
Absoluteness Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"Truth is the highest value, absolutely. That's what I'm saying."
"If there is an entity that is literally the creator of everything...whatever it says [is] absolute objective truth by definition."
"If your truth has perceptions in it, then it is not absolute."
"There's no reason why not to have absolute contact."
"Truth is a virtue, you know, and absolute truth."
"The will which will be absolute as well, will of an almighty."
"God is absolute, God is infallible."
"The truth is absolute. That's what it is."
"Theology that considered God a being, and Hegel was for him the first to realize that the divine aspect of thinking has nothing to do with a being's thinking but to the absoluteness of thinking."
"Absolute truth, absolute perfect truth."
"There's certain things that you can't like, you're either all or nothing. Like compasses."
"It really isn't a negation either. It's complete and absolute unconditionality."
"Speaking truly, speaking absolutely."
"Truth is absolute. It does not change."
"Faith doesn't work in increments."
"... it's completely removed, completely detached, 100."
"Some things are not debatable; in them, there is only God's side."
"The truth is undeniably the truth."
"The truth can never be in any way exclusive because if it were, it would only be a partial truth and not the whole truth, a relative truth and not the absolute truth."
"Brahman alone is real, the absolute alone is real."
"Being irrevocably connected to the absolute."
"The ultimate truth, words that smash all religion philosophy everything."
"The truth is the truth and that's all there is."
"God is the very standard of truth, knowledge, logic, reason, love, morality, science, history, and so forth."
"Protect your kids absolutely. 100%."
"God is not an alternative. Everything else is."
"Everything is the absolute and in perfect harmony."
"There's only the absolute appearing as all."
"God's love is eternal, God's love is absolute."
"In essence, what is sought is love, love that is absolute, all-embracing, and eternal."
"This is the absolute, this is infinite, this is everything or complete and absolute emptiness appearing as everything always."
"It's either the whole kingdom is His, or it's none of His at all."
"The truth is absolute when we're talking about God."
"The truth is above everyone; that's a reality that can't be debated."
"There is no middle ground between truth and falsity."
"There are no conditions to forgiveness; you either forgive or you did not forgive."
"Perfection implies nothing but perfection."
"The deepest, most absolute happiness is unconditional. It's innate in this absolute reality we're talking about."
"God only has one standard, God only has one truth."
"Truth is so simple, so absolutely undeviating and uncompromising that it admits of no complexity, no turning, no qualification."
"You cannot pick and choose the truth that applies to you. Truth is one and eternal."
"Truth is truth no matter who it's proclaimed by."
"The love is infinite, the love is absolute, the love is unconditional, the love is unwavering."
"Absolute freedom is already everything, it doesn't need anything to become."
"There is only unconditional love. There is nothing else."
"Truth is not determined by popular opinion, it is eternal, not ephemeral, unchanging, not relative."
"The end of separation is the end of desire. It's life, it's death, it's unity, it is the absolute. It's perfect. Forever."
"I am The Truth, not a truth. I am The Life, not a life. I am The Way, not a way."
"God is one, God is absolute, God has no partners, He does not share His divinity with anything."
"Freedom is also indivisible; you're free or you're not free."
"The absolute things belong to God."
"Strength is absolute. Strength forgives all. Even the past."
"A note of music is either right or wrong, absolutely. Not even time can alter that."
"If there is a God, then there is objective morality."
"Beyond the cosmos is only the absolute."
"The absolute is all of the relativity."
"Life becomes very, very easy when there is something absolute in your life."
"The only relationship between individual and the absolute is identity."
"Right is right and wrong is wrong, period. Point blank."
"Mathematics is eternal, perfect, and absolute."
"Freedom is absolute and causeless."
"There's such a thing as absolute truth."
"Morality exists in an absolute sense; you know it does."
"The truth is constant and its objective."
"God is absolute love, so that's what love represents: God and God represent love."
"The laws of logic and reason are absolute."
"Truth is absolute, you can't, you can try to hide it, you can try to cover it up, you can try to break it, burn it, bend it, all that, but it's so absolute."
"Truth is not relative, truth is real."
"Love is or it isn't. There is no such thing as thin love or in-between love."
"It's either all or none, no in between."
"Trust isn't a matter of degree. It is all or nothing; you either have it or you haven't."
"Jesus Christ is the answer, there is no other answer."
"The fact that God is just the infinite fullness of being and therefore does not do anything is the ultimate in absolute truth."
"Man's relationship with God is absolute, inseparable, provable in every circumstance."
"God is the Lord of all, or He's not Lord at all."
"Truth to be truth has to be absolute; truth is truth, it can't change."
"Experience alone is the absolute Brahman."
"Opinions can be anything, but facts are absolute."
"Shiva represents Brahman, the absolute pure consciousness that is beyond all names, forms, and activities."
"The truth is the truth and has no versions."
"The truth is something absolute and objective."
"You cannot speak of evil without a standard... and God is that absolute standard."
"They have the capacity for love like yours and like mine which is absolute."
"Is the ground an idea, or is it an imagination, an illusion, a philosophic concept? Or, something that is absolute, in the sense, there is nothing beyond it?"
"Truth is the truth, and whatever we may believe... we need to be prepared to be taught by the source of truth."
"Truth is always absolute; it's not a truth if there's a deviation of it."
"Truth is timeless and beyond description."
"Morality is not arbitrary; it is anchored in the character of God."
"Truth isn't relative; there's just one truth. There are many ways to understand it, and there are many ways to express it."
"That which is absolute is by definition infinite because it is free of all limits and boundaries."
"Holiness is still right, if nobody preaches it, if nobody lives it, it's still right."
"The real is the absolute existence, consciousness, bliss, nondual Brahman."
"You are the reality the absolute."
"The action potential follows the all or none law."
"God's antecedent will is to save all of mankind and this is something that is absolute in God."
"Truth is absolute, unchangeable, timeless, immutable; it never loses its relevance."
"Each second is absolute, just perfect in being as it is."
"You either have integrity or you don't."
"Ultimately and absolutely speaking, God is that which is desirable."
"Theories are an absolute form of knowledge not a relative form of knowledge."
"The universe does not have a separate independent reality apart from the absolute."
"Brahman is beyond category, beyond duality, and beyond anything you can conceive of."
"The laws of logic would be defined as absolute and universal."
"Truth does not have any limitations."
"That's the right way and that's the only way."
"The truth, the reality never changes, no modifications are possible in it, and it's there forever; it's eternal."
"Principle is absolute; it admits of no error, but rests upon understanding."
"Truth is not relative; there's just the truth."
"God is either everything or is nothing."
"This very self is the absolute, this very self is Brahman."
"There's no such thing as your truth, there's no such thing as my truth, there's just the truth."
"It's absolute, it's total, it's complete, it's perfect."
"You, the absolute, bereft of any body identity, are complete, perfect, and unborn."
"There's only one truth. Truth is true."
"There's no such thing as being a little bit recovered. The obsession is either been removed from you, or it is not."
"The absolute has no color, no design, no name, no form."
"Truth is absolute, and truth brings life."
"God is formless, indivisible existence, intelligence, bliss absolute."
"When we place the Absolute or the Great Law behind our statements, we can make any statement we want, because there is no possible opposition to those two."
"The Power of the Absolute, called also the Great Principle, or God."
"This universe is packed with Brahman, this universe is packed with the absolute reality."
"The truth is true and only the truth is true."
"I the absolute remain untouched and my kingdom is ever quiet."
"The absolute transcending the universal consciousness."
"What is truth? There is an absolute truth."
"Truth is truth whether you believe in it and whether I believe in it, whether anyone believes it's still true."
"Truth is always singular, it always has been."
"The witness consciousness is absolute reality."
"Jesus will either be everything, or He'll be nothing at all."
"The truth is objective, it is absolute, it is something apart from us."
"The creator is one, eternal, absolute, begets not, nor is begotten, none like unto him."
"God is the only thing that is absolutely true."
"If all humans died, these statements would still be true; the law of non-contradiction would still be true."
"When we are talking about a Creator, we are talking about a creator that is absolute."
"Truth is truth; it's non-negotiable."
"The truth is the truth is the truth; it is unshakable."
"Scripture is absolute. The Word became flesh."
"Truth is truth. Some things are simply true."
"The righteousness of God is radical to the point where in His presence there can be no unrighteousness whatsoever."
"God has to be someone who is eternal, everlasting, no beginning, no end, almighty, independent, absolute."
"When God created us, He placed in this reality one truth."
"He is Allah, the One, the Absolute."
"Truth is absolute; there aren't different truths for different people, there is one immutable truth."
"Love is an absolute; it either is or it is not."
"Truth is not subjective; truth is objective."