friends to the side and screwed them over to benefit himself."
"He's not some Robin Hood who stole from the rich and gave to the poor he stole from the rich and the poor and kept it for himself."
"If he can get just as much out of it as they're getting from him, I think it's great."
"It's more understandable because you see so many people who have obviously done so well out of it."
"I'm unhappy. I was nice for no reason. I got no material gain out of being nice."
"Oh my goodness, and hey, we got ourselves a brand new car as well."
"Running for president isn't really about trying to be president... they want press attention, they want to sell books, they want speaking fees." - Tommy Vitor
"Players having their cake and eating it too."
"Dude was a smooth talker he knew how to manipulate a situation to ultimately get what he wanted an extremely valuable skill."
"Everybody is loyal until the situation is no longer beneficial."
"Abusive of power, the President abusing his office for his own personal gain."
"There is everything to gain and nothing to lose."
"I can't tell you how big he's become. Like, I've got a lot of benefit from this too actually personally."
"This person was a stepping stool onto your throne, whatever they did to you, it benefited you in many ways."
"This person is going to make you an offer that's going to be worth it."
"What were his motives? Apparently, it was a combination of Money and Ego."
"Such blatant disregard for human safety in pursuit of personal gains is sadly one of the notorious features of China's current landscape."
"Stop recruiting for personal gain." - Chelsea
"When you decide to use your gifts for yourself, to profit off of your gifts in a way that they are not the person who receives kind of the bag of the coin off of it, they're pissed." - Hugo
"Life-changing amounts of money for a lot of people, even if you didn't have that much money invested."
"JP Vermander got to keep his extra one percent. That's all that mattered."
"Sheesh you know what hey I I see how this might seem slimy and everything and I do understand why he wanted to put all of her business out there but this is a good move for her."
"If you do what I tell you, you're gonna get rich and you're gonna make me a nice little piece for my niece."
"Artifu made money from selling national properties as scraps, enriching himself and his friends."
"They would use it as a no, this money's not for me... they were using a lot of the money for their own gain."
"Baron just wants all the cash, I think so, man."
"He's been giving us stuff for us giving him stuff, so it's worth it."
"He also has basically exploited this issue to make himself a lot of money."
"Invest your energy wisely, reap the rewards."
"You cannot take the Bible and use it for your own personal gain."
"The president used the powers of his office for personal political gain."
"There is a gift that's gonna be coming in for you okay."
"My property values will skyrocket indeed. Indeed, you know, I got to tell the story."
"You have good news coming your way, good for you."
"If other people are being hurt by what I'm gaining, I don't want it. If I need to cut other people down to get what I want, I don't want it."
"I just made like four hundred [ __ ] five hundred bucks or something. I mean [ __ ] that's criminal status right."
"Blessings come with giving. I don't mind getting."
"Never marry the help, especially if they come along with baggage. In the long run, they are going to be out for self."
"Open to receive, hope you got something out of the reading."
"You kind of come off better getting fired because you're making money and not having to put up with all that BS."
"It's not what's in it for me but what isn't it for me."
"There's no strings attached. I get the life that I want with my rich wife who is there to hold me down and I get to cheat on her with an heiress."
"Black men just started making money that benefits themselves that goes into their pockets rather than the pockets of another man."
"If it's completely fictional, have I gained something from watching that movie?"
"Focus on what you're gonna gain from this, actually. I know it's a perspective that you have to flip."
"Helping others ends up helping you more than anyone."
"You know how to make connections where people will give to you."
"A valuable offer or opportunity that's going to come your way."
"An immense amount of abundance is coming your way."
"Something extra is coming to you that will be a serious bonus."
"Everything good that's happened to me has happened as a direct result of helping someone else."
"Don't be afraid of what you'll lose, be excited about what you'll gain from walking with God."
"It's the willingness to exploit and manipulate other individuals for their own personal gain."
"Characters like Stewie and Bertram and even Channel 5 news anchor Diane Simmons are great at manipulating others for personal gain."
"I have a four-step plan on how to leverage these luxury cars for my own personal gain."
"It's like telling the truth in this situation will get me what I want so that's what I'm gonna do."
"'...everything I do benefits me in some way.'"
"We always think in terms of losing something if you give up money, but what I found is actually gain something much much greater."
"It will only be creative when we are no longer ruled by the ego, or no longer ruled by personal gain."
"I shall hazard much and can possibly gain nothing by the issue of the duel."
"Recognize what you're gaining by letting go."
"I just can't think of anybody who's been given more with his bowl of yogurt than I've been given."
"Gentleness... loses nothing, risks little, and gains everything."
"I truly hope the people who prey upon others for their own personal gain get a big dose of karma in the future."
"What do you get from it? What do you not get from it? I think you get a lot from it."
"Right and wrong when you follow what's right, you benefit."
"...as soon as you look at your service in a method that's gonna gain you personal power, you're in it for the wrong reasons."
"Quitting is about what you're gaining back, not about what you're giving up."
"I can't let people's sleep be ruined just for personal gain."
"He was a very bright man who took advantage of things in our culture and in his life that were meant to be positive and turned them to his own ends."
"The more you can harness creativity for yourself, not just for mutual gain, but actually in your own decisions."
"So I picked up rather a lot of money, Ron. Rather a lot of money."
"I've taken more out of alcohol than alcohol's taken out of me."
"Marriage is not about what I'm losing; marriage is about what I'm gaining."
"Greed is really the mismanagement of resources for personal benefit."
"I don't feel like I've lost anything by being sober; I feel like I've gained everything."
"I just got a million dollars in my pocket."
"If you trade, if you try to succeed to make more for yourself, that's all it'll ever be, and you'll never be satisfied."
"Thou knowest the greatness of God; and he will consecrate thine afflictions for thy gain."
"He had abused his position of power and authority for his own personal gain."
"What is a man to gain the world and sell his soul?"
"Taking a job as a public servant is a voluntary act and if you're not interested in serving the public and instead using your job for your own personal gains, I suggest you sachet away."
"You're just going to walk away with ultimate power."
"When you do well, you're just doing yourself well."
"It's like finding money in your pocket, except I found a full year of my life in my pocket."
"Greed and manipulation is a lethal combination; it leads to lies, deceit, and betrayal for one person's personal satisfaction."
"That game got me paid, got me paid."
"Trying to overthrow democracy for your own personal gain also bad."
"The fastest way to get what you want is to think about what somebody else wants and give it to them."
"They tend to be about gain; these people want to make a name for themselves."
"I may have even gotten more out of this experience than they got."
"What I got was so much more than what he received; I sure got the best."
"He outright pocketed it as his own."
"You're getting 10 times more out of the situation than this person because you are humble or grateful."
"It's a win-win situation for him, it's a win."
"This is going to unfold in your favor, you're going to find this really rewarding."
"You have everything to gain right now."