
Video Creation Quotes

There are 555 quotes

"My job is simple: I make fun videos to entertain you guys."
"Starting December 1st, I'm going to be traveling around the entire globe, uploading 30 videos in 30 days to make the most of every second that we have left."
"All it takes is one person, and that's why I made the video."
"Making videos is just a way to make people laugh."
"You will never become good at something as complicated as making videos by just waiting for it to happen."
"Creating videos where it's just a bunch of shots put together, is great, but at a certain point, you're gonna wanna start interjecting some story into your video."
"2023 was an incredibly successful year for me. I released four different videos that hit over a million views within a few months, with a fifth and possibly even sixth on the way."
"That video hey guys Aaron Anderson monkey here before we end this video I want to give a quick shout out to our patreon."
"I'm going to keep making videos like this basically just begging for Sims 3 features to come to The Sims 4."
"If you're curious, you know how I made one thing or how I got to one point you can basically go back and see it."
"I’ve really enjoyed being able to make these videos for the Hollow Knight community."
"I have a lot of people that I watch on YouTube. If I'm not making videos for YouTube, I'm usually watching it."
"Thank you so much for watching this video, I'm all stuffed up because I have been treating myself poorly and not sleeping enough trying to get it done."
"The music is the easiest way to make your viewers feel something while they're watching your content."
"Don't forget to grab your copy of the Primal Video Method."
"My videos look fun and they are that fun to make."
"Keep making videos that inspire you to do your own thing."
"Every time I make a video to do with any kind of celebration I'm just expressing my sheer joy with you guys."
"I'm gonna try to give tip videos that help people across the board."
"Making this video helped me have a ton of breakthroughs."
"I don't necessarily like to make videos talking about people if they have done nothing inherently wrong."
"Here's to the kickstart of back to school videos."
"That's step number one, fill the holes, because when you're first starting, it's really hard to compete with all of the other videos that are out there."
"Honestly, I haven't been able to film a video like this in so long. These are my favorite videos to watch, these are my favorite videos to film."
"Thank you for watching this video ladies and gentlemen. I hope you guys enjoyed this video."
"You can actually shoot, edit, upload, and release YouTube videos without leaving your Android device."
"Your videos need to matter to your target audience, irrespective of its chances of going viral."
"Thank you all for watching, this video was incredibly fun to make."
"Do a video about our mission... or jump right in."
"Instant S tier, anyone can try it since at this point most people have a phone that's good enough to film videos with and the income potential is incredibly high."
"I think there can be something therapeutic about making videos."
"Thank you so very much for watching this video."
"YouTube it's a lot easier to put together just editing content it's like you can script it and kind of write it so that it it's more of like a stand-up routine almost."
"Just try to have fun making videos... pick a topic that you are insanely passionate about and just go do it."
"She's absolutely just so spoiled but also so well cared for."
"I will see you guys in my next video very soon."
"There'll be more videos coming out in the future as well."
"Trends come and go all the time so I like to make these videos as often as I can to share with you the trends that I think are going to stick around for a while."
"Thanks as always for watching, don't forget to like if you learned something, and as always we'll see you next time. Take care."
"Videos from the heart often perform the best."
"The best way to create these videos is by using a tool like in video."
"It's nice that I can make videos do what I love to do my passion I can go to bed knowing that when I wake up my video is not going to be deleted."
"This is going to be the first ever Paul's Hardware extra video."
"I like to incorporate as many life lessons as possible into my videos."
"Huge shout out to autotempest.com for making videos like this possible."
"Stop complicating your thumbnails, I should be able to scroll and immediately tell what your video is about off your thumbnail."
"Hope you guys enjoyed this video, stay tuned, we've got a lot more on the way."
"But when I'm trying to make a video and there's like nothing but Pilgrim barking in the background..."
"I love creating fun videos... and just generally doing something that you don't see many women doing."
"I can't believe this video's done. The video is done. I'm gonna cry bro, I'm gonna cry right now."
"Stop telling me you're gonna make videos and just start making videos."
"That's how most of my video topics go, I'm like 'that's a weird thing let's make a video about it.'"
"Trust me, when you guys see the ghost hunting video that I'm making, you'll understand."
"That's gonna be it for today's video I hope you enjoyed it and got tons of cleaning motivation."
"It's so cool to be able to wake up and know that making videos is what I'm doing."
"I found this product because not only do I feel like we could get really cool videos with this product."
"If you do really want to make videos, then practice. You can start now. I've seen some kids that are like 10, 11, making full livestream videos that they've all done themselves."
"If you gradually do more videos... you become a big YouTuber."
"I'd still take it back. I've uploaded over a thousand videos, and I'll take back probably five of them."
"Sora can create videos up to 60 seconds featuring highly detailed scenes, complex camera motion, and multiple characters with vibrant emotions."
"Your videos inspire me to do other videos that I otherwise wouldn't do."
"Furniture has been selling super duper well."
"In the first 15 to 20 seconds... captivate the viewer."
"Stop uploading videos and start uploading art."
"It's fitting, right? Anyway, this is going to be a very difficult video for me to make."
"If you want your videos to go viral, they have to be good."
"I am having more fun creating my videos than a person should be allowed to have."
"So no, I’m not making this video as a spiteful, hate-driven 180 against the game..."
"Either way, it was a nice little video to do for Christmas, and you know, obviously it is December."
"Monetize your YouTube shorts channel... from the very first video."
"Using this entire template has been an absolute boost to our productivity in making videos."
"Test with a video style, change it up, and eventually something will fit."
"If I make a video right now, if I just delete the footage, I was talking to myself this whole time. It's kind of trippy."
"Thank you so much for watching. I had such a great time making this video. It gave me an even greater appreciation for Tyler's work, something I already loved."
"I do not care about whether people make challenge videos like mine or not as long as the videos are original."
"I really like making these videos honestly... in a weird way I feel like I'm just hanging out talking to a friend."
"I made the video because I thought it was important."
"I'm about to with some more videos for you guys to enjoy."
"I started making videos on my own. It made me happy."
"I'm dedicated to making daily videos... to make it your best year yet."
"That is the biggest behemoth of a video that I have ever made."
"In the time I've been working on this video, several of its records have already become outdated."
"Just make 100 videos and improve something every time."
"Your support means the world to me and helps make videos like this possible. I love you."
"I cannot imagine doing a video just not having fun anymore."
"The first 50 videos you make are terrible, and that's absolutely fine. Embrace the learning process and keep improving."
"My original plan for this month was to release a bunch of different top 10 videos..."
"I've been really tempted to do a month where I do videos that I can film in an hour."
"I do love making these kinds of educational videos because I think they offer light bulb moments for a lot of people."
"I'm really pleased that the videos I made created some sort of ripple effect."
"I wanted to create videos that my kids could potentially watch at some point."
"I'm gonna knock him out in the second round."
"Just because you lost your partnership and you don't have ads running on your video absolutely doesn't mean you can't make money."
"If you can't enjoy your own video, how can someone else?"
"This is what being a video creator is all about. There’s going to be ups, there’s going to be downs. It’s figuring out how to deal with the down and enjoying the ups."
"The videos that have ended up making the biggest impact on my channel were the ones that no one else had ever created."
"These videos are incredibly easy to generate; all you have to do is plug in the data and it makes these types of map videos right here."
"I realized that this is absolutely my favorite video that I make all year."
"You trying that one different style of video could be that one video that pops off and blows your channel up."
"There's something uniquely you that can't be copied that you will bring to your video every time if you find it."
"Learn to talk to a camera as if you're talking to a person."
"The packaging around your video is very important. You're competing with attention."
"I just want to do this video to help people."
"We make videos and you guys get to see them, we try to put everything that happens in and hide nothing from you."
"And using this method, people are making over $30,000 plus a month, every month by creating and uploading basic videos online."
"The video is meant to create an uneasy atmosphere, so please keep that in mind."
"Make a few videos to see if you enjoy it, that's what matters most."
"I'm doing it, man. I've always wanted to make videos."
"Hope you enjoyed the video guys, until the next one take care happy building."
"Don't forget to check that out and I will see you again tomorrow for a new video. Bye!"
"I wanted to give you some good information and make this video informative and helpful in some way."
"It's like a special treat to make a personal video just for you."
"Thanks so much for watching this video and yeah for this next video I'm gonna do something a little bit more fun cuz we've done something a little heavy here."
"There's absolutely nothing stopping me now at this point for having consistent weekly videos."
"Follow the music... make your video flow well."
"Currently 3am when I'm recording this video right before I go away on a trip and this felt like the perfect video to record."
"It is one of maybe 3 titles that got me to want to start making videos in the first place."
"Honestly, I'm still really happy with that video."
"Maybe the purpose of me going through all of this was to be able to make this video."
"It's been a goal of mine since the earliest days of the channel to make a video for every game in the Sonic series."
"She has done it again. I think the best way that I could describe Duchess Royal's videos is that if you want to get some good factual information, you got that."
"This is absolutely not a video I ever thought in a million years that I would be making."
"Hopefully you guys enjoyed this video stay tuned for more incursion and general 40k videos to come out in the future and as always happy war gaming."
"I had to make those videos to get the experience and be more knowledgeable on how to make the future ones. I had to make a hundred of those bad videos so one of those good videos became a reality."
"This video can be pretty much anything and it'll be good."
"I hope you guys enjoyed, let me know any other videos you want to see from me."
"I know he's gonna keep growing though, keep up the great videos dude, you're killing it!"
"Put your personalized touches on these videos because it's what's going to make you stand out."
"I decided to start myself a second channel... dedicated to van tours and van tours only."
"Over 300 Fallout 4 videos later, I'm always open to new video requests from viewers."
"This is probably the most fun I've had doing a video in a long time. I just really enjoyed this for some odd reason."
"I finally feel good enough to make a little video."
"I like to say the things that I would have liked to hear when I was growing up in my videos."
"Until the next video, continue making connections with endless possibilities."
"I absolutely love it it's got me excited to like make content again so anyways I'm rambling you enjoyed this video smash that thumbs up button"
"I love my job. The last video I put out, or one of the last ones, is how you get to do what I do."
"My job is one of my favorite things I have in my life. I love my job. I don't want to stop my job. I don't want to stop making videos."
"As long as it's interesting for the entire video, I don't care."
"Every video has potential; patience and data analysis are key."
"With every evolution of my career, what has always led me to success is really making videos about things that I love."
"Thank you all very much for watching, I hope you have enjoyed this video."
"But if you enjoyed this video guys leave a like and until next time I'll see you cuties later bye-bye"
"It means I basically have two days to make a video instead of one day which means the videos themselves should end up being better."
"So now that you know how to find topics for your videos... how do you actually start monetizing and making money from your videos?"
"I truly feel that this might be one of the most important videos I've ever done."
"We're about to see what's behind the shredder. This is literally the craziest video we've ever done in our lives, guys."
"The support and love and sense of unity I feel from making these videos is mind-blowing."
"I recorded this entire video in two hours. Thanks for watching, I love you."
"I hope you enjoyed this video and learned something new along the way."
"These are like my favorite videos to make just being super transparent with you guys."
"The videos I post on this channel are mostly gonna be about video games."
"I decided to make this video for you guys. Whether or not you own a dog, I think this is useful information."
"Are you going to do a video on counters? Yep, I'm going to do it right now."
"My current job situation is this: here, I make videos."
"If I stop and take a break from recording this for a couple of days, I would be so rusty."
"Keep your eyes peeled peeps, there will be a couple more videos."
"And as always, thank you for watching, and I'll be seeing you next mod showcase."
"Let's smash that like button, it goes a long way to helping out the channel."
"This is the Revenge season. I've never been more motivated to make a video and to just start a season than I am right now. I'm angry. This is... the revenge tour. I'm coming back for blood."
"Videos like these are made possible by viewers like you who support the channel."
"I love making these videos, man. It's so hype to be back."
"Started this video really tired... Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed."
"I may one day do a video on little cup of sir the V's are a little bit more complicated than North okay so anyway I demolish the chespin with my noibat."
"I'm really glad that I've made this video because there's quite a few people out there that I think deserve some sort of recognition and deserve some sort of redemption and apology."
"Sometimes the most rewarding videos are the ones that I enjoy the most about pushing through that little hump."
"Every time I look at the end of that camera, even when I'm sick, that's a dog, it helps keep me honest."
"I did end up wanting to make the video to make people more aware of this stuff."
"Go straight to the point. Give them the details, give them the reason, show them what the video is going to be about, and stop profiting in general, right? Stop rambling, because every second counts."
"Darman makes videos whose main purpose is to teach some kind of lesson."
"Honestly, it's been really fun dude, we gotta film some more videos together like I said, Sky Wars or just like whatever. This was a blast bro."
"I think I could do these on a pretty regular basis now."
"Capture the viewer's attention in the beginning of your video."
"This was a lot of fun and I hope you've had as much fun watching as I had making this."
"It's the only good one I've done this video, no no no."
"This may very well be my last video ever, so let's make it count."
"I thought that it would be fun to redo my first video that I ever uploaded."
"First video during those days, had fun making videos of the games I had on my shelf."
"Hope you guys had fun watching today's video, I had so much fun making it."
"Welcome to another video... It's kind of badass."
"Building videos are what's popping right now."
"This is the power of YouTube, once you put a video out there, it's going to continue to circulate."
"We're at the beginning of the video, let's go ahead and do this."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, I really enjoyed the video."
"You have to create videos that serve a real purpose and actually tell a story."
"I might get a camera for Christmas to film. Oh, you should."
"So I'm pumped about this because now I get to turn my camera on shut you guys off for now say bye bye and go start a video that you guys can watch tomorrow."
"He wanted to, I think he thought he was making a funny video."
"I've loved making these videos for you all over the years and the support that you all give me is nothing short of amazing."
"I haven't done one of these videos in forever so I'm just setting up, okay, I'm so sorry this part is like not cute but we're gonna be glamming together."
"I'm a big fan of these kind of one-off analog horror videos sometimes it just feels more unsettling and mysterious..."
"Hopefully the build helped, hopefully you guys enjoyed the video."
"You guys really make this channel so much fun for me. I love reading your comments."
"Honestly, it's the best thing in the entire world, like, I would never trade this for anything else, being able to wake up and be as creative as I want and make videos that I really, really enjoy."
"Sorry I haven't made a video in a couple days, but personal life should take precedence."
"Good luck on your Mew, and I'll see you in the next video, peace out!"
"I had so much fun filming this video and I really hope you enjoyed watching."
"If we missed the ship, that would make a great video."
"I try not to study something that will not equal a video."
"Start something new, particularly something involving video with the wands here."
"Creating videos from text, Sora is an AI model that can create realistic and imaginative scenes from text instructions."