
Idols Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Athletes, rappers, you know what I'm saying, was like superheroes."
"To do that, in front of all my idols that I never thought I'd meet, it is a dream come true."
"The 80s are even regarded as the Golden Age of idols."
"A glimmer of hope in this situation because in 2016, when yet another idol was sued for having a romantic relationship, the court actually ruled in favor of the idol."
"Most children grow up praying to God, Willow's talking to Tupac."
"An idol is meant to be someone we can aspire to but also someone we relate to."
"I'm sitting there eating ribs with my childhood idol. It doesn't get any better than that."
"I almost had tears in my eyes, like fighting off tears because as a kid, you know, like that was like one of my idols."
"Growing up, I played football, basketball, baseball. I grew up in an era where it was like a pivotal point in sports. MJ, Ken Griffey Jr., and Primetime. I had them three as my goats."
"Question your idols, kids. Everybody makes mistakes and can be criticized. It ain't the end of the world."
"Let every idol, every demonic power associated with the enemy be terminated."
"My heroes were always Peter Schmeichel and actually Pavel Cernycek."
"I had posters of Mia Hamm and Michelle Akers on my wall."
"Idols are not just the traditional things you read about in the Bible such as golden statues or big monuments that were made for people to bow down to. We can also have idols in our own hearts."
"...most of our Idols are good gifts."
"I don't know how lucky an actor can be to be in his first movie with all these great goddamn my heroes."
"We all idolized Triple H or Shawn Michaels as kids, and now we've grown up, we're working together with them."
"Work until your Idols become your rivals."
"...your icons, your idols are brilliant people, but you've also got to understand that they are flawed human beings that maybe have made mistakes and broken hearts."
"Fight for religious liberty. Idols cannot be added and stirred to the melting pot of ideas."
"We need to leave those outside, we need to leave our own... if we're trusting in false gods and idols then we've now already missed out on what Jesus told us to do."
"An idol is a phenomenon, an idol is someone who works as hard as they can in order to do their jobs to the best of their ability, an idol is one whose job is to smile and to make others smile."
"The impulse to topple statues goes deeper than contextualizing history; it reflects a suspicion of idols altogether."
"Do those things go together? No, because you do not worship false idols, right? It's a sticking point for me personally."
"There's an entire generation of Boomers who lived their life like Mickey Mantle because he was the one they looked up to."
"I would love for people to say wow, you know what, Yo-Yo Ma went and Marsalis, these are my idols."
"They always say, 'You never want to meet your idols.' I guarantee you that is not the case with Taylor Swift."
"For some of you, your Idols will feel like he's pulling you back."
"Don't let babies grow up to be Cowboys, also love Willie Nelson, don't let your babies grow up to be YouTubers."
"The key to change is to identify the idols of your heart."
"And when the idols are opposed, it's dangerous."
"Idols are nothing, but through them, the powers and principalities, the forces of darkness control us."
"His issue was playing against competition that he deeply respected. For as much confidence as he had, it seemed to disappear while playing against his idols."
"I think it's cool that I've got to a point where I've met all my idols. There's no one else I'm dying to meet. The entire era that I was working with Paris Hilton was the moment in my life where I was like, 'This woman is my idol and she's mentoring me.'"
"Find your agoraphobic idols or just listen to Agora Hills."
"Growing in the Lord requires a major life change. Tear down the idols of your past."
"This one may be my favorite. The Delta guys are obviously all of our idols here."
"Naomi proved herself in some way to her idols."
"Men's nature, so to speak, is a perpetual factory of idols."
"People don’t stop worshipping. They just change what they worship."
"One of the biggest shifts and changes with K-pop in general is idols who have a stronger color and personality."
"As we as men can do, if we're gonna have that amount of passion for LeBron, for Kobe, we gotta have that amount of passion for the things that make society constructive."
"It's been really cool to have people that I've idolized reach out and congratulate me."
"It does not make God love you any less if you have to acknowledge, 'Hey Lord, I discovered I've got some idols in my life.'"
"Take those idols that are in your bloodline, that are rioting, causing you to lose your money, spend God's money on foolish stuff, and take them to court."
"...just the topics, the tough topics that they covered. Stuff that maybe idols can't talk about, you know?"
"Don't meet your heroes, but this experience proved it wrong."
"Help our hearts be truly free that we do not turn to idols."
"A missionary encounter is not withdrawal, it's not takeover, but it's an encounter that confronts, converts, and deals with the idols of the culture."
"The candidness with which both idols share their feelings resonates strongly with fans."
"Don't meet your Idols because they'll always disappoint you. Not Dolly Parton. I say meet Dolly Parton."
"I've always wanted to be a star, I've always wanted to be an Elvis Presley or a Tupac."
"She's been an inspiration to me her and Whitney Houston my whole life."
"In an ideal world of idols, everyone has a place, just like there's plenty of room in the crowd for metalheads, businessmen, biker chicks, and idol fanboys."
"They stand on the shoulders of giants, so many previous idols and iconic groups from all over the world."
"I definitely enjoyed the time when I came up on tour and played against my heroes."
"We talk about what it was like to work with your heroes, what it was like to have your heroes let you down."
"The top three idols in China ignited a storm in the city of Xi'an – Wang Junkai, Wang Yuan, and Jackson Yee."
"There's something really that draws us closer to our idols if they suck at something that you suck at."
"It's a platform that gives fandoms a chance to learn more about the idols that they love."
"I love Idols; they're pretty and cute, like flowers, and set everyone's heart aflutter."
"I love it when idols do the hand-over-camera pose."
"Most encounters that I had with other idols, especially females, were positive."
"I wanted to be like the Beatles or the Rolling Stones or Jimi Hendrix or Eric Clapton. I wanted to be a rock and roll musician."
"Your idols don't always have to become your rivals."
"Never meet your idols, 'cause you'll be disappointed." - "I had the exact opposite reaction."
"You should never meet your heroes." Well, I don't really agree with that.
"Turning to God from idols to serve the living and true God."
"That's one of those things that keeps you driving hard, I think, and makes you realize that you succeed too when you get to the point where you're actually playing with your idols."
"It's so beautiful the way they shot this, they're goofy, love it. I like it when idols have such big personalities and goofy personalities."
"Idols don't literally appear in your lap for no reason; there was work that went into it."
"When your idols become your friends, that's a success to me."
"I'm always happy to see idols participating in the creation of their music."
"I had a great time, I got to meet some of my heroes."
"Implemented significant religious reforms, including the destruction of idols."
"It's such a pleasure to meet your idols, and when they're kind and gracious and humble, it just makes it even better."
"They lied to you when they said don't meet your idols; it's a great feeling."
"Return to the Lord with all your hearts, rid yourselves of idols."
"We're used to seeing K-pop idols in a certain light."
"We're often blind to our own cultural idols and we just point out those of the cultures we don't understand."
"Idols are allowed to be imperfect. They are allowed to get injured. They are allowed to have bad days."
"The age of making Idols apologize for dating and being human needs to end."
"The boys were nicknamed 'pet idols' and 'boyfriend idols' due to their charm."
"To be recognized not only by the world but by your peers and even more than that by your idols, that's a blessing."