
Gender Neutrality Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"Emotion is not male or female, emotion is emotion. Emotion is a beautiful thing."
"It's not what you have between your legs; it's what you've got between your [expletive] ears that matters."
"There is no such thing as toxic masculinity; there are toxic behaviors that are conducted by both men and women that we should absolutely not condone and should absolutely punish."
"All we are saying is that you should not restrict what children can do or wear, just because of their gender. It's clothes; there's no biological underpinning in clothes."
"If you don't know the gender of the person you're talking about, we use gender-neutral 'they'."
"Either way, boy or girl, we just know that this baby is going to be so loved."
"There is no benefits to being a man when you're homeless. Being homeless is a much heavier burden for anyone to bear."
"Gotta love a hard-working woman. You know, person. Hardworking person. Gender has nothing to do with it."
"I think people would love to hear you talk. I think that it has nothing to do with gender, and I think it's just about betting on yourself."
"It shouldn't be about gender; MeToo is for all victims, not just women."
"Equality means the greatest candidate for the job, and it is not excluding men because you're not going to make progress that way."
"Even Stevens was a very gender-neutral show."
"When this damsel in distress plot device is in fact used every gamer male and female have an emotional reaction or can have an emotional reaction."
"Girl is gender neutral for me it's everybody's girl girl all the time."
"Remember cree craft, it's not girl gamer, it's just gamer."
"The main thing is that none of these videos are intended just for men. They might feature male superheroes, but the point is that the same training advice on the whole applies to everyone."
"A no visible underwear rule is both gender neutral and appropriate for a workplace."
"Believe people, listen to the whole story, gender has nothing to do with it."
"I'm genuinely offended that Black Widow hasn't been given her own movie. It has nothing to do with gender or sex; it has to do with the fact that you have a badass character in the movie."
"It's not about gender. It's about a soul that I love."
"I think if you draw a gun you know whatever you know I don't care what gender you are you know you're gonna draw back."
"Sweet creature doesn't have a gender." - Exploring gender-neutral terms of endearment.
"It's not about representing genders, it's about quality and synergy."
"I would love a girl, but if I have a boy, I will be just as happy."
"If we're treating everyone equally, then it doesn't matter what gender or sexual characteristics are outside of the context where those things are actually relevant."
"Cheating is disgusting no matter what gender you are."
"I don't care about gender, I don't care what pronouns people use."
"Magic has no gender; it's a classic fairy tale for a new generation."
"When in doubt, use 'they'. If you literally are not sure of someone's pronouns, just use 'they'."
"Gender-neutral parenting... has a common goal to create a world view that does not allow societal expectations to dictate who a child can be."
"We wanted to go for a more gender-neutral batch party, no gender lines here."
"Short hairstyle will be more gender neutral."
"Financial acumen isn't a gendered experience."
"So many jobs can be done by people of either discipline."
"If we threw everybody in front of the judge and we were able to remove gender from it... it should be clear that it's 50/50, that there's no favoritism towards one side."
"Your body's a vessel. It shouldn't matter whether you're male or female."
"We just want a healthy, happy baby. We don't care if it's a boy or a girl."
"California seeks gender-neutral displays in large stores."
"They/them pronouns can be used for everyone, not just non-binary people."
"Gender specific terms such as policemen or housewife were replaced by police officers and stay-at-home spouses."
"Empowerment is not about gender, it's about recognizing your own power."
"If you can make somebody happy by calling them they instead of he or she, why not do it?"
"Razors are one of the most uselessly gendered products out there so I honestly love that this is so neutral."
"Seduction is a psychological process that transcends gender."
"We encourage any victim to come forward, domestic violence doesn't have a gender."
"Seems like everyone needs it, not just women. People with uteruses get abortions, trans people get abortions, trans men and non-binary people, people of all genders get abortions. Love you, huh?"
"Know what you want, and go for it, whether you're a man or a woman."
"They have unisex clothes now everywhere. It just goes on."
"Football's a cruel mistress... let's not be sexist about it."
"I wanted to see a world where everybody is the same, where you can't tell their gender or age."
"Just raise compassionate children and don't put your gender [ __ ] on them."
"Education is how long are you waiting for that job after."
"At the end of the day, a young man is a human being just like a young woman is a human being."
"It doesn't really focus too much on the gender of a person and more just like anyone could fall in love with anyone."
"I do not judge people by their gender either. Of course not, you know, women are just as good as men."
"Feminism at the end of the day is about the ability for us to be able to work together and pick the best viable person to do the job no matter what gender they are."
"The point of gender neutral language has always been to be inclusive of those who don't identify with the gender they were assigned at birth."
"Prince that was promised is a gender-neutral noun and could also mean prince or princess yes throwing another."
"Raising a child and training a child is not gender-specific. All children should be trained well."
"There's no gender or age here, there's only energy."
"You gotta put the best person in that role, regardless of gender."
"She removed any symbols of female symbols and make the packaging gender-neutral. Damn, well, you see that."
"If we were a sane and sensible human being, okay changing the label and the packaging to being non gender-specific hurts literally no one."
"Remove the word 'female' from that sentence."
"X can do multiple things to have higher expectations of him okay or them yeah for necks are supposed to be gender-neutral so ya have higher expectations of X X as a host X can do a lot don't forget that."
"Girl, you do you or boy, you do you. It honestly really doesn't matter."
"This is part of Lego's proclamation that they're going to try very hard to be less gender biased in their theme."
"Discipline is not masculine, it's just discipline. It's giving yourself expectations and rules and finding ways to trick yourself and to stick into it."
"These patterns of familial coercive control can and do happen in a range of situations involving co-parents of children regardless of Parental gender."
"I want the best person for the job irrespective of their gender."
"Anyone can embody regardless of your gender."
"Alcoholism transcends gender." - "Alcoholism transcends gender."
"It's nice to see Lego become less boys club and something that anyone can feel okay playing with."
"This means the toys don't impose a fixed notion of gender identity or expression."
"Their fragrances are genderless, aligning with the belief that gender doesn't matter in fragrance."
"A witch is simply someone who practices witchcraft. That can be anyone, which is a gender-neutral term."
"I think most of these scents really are anyone can wear them. There's maybe a couple that lean a little bit more feminine, but in general, a lot of these I feel like give a unisex vibe."
"If adjusting an incredibly popular children’s literary franchise by making oompa loompas gender neutral helps make non-binary and agender children feel included in some way, then great."
"I'll keep saying he, but it could also be she."
"What we want is actual genuine equality in the term of like just the right person who's good for the job can do the job and gender doesn't mean spit."
"Can it be used by a woman? Yes of course, there's no reason why it can't be used for women."
"Gender neutrality is not the death of fashion, it is the renaissance of fashion."
"Gender neutrality most of all is an anti-violence imperative."
"Gender neutral names rising a lot, it's a really nice way of being, it's a very modern approach to parenting."
"No one cares if it's a male or female protagonist they just want a good character they can relate to."
"Let's go, work for a girl or a boy."
"Doctor is a great alternative if you don't want a gendered title."
"...most times we try to remove the gender in order not to reduce the biasness in the model we want to create."
"Mental toughness has no gender. Pat Bradley is slightly built, shy, and unassuming, but Pat has an intensity that can sear you when she chooses to reveal it."
"Lalique white can be very unisex and can be worn by women as well."
"Carving knows no gender. Women are as good as men and there are as many women carvers as there are men carvers."
"I am not interested in setting man against woman or woman against man."
"The airplane doesn't know what gender it is."
"I don't think you need to gender tools. Capability and functionality is not a masculine thing."
"Enlightenment is nothing to do with a male or female, enlightened is very much to with the mind, the wisdom."
"Emotional abuse is totally gender neutral; men, women can both be abusive."
"It's about the caring qualities; anyone can cultivate them within themselves, it's about equality, it's not about a sex."
"War has no gender and war doesn't care if you are a man or a woman."
"I personally choose not to assign gender to clothing; to me, it's all just fabric."
"We're looking for a Christian name that is used for both boys and girls."
"Your gender doesn't have anything to do with your talent."
"Violence is not a male issue; it's a human issue."
"If you hear someone gendering a term, ask them why that term needs gendering."
"I'm just happy being me, whether you call me male or female, and a character is more important than a gender pronoun."
"The meaning of 'guys' has changed over time."
"I love all these outfits because they're very gender neutral."
"We just want a baby as long as baby's healthy, it doesn't matter their gender."
"The car doesn't know what gender you are, so we're just going to go out and have fun."
"People who are hungry, who are thirsty, and who are desperate, they care very little about the person's gender that their answer comes from."
"Jewelry should be for everyone, not just women."
"It is totally acceptable to use 'they' and 'their' as singular pronouns to refer to individuals whose gender is unknown, irrelevant, or people who prefer not to be identified by a specific gender."
"I wanted a healthy baby; I don't give a damn about the sex."
"Money shouldn't matter whether earned by a man or woman."
"It takes a healthy parent to raise a healthy child, independent of gender."
"If you like it, it shouldn't matter your gender. You're passionate about it, you should follow that."
"Intimate partner violence can happen to anyone and by anyone, male or female."
"The first object of laudable ambition is to obtain a character as a human being, regardless of the distinction of sex."
"Androgynous is a fashion aesthetic which rejects any clothing choice that can be associated with either the male or female gender."
"When it comes to inheritance, it doesn't matter if you're male or female."
"We don't believe in genders in perfumes."
"We always welcome everybody to the rap world, and it doesn't really matter if you're a boy or girl."
"If you can shoot, you can shoot, doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl."
"I'm thinking one way to counter bias in the peer review process is for papers to be submitted under gender-neutral names."
"Gender has nothing to do with how you like food."
"We don't care if you're girls, don't care if you're dudes, we don't care if you're both."
"We're just so grateful regardless of what gender our baby is."
"I love watches that can't be easily identified as having masculine or feminine properties."
"The microbiome doesn't care if you're male or female... everybody's got the same microbes."
"It's beautiful, it's beautiful. We don't say genders."
"It's a true gender-neutral standard and a woman can meet it, rock on."
"Hygiene is definitely not one-sided; it's most definitely for everybody, no matter what gender you are."
"I'm sorry that you've even had to hear that clothing and colors and makeup and presentation doesn't have a gender."
"You don't necessarily have to be male or female, you just need to have the knowledge on how to deal with life and keep moving forward."
"We're at this stage where gender be damned, we're just flowing with our stories and we're just superstars."
"I think it's cool that we're getting to a place with fashion where everything just can be a little bit more gender neutral."
"Cooking, cleaning, doing your laundry, sweeping is not a woman or a guy thing; it's a survival thing."
"We should just call a doll a doll... it doesn't have to be associated with gender."
"Whether or not this is a boy or girl, they'll be best friends."
"I am very equal. I want men to be treated the same way as women, women treated like men in situations like that."
"Witch is actually a gender-neutral term, so it includes all of our male, female, non-binary, gender non-conforming witches."
"We were so young that it didn't matter to us that he was a boy and I was a girl; we still had similar interests."
"As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter what gender you are; you're a racing driver."
"There is absolutely no reason why this particular bag right here is not suitable for a man as well as a woman."
"No hobby is masculine or feminine."
"It's not just for boys or just for girls."
"Revolution makes no distinction between men and women."
"Narcissists is a narcissist, doesn't matter if they're male or female, they abuse and they abuse the same."
"There's neither male nor female in Christ Jesus."
"It's not about gender, I'm just trying to teach people to stay away from low quality toxic people and just try and elevate themselves."
"Regardless of the gender, a manipulator is a manipulator."
"Leadership qualities aren't necessarily just a woman or man thing, it's just a thing some people have."
"They/them can be singular when you don't know the person's gender."
"Please remember that the cards represent energies that any gender can embody."
"We are gender neutral... it promotes equality."
"Garments don't have genders, and anybody can wear anything they want."
"I think everybody should dress in what they feel comfortable in and not look at clothes as gender labels."
"I've been referring to the baby as he/she, him/her, just because it feels weird cause the baby is so... that's how I've been referring the baby."
"Our clothing should be more gender-free, more androgynous."
"Everybody deserves respect, no matter the gender or setting."
"Your abilities are not connected to your gender."
"The soul doesn't have a gender; it's all about polarity, it's all about balance."