
Workout Intensity Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"It's super easy to compare programs; we just do how many hard sets did you do."
"My last reminder to you is this: You go hard as fuck in every single set."
"Don't change it people tend to say I'm just gonna work out easy because I'm fasting no if you work out hard normally work out hard."
"High intensity interval training is such a huge part of my training."
"If you are a fan of variety, you're going to love this workout. We've got 25 exercises to rock through."
"If you're not going to implement anything, make sure you guys go to the gym and do 15 to 20 sets per muscle group per week."
"Just like it's useful to know how many sets to do and how many reps to do, I think it's equally useful to know how hard to push each set."
"It's been so crazy... I put into every single workout just like... the best I absolutely can." - Justin Medeiros
"If you did a good lift, that's all I'm trying to say. You know it based on how hard you worked in the past."
"Shortening your rest period too much can harm the amount of work you can do."
"How can you know you're progressively overloading unless you are tracking your volume?"
"How the hell was the workout? You guys are like, 'I can't even breathe right now.' Good job! High five, good job."
"We didn't want to just be going to the gym and do the elliptical for an easy 20 minutes. We wanted to be pushed to the limit."
"Incorporate supersets, pyramids, or even drop sets; it will add volume and intensity."
"What can I expect from your workouts? At least two hours of weight training, preferably in the morning."
"Your core engaging like a mother effort. Absolutely [__] if you don't know where everyone is your core is engaged like like crazy."
"Giant sets build work capacity like nothing else. If you struggle to put in work to recover from volume and to push for tonnage, giant sets start introducing them."
"The intensity, the cardio you put yourself through just from working out on a bag, it's unlike anything else."
"High intensity interval training... that's going to be really the key."
"You may need to be modulating or undulating sessions through exercise selection... to allow your heavy days to be even heavier."
"Definitely more intense, more vigorous, more stretching, more toning, more total fitnesses."
"Using these mechanical drop sets is not only a great way to train everything to go past fatigue and to test yourself, whatever level you're at, but it's also a fantastic way to get variety in your training."
"Mentally you got to know you are here to give me everything you've got left in the tank everything."
"Intensity is the main driver of the results."
"You're never going to go wrong going hard on a set."
"A set's intensity doesn't matter how big you are or how much weight you're lifting, it just matters how much you're pushing yourself."
"It's not in your worst interest to try to get a bit animalistic and just try to enjoy the burn."
"All the workouts, the peak of the workout comes at the drop of the music."
"When people are saying they're doing hit cardio they do one minute hard one minute easy one minute hard one minute easy how is that possible understanding the science that you require a one to six work to rest ratio to recover."
"Train and make it hard. Go to failure. If you're not, then you're missing out on gains."
"Making sure you're getting the most out of that triple drop set at the end of those sets is huge."
"There are green fields of growth for you per muscle if maybe higher volumes than you thought."
"Modify exercises to your level, adjust reps, or add weight for progression."
"Train with purpose, intensity, and consistency."
"Every repetition getting you that much closer to your goals. Breathing in, breathing out. You got it, come on! What did you come here for?"
"A real workout doesn't start until you want to quit."
"It's not about the time, it's about the intensity."
"Hopefully, you enjoyed coming along with me for the ride on the transfer window. Like I say, we'll have more in this domestic window and obviously, I'll keep doing videos every week."
"As long as you're staying within the RPE prescribed for the day, you're good."
"We're trying to really hit that muscle fatigue with every set."
"I really do feel like I'm getting a great workout in each class."
"One effective way to bring up a lagging body part is to simply increase the number of weekly sets for that muscle group."
"Training with Jay Cutler: 'Intensity goes up tenfold.'"
"If you don't take any sets to failure I would say you are leaving gains on the table."
"Your body really does tell you how many sets you can add if you listen to the proper signs and objective proxies."
"The default is no change in set numbers. Set number change has to come from your auto regulation. It has to beep at you and say hey, this isn't enough or hey, this is too much."
"Sometimes we always measure strength by the PR's, you know like 'oh this is the most I've ever deadlifted or squatted.' But then also, if he's handling more volume in the workout than what he was two years ago, that's stronger, right?"
"If you're picking the right intensity, you know it's working because I'm getting stronger on a relatively consistent basis."
"Intensity makes all the difference so get in the gym and don't start counting the Reps until it hurts. No pain, no gain."
"You get to decide how big you make it. It's your workout."
"Let's control it if it's your first session, let's control it, that work rate is going to be creeping up to a seven, seven and a half, eight at the most, so you are in charge."
"If you're sweating, if it's burning, that's how I know you're doing it right."
"We are pushing to our limits today."
"You should be feeling it quite a bit through your quadriceps and those abdominal muscles."
"Keep tension on the muscles longer and really increase the intensity."
"Something I've been learning is you don't need to feel absolutely gassed at the end of every key workout day."
"Get as low as you can, slow reps, and really think about controlling yourself on the way down as well as the way up."
"This is the part of the workout that, even when it's moderate, it starts to feel super sweaty and that's on purpose."
"That last 10 to 15 seconds should be very challenging."
"Any given distance off-road is likely to be a more draining workout than the same distance on the road."
"It is the intensity of your workout rather than its duration that determines your rate of muscular growth."
"It allows you to go hard so you get the rush but also have days to just exhale and rejuvenate."
"Intensity is a factor in workout programming, and like any factor, there's a right dose and too much."
"It was so effective but so intense that more than 30 minutes wasn't even beneficial."
"Jesus Christ, this is a lactic acid bath."
"Time under tension that gives you the bang for your buck is near the end of the set, where you really have to work for it."
"If you keep the velocity higher on your working sets, you can still impart a good stimulus with less fatigue."
"Go into the gym with a fury, don't cheat yourself."
"Making the muscles suffer as much as we can so they grow as much as we can make them grow for the next workout session."
"Feel the burn and 20, fantabulous."
"Crushed it, yes! This is your last set, make sure you're pushing it."
"The intensity is up, guys. You should be using this to just burn it out."
"The last set should always be the most intense set."
"Most people stop when it hurts or burns or gets uncomfortable, but this is the point you should really push out those extra reps."
"If you're doing mostly compound exercises that have a greater tax, a greater stress on the body, you need to do fewer sets."
"When you're in the middle of the set, you're in control of how much fatigue you create, so squeeze those muscles hard."
"We're going to be using the beat of the music today to move, to drive up that intensity."
"Don't just let noodles float on the water; you want a good workout, right?"
"If you can do more work, in theory you can do more volume."
"Perform the most amount of work in the shortest time possible to maximize the intensity of the workout."
"You're going to get more burn, you're going to burn more calories."
"The intensity of effort involved with heavy duty training is more than sufficient to induce growth stimulation."
"Anywhere between 5 and 30 reps actually provide very similar levels of muscle growth when each set is taken to true muscular failure."
"Most people could be doing both more volume and doing it harder, and their results would be better."
"It's a very short but intense workout."
"We know that these are almost all studies on training to failure, and I don't think everyone should be training to failure."
"Ultimately, you control the intensity of the workout."
"Your workouts need to be hard; if they're not hard, you're not doing it right, and you're not actually going to make progress."
"They're just saying is your exertion level not just the amount of time you worked out but your exertion level in those workouts enough to push your fitness higher based on what you've been doing in the past."
"Burn baby burn, whoo, get ready, we're going to add on that knee lift."
"I always like to work myself until failure. 'Cause you wanna choose a weight where you can do 10 reps but you really can't do any more than 10, but you get to 10 with good form."
"You can still achieve significant muscle growth off of very little volume because intensity is the primary factor."
"I know this is that point where it starts to burn, and you want to give up, but I want you to really push through, fight for it, each and every rep."
"PI lotta is an intense original bodyweight only workout program."
"With shorter workouts having the possibility to be more intense because they're shorter, there's less time to get fatigued."
"The slower you go here, the more time under tension we get, and the more you're going to feel that quad engagement."
"Train to momentary muscular failure."
"Whether you are a beginner or in advance, I'm going to show you different levels of intensity so that you get the workout you need."
"We're gonna work you hard so you get the most amount of work in the shortest amount of time."
"Taking everything to failure is hardcore macho chest-thumping alpha male meathead nonsense."
"You can either train hard or long, but you can't maximally do both at the same time."
"It's not a long workout, but it's intense."
"The greater the time under tension, the more muscle that you can grow."
"My training is 100% giant sets. I do not take breaks. I move from exercise to exercise."
"You want big arms, you have to train them like the rest of the body; you have to push them hard."
"By the end of these four ab moves, your abs are going to be screaming."
"My general training philosophy is time under tension, high-volume, short rest time, moderate repetition tempo, and taking the muscle to failure nearly every set."