
Extreme Conditions Quotes

There are 284 quotes

"Just imagine the scene up there, the top of the airplane broken off, the passengers...dressed for Hawaii in the springtime, not minus 50-degree temperatures."
"In the most extreme environment you've ever been to, you made it."
"If we reached out to get fake snow, Kim would fly the entire crew to Mount Paektu where it was still snowing."
"Antarctica is the world's southernmost continent; it is also the world's highest, driest, windiest, coldest, and iciest continent."
"In the dark and negative 85 below temperatures with wind chill, Sepala could not see or hear the cracking ice and was dependent on Togo."
"So clearly, there is life in the most inhospitable and difficult areas of the world."
"It's the coldest, windiest, driest, and most desolate landscape on the planet."
"The driest place in the world is the McMurdo Dry Valleys in Antarctica."
"The cold and ice water really bring you into a natural condition of the mind to deal with stress and pain."
"I survived for two nights in the most remote frozen ice camp in the world."
"What does it take to stay alive in a camp floating on sea ice?"
"It's crazy how fast it feels like family with the people in this camp."
"While both are inhospitable deserts, it’s likely that your chances of surviving for a year would be higher if you were in the middle of the Sahara rather than the cold plains of the Antarctica."
"Surviving the blizzard at 40 below, Covey was inspired to build Little America."
"US Navy SEALs put this to the test in a very palpable way through surf torture."
"Can't wait, yummy tacos and hot cookies in the Arctic."
"Fire tornado: Firefighters sucked in, hose melted."
"Extreme circumstances produce extreme phenomena."
"The heat shield will protect the crew as Dragon re-enters Earth's atmosphere, reaching temperatures over 3500 degrees Fahrenheit."
"Fuel, oil, and hydraulics to withstand 90,000 feet, a thousand degrees, up and down, cool and hot…this is all late-50s, early 60s, are you kidding?"
"Contemplatives for millennia claim to have found extraordinary depths of psychological well-being in circumstances like solitary confinement."
"Flying in that plane was just absolutely nuts."
"He can always get a job at Subway, since he was going out of his way to go get a Subway during a polar vortex."
"Life in the Hanoi Hilton prison produced extreme physical, mental, and emotional stress for its pows."
"At this extreme depth, the Mariana Trench is immersed in complete darkness and the temperature is close to freezing."
"They're kept at temperatures colder than space... but if you think you really understand how they work... you're probably wrong."
"Terrified and desperate, Tarrare returned to the military hospital and begged Doctor Percy to cure his hunger by any means possible."
"With 98% of its surface being covered in a mile-deep sheet of ice, Antarctica is an unforgiving environment. Life is a rare occurrence in this severe climate, which is considered the driest, coldest, and windiest desert on planet Earth."
"You must kill someone if you want to leave. It's as simple as that."
"Life finds a way even in a nuclear wasteland."
"Frostpunk: strategic city planning in extreme conditions."
"How insane was it that Vinatieri, Vinatieri that won Super Bowls with the Patriots kicking in, you know, snowstorms?"
"School librarian says his shoes melted while helping kids cross the street."
"Not only did he survive a bear attack, but then he survived after being abandoned for six weeks."
"The SAS Selection Process is So Tough Some Have Died Attempting It."
"Photographers go to the extreme edges of human experience to show people what's going on."
"Literally, this place isn't falling apart, it's ceasing to exist."
"Extreme scenarios require special and innovative solutions."
"That child was pushed to the absolute brink."
"It just felt like we was like literally like in hell bro like it felt like we was in a concert in hell."
"I could never be deterred, even if I was just given an suppository of acid in my mouth."
"We need to look out to places where we have extreme densities, temperatures, and things are very dynamic."
"Connecting folks who are out in space is about as extreme and cool as it gets."
"People were literally just eating wood out of the walls of their homes in desperation."
"It's not that we're not used to dealing with difficult weather in agriculture, it's just something of this scale is really tough."
"Its impact with the sea floor was like a gigantic 31,000-ton truck slamming into a snowdrift."
"We freaking did it! We went up there, froze on the top of the mountain in a blizzard, and we played games with ten of us. It was awesome, Windell, it was freaking awesome!"
"Webb's instruments will operate at minus 389 degrees Fahrenheit or less, that's colder than the surface of Pluto."
"It's just been pure madness. It's insanity intensified."
"Everything here is pushed to the Limit and Beyond."
"Even if you drop your Tesla P from the tallest building, chances are it will survive the fall."
"I once actually pooped while hanging off the wall."
"Fire is the worst type of torture imaginable."
"Kairos is seeking candidates for extreme human experimentation, the likes of which ought to scare anyone away from applying."
"Incredible feats of engineering, of survival under the most difficult of circumstances."
"Humanity doesn't naturally resort to eating each other."
"You have two options only two, no help is coming, only death and suffering."
"A starving man in a desert will eat [__] anything."
"These two Brave and quick thinking kayakers rescued a distressed moose calf from drowning after watching it fall from the Steep Mountain into the cold water."
"The area above 26,000 feet has only 30 percent of the oxygen that there is at sea level it is called the Death Zone."
"The Sahara, the most unforgiving desert on earth, stretches like a dry rolling sea across 10 countries."
"This was hell on earth, literally the edge of empire, and the only way to get out of here: the minimum requirement was to lose an eye, and that's exactly what they did."
"Women bear the sacrifice of dying every time they have a child."
"After 30 hours in the death zone at minus 25 degrees, Lincoln Hall should really be dead."
"The only belief that matters: If I put time and attention into getting better at this thing, I will actually get better."
"The Alaskan wood frog's remarkable survival strategy not only captivates the scientific community but also provides insights into the incredible ways in which nature adapts to extreme conditions."
"This is my ideal setup right here for all the way down to zero if not sub-zero trip."
"This vehicle has to be able to perform under those conditions and I'll tell you what it is fantastic."
"An incredible Story of Survival: a man with an amputated hand buried with a knife as his prosthetic."
"You're worse than the things sweating over here."
"We were freezing to death and the food that we did have actually froze on us."
"We're their last hope, generally by the time they get to us they're in extreme pain."
"Your brain starts feeding you all these hallucinations."
"It would be like stepping in an oven only hotter the blue Sun would instantly burn all the tissues in your body to ashes and maybe even your bones."
"So if you're even a crawl inside a septic tank with enough dirt on top of you which I was doing a video on earlier, that's better than nothing because you got dirt between you and the surface."
"Trained to remain unflinching in the face of everything from extreme weather conditions to people screaming abuse."
"Frozen alive then back to life, just like that."
"Dog saves owner's life by lying on him for 24 hours in the freezing cold."
"A fire doesn't cause people to behave this way; bombs don't cause people to behave this way."
"Record snowstorm slams Colorado, dumping two feet of snow in Denver region."
"Look at all this, look at, and it's gonna be nice and cold. Oxygen, it's gonna be so cold, it's gonna be brrrrrrrigid and so cold."
"Why that one now if you've seen those stats and wonder why we aren't trying to live on Venus instead well it's because Venus is surface temperature is hot enough to melt lead."
"Ordinary people are exposed to extraordinary circumstances, maybe it is that period of great sacrifice or the fear that you might not live to see another day, that reminds us of what is most precious."
"It took him just three days 21 hours and 50 minutes to cover the 1145 kilometers an average of around 300 kage a day over some extremely rugged terrain."
"Prison napalm: That would suck. That's like a hospital trip and a new [ __ ] face."
"We're talking about temperatures in the surface when that happens that exceeded 2000 degrees."
"It's lunacy out there what's actually happening."
"Once you start getting temperatures of like four digits it probably doesn't matter if it's Fahrenheit, Kelvin or Celsius, it's all very hot."
"Aviation Rescue Swimmers: Ready to go into harm's way to complete the rescue missions in the most extreme environments imaginable."
"Life is more than capable of thriving in extreme environments."
"This is Biscuits and me in the middle of the night in pitch dark Alaska in a freezing cold windstorm trying to set a new world record for the fastest potty break."
"Starving to death is one of the most torturous ways you can kill somebody."
"Well never zero but it would take an act of god basically to get some force majora like that."
"Sodium ion batteries have a wider temperature range and retain capacity better in extreme conditions."
"I have three skeleton limbs dude, I'm not even human anymore."
"It takes the human condition and pushes it to the absolute breaking point and beyond."
"Your brain is trying so hard to survive, that you will do anything to survive."
"Jamie Anderson could be on a two by four it could be a blizzard and she'd still somehow find the podium."
"Last time I survived 100 days on Mount Everest and made it to the peak. This video I'm gonna have to survive 100 days in the real-sized Sahara desert."
"How did it get there? How could this little boat survive crossing the southern ocean?"
"There's nothing quite like being up in the high country like this and being pushed right to your limits."
"Trapped in a blizzard with terrifying animatronics."
"Raucously fast, insanely crazily crazily crazily fast."
"Another key aspect that makes Gripen suitable for Canada is its ability to operate in extreme geographical conditions."
"The intense water pressure at extreme depths led to the collapse of the Titan's hull, causing everyone on board to lose their lives instantly."
"It's by far the most extreme and life-threatening situation I've ever been in."
"From invaluable artifacts to strange viruses and ancient humans frozen in time, all sorts of unfathomable things have been discovered in the vicious cold corners of earth in recent decades."
"The pressure at the top of Juna's highest mountain is the equivalent to being 15 kilometers above the surface on Kerbin."
"I guess he'd been living in the woods for like 3 or 4 days totally on cab."
"It's 430 degrees C and you're wearing a full set of plate mail, so it's a baked potato."
"Suffering builds character, and it doesn't get worse than this."
"The conditions in the caves are a collection of extremes: the thermometer reads about 58 degrees Celsius on a good day and the humidity hovers around 100%."
"Just being in this place is dangerous to the human body, both because of the extreme heat and that the pressure can kill you without necessary protections."
"It's currently minus 48 degrees Celsius... I'm kind of curious how people are going to survive on this planet."
"True faith does not waver even under the most extreme pressure."
"It's worse than ever, but I'm happier than ever."
"I can't even imagine that temperature, and I would love to."
"Credited God with keeping him alive for days with only his own flesh to nourish him."
"This coach can survive at about 65 below zero and be able to start the main engine."
"Lang Mo miraculously remained alive despite the extreme conditions."
"The G forces are some of the most powerful ever recorded in any hurricane."
"It's one of the hottest planets ever discovered; its temperature is higher than the surface of our sun."
"Temperatures can reach 76° F and below, making it nearly impossible for anyone to survive without the proper equipment and experience."
"...zero degrees is cold but no NFL game has ever been played in colder air temperature than the famed Ice Bowl."
"Life could have survived and adapted under the extreme conditions on Earth during its turbulent infancy."
"Properly equipped, it’s especially good at taking on severe conditions."
"Simple thing, just driving home from the gym, 50 below one night. It can happen."
"It can survive nearly anyone on the planet from extremely high temperatures to extremely low temperatures."
"Discover the Ascent Set - the ultimate notebook and pen combo that's designed to withstand even the most extreme conditions."
"The deep ocean, much like outer space, presents a wide range of extreme conditions."
"On Venus, it snows metal and rains sulfuric acid."
"Why don't we know? Because our current laws of physics break down in those very extreme conditions."
"They really built that thing to handle, um, I don't want to be dramatic but extreme conditions, right?"
"This tent is up for the challenge, designed with materials that can handle temperatures from -40 to plus 158°F."
"We shall freeze to death here," exclaimed the driver.
"The planet hosts huge volumes of water ice known as ice X, and it remains solid despite blistering temperatures."
"Why would you, though? Well, you know, it's cold. You're trying to die as quickly as possible."
"Instant hypothermia hack your dad locks you out of the truck after two hours of basketball it's -40 Celsius outside he does not know the door lock and has no spare keys."
"Nuclear fusion can only take place under extreme conditions of temperature and pressure."
"Venus's surface, furnace-like temperatures close to 500 degrees Celsius, 900 degrees Fahrenheit, the hottest in the solar system."
"Kepler 70b: A fiery rock with temperatures that exceed those on the surface of the Sun."
"Gliese 436b: Both scorching hot and eternally icy at the same time."
"Exhaust valves have to survive in an atmosphere of incredibly hot and corrosive gas, whose temperature can reach 4000 degrees Fahrenheit in the combustion chamber at the peak pressure point of the combustion cycle."
"This place gets less than 5 cm or 2 in of rainfall per year and the highest recorded temperature is 56.7°C (134°F)."
"That debilitating amount of air pressure eventually forced his body to adapt and evolve."
"I always wanted to know, you know when I do those 90 test and 120 km/hour test they are done roughly at 0 degrees Celsius or in summer, you know, 20 degrees Celsius but how is the range in minus 24 degrees Celsius at 120 km per hour? That's what we're going to find out."
"They dug a hole in the snow using ice axes and slept on space blankets."
"Constant volcanism, intense radiation, and powerful electric fields make Io an unlikely destination for life."
"This is about minus 20. This is without doubt one of the most extreme places on Earth."
"Trest 2B is a planet where night never ends, and it's not your regular night with stars shining in the beautiful skies. Here it's pitch dark and scorching hot."
"When pushed to the extreme, do they still have what it takes to survive?"
"People are melting the snow to drink."
"The silent Zone: the ocean's deepest layer, home to extreme conditions and some of the most profound mysteries."
"Kelt 9B's status as the hottest known exoplanet is a direct result of several extreme factors that come together to create its scorching conditions."
"Some survivors infamously turned to murder and cannibalism."
"This is a record-setting storm for our area."
"A magnetar's field strength is a thousand trillion Gauss, enough to tear atoms apart at a thousand kilometers away."
"This thing is designed to go to 40 degrees below zero. Well, so you could take it up to Alaska in the winter, that's the idea. Yes, absolutely."
"We survived night two. The fire went completely out and it probably got down to, what, 15° in there? 10°? But it wasn't bad in the sleeping bags. The sleeping bags are good. The sleeping bags are designed for that."
"The environmental conditions for the 2011 outbreak were beyond extraordinary."
"He survived the heat, the force, and the power of a neutron star for almost a full minute."
"The partial pressure of oxygen on the summit of Mount Everest is right at the limit of human tolerance to oxygen deprivation."
"Seeing a vehicle push through such conditions is very reassuring."
"...tears of joy because my trusty r five survived My Lens survived and even though we were in some really extreme conditions..."
"We do most of our location shooting out in the desert, it's so hot you can't believe it and with this air-conditioned wardrobe I'm the most comfortable person in the cast."
"He might be the only human able to maintain his sanity After experiencing Purgatory."
"Space missions are simulated living in cramped spaces and working under extreme conditions."
"This unit will actually heat all the way down to 22 degrees below zero Fahrenheit."
"Exploding the flow channel means rapidly expanding your capacity so you can thrive under extreme conditions."
"The struggle of life against conditions of extreme weather creates home to the fastest evolution on Earth."
"It takes the best of the best to run the Haul Road in Alaska, especially when you're driving on ice."
"At the South Pole, as food supplies run out, Serrano Fines begins to regret bringing his cat."
"These are extreme conditions, but you can have extreme rewards at the same time."
"We're designed and built to last negative 40 temperatures, no matter where we are."
"This is angling heaven, all in the most extreme conditions imaginable."
"If you die under extreme circumstances, your soul doesn't understand."
"It's raining rocks; the planet's so hot it vaporizes rocks."
"Definitely pushed my limits and it was cool to see that I can get out in extreme winter conditions and still survive and be comfortable."
"Why do this? Why go in -30 to -35° temperatures in the dead of winter, in deep snow, through avalanche terrain in the mountains?"
"There will probably never be another car in my life that I own that I will put through the same amount of abuse."
"Under extreme circumstances, a person can act differently from their usual behavior, especially when the survival instinct takes over."
"Life on Earth is incredibly resilient, able to survive in the most extreme conditions."
"That's where rugged smartphones come into play; these smartphones are durable and can withstand the most extreme weather conditions without breaking sweat."
"It's about as close to being to hell as you can get and come out alive."
"The doctor stationed in Antarctica that removed his own appendix."
"The presence of Ice VII challenges our understanding of ice and expands our comprehension of the physical properties of matter under extreme conditions."
"Being extremely close to its Sun, the Neptune-size exoplanet boasts temperatures hotter than a blazing oven and yet it's covered in ice."
"Astronomers also believe that at a depth of 6,200 miles, there might be a layer where it rains diamond crystals."
"The extreme conditions of depth, pressure, huge mechanical loads, and high temperature turned a mixture of quite ordinary materials into something completely unusual."
"The XR20... can survive falls of almost 2 meters as well as extreme temperatures and humidity."
"It's unbelievable, the fire activity that I've seen this year."
"The existence of organisms in such a dismal place suggested there could be life on inhospitable alien planets."
"My all new adventure will take me from the frozen arctic iceberg... to the steaming jungle... and the boiling desert."
"Never in the history of mankind has there been ground combat at the altitude of 21,158 feet."
"Jim wanted to break Dresden and show us who he really is in the most extreme imaginable circumstances."
"Life on the surface of the light side has had to adapt to these extreme conditions in a variety of ways."
"The temperature averages at 50 degrees below zero on a normal day, powered by a unique system of coolant and solar energy."
"We had many surprises, we learned a good many things about atomic nuclei and many more about the behavior of matter under extreme and unfamiliar conditions."
"With sub-zero temperatures and a snowstorm to contend with, the lure of the ultimate photo was enough to keep him going through the longest of winter nights..."
"Either freeze to death in my car or stay the night at some random person's house; weighing the two options in my head, I picked the only thing your sane person would pick."